AlwaysInService ago

Looks like he deleted his account...

HomerSimpson ago

They along with fat people should kill themselves. Would make the world a better place.

Techius ago

He deserves all the downvotes he gets. He's an idiot.

Cynabuns ago

Piss off.

Edit, to add: the word "bridadee", which really isn't a word, made me giggle - thanks for the LOL :)

SarMegahhikkitha ago

After we started calling out /v/SoapDoxBanHammer as SRS they created this community, in keeping with the SRS tactic to start doing openly what they used to do privately after it's been exposed, to "troll stupid people who believe it".

Redditsdead ago

I've never put any words in Haredeenees mouth so don't claim that I did. And I spoke in hypotheticals about rule 1 and its consequences. If I put "offending comments may be deleted" would you be happy? I don't want to even put that as I don't ever plan on doing that. I delete spam. Nothing else.

And I call complete bullshit that you don't take pride in this. You love being the cop of voat.

Redditsdead ago

Yeah, because you sure accomplished a lot. Ever hear of hubris? Icarus?

Redditsdead ago

I also said you might be a useful idiot. That seems to be the case.

Redditsdead ago

Meh, why lock it down with a set rule. Depending on the comment, a warning may be good enough, maybe a deletion, maybe a ban. Like I said, talk to the admins about making country subs system subs. Short of that, let the mods do as they wish. People can start their own subs. Harvo, for example, doesn't get along with others so he plays by himself. I'm not looking to curate or control any subs. If the users are unhappy with the way the sub is being run, let them speak out. They can do that here or any other sub if their voice is being suppressed elsewhere. I do and I get responses.

You've used the hammer too much. Everything looks like a nail to you, though you seem to be much chiller now than in our previous exchanges.

Redditsdead ago

Well, from my point of view, as a hands off mod, we were intentionally attacked with an agenda. Until that issue I never even scanned comments in posts I wasn't personally interested in. There's the report spam button for that. All I did was upvoat posts, just so I knew I had looked at them. Now, I poke in to every thread that has comments to see what's going on. Inadvertently, you guys have made me more hands on. I got caught in the middle of a shit storm and got accused of things I never did. I still get accused. It's not fun and it lost any support I had for you guys.

Redditsdead ago

Well, Haredeenee has changed rule 1. Check it out and see if it is good enough for you.

There were 2 meta threads made by other users before I even knew there was an issue. Right away I was somehow accused of censorship. I'm supposed to reign in the tier 1 mod? Were those meta threads not good enough? We took into account the responses of active users. Not the accusations of people who had only come in to the sub to talk shit.

Given that we haven't had any shit posts since we went private and no one has complained, having the sub stay private might be for the best. I'm not opposed to making it public again, I just don't see the need to open the sub back up to unneeded drama. Even if you weren't part of an organized witch hunt, I do believe you were a useful idiot. If anyone requests it be opened back up, we will look at it. I was the one who set the min CCP to 1.

Your approach to these issues might have been appropriate for system subs but you might want to put on the kid gloves when delving outside of those subs. Like I said, if you thing country based subs should be following a certain set of rules, petition the admins or maybe try having a civil discussion with the mods. Not dictating and demanding.

Redditsdead ago

I'm asking this in ernest, do you think you could have handled it better?

And two of our more prominent users/posters, shorternet and Diamondmask, did pop into one of the concern troll threads and voiced agreement with the decision. It's not a terribly active sub at the best of times. Their two voices do carry a lot of weight. I'd love it if more people were to contribute positively, but, as it is, there's only half a dozen of us regularly submitting.

Cynabuns ago

It's not so much complicated as it is an exercise in perspectives from various users, okay that's cool whatevs. It needs to be discussed so that everyone comes around to my way of thinking \ joke \trying to add levity\ =D!

Seriously tho, Brigading is not cool and I think 99.75% of Voaters agree with this.

Unfortunately, there's that 0.35%* who think it's FUN and HILARIOUS and WATCH THIS LOL and GIGGLES&SHITS!!11ty!

