Daily reminder that @MightyYetGentle7 has a personal trap folder. Myg7 confirmed for trap fetishist. What a fag. (voat.co)
submitted 7.7 years ago by ExpertShitposter
Qabbrat 7.7 years ago
Any Goat got a quick rundown? I'm away from Voat for a weekend and woke up to to some faggoty as shit on the front page too...
ExpertShitposter 7.7 years ago
SaneGoatiSwear6661 7.7 years ago
his repeated personal attacks on me in v/protectvoat are ILLEGAL under delaware anti-defamation law
the day of the rope is coming shill
Who wears the pants in the @sanegoatiswear + @MightyYetGentle7 fuck fest?
Wait...satanic stuff? Are you saying @MightyYetGentle7 is a satanist? Wtf?
Not only do you jerk it to gore due to your Jewish nature, but on top of that you jerk it to the one beheading out there that is believed to be fake. Weak.
SlothropAnAbreaction 7.7 years ago
Who doesn't.
Non feg.
This is what you jerk off to? Fuck mane, get some normal porn for straight white males. Better yet, stop watching porn and get laid.
heygeorge 7.7 years ago
Confirmed angry bitch, suspected angry man. We can send her dick pics to see how she responds. Will end the debate once and for all.
Qabbrat ago
Any Goat got a quick rundown? I'm away from Voat for a weekend and woke up to to some faggoty as shit on the front page too...
ExpertShitposter ago
ExpertShitposter ago
SaneGoatiSwear6661 ago
daily reminder that @expertshitposter is a confirmed criminal attack shill
his repeated personal attacks on me in v/protectvoat are ILLEGAL under delaware anti-defamation law
the day of the rope is coming shill
ExpertShitposter ago
Who wears the pants in the @sanegoatiswear + @MightyYetGentle7 fuck fest?
ExpertShitposter ago
Wait...satanic stuff? Are you saying @MightyYetGentle7 is a satanist? Wtf?
ExpertShitposter ago
ExpertShitposter ago
Not only do you jerk it to gore due to your Jewish nature, but on top of that you jerk it to the one beheading out there that is believed to be fake. Weak.
SlothropAnAbreaction ago
Who doesn't.
ExpertShitposter ago
Non feg.
ExpertShitposter ago
ExpertShitposter ago
ExpertShitposter ago
This is what you jerk off to? Fuck mane, get some normal porn for straight white males. Better yet, stop watching porn and get laid.
heygeorge ago
3 is workable. Or is she supposed to be a man?
ExpertShitposter ago
Confirmed angry bitch, suspected angry man. We can send her dick pics to see how she responds. Will end the debate once and for all.