Cynabuns ago

Goat Hugs


Techius ago

I thought downvotes weren't censorship.

fagnig ago

-4 is one thing. -2500 to rate limit their speech and remove voting power is effectively censorship by downvote. You could call it disenfranchizement if you wanna be a stickler.

MinorLeakage ago

You definitely have my support in this matter. I don't care how many people you've pissed off, there's no way you lost 1000's of CCP overnight organically. I think the honest people of Voat will push you back into positive CCP fairly quickly, but this still needs to be addressed by Puttitout or Atko.

MrPim ago

Oh yeah. MYG has been posting up some shit. My first reaction was the same.

fagnig ago

Because multiple sources in this thread seem to suggest these downvoats took place over 6 hours. Thousands in 6 hours.

Womb_Raider ago

They're not great users if they leave because their feelings got hurt by some randoms. They're great users if they post content or perpetuate discussion and don't care about the interweb points.

MrPim ago

With the speed of it I'd say it either a brigade or a bot.

Womb_Raider ago

I think MightyYetGentle is one of the least likable users here, so I'm not surprised, but brigades are pretty lame. Upvoat/Downvoats should be applied on a per-comment basis, not used as a weapon against accounts (that aren't spammers).

fagnig ago

I dont use the sub so i wouldnt know, i like some of the content that hits the frontpage though.

fagnig ago

positive vibes nigga

SarMegahhikkitha ago

Sadly the only community people realize /v/SoapDoxBanHammer is SRS. They've already run off a ton of people the way they're doing to you, and it's not generally known because the people bugger off to GLP after they get muzzled trying to get the word out that Voat is censored, or they create a new account and are immediately muzzled on that one too; now they can be labelled "Amalek spam". The most recent examples I can think of are @johnny5fromthe80s from /v/offgridders, and @clocks52 who tried to create a debate sub that challenged SRS control of all the debate/discussion subs. Immediately thereafter, SRS created its own debate sub "with better rules" and spammed advertisements for it everywhere, then started a ping harassment campaign against @clocks52. "I got spammed pretty hard when I came on today" he confided in me when I told him he had stepped in it. His last words were "This is kinda bullshit. They spam me all day. I'm pretty close to pulling the plug on this shit honestly." Next day his entire posting history was wiped.

If you remember, @MightyYetGentle tried to challenge SRS hegemony over the music subs by taking over a sub they were shitting up to concern troll their way into controlling. After he requested it they did the same thing, created their own similar subverse to draw people away, and started harassing @MightyYetGentle. Since then, he's pissed them off by pointing out they spam porn to farm karma and by pointing out how much power SRS has on Voat to silence, so of course they've stepped up their campaign to silence him. They especially don't want people knowing they have auto-downvote bots (which are f***ing trivial to write, and it wouldn't make sense if they didn't have them).

fagnig ago

Whats cancerous about /v/moshi?

fagnig ago

When i was looking, at the point backwards where id say the bot was active for sure, and working back as far as i cared to look (3-4 pages or so), i saw -5 was a minimum, and considered the rest (however many extra -1's) to be the normal amount of downvotes you normally would get. I might be wrong but, 5 accounts was my guess.

fagnig ago

In this thread only, or in other threads in other subverses? I dont know much about the internals of voat, but it wouldnt surprise me if you could comment freely in a thread you were highly upvoted in, but the ratelimit applies elsewhere/in subverses you were heavily downvoted in... does voat use reddits system like that?

fagnig ago

We're nearly halfway there to getting you back to +20.

sunderkeenin ago

There's nothing to apologize for about being harsh. It does make it more difficult to respond in a fashion that engenders useful discussion, but I don't really see anything wrong with the harshness, and you getting a few thousand ccp before the brigades began says as much via actions. The only ones in the wrong here are the ones downvote brigading you.

sunderkeenin ago

Wow. Your CCP is even negative now. You've been really harsh in how you say shit for a while, but I can't remember you ever doing anything nearly bad enough to earn more than not bothering to upvote. I think it'd be interesting to know what finally ticked those with rice paper for skin off this much.

fagnig ago

I think it'd be interesting to know what finally ticked those with rice paper for skin off this much.

I care a bit less about the individual its happened to and more that someone has created the machinery for this purpose. If they have made a bot to remove someones ability to comment and vote freely, whos next? Im hoping this gets the attention/comment from one of the admins, because its been pretty much confirmed as legit. @Atko @Puttitout

TorridSwash ago

I think it's a mistake to have a negative reputation system. It's one thing to have to earn the privilege to vote (cf. Slashdot), but if an account can ever be worse than newborn, then a genuine attacker can just use throwaway sockpuppet accounts. Only honest users would ever be hurt by this.

