25607618? ago

Maybe they will be blocking the dual citizen politicians from entering.

25597758? ago

So deadly we can wait a week to lock down? Somehow, this logic escapes me...

25597550? ago

Why do I get the feeling this lock down is a cover for something else that is about to go down. The Special Prosecutor from Texas Tweeted on the 12th that the next 13 days were going to be Historic for the US and that Justice was finally about to be served.

Peace Y

25597420? ago

Why 18th? Why not now?

25599265? ago

If you think about time zones.... Their September 18 is our September 17, which is the day Pantifag is supposed to lay siege to the WH.

25597384? ago

Israel saved for last... Israel going on full lockdown the evening of Sept 18th, which just so happens to be the exact start of the 'Feast of trumpets'. Biblical.

25596354? ago

What is their reasoning? Some sort of INCOMING threat? SURELY it's not potential OUTGOING threat is it?

25597298? ago

They say hospitals are crowded which is FALSE.

25624426? ago

I wouldn't know. Who knows what they've strategically coated surfaces that the ignorant would touch with abandon.

25599276? ago

Ever known a Jew that wasn't a hypochondriac or afflicted by something sympathy-inducing?

25599566? ago

Well I guess its a socialist thing, its easier to virtue signal when you're opressed by something. But when the jews are living among jews, you sometimes get a stoic one

25596234? ago

They have a population of over 9 million. I wonder if 6 million will be lost...again.


25596183? ago

Israel will be an amazing Place once we purge it from Kazarian Mafia faggots.

25597285? ago

God, I wish you were right...

25595851? ago

talk about a fucky government - is yahooo still in charge? fucker is like a hemorrhoid on the world's a-hole

25595711? ago

If you needed anymore proof this is a bullshit scamdemic THIS is it. Why so late to the party Israel? Why were you not concerned like the rest of the world back in March? It's too late to cry Corona now no one is buying it anymore, you are clearly using the Rona to hide something.

My guess? This whole thing didnt leave China and was resolved months ago, and the rest of the world is trying to hide from phantoms.

25595612? ago

So are we specualting that the deep state jew cabal are going to be arrested?


25597423? ago

One of the recent Q posts says as much.


25595383? ago

Saving Israel for last

25595264? ago

Dude it must be cover for something else they have planned.

Never trust a fart when you’re sick and a Jew when he is breathing. Almost an analogy isn’t it?

25595174? ago

What a crock of shiva!

25595359? ago

Shiva is Hindu

25595168? ago

According to this article, the airport will still remain open. I had hoped for a total lockdown, so that people with dual citizenship wouldn't be let in.


25599170? ago

The Solstice. Huge Satanic Holiday.

25614081? ago

Jews celebrate that?

25614367? ago

Some of them yes. Which ones, I couldn't tell you. I'm not Jewish, but I know a few.

25595091? ago

QUICK! Send them another 34 billion!

25595033? ago

I've had enough with how fake this shit is

25594997? ago

Sounds like they're just covering their ass by saying #We'reAllInThisTogether but Jews in Israel will collectively agree not to enforce the lockdown on each other, only on the goyim.

25597275? ago

No, i wish you were right but theyre enforcing alright (I was born here). Got my ass kicked by a cop yesterday. Being denied service daily due to being a mask rebel. They call us corona deniers... the brainwsshing is strong here. I feel very hopeless and hateful of the people I once fought to protect. And my sincere apologies to the Lebanese wifh which I went to war in 2006. Was bluepilled... Lost some friends there and am still recovering from ptsd, so you guys can be happy we were fucked pretty hard too.

Life ain't fair! But my fate isn't as bad as that of the children. Keep fighting anons. Justice must be served.

25595877? ago

I wonder if everyone in Israel will be affected by this lockdown or only Christians and Arabs.

25594980? ago

Its all for show.

25594944? ago

Well I guess their Mossad compromised American assets must be in danger.

Is that why they have been shouting Russia for years and again this week with the Clinton's?

