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25779077? ago

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25778713? ago

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25764707? ago

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25741354? ago

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25412740? ago

The stronghold the jews have on the psyche of the vast majority of Americans needs to be broken.

It's incredible reddit.com/r/conspiracy, largely the last stronghold for proper discussion on reddit, has basically one thing they censor: holocaust denial. Not only will they remove those posts, they also for some reason remove the removal from their transparency reports.

25411678? ago

Well the obvious reason is you are an antisemite and literally hitler.

25411243? ago


25409903? ago

Red cross numbers of dead jews were about 280 000 mostly dead in tyfoid fewer in the camps
And the war was a war against the jews and Rothschild won the war with help from England and the sovjet jews...

25409167? ago

The holocaust happened, but it was caused by punishing ALLIED sanction after the war ended between 1945 and 1948. Ten million German civilians and prisoners died of starvation during this time, which was originally referred to as "Eisenhower's Holocaust".

We've all seen the photos of starved German prisoners, but were those photos taken in 1944 or 1948?

Yes, Hitler did arrest Jews... not for being innocent darlings... but for declaring a Holy War against German Christians and participating in the failed coup of 1933.

[Hitler's only crime was to kick the Rothschild bankers 'out of Germany and Austria and free Christians from Jew debt slavery...]((https://www.bitchute.com/video/bQWEMCCGgGVU) which caused the House of Rothschild to throw such a huge bitch-fit that (((they))) started a world war.



25407772? ago

Not when your entire being requires victim status. Allowing all of the levers of power to be occupied by them.

25407598? ago

There's one damned fruit fly in my house, and he shows up every time I pour a glass of wine. How do you feel about brussels sprouts?

25407120? ago

Threads like this are the reason Q sent his followers to Voat.

Change my mind.

25409746? ago

I agree, shills and shithead mods aside...

25406655? ago

You really think it didn't happen? All those soldiers returning home...liars?

25407422? ago

Eisenhower didn't write about it or talk about it. Neither did Churchill. You would think the "greatest tragedy in history" would be nothing but what they talked about after the war. But they did not.

It's almost like they didn't know. The two leaders who took out Germany ... did not know about the greatest tragedy that happened right under their noses?

Or ...

Maybe the Holohoax was a made-up fairy tale AFTER they died.

25408045? ago

but..to just answer my simple question; with a yes or no....?

25409780? ago

How about "fuck off"?

25412868? ago

you're THAT triggered?


25406673? ago

What soldiers?

The holocaust didn't even exist until when, the 1950's?

25408064? ago

that's when the name of the event (that thousands of returning soldiers described) became popular and/or coined?

ok. what's your point?

25408224? ago

What thousands of soldiers described?

Did the worldwide jewish census that they keep themselves decrease by 6 million between '39-'45?

Did Patton report on it?

The Red Cross?

As the other poster mentioned, Eisenhower or Churchill?

Is there a mathematical impossibility involved regarding the cremation story?

Jews in camps were much safer than German civilians in Dresden, were they not?

Who controls the media now? What about then?


Your journey has begun, if you are genuine in your questioning.

Cognitive dissonance can be hard to overcome.

There is more than enough information in the links in this thread alone to get you there.

25408254? ago

Yes, I believe you 100% in your heart believe ALL of the anti-holocaust propaganda.

25409765? ago

Not a rebuttal. How about you reply with a source to your vague "All those soldiers returning home...liars?"

25412943? ago

my maternal grandfather was in the Air Force and assisted in flying supplies to the camps on makeshift runways.

my paternal grandfather was one of the men in the Army that took 2 concentration camps (what he described as the least bloody of the fighting because most of the officers had committed suicide when they saw the overwhelming forces approaching); he doesn't like to talk about the war, and he is no Jew....but he says what they did to them in those camps was, and I quote "godless, completely devoid of any humanity. I dont know how a man could do the things those nazi bastards did to women, children, and men...but the children.... let's talk about something else"....

so, unfortunately, I have to question why you would challenge these first hand accounts, and the only reason i can think of is that you share your ancestors Aryan tastes for gay-rape (the highest percentage of sexual assaults in prisons is from nazifags)...

either way, its the #millstone for you, sir.

