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25595282? ago

Q nuked Nazifaggots into oblivion last week. Why y'all still hanging around on QRV like you're still relevant?

25595362? ago

You've clearly not been paying attention.

25595411? ago

Neither ANTIFA nor Bolshevik are synonymous with Jews.

Jared Kushner, Stephen Miller, Steven Mnuchin are all patriots.

Clearly, you're attempting to take heat off of ANTIFA and Bolsheviks by redirecting animosity people have toward them onto the entire Jewish population.

There's not a single item that Nazifaggots what that will be given to them by either Trump or Q. You're not going to get all Jews shipped off to another country. All you're going to do is get your head blown off as you try to violate the constitutionally protected rights of American citizens.

25595420? ago

You do realize the vast majority of sources I linked to are jewish, right?

25595452? ago

I am curious, however, seeing how you quote Q in an attempt to make your argument ...

How is it you've completely skipped over the major BTFO's Q posted last week to Nazifaggots as a whole?

Q outright linked ANTIFA and Naziism, multiple times.

25595515? ago

Having a bad day?

25595443? ago

You haven't negated a single thing I've stated above, simply regurgitated the same fallacy argument that being Jewish is being ANTIFA or Bolshevik.

25595472? ago

I haven't made a single argument. Jews made it for me. Do you see my commentary anywhere?

What has you so triggered?

Jews started Antifa. They're proud of that it seems.

Jews fund Antifa. Support them and defend them in the media.

Barr says they're Bolshevik.

POTUS says they're terrorists.

Q says justice is coming.

Oh, and Israel is going on 3 week lockdown.

What say you?

25595537? ago

Jews started Antifa. They're proud of that it seems.

Wrong, ANTIFA are Nazis.

Jews fund Antifa. Support them and defend them in the media.

Wrong. Nazis, the modern equivalent, fund ANTIFA.

Barr says they're Bolshevik.

Bolshevik and Jewish aren't interchangeable.

For instance, Stephen Miller, speech writer for POTUS Trump, is Jewish. But he's not Bolshevik. To characterize him as Bolshevik because of his ethnicity is not only factually incorrect, it takes heat off the real Bolsheviks ... because those who would fight against Bolshevikism have been misdirected off their target and onto Stephen Miller, who has nothing to do with it.

POTUS says they're terrorists.

POTUS said ANTIFA are terrorists. He didn't say his son and daughter and 3 grandchildren and half of his cabinet are terrorists.

Q says justice is coming.

If you believe in Q then you will believe the link I posted above to what Q said.

25595568? ago

Did you even read the op?

Or the other link I left?

The time for lying through your teeth has passed.

The people are awakening.

25595625? ago

Your troll tactic, paraphrased, is to blame all white people for Jefferey Dahmer. And to prove your point, continually, about how evil white people are, you keep linking to information articles about Jefferey Dahmer, as if the entire white race is characterised by one person.

None of your links condemns Jews. They condemn Bolsheviks and ANTIFA. No amount of hopium will make those words interchangeable. Jews are tens of millions, Bolsheviks and ANTIFA are ideas that are contained by an extreme subset of Jews as well as other ethnicities.

25595642? ago

Jews are tens of millions, Bolsheviks and ANTIFA are ideas that are contained by an extreme subset of Jews as well as other ethnicities.

Wait, I thought bolsheviks and antifa were nazis, just a few minutes ago?

25595730? ago

The (violent methodology and political tactics) of Nazis today are the exact same as (violent methodology and political tactics) of ANTIFA of WW2 and today, are the same as the (violent methodology and political tactics) of Bolsheviks, all of which are (violent methodologies and political tactics).

Distinguished from ethnicities, such as Jews.

Here, I have proof you're a troll, proof you're here with malicious intent.

I plainly say all Bolsheviks and ANTIFA should be put in jail, if not hung for sedition.

Now, if you were sincere, you'd call that good, you'd consider me an ally and be happy and move on to people you actually disagree with.