Are they about to be exposed as being the main lead behind the silent war on the USA?

The Israelis are becoming more and more likely to overthrow their cabal elites as they see the hell thats about to be unleashed. They don't want to be their human shields and will absolutely revolt.

That's why they need to shut down the whole nation. Because they are facing regime ending exposure.

If you think the Americans will have their blood boiling when the truth is exposed, the Israelis will be enraged far beyond that. It will get violent very fast.

This can only buy them a little more time.

If they are facing being held accountable they will destroy Israel by attacking all their neighbors is a desperate attempt at starting all out war in the region.

Is that why the Russian navy has a large presence in the area?

The big action will be in Israel. Watch this place erupt.

25596728? ago

I live in this godless place... and although the corruption part is probably true, the populace is as retarded as can be. I say this with a deep sadness, but it's true. I can't see a righteous movement starting grassroots. It will only be possible if a positive Q-like influence uses the emergency broadcast system. The Israeli's are so stressed out and overworked and so brainwashed for positive thinking they cannot conpeehend what happened and cannot fathom taking a stand.

Something external must happen. Something "messianic". The truth has no bearing on these people. I have much more faith in the goys than the Israelis. Telling you because I grew up with them.

25597717? ago

Watched some video's yesterday on the sitiation, extrremist supremacists thinking they are entitled to have up to 2800 goyim slaves are delusional and brainwashed beyond belief, they sound just like Islam jihadi extremists, demons manifesting.

Then also you have the criminal immigrant waves like Russian Bolsheviks...

What do you think of Bibi's role and stance in all of this?

25598645? ago

Yes we are far from being an enlightened people. Those who have had the most potential have now sold out to the left out of their hatred for BB, and believe that their support for faggots playing mommy and daddy is the culmination of morality... glorifying drug use and counting days between one burningman event to the other... it's beyond repair if you ask me. But hey reality had definitely surprised me since march so I guess it doesnt really matter what I consider reasonable.

With regards to bibiyahoo, I swear I have absolutely no idea... judging from his actions and speech, he's definitely a demon. He is perceived as economically rightwing but infact is as bad a socialist as the rest of them. I've seen some evidence supportin the idea that he's cooperating with the whitehats and if it's true he was definitely forced to.

He was trying to pull off a Trumpstyle "the media is against me" but it wasn't like he was exposing pedos or making critical moves to improve the situation. The media was against him for rumors of corruption etc. However none of the alternatives had any merit either.

It's a damn shitshow. And the media here makes CNN look like retards. They are much more effective at exploiting the sentiments of the retarded masses in Israel.

Hate is brewing between the people at all levels. Judaism doesn't have the love aspect that Christianity does so I really have almost no hope. Hoping Q would save us but I practically know ZERO people with high moral fiber and a commitment to live according to the true context of life... so who tf is us??

It appears you can reduce a population to such levels of depravity that even the most optimistic dude (which was I) is completely demoralized.

But happy to see that stuff is positive in other parts of the world. I dont mind being last. Justice must be served.

25601970? ago

Thanks for your input.

I think Jews need to learn their place in this power structure. They are taught that they are at the top of it but that's not even remotely true.

I see the hierarchy as this.

1) The fake Jews (satanists and pedophiles)

2) The masons (goy satanists and pedophiles)

3) Actual normie Jews (the human shields and scapegoats for 109 times)

4) The goy slaves

5) The truth tellers (their ultimate enemies, greatest threat)

That's why the elite fake Jews will once again throw the Jews under the bus to save their foot soldiers the masons. They will scapegoat the Jews for 110 th time rather than lose their masons. They are screwed if they lose the masons. They can also claim victim status again after the Jews are genocided again and leverage that for more protections and special treatment.

That's why the FBI masons shared the protocols of the learned elders of Zion just weeks ago. They are starting to pointbthe finger at the normie Jews as the problem. You can expect the media to join in eventually along with social media, movies and more. Your elites could also leak some truths about their own crimes as a way of stirring up anger towards Jews.

