25407542? ago

Follow the money.... it always leads to a Jew.

25406982? ago

Amazing stuff, Jews are screeching

25406341? ago

China's Communist Revolution in five minutes - this doesn't get into banking elite fuckery but context is critical to understand what and how the banking elites manipulate and deceive the world, and the workers.

25408981? ago

That video is such a simplification of what actually occurred and left out so much information just so they could get it to under 5 minutes.

25410977? ago

Totally, barely skims, but at least it links events as far back as the opium wars.

25406047? ago

So what are the real numbers like? 85% of 6 people or 85% of so many hundreds?

25406066? ago

Jew math is damned near impossible to get a handle on.

25475295? ago

New math is better somehow.

25406706? ago

Start with 6,000,000. You ALWAYS start with 6,000,000. Divide by 666. Add 1947. Subtract 9/11. Multiply by 1984.

Not that hard, really.

25405864? ago

"Forward" is also the name that Karl Marx used for his newsletter. The commies have been using that word ever since, as a dog whistle to each other. Barry Obama used it as a campaign slogan in 2012.

25405879? ago

Excellent observation, thanks.

25405857? ago

Oy vey goy, communism is good for you.

25405752? ago

STFU you ban hammer faggot.

25406896? ago

To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.

25405828? ago

Bad day?