25742296? ago

I support this thread.

Blood libel is real.

25741535? ago

Thank you Patriot!

25741532? ago

https://invidio.us/watch?v=5QlWZQMYdfA :

SEPTEMBER CLUES - Full Documentary - 9/11 TV Fakery .mp4 - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

25741455? ago

Thanks division-fag, but the Zionists are our real enemies.

You can thank Soros for the propaganda that side-tracked you onto the Jew-hate. It must suck for you being a slave to a Jew.

25741638? ago

Catholics are the true enemies of america

25741912? ago

They why does a dirty kike turn up Every Damn Time?

25741611? ago

Why is the truth division?

25741496? ago

Who do you think Zionists are, exactly?



Also, you do realize that Soros is a jew, right?

25741582? ago

Also, you do realize that Soros is a jew, right?

Having trouble understanding what's going on? Here, keep reading it until you snap out of your programming:

You can thank Soros, who is a Jew, for the propaganda that side-tracked you onto the Jew-hate. It must suck for you being a slave to a Jew.

25741612? ago

Where is the hate? Should I not be concerned, given what the jews have done and are doing?

25741375? ago


25741420? ago

Haha I literally lol'd

25741333? ago

Fuck off. I understand that because this is an unmoderated subverse, you can spread this shit.

I wouldn't be surprised if you worked for Fake News so you can report that the Q movement is full of hate.

25743024? ago

OP isn't spreading the hate, he's just showing history. Nothing more.

25741385? ago

Only brainwashed christ cuck crypto commies who need exterminating support censorship.

25742214? ago

Thanks Jew!

25741361? ago

The mods here are literally jews. What is hateful about ANYTHING in the OP?

25741311? ago


25741282? ago

Oy gevult!