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25623465? ago

The hair was used to make winter coats for the German Army. while there are still bails of hair at Auschwitz, more importantly are the ledgers showing the number of bails shipped with dates used to manufacture winter coats. What amazed me was the number of eye glasses. When you see a 10 x 18 x 8ft tall room filled with glasses is starts to show the scale of death as not everyone wears glasses. Also the detail of the records left by the Germans, they were meticulous.in record keeping. As a Pole who lost upward of 750k fellow countrymen there, it is sobering to visit.

25974428? ago

Noobs, shills, and Tel Aviv.

This looks to be the latter. It's the way you structure your talking points.

26083811? ago

None of the above, a Polanon that's all

25618952? ago

Remembering something that didn't happen is how myths are created.

25616123? ago

Someone should get some of the hair to determine.

If it's human hair.

If it's from the right time period.

If it's dna is consistant with 'Jewish hair'.

25616145? ago

My guess is it's greasy, unbathed jew hair from the 50's and 60's

25614893? ago

Yes I do know... Do you know what they did with it??? ... Used it for stuffing seats in Volkswagen cars ..then later in Benz cars BMW refused.

25614598? ago

China boys on voat. Fuck right off.

25614587? ago

the natsoc would just save and pile up 2 tons of hair for no reason while they were fighting a losing war.

people are stupid as fuck and have blind faith in jews of all people.
the most notorious liars in history.

that is idolatry by the way.

people with blind faith in jews will burn in hell

25614070? ago

Hahahaha. If you are going to mas murder millions of people why the hell would you cut their hair.

25613538? ago

Speaking of Auschwitz...

Here is a really good video on the “gas chambers“ and zyklon B for anyone that hasn’t already seen it.


25612979? ago

There are/were a lot of eye witnesses to it all. We don't care about your jew shit.

25613523? ago

Errr ... wrong.

25612835? ago

Lots of Jew hating going on here by obsessed morons who seem to have nothing else in their lives to do, hating Jews being their full time job.

25974459? ago

Counter-semites are volunteers willing to risk greatly in order to spread the truth. Every public area of the internet tries to suppress these ideas, but the truth fears no inquiry.

25974391? ago

You can't reach sanity until you understand what jews are.

25612743? ago

Many years ago I visited the camp at Dachau. I saw the films taken in the 1930s and 40s. I also saw the piles of discarded shoes, gold teeth and pairs of spectacles. I felt so bad I did not visit the ovens.

Since then I have seen that there is a notice on the shower room door, labelled "Gas Chamber", that points out that it was never actually used as a gas chamber! I also discovered that Zyklon B was used as a delousing agent and insecticide. Then I read about the outbreaks of typhus that killed so many people in the camps.

Then I began joining the dots. My local hospital has a crematorium. That is where all the "spare parts" from operations end up. They have a chimney. So do we know how many people died from typhus and other diseases at Dachau? Could that account for all the morbid remains that were collected? Was the rest just (((Bolshevik))) propaganda to make them seem like victims and the insecticide used to kill insects and the showers just used to shower people?

Who knows but I certainly have questions.

25612720? ago

Forum slide post, nothing to do with Q research.

25612684? ago

None of the stories we were force fed add up.

Had jews been truly treated in a genocidal manner they would be on their best behavior in their adopted countries, but we see no greater abuser of our nation.

25612591? ago

Did you know that nazitards are collectivist white trash that blame everyone else for their problems?

25612712? ago

Don't you have a toddler to bugger, Saul?

25613029? ago

Go fuck yourself, loser.

25612543? ago

And the childrens shoes.

25612451? ago

Christians will believe anything! Then they feed & clothe the niggers.

25974358? ago

We gotta put down The White Man's Burden before it crushes us.

25612231? ago

As if the nazis would have kept 2 tons of hair just for shits and giggles.

25974349? ago

The real thing that died in the holocaust was the idea of German efficiency.

25612153? ago

I mean... wouldnt hair vaporize first and not really be something you need to remove prior to ovening?

25612270? ago

They saved it for premium window coverings and bed linens to compliment the exquisite skin lampshades.

25616262? ago

And merkins (sp?)

25613308? ago


25612581? ago

Classic (((projection))).

25611810? ago

The former commandant made sure they were treated for their lice, supplied entertainment, hospital, went above and beyond to care for them. As for thanks, they hanged him!

Never forget that. Never.

25613393? ago

He also deprived them of their freedom, locked them in a camp, forced them to work, and gave them orders at gunpoint. Let's not act like this was Shangri-la. They were socially isolated and humiliated for years before ultimately being arrested, denied their basic human rights, and forced to serve the Nazi war machine in forced labor camps because of their ethnicity. Let's not start revising history and acting like the Nazis were good people. They weren't.

If we forget that, we'll fail to understand what the modern Nazi party in the US intends to do. Imagine BLM or Antifa not just harassing you at a restaurant or beating you on the street like Neo-Sturmabteilung, imagine what happens if the people in this country vote one of those psychos into power just like the Germans did in 1933 with Hitler. How closely have you looked at Kamala Harris' politics? What has she done when given power in the past? She locked people up as fast as she could find an excuse, then sold herself as "tough on crime." Did you see the video of her talking about the riots continuing after the election grinning from ear to ear and nodding her head enthusiastically in approval like a sadist? She might as well have been channeling Hitler during one of his famous rants.

It doesn't matter if the commandant intended to be a humane jailer. He was still willfully following inhumane orders given by a psychopath. He nicely committed ethnic cleansing.