But no. You're investing your time going dozens of messages deep with me. The only item of contradiction is that you don't want to blame Bolsheviks, or ANTIFA. You want to blame all Jews. That is taking the target off the guilty and putting it onto innocent. You're serving the purpose of Bolsheviks and ANTIFA by doing so.

There's going to be a bunch of sad Nazis noises when they come to the conclusion Trump and Q aren't going to do a single thing to Jews as an ethnicity.

25595775? ago

The (violent methodology and political tactics) of Nazis today

No such thing. World War 2 ended 75 years ago you schitzo kike.

25595806? ago

ANTIFA today is a continuation of Naziism.

Q said it, in no uncertain terms. He said it multiple times. You're not disagreeing with me, you're disagreeing with Q.

That I agree with Q is of no consequence to you. Q followers are millions. How will you spread your disinformation to millions of Q followers?

Do you have time to go 30 chats deep with all of us?

25595884? ago

Q said it, in no uncertain terms

Very well, I'll read/re-read recent drops.

25596208? ago

Yes, Antifa thugs have a ton in common with their stated boogeyman. Yes, there are historical paralells.

So far some problems I have accepting this:

Soros = Jewish

Antifa = disproportionally Jewish (e.g. all 3 attackers of Kyle Rittenhouse were Jews. At 2% of the population, that's a 1 in 125,000 chance of 3 random people all being Jews).

American mainstream media = disproportionately Jewish

Holocaust Encyclopedia link on the Q drop...

Aushwitz - implausibility of gassing wooden doors and windows, Red Cross presence near the alleged crematory, six million bodies being too many to turn to ash (as well as a lack of proven mass graves), etc. Voat is full of holohoax skepticism.

I guess the theory is that through Operation Paperclip, the military industrial complex took on some unsavory characters which led to a formation of a "deep state".

I've got more drops to read (I mostly didn't look at them over the past week). For quite some time, Q drops weren't really saying anything new and were mostly cheerleading. I'll try to keep an open mind.

25596302? ago

Soros = Jewish

Soros = Jewish, and Soros worked for the Nazis, and Soros is implementing all that he learned working for Nazis with what he's accomplishing today.

There's no need to delve into the "oh but this group hates capitalism and that group are nationalists", nobody gives a shit. It's a bunch of mush-minded youths who have been radicalized into violence as a political tool by elitists who don't believe a drop of their own propaganda.

Antifa = disproportionally Jewish

You have a goal, and it's not addressing ANTIFA. If your goal was addressing ANTIFA, you'd say hang them all and you'd be done with it, no controversy needed.

Instead, ANTIFA is a prop for you to use as leverage in blaming all Jews.

25% of Jews voted for Trump and, in 2016, were considered MAGA. That number has only grown since the insanity of the left has been revealed. You're hell bent, not in addressing ANTIFA, but in making sure that those Jews who wandered off the democrat plantation are significantly insulted back onto the plantation.

The only crimes you're interested in are crimes perpetrated by ethnic Jews. The only place you're going to rant about ethnic Jews is in a place where no ANTIFA or Bolshevik would read, Trump-supporting QRV. Your only goal here is to take people who get angry at Bolsheviks and ANTIFA and then use pretzel-logic to redirect anger to the entire Jewish race.

I believe it's because you're a democrat slaver. Why else invest your time 20 messages deep with someone who believes Bolsheviks and ANTIFA should be punished? You're here to make pastures outside of the democrat plantation inhospitable, to be as offensive as you can to minority supporters of Trump in an effort to shrink Trump's base of support, hoping that newcomers to Q say "I will never blame all Jews for the actions of a few, but everyone else here seems to, therefore this isn't the place for me."

Holocaust Encyclopedia link on the Q drop...

Yes, the Holocaust. How does it feel to be suffering, yet to this day 70+ years later, for propaganda told to you by the non-Jewish president of the US during WW2?

Let me guess, you expect Jews today to be blamed for propaganda sold to you by your own government 70 years ago, long before they were ever born.