25407453? ago

are you serious??

25408041? ago


25408068? ago

You're welcome :)

25406339? ago

It's not illegal to say in the US.

QRV is US military intelligence informing the US public about the salvation of the US from the hands of the globalists.

Non-Americans outside America obviously don't have 1st amendment rights.

So I propose you get up off your ass from your keyboard in whatever shithole country you belong to and demand the right to free speech.

Good luck.

25406064? ago

cabal shill post

25406091? ago


25405981? ago

jews, that's why.

25405773? ago

Someone alert the thought police. We have a thinker over here.

25405606? ago

JDS here in full bloom.

25404858? ago



Dean irobod's "onethird"

It is the single greatest educational source for delivering primary documentation on screen at time of mention and leaves the viewer with no choice but to conclude the logical and reasonable answer.

Dean irebod's one third https://archive.org/details/OneThirdOfTheHolocaustHDVideoHQSound

War is out Truth is in. Remix.



The Greatest Story Never Told: https://www.bitchute.com/video/I7sG86aH5TZ4/

Europa The Last Battle: https://www.bitchute.com/video/7J3B0raTNx1p/

A Last Appeal To Reason: https://www.bitchute.com/video/WqBY9qYsRuHl/

Hellstorm - The genocide of Germany https://www.bitchute.com/video/xhY9ATDCrOWP/

Testimony from jews who were at the actual camps.



Here you go Goy

* https://ia902704.us.archive.org/20/items/pdfy-9oDjbAwxq8mGPI2w/The%20Synagogue%20Of%20Satan.pdf


* https://wrathoftheawakenedsaxon.files.wordpress.com/2016/09/creaturefromjekyllislandbyg-edward-g-edwardgriffin.pdf



Jews are behind trafficking and sacrifice gentile children for their rituals and holidays.


Backup: https://files.catbox.moe/m2so2y.mp4

* https://files.catbox.moe/REMOVEDBYOP



25410351? ago

Have a decent amount of these already but still saved

25406792? ago


25404779? ago

Facts are impervious to probing.

Lies unravel when you start pulling on a string.

In any case, don't fight for a cause you're not a part of. That means don't support gay rights if you're straight. Don't support BLM if you're not black. Don't support the Holocaust if you're not a jew. Don't support anything unless you have a dog in the fight.

25404695? ago

This is the single biggest tell. It's what caused my questioning journey. It's far too promoted/protected to be true.

25404225? ago


25404243? ago

If this thread is any indicator, they are missing in action...

25404327? ago

They have alts.

25404358? ago

This type of post usually gets 5-10 downvoats near instantly when the shills are thick on the site. Plus lots of negative comments, forum sliding, hiding the second page of "New", etc.

25404187? ago

Not only is it illegal to outright say it didnt happen, it's illegal to say "I'm unsure and I want to study it further myself to reach my own unbiased conclusion"

The only place in the world where it is legal to study the holohoax mythos, is Iran (go figure). Because if you start reading up on it, checking different sources (anything from the repeated mentioning of the 6M figure, to the red-cross report from 1945..) you will find evidence that contradict the official narrative.

Id' be real careful.. You dig a six foot hole and maybe you find three bodies, but if you dig twelve then you'll find fourty..

25404166? ago

Approx. 275K People died in the Slave camps. The Zionists moved all the "zionist" Jews down to Palestine in 1933.

Those left in Germany were to be "re educated" to accept the Zionist viewpoint. Sadly some didn't submit.

Most that died were political prisonors used as slaves by the Nazi's.

No where near 6mm were killed. There wasn't even 6 million Jews in Europe to start with.

25404691? ago

They were detention camps, not slave camps. Same as the Japanese-American "internment" camps in the US.

The zionists (working with Hitler) started moving jews to Palestine, but that didn't last long. Churchill wanted war, not emigration.

