25746756? ago

I heard the Jews are responsible for the Earth's ocean volcanos, too. That's pretty fucked up.

25746648? ago

https://invidio.us/watch?v=5QlWZQMYdfA :

SEPTEMBER CLUES - Full Documentary - 9/11 TV Fakery .mp4 - YouTube

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25746621? ago

Rest in peace Ruth!

25746511? ago

You guys ever met a Jew in real life lol?

25746797? ago

I have. Several. What about it?

25747016? ago

Many here only repeat what they've read. My dad did business with them, and me, they're no fun.

25747068? ago

The first jew I ever met (that I knew was a jew) was a roommate I had in college. He was a cool guy. But after that, I met several in business. I knew they were jews because they always had to tell everybody.

In general, they were nasty, slimy people. There were a couple of exceptions, but I have met and done (or tried to do) business with dozens. Very few of them are decent people to deal with. Most are constantly scheming and talking yid like it was of any value to anyone.

25747104? ago

Exact same experiences, almost to a 'T'.

25746629? ago

Do jews exist in real life, or only in clown world?

25746654? ago

Yup, I'm speaking to one. Everything above is accurate researchable historical events

25746701? ago

Yup, I'm speaking to one.

Now I'm confused... You think I'm a jew? For posting the events above?

25746815? ago

Yes Jew

25747178? ago

That's very interesting logic.