Aushwitz - implausibility of gassing wooden doors and windows

I'd ask you when you plan on condemning the 100+ year old American propagandists who tried to convince you otherwise, but alas they're all dead.

I guess the theory is that through Operation Paperclip, the military industrial complex took on some unsavory characters which led to a formation of a "deep state".

You don't need to know the history of the cockroach to stomp on one.

25599436? ago

I completely agree that you don't need to know the history of a cockroach to stomp on one. Soros and jews around the world have been implementing this, since long before Nazis existed.

25595761? ago

Please list violent methodology and political tactics of Nazis today. All I see is Antifa tearing shit up, attacking people and burning the western half of the country.

And they fucking HATE Nazis.



Mass killings under communist regimes


In 1994, R. J. Rummel's book Death by Government included about 110 million people, foreign and domestic, killed by communist democide from 1900 to 1987.[30]

In 1999, the Stéphane Courtois introduction to the Black Book of Communism gave a "rough approximation, based on unofficial estimates" approaching 100 million killed.[s]

In 2005, Benjamin Valentino stated that the number of non-combatants killed by communist regimes in the Soviet Union, People's Republic of China and Cambodia alone ranged from a low of 21 million to a high of 70 million.[u][v]

In 2010, Steven Rosefielde's book Red Holocaust said that communism's internal contradictions "caused to be killed" approximately 60 million people and perhaps tens of millions more.[33]

In 2011, Matthew White published his rough total of 70 million "people who died under communist regimes from execution, labor camps, famine, ethnic cleansing, and desperate flight in leaky boats", not counting those killed in wars.[x]

In 2016, the Dissident blog of the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation made an effort to compile updated ranges of estimates and concluded that the overall range "spans from 42,870,000 to 161,990,000" killed, with 100 million the most commonly cited figure.[y]

In 2017, Professor Stephen Kotkin wrote in The Wall Street Journal that communism killed at least 65 million people between 1917 and 2017: "Though communism has killed huge numbers of people intentionally, even more of its victims have died from starvation as a result of its cruel projects of social engineering."[z][34]


Execution of the Romanov family

The Russian Imperial Romanov family (Emperor Nicholas II, his wife Empress Alexandra and their five children: Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia, and Alexei) were shot and bayoneted to death[1][2] by Communist revolutionaries under Yakov Yurovsky in Yekaterinburg on the night of 16–17 July 1918. Also killed that night were retainers who had accompanied them: notably Eugene Botkin, Anna Demidova, Alexei Trupp and Ivan Kharitonov.[3] The bodies were taken to the Koptyaki forest, where they were stripped and mutilated.[2][4]


Putin: First Soviet government was mostly Jewish

Russian President Vladimir Putin said that at least 80 percent of the members of the first Soviet government were Jewish.

“I thought about something just now: The decision to nationalize this library was made by the first Soviet government, whose composition was 80-85 percent Jewish,” Putin said June 13 during a visit to Moscow’s Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center.


A Jew in Mao's China

Until I saw the documentary “The Revolutionary” at the Philadelphia Independent Film Festival, I mistakenly thought that China during the revolutionary period was one country that had not felt the Jewish embrace. In fact, 85 to 90% of the foreigners helping the Chinese at the time of the Communist takeover were Jewish. This included the daughter of the founder of the brokerage firm Goldman Sachs, who left the comfort of her Park Avenue home to assist the Chinese.

Mao’s Jews

Rittenberg was one of the very few foreign nationals who had remained in China after the communists came to power in 1949 and one of an even smaller number who had managed to work their way into Mao’s inner circle, serving the communist leadership as valued advisers, trusted emissaries and even revolutionary leaders.

In addition to Rittenberg, there was Austrian, Jakob Rosenfeld, commanding officer of the Communist 4th Army’s medical unit; Israel Epstein from Poland, a journalist who served as the Chinese government’s head of international public relations; and London-born David Crook, dean of the Beijing Foreign Languages University.

Although their backgrounds were varied and their motivations for coming to China diverse, these doctors, writers and educators had one thing in common — all of them were Jewish.