25974102? ago

Republicans? Democrats? NWO? There is only ZOG.

How much oppression of white civilization by (((foreign governments))) and European (((banker nobles))) is an acceptable level? Republicans say plenty, Democrats say fucktons, and the NWO says you can never have too much. Talking about rank and file folks, here.

The only ones saying "none" are white ethnonationalists.

25971644? ago

Yes! It is not left vs right. It is right vs wrong. Do you know who said that? Regan. JFK. These are real men. Time will tell if Trump will stand with Us the People or (((Them)))

25970484? ago

Charlie Baker, Gov. MA

25970430? ago

the republicans act like dull wimps, while the dems act like rabid animals

25970379? ago

This is an interesting talk. It's 2 hours long but it flew by while I watched it. Jordan Maxwell on what's really going on. He calls them out. Describes how things have gotten to here. While it's on a channel that does a lot of UFO stuff, he only gives a nod to that being a possibility. It's really the Jesuits and the Catholic church behind all religions, all dogma, all the Communist moves... etc. https://youtu.be/0hJS-87VVQU The trippy part is how he shows the rising sun logo as a communist/jesuit thing -- and then just goes one by one... all the states, countries, cities, Obama's logo (whom he despises.) At the very end he says Trump will win. But that it is going to be rough sailing for awhile. This was in July 2020.

25967910? ago

I'm getting too many last-minute requests for donations from miscellaneous links and numbers claiming to be associated with someone's name. Nope, I donate to POTUS/Winred and nobody else.

25970501? ago

It's a pyramid-scheme marketing ploy. It is difficult to get people to open their wallets, but once they do, they are easy pickings.

25967725? ago

FUck those RINO's in The Lincoln Project

25967718? ago

That's the beauty of the 2-party system: built-in binary talking points on every issue.

Red says "Yip Yip Yip Yip!"

Blue says "Nope Nope Nope Nope!"

or vice-versa, ad-nauseum. And the TV sheep eat it right up, it's super-effective.

Hang the NWO.

25974616? ago

Meanwhile the people controlling the narrative on both sides introduce completely different framing and vocabularies regarding each issue, so they can't come to agreement even if they're willing to.

25967578? ago

Both are deep state/NWO, the only difference is the Republicans further the deep state/NWO agenda out of the public eye while the Democrats publicly cheer it on.

25967523? ago

I wouldn't say nobody. The NWO is pretty much well-known at this point by many, to varying degrees. But what's also true is that the main drivers of it are more elusive than the Pink Panther.

25967443? ago

Most anons are clearly aware of the Dem/RINO uniparty run by and for the globalist cabal...

25967280? ago

Still the party of slavery the party of Jim Crowe party of the KKK party of abortion party of gay marriage, party of plantation politics. .....that still all belongs to the Dems.

25967198? ago


25967148? ago

Now POTUS is acting pissed off that no one is being hanged. Still stringing us all along, Q? Or are you lining up to hang with the traitors? Someone is going to make a whole lot of nooses, and if it's not the feds or the military, it sure as hell is going to be patriots.

25967010? ago

Nobody is speaking out against it?

Where do you think the term RINO came from? And when? I can assure you it was long before Q existed.

And speaking of Q, do you not read the posts? Q calls out republicans all the time.

The truth when it comes to parties is somewhat nuanced, but not impossible to articulate.

Both parties are corrupted by the deepstate. The only real difference is to what degree that corruption is rooted from one party to the next. For the Republican Party, much of it has been rooted out and the party is now lead by an anti-deepstater. The people essentially took the party back from the deepstate..or at least a substantial amount of it, and you could easily argue that battle is ongoing.

For the Democrats, forget about it. The party is deepstate through and through and as of right now, there is no "taking it back" from the deepstate. Democrats with brains have figured this out which is why that segment of their party supports Trump.

Those left are either in on it or too stupid to realize anything I've spelled out here.

