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25600550? ago

So, Even the traitor AG defines these monsters as an antiwhite kosher terrorist org bent on the destruction of civilization with the label Bolshevik, but yet it's not legal for citizens to exterminate this terrorist insurrection? FREAKING LEGALIZE HUNTING THEM ALREADY! PUT A BOUNTY ON THEIR HEADS! GOOD OL BOYS WILL CLEAN THIS UP BY NEXT WEEK!

25599097? ago

Arrests or GTFO

Stop talking. Start arresting.

25598193? ago

Getting closer...

25596373? ago

Where they get BLING for FREE and the REST of us are DOING THE WORK because...white.

25595899? ago

but white supremacists are the real terror group /s

25595819? ago

bUt I tHoUgHt ThEy WeRe NaZiS

25596467? ago

Yeah, a lot of conservatives are fucking morons, too scared to name the Jew and too dumb to see the commies for what they are.

25595504? ago

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25595367? ago

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25594774? ago

Why not call them for what they are? Jewish Bolshevik communists. Every time I hear the word communist I correct the person who says it. I don't give a shit if they like it or not. I don't care if they're Jews themselves. I've pissed off a lot of people doing this and I don't care. Jews invented communism, make them own it. Fuck Israel.

25596750? ago

Antifa was formed for the attempted communist overthrow of post ww1 germany. They predated Nazis, and here a jew tells us they were "anti-nazis".

25596808? ago

The nazis were not the communists, you moron. lol

25595312? ago

Sorry I should have clarified, I was talking about Barr.

The reason it pisses me off, is because it's historically accurate to say.

25597559? ago

We are waking up the masses, and this class can only go as fast as the dumbest student in here. We know so much and want everything to go faster, but many still need to be brought up to speed. It's frustrating, but we need this time to clean up some agencies and wake the slumbering. Timing is everything when you get just one shot.

25595475? ago

He's more or less of a jew himself.

Interesting dynamic we've got going here.

25595785? ago

Maybe because he was on Levin? So a Jew interviews a Catholic, who's a biological Jew. And it airs on talmudvision.

25593946? ago

So not muh naxi ebil White supremes?

So it is jews fomenting racial and social unrest and division?

askeNazis want you divided.

25599604? ago

Ok. not a jew and I agree with you.

Gas the kikes!!!!!

25593733? ago

Barr is Agency all the way, a spook's spook.

25593732? ago

Barr is blowing hot air to placate the Q-Tards and Republican rubes.

The Barr DOJ/FBI protects, if not runs, Antifa/BLM. Just like it protects the Deep State Coup Plotters.

25593662? ago

(((BOLSHEVIKS))) !!!

25593384? ago

Well if Antifa manages to destroy law enforcement, there will be no one left to protect them from armed patriots. They have no idea what would happen if the sleeping dragon finally awakens...

25602983? ago

When confronted, Antifa just curls up like Big Mikes snake in a party dress.

25593282? ago

fuck your link, kike

you worthless piece of shit

25592820? ago

Very well then

They are hostile enemy combatants

Use the military and destroy them all

25592747? ago

We shouldn't have taken them in.

25592519? ago

and yet his DOJ coddles them

25592131? ago

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25591824? ago

I'm tired of seeing this bs in my country. Drop the fucking hammer!

25591661? ago

Shots fired.

25591607? ago


25591465? ago

Arrests? Ok then...

25591272? ago

Hell of a way to dance around saying that they are indeed jews

25591827? ago

he's talking to you, you stupid fuck

we all know who he is talking about but you larping jew nazi's cry like little kike cunts

25594241? ago

If I seen some flappy jew tiddy's it would make me happy.

25591122? ago

I’m been Red polling people for months about Bolsheviks and their tactics.

History is repeating itself. Prisons being emptied is the biggest red pill for most people and then destroying the police stations. The modern twist is COVID19

25590785? ago

Also AG barr:no charges are forthcoming.

Catholics are enemies of america

25590917? ago

That's because he's a kike.

25591035? ago

Hes catholic you tinfoil buttplug enthusiast.

25596874? ago

All cryptos are Catholic for obvious reasons, ass munch.

25591105? ago

Ethnically, he's half Jewish. His father was a crypto-Jew.

Barr's father was Jewish and raised in Judaism but later converted to Christianity and joined the Catholic Church.


25591399? ago

All Catholics require gassing

No exceptions

25591712? ago

Off yourself you microdick faggot shill. JFK was a Catholic and his death is what started Q. Patriots don't have color or religion, but "divide and conquer" commie faggot shills like you can be spotted a parsec away.

25592429? ago

Wait, Q started with JFK? So we’re talking more than 60 years of no deep state arrests? It’s even worse than I thought! That’s hilarious! What losers you guys are.

25591928? ago

We have a spot in the hottest part of the oven reserved for treasonous brainwashed catholics.

25590737? ago


25590714? ago

Barr talks alot

25593820? ago

of course he does, hes a kike

25593559? ago

He didn't call them fascists at least

25592312? ago

And eats. A lot.

25591303? ago

This is the closest ANY American bureaucrat has come to NAMING THE JEW...

as predicted, you larping Nazi's are not satified

time is nigh, jewboy

25592454? ago

i'm so confused by this statement. Or do you somehow hate jews while still believing everything you've been told to believe about nazis. Also, why would you put an apostrophe in a plural word, you faggot?

25591627? ago

Why the fuck would we be satisfied about nothing actually being done

25591786? ago

what the fuck are you talking about, dumb fuck?

Trump has taken 12k troops out of Germany, cut $2.8 BILLION in foreign aid, told UN and NATO to pound sand, stopped North Korea from launching ICBM's, put China's nuts in a vice, exposed the jew blackmailed pedo dems, built 300 miles of border wall, cut illegal immigration by 87%, deported MS13, busted over 20 pedophiles and made you cry like a little jew bitch.

you're a piece of shit and a filthy jew larping cunt

die schlomo

25599121? ago

Not related, fuckstick.

