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25286894? ago

This is a powerful redpill.

25286730? ago

Tell us about that "great story" of what Hitler thought about those dirty little peasants having democracy, and a right to vote.

25288792? ago

Please, do enlighten us.

25281845? ago

Couldn't sleep and watched this.. really well done. Will pass on.

25280201? ago

You're not completely based till you watch this incredible doc https://thegreateststorynevertold.tv/

Erase your indoctrination!

25280096? ago

Russians. Not the “Jews”

25281813? ago

You sure about that? At what point will you stop fighting history and reality and admit you were wrong?


25280212? ago


Who killed Czar Nicholas II?

Who's behind Bolshevism, Marxism, Communism?

Who were the early power players in the Soviet Union?

Who was behind the Holodomor?

Patton clearly differentiated between the Russians and the jews. Was he not in a position to know the difference?

Have Russians been banned from 109 countries?

25279437? ago

There is so much more... but Patton's writings alone will show why he was killed, and how history was re-written... The more you know...

25279158? ago

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25278440? ago

Rather speak german than mexican

25279978? ago

Imagine even entertaining either of those ideas.

Have more faith in our country.

There is a reason most of the world speaks AMERICAN.

25280102? ago

It was a semi bad joke, but it is hard to stay positive with everything going on

25280151? ago

Yeah I understand, go do something that you enjoy. Good show or movie or game or go see some friends or whatever. Feel better.

25277768? ago

The Sanhedrin IS the Synagogue of Satan. Those grafted into The tree of the Israelites are the Chosen. It’s not a set of people it is the dispersed nations that are Disciples of Christ. Those that reject Christ are lost and are awaiting the anti-Christ which is already on Earth and of the Davidic bloodline. Some speculate it is a Cousin or relative of Donald Trump.

25277620? ago

I watched this documentary, it was great.

Really eye opening, i can't believe how badly we were lied to in school.

25279929? ago

Nigga how do you know the documentary isn’t lying to you?

The truth isn’t one side or the other but in some grey area in between.

Use your brains.

25291759? ago

Broken link

25281372? ago

Gray area is a kike trick they use to push degeneracy.

Good and evil exist. You just have to pick your perspective. Whites have been tricked into picking an individual perspective and that is why we have been kicked in the teeth by a disgusting race of parasites who work as a collective.

This movie is more correct than anything jews have ever said about the subject.

25291752? ago

Everything is a trick!

Y’all are just as bad as the commies. So stupid lol.

25294988? ago

Watch the movie you lazy nigger

25280243? ago

You started a sentence with nigga, anything you said after that is irrelevant.

Everything in the documentary is well documented, yet it does also require the use of brains to reach a conclusion.

How much is Soros paying you faggots these days?

What took y'all so long to get here?

25280358? ago

Fuck soros

Fuck communism

Fuck hitler

Trump 2020

Try harder evil Jew. I know what you are. Good Jews are standing up against your stupid shit.

25280387? ago

Good jews?

Is that like good cockroaches in your kitchen?

Or good poison ivy on your balls?

Actually, Bobby Fischer was probably a good jew but he vehemently denied until his death.

25280396? ago


Just stop hating yourself.

Trump 2020


25277440? ago

Great thread OP

25277375? ago

We should have nuked the bolshevik commies

25281822? ago

This can still be done

25277373? ago

hopefully one day the world will fully realize who these fucking satanic animals really are

25277363? ago

The Jews were a problem then and they're an even bigger problem now.

25278929? ago

Strange we live in a world where Christ denial is okay but Holocaust denial isn't.

25279275? ago

Who writes the laws?

25281639? ago

Lawyers working for Lobbyist.....

Lawyers en Lobbyist

25279696? ago

(((Special Interest))) Lobbyists

25279911? ago

They really control everything don’t they.

Even you right now.

They’re controlling you.

You have no idea the true power of the Jew.

Or you’re just a paranoid psycho.

Or a shill.

The division tactics won’t work.

Trump 2020

25279981? ago

Who am I dividing?

Am I wrong in who writes the laws?

There is no unity with one's enemy, and either you aren't capable of discerning the enemy, or you are the enemy.

25280029? ago

You know what you’re doing buddy.

This is the opposite of a mitzvah.

25281826? ago

Sorry you were born into their corrupt bloodline. Not all jews have to die. But all jewish influence must be extricated.

25291774? ago

No Jewish blood but there’s nothing wrong with people who are genetically Jewish

25280094? ago

Jews always use words like that.

25280103? ago

You would know wouldn’t you lol

25277191? ago

You will be avenged great fuhrer.

25277705? ago

Yeah, no. Declaring war on the United States immediately after Pearl Harbor was a mistake of epic proportions.

Hitler fucked over his own people at the end.