*this represents the 0.25% plus their alts \ again joke \ levity

HomerSimpson ago

I will happily fuck my hat once I finish fucking your mother. You might not recognize her when you get home. I shaved her back and made her shower.

Saving this.

Redditsdead ago

Well, out of all the comments that caused an issue, only one of them was subbed, that being sheepsexplode. We never had an issue until the manufactured crisis and haven't had any since.

Redditsdead ago

It's like banging my head against a wall, but what exactly have I done, as a mod, that is wrong? Me, not anyone else, just me. Not what I haven't done or what I should have done. Exarcktly. Go fuck your hat.

Redditsdead ago

But PV throws around the SRS term around too loosely.

Cynabuns ago

Shady Fucking Shit Indeed

Cynabuns ago

It just makes me shake my head, but this is genuine coordinated effort and the Admins are very definitely aware of the issue. Where was it that I saw sometime yesterday that he was Admin-gifted some upvoat time?

Edit: Found what I was looking for:

Cynabuns ago

Asshole or not, this is NOT cool:

Cynabuns ago

Found this, it's not much, but it's a start:

HomerSimpson ago

But it is fine if SJWs get downvote brigaded? Just not assholes?

Cynabuns ago

I am not cool with anyone getting downvote brigaded, and if you inferred anything other than this from my comment, you would be mistaken. What is your opinion on this question(s)?

HomerSimpson ago

Mostly referencing how people like @she and @eggnog(is this how you spell their username?) were downvote brigaded and PV didn't say a damn word about it.

Cynabuns ago

I am not aware of any specific coordinated effort to downvote brigade either of these former cancermods; that's not my deal and I don't have time for that crap. If you have some specific examples of this, lay it on me, Homiebabe.

Did they get a shitton of downvotes from the site-users after their bullshit actions were revealed? Yep, and well deserved.

These two you reference, and @aLLLie too for that matter, were MODERATORS, entrusted to uphold the wishes of the subverse users and the tenants of Voat.

This guy, @MightyYetGentle, is just a plain old user account who happens to spout some occasionally very very offending and offensive views and comments. Some of those downvotes are warranted, probably sure, and it's every Voaters right to administer them as they see fit.

But to backtrack/follow him into a freaking Religious sub to d/v his obviously kind comment and to do it some seven days later?? Now that is pure unadulterated bullshit.

HomerSimpson ago

I am not aware of any specific coordinated effort to downvote brigade either of these former cancermods; that's not my deal and I don't have time for that crap. If you have some specific examples of this, lay it on me, Homiebabe.

I am way too lazy to find specific posts. But there were multiple stickies for both of them and each of their points were very very negative. And no way in hell is that natural.

Did they get a shitton of downvotes from the site-users after their bullshit actions were revealed? Yep, and well deserved.

Irrelevant to my point. You call people brigading the user in this thread wrong yet if SJW gets brigaded is fine.

These two you reference, and @aLLLie too for that matter, were MODERATORS, entrusted to uphold the wishes of the subverse users and the tenants of Voat.

A moderator is a user unless they distinguish their comment or do something official for the sub(remove post, make sticky, ect.) So you calling moderators not users is absurd.

This guy, @MightyYetGentle, is just a plain old user account who happens to spout some occasionally very very offending and offensive views and comments. Some of those downvotes are warranted, probably sure, and it's every Voaters right to administer them as they see fit.

Back to my former point. Moderators are users too.

But to backtrack/follow him into a freaking Religious sub to d/v his obviously kind comment and to do it some seven days later?? Now that is pure unadulterated bullshit.

Again back to my original comment. If they shouldn't be downvote brigaded for something irrelevant then neither should the SJWs whether they deserve it or not.

Cynabuns ago

  1. Oh Homie™, I love that you admit you're lazy, but I am too and I'm not looking for your evidence to support your position, thus your contention is moot.