If they released evidence about 911 or their genocide of white nations with forced immigration and the destruction of our families or the gangstalking programs that slaughtered our civilians it would get ugly fast.

Jews will be blamed and they will transform themselves into European and leave Israel before the killing starts.

The Jews go along with this because they get lots of privilege and benefits from it and are taught that it's external forces that are killing them. But it's their own infiltrated elites that are making it all happen.

Some Jews (the truth tellers) are actually treated worse than the goy slaves. They are gangstalked to death with no empathy or consideration at all. So being Jewish doesn't save you from them.

Once the majority of Jews realize they have been genocided by their own elites over millennia they will slaughter their satanist elites. Keeping the Jews brainwashed is their top priority followed by scapegoating them before the goy as the problem.

We are currently at the point where the Jews will be used as human shields again or will rise up and destroy their satanist rulers. Exactly which way this will go remains to be seen.

Either way we are about to see an end to the cabal. The question is will that also mean the Jews are destroyed with them. Something only the Jews can prevent.

Your elites have stirred up so much anger that the west has little empathy for Jews of any description. We are about to see a bloody conclusion here. I just hope the Jews can wake up before they are slaughtered.

25604739? ago

You forgot to mention God, He did it ONCE, might do it AGAIN!


25604866? ago

An invention of the psychopaths aimed at controlling us won't save us.

We need to do this ourselves.

25611017? ago

SURE, with God's help / guidance patriot!

God wins!

25603095? ago

Wow. Fantastic analysis. Thank you. Highly accurate in my view, and very informative.

Yes, you are right about the anger that has been stirred. I am well aware of it and definitely sympathize with the victims.

Thinking of it this way - how easy was it to prophesize that all the world's nations will besiege jerusalem? Attempt to destroy the jews? It's no longer so mystical when considering what they are doing under the cover of darkness.

With regards to an uprising... I can't see it happening!! Mainly because we have no idea on who (I've been reading everything I could find... aside from maybe 20 or so elites, i can't confidently name the true Israeli perpetrators for lack of evidence). But also because of the fragmented society. I guess we're fucked lol!! It's alright though, I've lived and loved, stayed moral, did my best.

Any information, recommended reading or any resource you could point out will be highly appreciated.

Again thank you for the clarity and for applying that sharp mind of yours to our predicament. And thanks to all of you goats!!! You rock.

25603319? ago

They hide who the elites are but they are still very vulnerable to detection!

They are psychopaths that have been created by destroying their conscience. This results in physical brain damage that can be seen on brain scans.


So just making brain scans mandatory for all positions of power and influence would eliminate their power and make it impossible for them to continue to gaslight the population. They would all end up facing charges and prosecution.

This file explains their behaviour and tactics!


I'm sure you are confronted with this on a daily basis and recognize many of these tricks.

This has been expanded into the masons gangstalking people that where a threat. It then got developed into MKULTRA and was expanded now into the Counterinsurgency programs that are used to destroy civilians in all NATO countries.

Here are the files for that!


This is what they call satanic ritual abuse!

And now today Q has posted one of these Counterinsurgency documents. Exposing it further to his many millions of followers and lurkers.

This is what 911 was used to justify.

Your people really need to wake up right now and fight. I know the truth that it isn't the Jews that are the problem. It was never the Jewish question but the psychopath question.

But even I am weary and running out of empathy for Jews. I had four decades of this hell. I've been trafficked, drugged, kidnapped, raped, tortured, isolated, robbed and had countless attempts against my life. Now I'm just fucking furious and desperate for an end to this.

If you are in Israel you should get out fast. Like your life depends on it. You will be safer in the west. Just make yourself look like a European and hide your Jewishness as much as possible.

Good luck fren.

25603382? ago

God bless you.

25603460? ago

And you fren!

Wouldn't it be great if we could break this cycle of violence that has followed the Jews for millennia?

If you defeated the cabal in Israel even the most ardent nazis would be cheering you on. This should be our aim!