Trump ran as a republican because that party was ripe for a takeover from the deepstate. It already had a disenfranchised voter base large enough to make a difference if those people were simply given a viable non-deepstate option. And so here we are.

But this could have easily been the other way around, IE the dem party could have been the vehicle instead of the rep party. It just didn't work out that way, particularly because a major tenet of anti-deepstaters is nationalism..and nationalism is in short supply amongst the majority of stupid, brainwashed dems.

To be fair, that's not to say that the R's don't have some brainwashed idiots, too, because they do. These typically come in the form of people proclaiming to be Christians who say anyone who would vote for Trump must not be a Christian. And that's because they're too stupid to notice that policy matters more than style. Aborted babies don't sit there and think "gee I wish someone would save me, unless it's that guy!" Those types of R's are literally so stupid that they actually believe that a man's style of speech counts more than what he actually does. They are the reason we get stupid asses like the Bush family and snake oil salesmen like the Obamas.

25966971? ago

Dems are the arm of the NWO.

25974631? ago

And Republicans, the gimpy arm.

25966863? ago

Evil is our enemy. Evil has embedded itself into the leadership of every institution, every pillar of society. We should fear government because government is the logical takeover target for psychopaths.

25966674? ago

Hmm, not sure where you're looking but that's common knowledge. Plenty speaking out about it. Q is 100% all about it - doesn't pull punches for either 'side'.

25966643? ago

Remember the true enemy, is the enemy of God.

25966577? ago

99% dems are NWO.

About 40-50% of reps are NWO.

Dems are still the enemy. So is the NWO. I'm not going to let the dems off the hook and if you are/were one? Then FUCK YOU. You damaged America & the world. Don't forget that either.

25966464? ago

Evil is always the only enemy.

25966421? ago

May God bless you, Patriot! THIS is where our focus needs to be - We could do amazing things if we all got behind this!

25966350? ago

two sides of the SAME coin.

25966348? ago

McConnell, Ryan, Graham and countless others could have held hearings and exposed the entire Russia Hoax years ago. They chose not to because in their eyes it weakened Trump by forcing him to use energy and resources to defend himself against the attacks.

McConnell also could have put a stop to Schumer's tactic of delaying appointees for years and chose not to, also because it weakened Trump and limited his power.

Never forget.

25966269? ago

Tyranny is tyranny no matter what it likes to label itself.

25966200? ago

I am and I have. NWO= Jesuits, Zionists, Freemasons, Rosicrucian, and many other secret sects. Ever wonder why they’re secret?

25966214? ago

Because they can't accomplish their goals be being honest and straightforward with people.

25966232? ago

And they don’t want us to realize that we’re all part of their sect. As consumers, as parishioners, as tax payers, as the multitude that they hide amongst.

25966199? ago

All democrats are evil pieces of shit. Stop this false equivalent shit. A romney or mccain here or there doesnt make up for the fact that 100% of democrats are horrible evil enemies of the country and want to see you tortured and killed for your beliefs.

25966179? ago


Why can't you people just name the Jew?

25966100? ago

You mean Israel and those controlled by Israeli blackmail.

25966040? ago

democratic establishment is nwo kike whores.

trump isn't.

enough said

25974577? ago

If I had to pick a jew faction, I'd choose Zionists over the International jews as well. That's what Trump did.

Go find out for yourself, all three of Trump's married children are married to jews. It's not just Kushner.

25975897? ago

he isn't doing what the zionists want him to do at all though. he's getting us out of afghanistan and syria. and wants to withdraw more is troops.

bush opposed him. that tells you he is not pro zionist, he is definitely an isolationist anti zionist

25992874? ago

Explain his kids?

25994776? ago

his kids are irrelevant to the actual policies he is pursuing

25998094? ago

I wish that were true. You haven't had kids, so you don't know. They influence him more than anyone else.

26003010? ago

except that's not true...he's getting us out of afghanistan. his actions speak for themselves

26028889? ago

Yes, it's clear someone else has been running our foreign policy, someone with different goals than the past... what? 75 years now?