  2. I never agreed to your premise that brigading an SJW was fine. Try again, bb

  3. Sure, a mod is a user, but you're wrong on them distinguishing their comments as a mod. Wait... I think I could probably find a few @she examples where she "M'd" her comment. I'm not searching for crap unless you do.

  4. Okay

  5. Please give me examples of SJW's who were NOT moderators who were d/v brigaded; please show your work.

HomerSimpson ago

  • Oh Homie™, I love that you admit you're lazy, but I am too and I'm not looking for your evidence to support your position, thus your contention is moot.

Evidence is just having to look at their profile.

I never agreed to your premise that brigading an SJW was fine. Try again, bb

You said they deserved it.

Sure, a mod is a user, but you're wrong on them distinguishing their comments as a mod. Wait... I think I could probably find a few @she examples where she "M'd" her comment. I'm not searching for crap unless you do.

Sorry. I meant distinguishing your comment and it actually being moderator related. Like commenting to make a point about the sub or get rid of false info about said sub/moderators. Basically a meta comment.

Please give me examples of SJW's who were NOT moderators who were d/v brigaded; please show your work.

I can prob go back in PV posts to find something but it goes back to me being too lazy to do so. However as stated above in one of my other comment being a mod is irrelevant for when you are brigaded.

Cynabuns ago

They weren't dv'd for being SJW's; they were for being shitty mods. Big dif.

More soon

HomerSimpson ago

Not true...every post mentioning them called them SJWs.

Cynabuns ago

Fine; that's what they were: SJW's. But people would not have given two shakes if they weren't Mods first and foremost.

I really gotta scoot to IRL junk. It's been fun, bae.

Redditsdead ago

Fuck do I hate that I find myself agreeing with you when you post in this sub.

HomerSimpson ago

Hey. I'm a hard guy to not agree with.

Redditsdead ago

When you're commenting here, agree completely.

HomerSimpson ago

Now I wonder what I have downvoted you for.

Redditsdead ago

Fighting with AOU.

HomerSimpson ago

Yeah I don't remember that at all.

Redditsdead ago

I do but I probably haven't had as many contentious issues as you have. Just with AOU and kevdude. Kevdude is by far the bigger douche.

HomerSimpson ago

Probably not. I do start a lot of shit.

I think @kevdude is great. His views on certain things is retarded but you know. Everyone has their faults(except me.)

Redditsdead ago

Meh, I didn't mind him until he started accusing me of censorship. Just because I don't rail against my co-mod (who is also Mod1 and the creator of the sub) for censorship, I am somehow pro-censorship. His heart might be in the right place but his head has grown about 3 sizes. Most of us on voat are somewhat anti authoritarian. He's not taking the right approach in dealing with his issues.

HomerSimpson ago

. Most of us on voat are somewhat anti authoritarian.

Most certainly not true. Most users are on /v/fatpeoplehate. Meaning they are pro-authoritarian

He's not taking the right approach in dealing with his issues.


Imadumbass ago

Him. He deserves a lot of the downvotes he gets.

Imadumbass ago

This guy is straight up retarded.

sunderkeenin ago

I'd say the problem is more he went from ~2400 CCP to -300 CCP in a single day. That's absurd no matter how much of a shithead you are, and it's clear foul play is the most likely cause.

Defaulted ago

Yes, I was gonna mention that everytime I've seen his posts there are downvoat worthy. More like harassment than arguments.

SarMegahhikkitha ago

Well we've heard from the MicksHut/TwoX poster who's only been in here once before to shill for SRS pretending to be Disappointed; does anyone who's not friendly with the people downvote-brigading MightyYetGentle want to chime in? Because it's painfully obvious that his comment history losing 10 CCP per second is not the result of a few new comments being intensely unpopular, even if it were robots he was making angry. FFS he's listed as one of SRS's top enemies (see the sidebar), he hates the Jews with the same intensity that made SRS campaign successfully to ban Amalek and he pissed them off by foiling their plan to steal /v/Dubstep.