AnTi90d ago

I hate that asshole, but I defend his right to be an asshole.

It looks like someone told him to PM Putitout, which is about the best course of action, after drawing attention to the brigading.

fagnig ago

shut up faggit ;)

fagnig ago

No sweat. I dont agree with what you say, but i would defend to the death your right to say it, etc etc

chronicdiscord ago

Is there such a thing as /v/karmaconspiracy?

fagnig ago

Im seeing something going on in this thread, people are upvoting him, hes up to -420 now from -500, if everyone spreads a little more of this around, he could have his unlimited speech back in no time.

What a scary thought. Do it anyway.

fagnig ago

Then find me one, 50 votes per ten seconds must have been hundreds.

Im not saying youre lying, ive seen you getting downvoted in deleted thread ive talked to you in, you have been downvote stalked, probably by a bot for a while now. This is an escalation, and i want to see any and all proof you can provide.

fagnig ago

Like 50 votes every 10 seconds.

Link to comments?

fagnig ago

Why? Because they know how to? This is why i call you the Vermin Supreme of conspiracy theorists.

Slayfire122 ago

I can confirm that MightyYetGentle did have a few thousand CCP last night. I checked his profile last night after he was being downvoated for making a comment about a historical buttplug sketch that u/highly_paid_orgy_pro requested.

Quawonk ago

Solution to all of this kind of shit:

disable downvoats site-wide

Then learn to deal with the site without them. We'll manage.

twentyfive ago

voting system is a failed concept, remove it

fagnig ago

Votes have some use, but they have as much detriment as benefit. Make comments the sole metric of popularity for /v/all and leave upvoats/downvoats to affecting the ranking of subverse submissions, from within the subverses only.

I'd like to see how that improves things.

twentyfive ago

i agree with you

fagnig ago

This is what PV is about, detecting and responding to co-ordinated attacks on voat. Right?

TH3_1D10T ago

Looks like the old negative ccp system is doing it's magic. I really hope this is a wake up call for ATKO and putt putt to deal with that.

The admins will give him his ccp back.

fagnig ago

Yep thats what i want, but ill say it again, a bit better, if there are as many skeptics as conspiracy theorists like you, liberals as conservatives, non-racists as racists, fatties as FPH'ers, sitting on all/new and voting for the shit they like, theres balance, not an attack on voat. People who see a change happening in their demographic and are butthurt their hugbox is changing aren't what im interested in, only if theres something actually co-ordinated going on.

fagnig ago

Not you, just asking such people not to cry foul when they get shit on by rational people. Anyone else got any proof of all/new conspiracies etc etc

fagnig ago

BTW They have officially set up camp in /v/all/v/new permanently.

You say shit like this all the time, youre like the Vermin Supreme of SRS conspiracy theorists, but now ive seen this happen to you i wanna know more. Can anyone else say the same thing is happening, and not just "waaaah, some SRS dbag downvoted my literal call for genocide", i mean is all/new under attack?

fagnig ago

Ive seen the guy get about an even amount of upvotes and downvotes for awhile, and a lot of the stuff he says, id say he earns those downvotes.

@MightyYetGentle - Look at his account the last 24 hours. Im not sure its got any smoking gun, not even in the Most Downvoted Comments box on his profile. But what he says in the linked thread is probably true, ive seen him in the thousands of CCP recently, shocking, but true. He says this has happened overnight, i dont know about that, but within the last week he was in the +1000's.

Can anyone verify somehow where all these DV's are coming from, if they are just a brigade on some old posts, or perhaps find a pattern a bot might leave?

chronicdiscord ago

I am not familiar enough with the graduated karma nonsense anymore to remember, does a set number of negative comment karma ever stop him posting entirely?

I thought it limited him to like three posts a day. Which is total bullshit, but that doesn't mean he will be outright unable to get attention.

Besides, his submissions are not being downvoted, so when he posts about it those won't be automatically downvoted the way his comments are.

fagnig ago

stop him posting entirely?

No i was looking at some guy yesterday who posts a few posts a day, just to spit aggression at racists, pretty funny but the guys sitting at -500 or so, its proof that it doesnt stop you from commenting, just rate limits you. Still kinda works to limit your speech.

submissions are not being downvoted

I presumed it was, since that posts i saw linked in comments somewhere was itself -6 or so then. On its own its not proof of anything.