25603686? ago

Haven't cried since PG broke out, but am now! Very refreshing. Yes it would be the most beautiful plot twist imaginable.

I've been thinking of a plan but felt too powerless/isolated to execute or even get down to the details.

But I now feel that God is with me on this, that it is really part of the divine plan, and that maybe it is after all possible!!!

Feel free to ping me here if you have any ideas, maybe I'll update as well.

THANK YOU, WiseAnon.


25603887? ago

Operation Trident!

Three pronged attack to end the pathocratic system of global government!

1) Mandatory brain scans for power and influence!

2) Education for all high school kids on narcissistic abuse tactics!

3) Social media censorship based on detecting, recording and banning posts/people that use narcissistic abuse and gaslighting tactics!

Here is a concept on how the social media censorship would work by the same author as the narcissistic abuse tactics file! He also came up with operation Trident and a bunch of petitions in Canada.


Here are the petitions he created!



We can do this fren. See you in the golden age brother.

25605460? ago

Looking forwards to it brother. Thank you fren. Needed the inspiration.

25605550? ago

Just passing some ammo to a fellow soldier!

You're welcome fren.

25595325? ago

saving Israel for last.

25595214? ago

September 12th Large Number of Russian Warships & Submarines Deployed. Video, photos, map at https://voat.co/v/QRV/4020807/

25594966? ago

The Oy Vey Heard Around The World

25595048? ago

I think the oy vey will be proof that Israel actually did do the 911 attack!

I think it will be the fear of retaliation that will drive the Israelis to revolt against the cabal and remove them.

They will be terrified of the consequences for them. They will act in pure self preservation.

If the USA just told Israel publicly to go fuck themselves in terms of military support, intelligence sharing, aid and military equipment they would be sitting ducks in a sea of vengeful Muslims!

The USA wouldn't even have to strike a single target in Israel to burn the place to ashes.

They have 150 million Muslims living on land Israel has openly called Greater Israel!

The Muslims would march on Israel so fast and in such huge numbers it would be mind blowing. Even a flood out of Europe. All those Isis fighters that fled to Europe would leave Europe in weeks!

Israel would need to do some serious appeasement and hand over everyone and all the evidence asap or they would be fucked and burned in weeks.

This is why Israel has been restless and increasingly volatile of late. Many people are starting to see the writing on the wall and they are terrified of the consequences.

25604552? ago

(((they))) need to move to the North Pole, hey, pack warm clothes!

Or Greenland if Greenland accept that sort of REFUGEES!


25594935? ago

jews jewing jews

They have to know this is a bullshit disease.

Maybe they are going to Holocaust the palistinians once and for all and want the leftist commiekike lying press locked down so they can't report on it.

25597239? ago

Israeli anon here. I do know it's a bullshit disease but it's like no one else does. Israeli normies really are afraid / are proud of being obedient. Overwhelmingly so.

The truth community is very weak here, shunned by all. Women are the enforcers, using ridicule.

25599086? ago

Maybe at the end of this nonsence women and their ridicule can be knocked back down into their place. They have been very wrong and their arrogance has caused countless businesses to fail and many suicides out of hopeless. They and the lying press controlling their opinions have killed more people than the virus itself. Don't let them pull the "we were just trying to be safe" cope, rub their noses in it.

Good luck anon

25599541? ago

Will do! Same to you fren

25594931? ago

Oy vey!

Does this mean the world's largest child sex trafficking hub will be forced to stop raping little children????

Muh Jewish Bathhouses!!!

25594898? ago

Q #4686 on .pub lists dates. The first set of dates are September 14th through the 18th. The second set of dates starts on September 21st. So the 18th through the 21st something's going to be going down in Israel mabye? Just thinking out loud. Q has mentioned plenty of dates, plenty of times before.

25594773? ago

Heard that on the radio not long ago, thought it was odd.

25594760? ago

so the 'rona' is coming in 4 days? by boat or plane?