That's not enough for me.

26030364? ago

the fact he is getting us out of aghanistan isn't enough? it proves he is anti zionist. also because he is bashing the bidens for their ukraine corruption

25965983? ago

Ask who the NWO is, ask their ethnoreligious origins

25965963? ago

Establishment Repubs are bigger snakes for sure.

25965715? ago

If you want to break a two party system you need to take out the weak leg.

25965673? ago

Vote GOP. The rest comes next

25966756? ago

Vote Zognald2020.

25965551? ago

It’s not that u are wrong. The problem is when we focus on “its both parties” in an election year that often translates into “vote for who u think is best”. And we can’t afford for Patriots to pick a Dem because they hate the RINO. It’s not the time for that. We know with 99.9999% certainty the dem will vote with the other dems. At least with the RINO, we stand a decent chance. We have a lot of RINOS in the Senate, but they didn’t vote for impeachment. U think the “better person” Dem wouldn’t have?

25965357? ago

Both parties suck, but there is nothing... not a fucking thing, good about the democrats.

25967261? ago

they promise cheap child and transgender prostitutes for all or paying you to be an active part of jewish pansexual prostitution and sexual abuse industry... IT IS THEIR CORE PLATFORM AND EXACTLY WHY TWITTER AND REDDIT ❤😘 DEMSEXUALS/DEMONCRATS.

25966038? ago

Its the jews. Calling it the NWO is reddit-tier bullshit. Name the enemy.


Jews Are Behind The Largest Mass Murders in the History of the World... (QRV)



Bolshevik jews Slaughtered Millions of Ethnic Ukrainians and Russians, Many of Whom Were Christians, in the Years Leading Up to WWII



If the Holocaust Happened, Why is it Illegal to Say That it Didn't? Wouldn't the Facts Stand on Their Own? (QRV)



Hypothetically Speaking, If it Were Illegal To Question the Motives, Tendencies, Behavior and History of Certain People, That Would Be Alarming, Right? (QRV)



Henry Ford Wrote About the Deep State in 1920 (QRV)



"We've defeated the wrong enemy."- General George S. Patton



The Zionist Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals



Did You Know These People Have Been Receiving Reparations for Nearly Seven Decades? (QRV)



Did You Know the jews Piled Up 2 Tons of Hair At Auschwitz Museum to Convince Gullible Tourists the Holocaust Happened? (QRV)



Did You Know That as of 2014, Germany Alone Had Dished Out $85 BILLION to Jews Who "Survived" the Holocaust? (QRV)



How Did (((They))) FAKE the Holocaust? Why is it Illegal to Debate the Details?



So, Black People Have The Second Largest Continent, All To Themselves... But Jews Insist That The Rest Of The World Needs More "Diversity And Inclusion"... Why? (QRV)



Guess Who Does NOT Allow Dual Citizenship in Their Government? (QRV)



Haaretz: "Trump's Attacks on Antifa Are Attacks on Jews" (QRV)



AG Barr on Antifa: "They are a revolutionary group that is interested in some form of socialism/communism - they're essentially Bolsheviks." (QRV)



What is Jewish Bolshevism?



Q4693- For those who may have been confused: Antifa= The COMMUNIST PARTY of Germany. NOT Nazis.



Q#4722- Meet the Dirty jew Behind the Color Revolution Against POTUS (QRV)



Q#4748-"The same people who control the media are the same people who are part of the evil and corrupt system?" (QRV)



(((Netflix's CEO))) is the great-grand-nephew of psychoanalyst (((Sigmund Freud))) and grand-nephew of social engineer (((Edward Bernays))). Netflix is one big psyop.



109 Eviction Notices Since 250 AD. What Did General Ulysses S. Grant Have to Say About Them?



jew Math: 500k Holocaust Survivors Remained After the War. They All Lived Until 2016. Then 400k Died Within a Couple Months. 100k Remained Until 2018. There Are Now 400k Holocaust Survivors in 2020.