We care about the domestic terrorists in America. Why hasn't Trump declared them a terrorist organization and shut them down yet?

Enough talk. Start attacking!!!!

25592342? ago

You know damn well we are talking about justice against antifa AND draining the swamp and punishing liberal criminals who have tried to destroy this country. The entire Q community had their sights set on those types of results and it’s only revisionist history to pretend other things “also count” is draining the swamp. Drain the swamp. Those are the results we are looking for. We have seen next to zero. The fact that you guys have to scramble and lie and move goal posts says everything we need to know about you.

25593173? ago

go fuck yourself, you fucking kike

25591940? ago

That list is garbage.

25591864? ago

We were clearly talking about antifa and kikes. I’m aware of all that. What has Barr done about the bolsevik takeover?

25594130? ago

That’s the pedophiles

25591902? ago

more than you, you fucking retarded bitch

what? because it's not to your ignorant timeline, you think nothing is happening?

government is FULL OF KIKES AND TRAITORS, you stupid son of a bitch.

go back to nintendo and porn, you kike bitch

25592170? ago

You are very angry... Who do you think you are convincing when you are a complete cunt to everyone? And my timeline? Antifa has been an issue for at least 6 years now. If he is making that statement he has something. How long should I wait?

25593176? ago

you should neck yourself, schlomo

it would be better for everyone

25596610? ago

Look at all the JIDF on tonight!

Triggered AF

25591989? ago

It's full of Catholics who require gassing asap.

25596617? ago

Standard kike script. Jews blaming someone else? That never happens!

It’s fucking laughable.

25591539? ago

Sure is tinfoil buttplug in here

25596629? ago

There’s this one Jew that keeps floating around with a severe anal fetish....

“Just one though”

25591412? ago

You hit the nail on the head and outed another

"Jewsful Idiot!"

Well done good sir! Play through!!

25592381? ago

It’s hilarious all you can do is call people shills without actually arguing back with anything like numbers, results, or facts, because you have none. None. There’s nothing you can argue with except to call people names and dismiss their assertions.

“Show me the swamp being drained.”

“SHILL!!!!! Derrrpppp!!!!!”

Even worse is when you people say that things are happening behind the scenes. So you still have nothing to show me. No evidence. Nothing. It’s all happening “behind-the-scenes.” That excuse is brought to us by the same people that said things were already in progress for years ago. We were told it was coming “any day now” by those same people for years ago. They were told the same thing three years ago and then two years ago and somewhere around one year ago you guys shifted the narrative to “it’s going to take as long as it takes.” So you were wrong repeatedly for the first three years. Repeatedly. Why should we believe you now? You don’t know what you’re talking about. Just admit it you don’t know. Arrests could come tomorrow or never. You don’t know.

25590667? ago

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25590589? ago

Nazitards, same difference.

Just a bunch of butt-hurt libtards in the end.

25590540? ago

They’re gonna be dead Bolsheviks. Hunting season is about to open. Get your tags.

25594392? ago

We have the Chicago River, no need for tags.

25592406? ago

Yeah I’ve been hearing that for four years. They are laughing at you.

25591810? ago

the connection to wildfires must be exposed

25592167? ago

When I hear Eric Shawn, still chasing the ghost of Jimmy Hoffa in his tiny brain, say arson in the west coast fires is complete conspiracy theories I absolutely know the fires were intentionally set. He and Arthele Neville are the worst hard core MSM Trump Haters that Fox News has. Even worse that Chris Wallace and that is saying something.

25590794? ago

No it's not.

You qtards are too weak to do anything irl.

25592408? ago

You’re only saying that because they’ve never had any strength to do anything. You’re just saying that because that is what history has proven over and over and over and over again. They talk a lot of shit and do nothing.

25596650? ago

JIDF working overtime in this thread.

Must of hit a nerve, eh rabbi?

You know that lie about 6 million? What if the reality became 9 million Jews dead? What if the US removed defense aid from Israel? What would all Israel’s neighbors do to the kikes? Would the Jews be treated in the manner that they have EARNED?

The day is coming and you can feel it.

25591315? ago

lol you lazy kike

we're going to take your head off...

25591405? ago

Post your address I'll come over and you can try to in person.

25591421? ago

post yours, you fucking filthy kike

midnight missions are my specialty

25591544? ago

So you are indeed too much of a pussy to do anything irl.

25591835? ago

so you just admitted you're a kike bitch

25591919? ago

Circular logic is circular

25602924? ago

circular tiny hats are pedophile

25590999? ago

You qtards are too weak to do anything irl.

Nah, we're strong enough not to be provoked into taking action early so that, by the time bolsheviks get the photo op they were hoping would start their bolshevik revolution in earnest - the public will cheer rather than take to the streets to overthrow 'the man'.

25592415? ago



You think it’s Early? Holy fucking shit.

25597500? ago

I know enough about history to understand that giving them a militant backlash photo op before the public is thoroughly fatigued by them could rile the public into the streets and spark a civil war.

25591973? ago

"By letting our enemies kill us we win!"

Qboomers are the worst.

25597522? ago

So far isn't it Dem voters in blue states who are suffering most? Or am I missing something? Drinking your beer or taking a bite of your steak while seated outdoors isn't "killing" anyone. Sure it sucks but - again - where is it happening in a R city?

25591418? ago


We're too weak to do anything but talk tough from a distance on the internet

25597530? ago

Translation from jewfag speak: take action early, give us our bolshevik revolution dammit!!!

25590512? ago

Antifa are Kikes!

Finally the truth told!