Most that died were due to disease going around Europe.

25404052? ago

Because Germany's a dystopian shithole.

25404042? ago

rhetoric question on voat

I would ask "why is it illegal to talk about what happened to Jew during WW2" ?

25405915? ago

You be trippin, Mortimer.

25403945? ago

...facts don't really matter when a judge is biased and corrupt...many examples, for Flynn, Stone, et al...

25404006? ago


25403865? ago

I can't hear you through your face mask, comrade.

25403907? ago

Have yet to wear one throughout the holocough.

25407489? ago

no mask here either,

I'll give up a lot of extras just so I don't have to wear a mask.

haven't been inside a store in months, but that's ok because it's easier to order online and pick up.

25410587? ago

My brother from another mother.

25404717? ago


That needs to be a meme.

25404813? ago

It's out in the wild


Lots of reeeeing!

25404136? ago

Fuck no

25403764? ago

Great thread OP

25405488? ago

I love Voat

25403521? ago

Someone once linked to a site full of vids and articles proving the (((holocaust))) lie. Does anyone have any idea what is could have been?

25406783? ago

just subscribed thanks

25404110? ago

Divide 6 million by number of camps...

25408318? ago

It is acknowledged, even by jewish sources, that there were only 6 "extermination camps": Auschwitz, Chelmno, Belzac, Treblinka, Sobibor, and Majdanek. All of which were "liberated" or "discovered" by the Soviet Union, and therefore unavailable to western inspection for almost 50 years. The same jewish sources also acknowledge that there were no gas chambers or any other method of mass extermination at any camps liberated by the western allies.

25403561? ago

These are the most common ones I've seen






25405683? ago

Greatest story never told was the one I was thinking of but the other one looks good too. Thanks King

25403419? ago

One is not allowed to question their owners.

25404286? ago

Better question: Which group let the jews take control of all that without lifting a finger to stop it?

25412169? ago

Shabbos goy and TV-brainwashed rubes.

25413461? ago

There were no tv's when they did it to us in Russia. There were no tv's when they let the jews take over Germany, either. The only brainwashing they were subjected to was coming from their bible and the jews who controlled their church.

25410172? ago

Whoever those fiends are, we must find them and throw them down a well!

25404706? ago

Capitalism did. This is what laizzes faire leads to.

25408787? ago

We haven’t had capitalism since 1913. Sound money is a prerequisite.

25405188? ago

Not true in any way, shape or form. Who knows how the fuck you came to that conclusion...

25407393? ago

different anon, who let them in?

25407500? ago

The backstabbing christians did...that's who.

25403334? ago

So you are saying that being jailed for asking honest questions about things that happened to a foreign people, on a foreign continent, during a foreign war, 80 years ago is not normal?

Thank your lucky stars because if you were in Russia a hundred years ago it was a death sentence to be anti-semitic, which has the same meaning as it does today btw. Be glad they only lock you up with the potheads and tax evaders whilst murders, fraudsters and child predators enjoy police protection.

25403383? ago

Fucking Kikes ruin everything

25406043? ago

Shills ruin forums

25403468? ago

One "i" is optional. kek.

25403258? ago

18 state sponsored Holocaust Museums in the USA

ZERO memorials about the thousands of American soldiers that freed the poor Jews

25416647? ago

Zero? You’re either blind, a moron, or both... or just a schill.

Almost any town, village, city big or small has multiple memorials and parks almost all for ww2 (at least in Midwest where im from)

My grandpa, not a Jew mind you, fought in that war along with my great uncle. One Was an infantry who also repaired tanks and was a medic. Both army. Both saw horrible things they would talk about when asking them about war stories. They raided castles and found horrible shit, horrible to the point they would just execute people and not take POW at times, and helped dismantle multiple concentration camps where they’d force nazis to bury the people they killed at the camps proper who otherwise were in piles of bodies.

25418507? ago

oh vey!! how horrible!!

get the fucking holohoax museums the fuck out of this country

25407943? ago

If the Holocaust Happened, Why is it Illegal to Say That it Didn't? Wouldn't the Facts Stand on Their Own?