Deep State: Follow the Rothschild, Soros, and Rockefeller Money - "Deep State Moneymen Love Globalism and Communism"



Hitler DID NOT Defund the Police



Are the Majority of Pedophiles Jews?



Are jews behind communism in China?



Who Started World War 2?






Ever Wonder Why Q Sent Us HERE of All Places? (QRV)



Was the Mainstream Media Directly Involved in 9/11?



UPDATED: Newt Gingrich Mentions George Soros and Fox Hosts Basically Say 'Das Ist Verboten'









25970616? ago

Maybe some jews are the problem but it's certainly not all. You create enemies for no reason when you blame the entire race. Be more specific.

They want us divided

25974546? ago

Do you know any? Go find out their opinion on Cuties.

You can go ahead and watch every single one of them defend pedophilia. They'll say shit like "every man is kind of a pedophile" or "we shouldn't censor controversial art". Not one of them will treat it like the rank pedophile filth it is.

Get with the program and stop dividing us. It's jews vs everyone else.

25970681? ago

All jews are born evil.

25970649? ago

"Its not all of them, you better divide that down"

"They want us divided"

Oh, hello there (((They))).

25971223? ago

General Kenobi

25971425? ago

These blast points are too accurate for sand people. Only imperial stormtroopers are so precise.


25970406? ago

While I hear you - watch the Jordan Maxwell speech. Not disagreeing... but it appears to be even deeper than what you list here. It's the Jesuits who created the Zionists and the Communists who you are referring to. Through the Rockefellers, run by the Vatican. So they are all in bed together.

25970573? ago

Jesuits are nothing more than crypto jews. Nice try.

25968354? ago

Its the jews.

Are you going to try to divide people by their faith? I disagree with Evil behaviors. Such as dividing people by their skin color, or faith, or orientation, or gender. I agree with Good behaviors though.

Patriot Orthodox Jews in New York Showing their Support for #Trump2020. Dancing October 7th, 2020.

20 seconds videos:

• Mirror 1 https://video.maga.host/videos/watch/3d79c057-6f71-44ec-8e53-09325cd13f7d

• Mirror 2 https://open.tube/videos/watch/ffa816c3-59b2-445d-b147-3291ec572a61

• Mirror 3 https://libre.video/videos/watch/74671235-387d-462a-9822-d5579dd7f305

• Mirror 4 https://tube.4aem.com/videos/watch/9207c78a-e0fc-4fb0-be4e-32f6fb8296fe

• Mirror 5 https://web.archive.org/web/20201008174359/https://twitter.com/SVNewsAlerts/status/1314019106446815238

• Mirror 6. Original at https://twitter.com/SVNewsAlerts/status/1314019106446815238


"We are proud Jewish Americans who reject the hypocrisy, anti-Americanism, and anti-Semitism of the rising far-left." Video 1Video 2

WebsiteTwitterFacebookInstagramAll Videos

25968127? ago

What is wrong with you low- IQ Nazi tard scum. You are all pedo shills.

25967710? ago

Thank you for the list!👏

Got content for days now, watching all of this is better than anything that has ever been or will be on TV -- getting my popcorn ready 🍿

25967738? ago

copy and spread it where you deem necessary. information such as this is like holy water. should you come upon a forum or thread that is jew infested, apply it liberally and watch the (((rats))) howl.

25966692? ago

Should have included this one

Q#4003 Meet Heinz Alfred Kissinger - The New World Order Plan...


25965370? ago

Yeah you have to chew it up and feed it to the normies like a momma bird though.

25965777? ago

Lets not leave out the Khazars -- that's the real enemy behind the enemy.

25966198? ago

Just call them Jews. I know you're a Christcuck so you have a pathological need to pretend Jews are good people, but just call them what they call themselves. If they all start calling themselves Pretty Pink Unicorns - just follow suit! Don't split hairs about how "they're not real Pretty Pink Unicorns - that's not fair to group real Pretty Pink Unicorns in with them!"

