ExpertShitposter ago

Sanegoat talking to himself about his MYG7 alt.


sound_of_silence ago

he has 1 account...

and honestly Beatle... there's no way you can really know him when you contributed to the malicious rumour that was started against him...

that's just evil.

Michael_Obama ago

good luck with your agenda faggot. Seems like it's getting hard to sell now these days :)

the desperation smells delicious.

Michael_Obama ago

heyo SOS, yeah this type of posts has been made before about my old account. A couple times actually. That resulted in atko changing the way the site worked in regards to brigading, although he left the possibility still there for certain people. If we could actually go back and look at that old account you could see that It wasn't the majority of voat that found me to be unworthy of their presence, in fact quite the opposite. I had a lot of well received stuff, id say over 90% of what i posted and said was upvoated well. Once i specifically targeted SRS and their presence on here, and the porn posters, they nuked everything i posted since the first post i made, which is why you cant go back into people's entire history and voat anymore. I think it's like 7 days tops, which still works just fine for brigading bots. But this is something that lots of people have seen and read about over the last 2 years and it will never get anywhere because the admins have an agenda.

There was even a point where Atko reset my CCP and the bots still put me into the negatives. Every post or comment i made had downvoats less than a second after it was posted. Voat has gotten real close to being and openly free community but it always seems to fizzle when this stuff comes up, and now as you can tell since time has passed, you have people from SBBH coming in here and shitting on the subject like it wasn't important.

sound_of_silence ago

i've lost a couple hundred CCP in the past few days... it first began when i started asking questions and discussing this very issue.. which just reinforces the fact that targeting users who question the status quo is where the line of free speech on voat ends.

Michael_Obama ago

yep, i could tell you how all of it goes down too. They want it to seem more mysterious than it actually is. Prepared to have shit talked about you for bringing it up. the fact beatle is in here responding means they are watching. Good luck hun you have my support. It sucks how easily people forget or ignore the shady stuff that goes down.

sound_of_silence ago

i just watched my CCP go down 20 pts in literally 2 seconds...

some of us will not forget.

sound_of_silence ago

just saw it happen again by 10 points.. no comments have been visibly downvoated that i can see.

sound_of_silence ago

lost 6 SCP in one fell swoop after posting this.. see how that downvoat brigade thing works even on a small scale of spite-voats.

Michael_Obama ago

You mean the only people who threaten your little circle jerk and your ability to manipulate voat in general.

sound_of_silence ago

who gave you a heads up...? you are aware of the fakeSane account @SaneGoatlSwear....?

sound_of_silence ago

nothing happened to him... but he's been targeted... did you ever reach out to the actual u/SaneGoatiSwear... to discuss any of it.?

sound_of_silence ago

that wasn't u/SaneGoatiSwear spamming chat... his name was cloned for the purpose of tarnishing his reputation here and to sow confusion among the goats... there are several of these malicious clones still active to this day... even tho the original u/SaneGoatiSwear has not posted anything in over a month now...

Beatle... i remember you from my first actual day in chat.... we talked... i joined your subs... read thru @SaneGoatiSwear history.... see for yourself how different it is than what you saw from fake, malicious clones... he is guilty of one thing and that is taking the freedom of speech on voat to task....

i wasn't there to see what you are referencing, but "KYS" is not a crime.... no more than nigger kike jew faggot racist feminazi etc. are.... if we're going to be free it has to be an all or nothing freedom... anything less is still slavery..

sound_of_silence ago

but you say things like this..........

beatlejuiceX3 0 points (+0|-0) 1 month ago

@SaneGoatIswear aka @MightyYetGentle7 raped and murdered a young girl in 1990!

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tell me.... which is worse?

sound_of_silence ago

against narrative

that is rich you know... voat shouldn't have any "narratives".... voat deserves pure truth... and goats deserve to be innocent until proven guilty...

are you sure you're confused... judging by these historical metions... you're quite versed in running CTR against this very real problem:

beatlejuiceX3 0 points (+0|-0) 1 month ago

@SaneGoatIswear aka @MightyYetGentle7 raped and murdered a young girl in 1990!

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sound_of_silence ago

supposedly amalek had an army of trolls... i don't have the story on that.

i'm concerned about individual users being targeted on this site just because their speech was unpopular...

if we cannot question authority then we are not free.

Memorexem ago

It's not a brigade if the entire site doesn't want Amalek here. It's ostracization.

A brigade is a small group of people using methods to artificially lower your CCP SCP. This is not a small group. This is the majority of the site.

Get over it, nobody wants to listen to "The jeeeewwws did it!" 348 times a day.

Please take this as a lesson learned and kindly fuck off. :3

Michael_Obama ago

first of all, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and presume you just dont really give a fuck and assume it's the majority of the site doing this stuff. Otherwise you just parroted the exact same shit the people brigading say everywhere the topic of brigading is broached. It's almost never the case that it's the majority. Once you get targeted, they go to every post you comment in and says that "oh its just another amalek" when btw, Amalek didn't do anything wrong and it's a shame how he has been treated.

I'm MYG and i never ranted about jews left and right or anything. I had content targeted that was completely neutral and couldn't possibly have upset anyone. Stuff that would usually be top comment.