Are you going to try to divide people by their faith? I disagree with Evil behaviors. Such as dividing people by their skin color, or faith, or orientation, or gender. I agree with Good behaviors though.

Hundreds of Patriot Orthodox Jews Chant “USA”, “Four More Years” at Trump Rally in New York City

Organized by philanthropist Lazer “Louis” Scheiner, the audience cheered “Four More Years” and “USA” as Trump took the podium.

Source http://shorenewsnetwork.com/2019/11/18/hundreds-of-orthodox-jews-chant-usa-four-more-years-at-trump-rally-in-new-york-city/


"We are proud Jewish Americans who reject the hypocrisy, anti-Americanism, and anti-Semitism of the rising far-left." Video 1Video 2

WebsiteTwitterFacebookInstagramAll Videos

25412122? ago

Go chop off the rest of your dick, shill.

We know what you are.

25409075? ago

You're persistent, I'll give you that...


How can a people that claim to be God's chosen count among them so many "Jewish Atheists?"

Who is the (((they))) that Q says wants us divided?

Is this a battle of good vs evil?

Did Christ tell the unbelieving jews that they were of their father the devil, else they would love him? Or that that if they were of Abraham that they would do the works of Abraham, yet they wanted to kill him and did the works of the devil?

What do Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 have to say about those who say they are jews but are not? Synagogue of satan?

There is no unity with the enemy, jews are and have been the enemy of humanity, they follow and worship satan. The light cannot have fellowship with darkness.

Anyone who claims to be a religious jew today, explicitly rejects Christ, of whom the Old Testament foretold. Whom God sent. Who was God in the flesh.

25408302? ago

Admit the Holocaust was fake, or fuck off.

25404185? ago

In CA it is mandatory for fifth graders to attend one of the "holocaust" museums for programming.

FUCK. It's right in our faces.

25409939? ago

California?? Really? Cause my two kids didn't... and weren't asked to....

25414146? ago

Perhaps you're school wasn't close enough to one.

25419275? ago

Perhaps, but then lets not say CA makes it mandatory, lets say "if your school is next to a holocaust museum it may be mandatory"

25420208? ago

125 miles away isn't next door.

25423377? ago

no, but mandatory means everyone must go.....and it seems that is not the case....

25405063? ago

Schindler' List was mantatory to watch in middle school in NY.

25411714? ago

We never got to watch the comedies , lucky!

25407008? ago

high school in MA was non stop holohoax stories and Schindlers list every single year. that was almost 20 years ago.

25408209? ago

Speaking of MA, the Boston Marathon Bombing was fake too, if you didn't already know.

25407680? ago

Yeah this was twenty plus years ago, too.

25405292? ago

There are mandatory movies now? When did that start?

25407694? ago

This was early 1990s.

25408307? ago

The beginning of the end.

25404512? ago

This is why I homeschool!

25403662? ago

Zero museums dedicated to the 60 million Russian Christians murdered by the Bolshevik Jews

25410853? ago

100+ million whites genocided by bolsheviks.

25404161? ago


25403180? ago

It isn't real.

it is just another jewish lie, and it isn't even the first time they told that lie.

25412127? ago

You should see their self-reported numbers for the Roman sacking of Jerusalem.

25403078? ago

Her experience was fake?

25403337? ago

She's basically a "whistleblower" on the BS known as the Holocaust. Her experience doesn't match up with the Jewish narrative and they can't have that.

25403663? ago

I was being sarcastic. lol

25404593? ago

Sarcasm so subtle, it's undetectable.

25411400? ago

The invisible enemy. Now translate that into German and run through the killing fields reciting the joke.

25402891? ago

New York Times headlines showing (((Six Million)) all before WWI. Just like the fucking COVIC hoax: http://12160.info/photo/new-york-times-six-million

25408231? ago

Archive this somewhere other than YT.

25402872? ago

Free the speech!

25402751? ago

That’s a big “if.” It’s verifiably proven to be a hoax.