25966877? ago

Idiots and shills run around condemning jews. Try not to fall into their trap.

25966873? ago

You're gravely mistaken young grasshopper -- (who said their are any qualms here about calling a kike a kike?😂) Only in this case your opinion is uneducated.

25966811? ago

By definition khazars are not jewish. They are ashkenazi.

25966660? ago

I feel bad for Christians who discover these truths. I’m glad I went through becoming an atheist and then back up to agnosticism before becoming aware of these patterns. It makes it much easier to understand the thousands of years of subversion.

25966915? ago

You're lost not because you're not a Christian -- but because you're rotten.

25966889? ago

You don't understand anything. That's your confusion.

Isn't it strange how aryans spanned the world and aryans appear to be tribe of dan. Aryans are the Greeks, Romans, and so on. Which means...

Isn't it strange aryans came into Egypt and brought technology... which means... Egypt is documented for how many generations? Which means?

Isn't it strange how Yiddish is an aryan language and it appears Hebrew is too. Along with greek and german and English. Which means...

Isn't it strange how biblical canon frequently predates judaism. Which means...

The problem is, you are still controlled by Jews and think yourself free.

25966721? ago

The best word I can think of to describe myself would be an ethnospiritualist.

25965257? ago

There are good Reps, but there is no good Dem. - Change my mind.

25971241? ago

Robert F Kennedy Jr. actually seems like a good Democrat, but what do I know.

25965307? ago

I can see that.

25965237? ago

The Rinos are more despicable than the Dems. The D's are open about their affiliation with the leftist Marxists. The Rinos are in the closet about it which makes them Hypocrites....which is far worse.

25965115? ago

nobody forget the Bushes

25965169? ago

Those fuckers were and are reptile level evil.

25965114? ago

99% of dems vs. like 50% IF THAT of RINOs..

25965069? ago

The NWO is our true enemy and nobody is speaking out against it.

The anon known as ‘Q’ has been speaking out against it for almost three years. Many tens of thousands were speaking out on reddit prior to deletion of several subs. Even more are speaking out on three or more subverses on the voat platform. And twitter, 4chan, 8kun, and a multitude of independent outlets host other powerful speakers.

You are clearly new here. Take heart!! The situation is very well known, more are speaking of it. We are deep into the fight.

Welcome Aboard!!

25964392? ago

Spot on! The Globalists are the problem and why they all hate Nationalism. The Chamber of Commerce was right behind the RINO's pushing TPP and we know the Democrat Party is just a puppet of the globalists.

25964282? ago

Globalists vs Nationalists is all the counts now.

Democrats/Rebublicans, Conservative/Labour are all two sides of the same coin no matter where they are.

25964220? ago

The UniParty is enemy. It is currently controlled by the Democrats.

25963993? ago

This election is mainly a battle against Dems - though there are wolves in sheep’s clothing. The overall war is good against evil and against the Globalists. Nobody has forgotten this. It’s just eyes focused on election enemy.

25973790? ago

Well said. We can deal with the Rinos later.

25967600? ago

Gov. Tom Wolf, Pennsylvania. RINO. Gay. Muslim.

25967895? ago

got a few RINO congressmen in my state. and don't forget the tranny satanist RINO that "won" county sheriff in NH because he/she ran unopposed. buyer beware.

25968070? ago

Recently some evidence was given to a congressman regarding Benghazi. I'm not joking, I hope there's a post election round up.

All enemies foreign and domestic. These bastards should hang.

25963820? ago

Trump is the head Jew in charge! Marching us right toward the NWO.

The cucked fools here are cheering on their own destruction.