NVM after reading your dumb shit i can tell you are targeting here now too. Good luck faggot. Plenty of people know what's going on and thats why voat has bled users left and right until pizzagate brought the bots and shills here.

sound_of_silence ago

additionally... there will likely never be a point in time where "the entire site" is in agreement on anything.. major stretch there.

Memorexem ago

You need to learn your maths, son.

Why don't you go on and post something asking who here actually likes reading his ~100 spam messages every day?

I think it'd be a major stretch if you got 20 people who aren't your alts to say they like it and don't dv him.

sound_of_silence ago

why did you come to this sub to discuss this if you are only interested in Correcting the Record for a false narrative...

you know where the door is..

Michael_Obama ago

they didnt come here to discuss, people dont do that here anymore :/

I think it'd be a major stretch if you got 20 people who aren't your alts to say they like it and don't dv him.

That is exactly what they do. It's funny how he is spinning that as a wild accusation when we've seen it actually done for the last 2 years on every website that gets eyeballs. We even read some of their irc logs they think are private.

if the whole site knew that its a small group of people pretending to be the majority of users, every post would be questioned and that hurts SBBH/SRS, so anytime you bring up things where they got triggered and showed what they are capable of doing on the site, you are going to get attacked for it. You are actually one of the most pleasant voaters ive seen in awhile, the aggro response you are getting is intended to be the way it is.

It all boils down to one things: the people who think it's okay to brigade are the same people who made this containment site for all the tens of thousands of users reddit banned in waves. Shills run the platform we are talking about them on.

Thank you for the post tho, there are still a few people around who documented it better than i did as it was happening to me. @SarMegahhikkitha might be able to pull up one of his good older posts about the brigades and you can see the community response to it.

SarMegahhikkitha ago

1) Downvote people who expose SRS until they can't post

2) When they make another account, say they were downvoted legitimately because they were a spammer

3) Pointing out how this is circular logic is downvote-brigaded, creating the false consensus that this argument is wrongthink

Memorexem ago

Cause it shows up on /all, dumbass, and I thought you might get the hint when I told you what you're doing wrong for the 17th time.

I can see you're not on a medication day, so toodle-oo.

sound_of_silence ago

did you supass the speed of light rushing to get in here and run some damage control on an old x-post...? must be important

Memorexem ago

There's an old xpost here? All I saw was some yappy Jew hater not taking his meds and developing another personality.

sound_of_silence ago

it's the thread you are commenting in... wake up man.

this is the thread you are commenting in... "x/ @MightyYetGentle Used to have several thousand CCP. His CCP is currently negative. Downvote Brigades exist, even on Voat."

Memorexem ago

Fair enough. Most people tend to make it a bit more noticable (I.e. X-Post from /Wtfever) but I'll give it to you. I click discuss, not the title.

I think I called you out on that one too, though, tbh.

I'm supposed to be doing stuff now, but got damn. What's the word for when you can't help but stare at the Trainwreck coming?

sound_of_silence ago

amalek has nothing to do with this really.... other than numerous users accusing him of being other users... it's a technique employed to cast doubt and create confusion surrounding legitimate goats...

Memorexem ago

Mmmhm... Sure, kemosabe. Whatever you say.

sound_of_silence ago

watch it play out... we'll see.

Memorexem ago

Watching, and waiting. Commiserating. Say it ain't so, I will not go. Turn the lights off, carry me home.

Btw, that's not my DV buddy. I hope you enjoy another of your accounts getting restricted.


You'll never learn.

sound_of_silence ago

i have 1 account and i'm on it.. downvoating out of spite is supreme weakness...

Memorexem ago

I do not believe, for one picosecond, that this is your only account and neither does anybody else.

You've shown your hand, and we're all going to have a good laugh before you make another to defend this one.

Now, I've got some grass to cut. Y'know. Something that doesn't involve making a thousand accounts and shoveling Cheetos into my gaping maw for 20 hours a day.

Seriously. Do you sleep? Cause I'm down to like 6 hours a night, I'd like to learn how you stay awake all the time.

Michael_Obama ago

well i was writing out a response but it's clear you just are some faggot cocksucker who touts the same SBBH SRS narrative as the people upvoting your bitch ass in this sub. SOS isn't a shill and i'm glad you are giving them the same treatment you give the rest of the people who catch on to your bullshit brigade measures and harassment.

you are part of the problem and you should fuckin kill yourself

Memorexem ago

Kill myself?! Harassment! I'm going to move to Delaware and get a lawyeeeer! I'll pay him with my salt mine profits!

You're a special kind of retard. I like you. Especially when you get your dosages juuust right.

Michael_Obama ago

ok kike

Memorexem ago


That was quick. Did I beat the record?

Michael_Obama ago

for the most obvious kike? no that would be @kevdude

sound_of_silence ago

I do not believe, for one picosecond, that this is your only account and neither does anybody else.

neither does anybody else.

another major stretch..

this is my first and only voat account and it's going to stay that way.... you leveraging personal attacks and insinuation will not change that.

sound_of_silence ago

no.. i see zero evidence for that...

sound_of_silence ago

check out the sub banner....

sound_of_silence ago

then you need to open your eyes my friend...