He sent Germany’s children off to fight the Russian front as it advanced on the city. I understand this was a time when desperation ruled, but some of those kids couldn’t even heft an average weapon.

And as the people of Berlin were hiding in the sewers as their city was being bombed into ruins, Hitler’s last command was to flood those very same sewers out of fear the Russians could use them to get him.

Ideologically Hitler was right, but to genuinely praise him like he was some sort of great human being above all reproach worthy to be revenged is a bit of a stretch.

25278589? ago

Point made but the fact remains the same White race will be erased within 50 years those of us that are left will wish we were dead

25281170? ago

No argument there.

25277086? ago

Patton was right. Maybe THAT was why he was such an asshole in life.

25288781? ago

That's also why they killed him.

They knew he was going to be hell to deal with, once he resigned his commission or retired.

He knew and understood entirely too much, was not shy about voicing his opinion or calling a spade a spade, and most importantly, he was probably one of the most famous and popular war heroes in American history, so people would have listened to what he had to say.

25276921? ago

Is this what the whole six hour "movie" is? Background music, with a bunch of reading? If so, I'd rather just read it in a book, or on my phone/computer. That slow scrolling shit works for some things, but for six hours, I want to read at my own pace.

25277194? ago

Honestly, yes, there is a lot of scrolling text, and I'm not a fan of that style either. I prefer to have something playing in the background I can listen to while I multitask. However, there is also a good mix of interviews, archive footage, etc.

But it's worth the watch. I found it easiest to break it up into the sections they have it divided into and only do 15-30 minutes at a time, then research the subject matter.

I've been down damned near all of the rabbit holes in my days and without doubt, this documentary changed my world view more than anything else I've ever come across.

25278931? ago

YT has a setting to speed up the video - try it

25278869? ago

Thank you for the response, maybe I'll try the same thing.

25276812? ago

Sooner or later humanity will wake up to the idea that communists are criminal and intolerable.

25276552? ago

The noise against me is only the means by which the Jews and Communists are attempting and with good success to implement a further dismemberment of Germany. I think that if I resigned as I threatened to do yesterday, it would simply discredit me to no purpose. . .

This august lady [Fifteenth Army] . . . has the job of reviewing the strategy and tactics of the war to see how the former conformed to the unit plans and how the tactics changed. Were it not for the fact that it will be, so far as I am concerned, a kick up stairs, I would like it much better than being a sort of executioner to the best race in Europe.

Later when people wake up to what is going on here, I can admit why I took the job.

Am I weak and a coward? Am I putting my posthumous reputation above my present honor? God how I wish I knew...

P.S. No one gives a damn how well Bavaria is run. All they are interested in now is how well it is ruined.

Letter to Beatrice (29 September 1945), published in The Patton Papers (1996), edited by Martin Blumenson Vol. 2 , p. 786


The more I see of Arabs the less I think of them. By having studied them a good deal I have found out the trouble. They are the mixture of all the bad races on earth, and they get worse from west to east, because the eastern ones have had more crosses.

Letter to Frederick Ayer (5 May 1943), published in The Patton Papers 1940-1945 (1996) edited by Martin Blumenson, p. 243


All military governments are going to be targets from now on for every sort of Jewish and Communistic attack from the press.

My self esteem would be better had I simply asked for immediate retirement but then any thing I said in the future could be attributed to revenge...

At the moment I feel pretty mad.

Letter to Beatrice (29 September 1945), published in The Patton Papers (1996), edited by Martin Blumenson, Vol. 2 , p. 787


In the second place, Harrison and his ilk believe that the Displaced Person is a human being, which he is not, and this applies particularly to the Jews, who are lower than animals.

Diaries, General Patton : A Soldier's Life (2002) by Stanley P. Hirshson, p. 661


We entered a synagogue which was packed with the greatest stinking bunch of humanity I have ever seen. Either these Displaced Persons never had any sense of decency or else they lost it all during their period of internment by the Germans…. My personal opinion is that no people could have sunk to the level of degradation these have reached in the short space of four years.

As quoted in After the Holocaust: Rebuilding Jewish Lives in Post War Germany (1997) by Michael Brenner



25279006? ago

We entered a synagogue which was packed with the greatest stinking bunch of humanity I have ever seen.

what is it with these STINKING jews??

25279884? ago

Idk but I do know there are communist anti American Jews and Patriotic American Jews.

Don’t defeat the wrong enemy twice lmao

25280705? ago

Patriotic American Jews.

Please provide examples.

25280741? ago

Have you never fucking seen Independence Day?


25280817? ago

Have you never fucking seen Independence Day?

So they only exist in the (((movies)))?

25291743? ago

Do you have a doctor or lawyer?

Do you ever make money?

25291827? ago




25281001? ago