25964896? ago

If you believe that, what's the solution? Biden's not a Jew. Pelosi is not a Jew. The Clintons and Podestas and Maxine Waters and Ted Lieu and Adam Schiff and Kamala Harris AOC Ilhan Omar Linda Sarsour, Ayana Presley, Rashida Tlaib and countless others are not Jews. By focusing entirely on Jews, you ignore most of the evil, Communist scumbags that are threatening our future. Furthermore, I would suggest that the Jews you are concerned about aren't actually Jews at all in the religious sense, rather they are Luciferians. And that applies to all the non-Jews I already named. You are playing into their divisive, identitarian game by pointing at the jews. They suckered you into aligning yourself with the already universally maligned Nazis.

25965336? ago

Without jew control of international finance and jew control of corporate media those race traitors could be swept away with ease.

25965308? ago

How many of those you listed who are not jews are beholden to jews through blackmail or bribery?

25964026? ago

I'm all ears and eager to see proof/evidence and hop on this wagon. Please send me some of that if you want to change my opinion.

25963786? ago

The Uniparty of course.

25963742? ago

You new here? Ever read a Q drop?
“not R vs. D” has been a theme from the beginning.

25965165? ago

regardless, a strong r v d narrative needs to be pushed so trump gets another term. after that we can abandon the r v d narrative for the globalist v nationalist narrative.. winning now is what matters and shaming/convincing dems to vote for trump must be the primary goal right now.

25965391? ago

Exactly. RINOs are in the crosshairs but most are not [openly] supporting ANTIFA, “Burn, Loot, Mayhem”, Lockdowns, Defund the Police, etc., to court the radical left vote.

25963869? ago

Weird how despite that statement, most qultists like to bitch about "demonrats" rather than DS.

25963826? ago

Jews vs. the rest of the World.

25963693? ago

Disagree. The TopDog enemy is the Media. Dems & RiNOs are the gamekeepers that feed the Media.

25963832? ago

Jews own the media. If you hate the media, you really hate Jews.

25964430? ago

And it's OK.

See, you hated them before you knew they were Jews.

How could anyone claim you are anti-semitic.

It was, shall we say, a pre-existing condition.

25964574? ago

It's the truth. People who refuse to admit that Jews are the problem are being willfully ignorant at this point.

25964083? ago

Babies have to crap on everything I guess. There was no mention of "hating" anything or anyone. Those are your words, and you can own them.
I want to call the MEDIA the ENEMY. Don't make it about some godforsake'n Jew rhetoric.

25964818? ago

Jews really DO own the media. Go look it up for yourself!

25975846? ago

I don't have to look it up. I already knew that under Obama's the-more-mergers-the-merrier policies that the Jewish control of the media increased to 96%. Obama loves monopolies that benefit him!

But when you look around and see all the effects that the Media is having on society, jumping in and yelling, "It's the Jews Fault! You need to hate them!" is a pretty lame argument. Jews are roughly 0.2% of the global population, so they have oodles of accomplices in the media that are complicit.

Jewish is not the subject. It is an adjective that describes the subject. The subject of the sentence is the Media:

The Jewish-owned MEDIA IS the ENEMY.

25975913? ago

If you allow any Jews to remain, the cycle will continue endlessly.

25963770? ago

Media = Juden

25963692? ago

Plenty have been called out.




Paul Ryan

All the never Trumpers

The problem with RINOs is generally you don't know they are a RINO until they stab you in the back. You know a dem is a dem. DINOs are more extinct than dinosaurs.

25965318? ago

Come on, you can smell a fucking RINO from a mile away.

Everyone knows

25966763? ago

Same with the Black. They’re stench and corruption is overwhelming.

25963839? ago

Not a single high-level Democrat politician though. Not even one. Weird, right?

25964039? ago

You realize the thread topic is Republicans right?

25964855? ago

I'm just saying that the only people who have been arrested are Republicans.

When will Hillary Clinton be arrested? Or Obama? Or Holder? Or Biden? Or Feinstein? Or Pelosi? Or Schumer?

25963761? ago

Lindsey Graham was No Name's BFF! (COMPED)!

25964380? ago

BFB. (Butt f*ck buddy)^^^

25963648? ago

you battle the republicans in the primary, DEMS in the general

25963845? ago

You battle the Jews every single day.