25974330? ago

How do you know about fake news, but not fake history?

So how is your shilling job? Is your boss nice? Competitive rates, health insurance?

25614369? ago

denied their basic human rights

Which ones, specifically? They were kept alive, fed, sheltered, treated for ailments, offered recreation time, etc. How exactly do you think they were being denied their basic human rights?

imagine what happens if the people in this country vote one of those psychos into power just like the Germans did in 1933 with Hitler.

Even in the U.S. Hitler had more support than the allies before the U.S. joined the war. I also would prefer Hitler to someone like Trump. I think that some "pleasant ethnic cleansing" is worth trading for ending white genocide.

25616219? ago

I'm not the one you are responding to but I am unfamiliar with the trial process for each individual placed in camps.

Were there cases made against people on the basis of their personal actions? Or just lumping them together in camps.

25616658? ago

I'm sure that in a few cases there were actual trials that had them sent to camps. However, most of those interred were rebels, captured for example by the Einsatzgruppen, in territories were Germany did not control the local court systems.

25614027? ago

He also deprived them of their freedom, locked them in a camp, forced them to work, and gave them orders at gunpoint. Let's not act like this was Shangri-la. They were socially isolated and humiliated for years before ultimately being arrested, denied their basic human rights, and forced to serve the Nazi war machine in forced labor camps because of their ethnicity. Let's not start revising history and acting like the Nazis were good people. They weren't.

FDR also deprived the Japanese-Americans of their freedom, locked them in a camp, and gave them orders at gunpoint. Let's not act like this was Shangri-la. They were socially isolated and humiliated for years, denied their basic human rights, and forced to serve the American war machine because of their ethnicity. Let's not start revising history and acting like Democrats were good people. They weren't.

See? I can do it, too. FDR locked up Japanese-Americans and deprived them of their fundamental rights because it was unclear who's side they were on. This is the same reason the Germans locked up Jewish-Germans and deprived them of their fundamental rights -- it was unclear who's side they were on, and in the case of German Jews, it was already known that many in the leadership were subversive and committing acts of treason.

So ...

You can argue that this was immoral, but let's not pretend it was something that it wasn't. It was a reaction to what the Jews had been doing, not simply because of their ethnicity. After all, the Jews declared war on Germany.


25974308? ago

FDR was actually against the Japanese internment camps, but the (mob syndicate) (((government of California))) couldn't pass up the opportunity to steal all that wealth. The man who distributed that ill-gotten wealth ended up being the inventor of the insanity plea, judge David (((Bazelon))).

25613936? ago

Found the Jew.

25612330? ago

Those dirty rotten bastards, killed a German commandant who didn't deserve it.

Okay, time to move along.

25611800? ago

These questions make people uncomfortable, because it makes them think in a common sense way. Many people would rather follow the narrative and.... not think too much.

25611643? ago

Why would you keep two tons of hair around. Imagine having to shave the heads of hot sweaty prisoners and to people in charge say, hey don't dump the hair on the fields or burn it in one of our 200 incinerators. Perhaps we can find a spare room to store this LICE INFESTED (why do you think they saved their heads in the first place?) hair INSIDE the building with us / them? Why?

Literally if they had done anything expect store it inside the hair would be bleached and blown away or composted in the soil.

Also: My barber sweeps up hair every night. Is he a mass murderer?

25613927? ago

When things collapsed there shouldn't have been hair lying around.

However, if I was an efficient task master than deloused hair would be good for prisoner seats and pillows.

25974216? ago

The hair was shaved before delousing.

25616160? ago

This is an abhorrent thought.

25612851? ago

I think the easiest way for them to dispose of the hair at the camps would be to... burn it... They had the facilities after all, and burning trash as much more common back then.


25613787? ago

nah, they were too busy burning the 6 gorillion bodies, no time to burn anything else.

25612541? ago

its a display in a museum

whats the big deal????

the dinosaur in the museum isnt real either...

25618986? ago

I heard that dinosaurs killed all those Jews.

25621643? ago

nwo history books

25612970? ago

Being real and it didn't happen are two different things

25612865? ago

The difference is scientists are allowed to do research on the Dinosaurs

25611867? ago

The hair was most likely brought in for the exhibit, and had nothing to do with the people who were in the camp.

25971667? ago

Like the holes in the roof ADDED LATER that they claim were just to "restore" the original holes they "dropped gas through".

25612913? ago

Aren't we lucky that all the Communists and ANTIFA and degenerate bastards of the Frankfurt school of Jewish Psychopathology managed to make it out of Germany before the "gas chambers" started.

All the people who helped create Hitler in German managed to escape to the USA and start a new home here in the land of the free.

We are a Judeo Christian Nation after all, the term Judeo Christian means the USA was founded by Pharisees who believe in the absolute racists lies of the Babylonian Talmud and people who hate Jesus Christ. The portion Christian part that founded this country has let this happen.

25613488? ago

Judeo-Muslim is more accurate than Judeo-Christian, if you want to look at the actual beliefs and practices.

25612052? ago

But, I also seen piles of glasses, also I seen shoes, lots of them, this was at the Smithsonian. You feel me?

25613476? ago

Yes, Hitler secretly kept some jews at the Smithsonian.

Little known fact.

25612349? ago

I want to feel you baby, I like how you think. You feel me?

25611808? ago

Or, they did save it just for the traumatic effect it can have.

25611578? ago

I did and worse things