25415259? ago

Think Soros

25411920? ago

And they probably told to stay patient and enjoy the show.

25409062? ago

I just read from a book written in 1925 that John Wilkes Boothe was a Jew.

25408761? ago

Oy vey!!! This isn’t nearly as many as the 60000021 that died in muh hall of cost!!!

25408151? ago

Yes, it was because Tsar Alexander II saved America in the Civil War.

25407835? ago

Yes, we fucking know.

Take it somewhere else, faggot.

25406474? ago

FUCK YOU oy vey quit talking about this goyim. Lets talk about how hollywood is shut down for reals!! We won. You can all go home now.

25408659? ago

Yes, claiming fake temporary victory over meaningless institutions seems to be everyone’s focus here. Super annoying. Especially since boycotts and walking away never works because 89% of this fucking country is fucking retarded and still think Robert De Niro is a tough guy who doesn’t just play the same damn character in every movie.

25411817? ago

And he's Irish only a bit Italian.

25406393? ago

They weren’t just Russians and Ukrainians they were Christian. The Jews seethe towards Christ even today. Their Talmud specifically says he’s in hell boiling in excrement

25406264? ago

And many people wonder why Hitler wanted to kill all the Jews, this is exactly the reason. Exterminating the Jews is the platform Hitler ran on and won. Our educational system has brainwashed society.

25406271? ago

Exterminating the Jews is the platform Hitler ran on and won.



25408731? ago

Except that it’s implied very heavily in his platform. I mean look at party materials from the day, they talked openly about getting rid of the juice

25409136? ago

getting rid of the juice.

Welcome to Voat. You can say jews here.

"Getting rid of"... As the other poster mentioned... expelling, deporting, excluding, banning. Hitler sought peaceful resolution leading up to the war.


25406781? ago

Here is Hitler's platform, read it in its entirety. Look at 4, 7 and 18, put them together.


25407211? ago

"Expelled," not exterminated. The Final Solution was to get them the hell out of Europe, not to kill them. Hitler did get some of them off to Palestine, in cooperation with the Zionists, prior to WW2.

The ones who were traitors got the death penalty, as they (or anyone else) should.

25409187? ago

Heydrich planned on sending them to Madagascar.

25409081? ago

The Bolsheviks started killing Christians in 1917.


Hitler's rise to power began in 1919 and he took power in 1933. During this time the Bolsheviks killed 66 million Christians in Russia and surrounding regions. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler%27s_rise_to_power

Hitlers platform does not expressly say he was going to exterminate the Jews but it is clear enough that Jews were not worthy to become citizens and his intentions were to exile them from Germany. He knew that they were committing genocide against the Christians people, would that not make them traitors?

I watched a documentary years ago that explained how Hitler personally witnessed the actions of the Bolsheviks and it was what inspired him to pursue his career path. If you don't think the death of 66 million Christians had any influence on Hiller's agenda, I could care less. I know its fact. General Patton said after the fall of the Nazi Regime, I think we defeated the wrong enemy and indeed he did. The Jews have been terrorizing the planet every since.

25406104? ago

My great grandmother fled Russia before the revolution, a teen girl that knew no english and had every penny from the family name in her pocket. Her parents were in the duma and were murdered by the Bolsheviks. She was lucky they had the foresight to send her away to America. After establishing a grocery store business where she could sell her freshly caught fish from the Hudson River, she married twice and had two large families. Never spoke a lick of English. In the depression she sold bootleg alcohol out of her personal distillery in the back of her grocery store. I am so proud to come from this woman and I will never accept communism on account of her life's legacy.

25409463? ago

I wish I could find a woman like that

25408682? ago

I'll drink to that!

25406070? ago

what's missing from OP's post? oh yeah


it was not just NYJewish Bankers funded and supported Trotsky - and so did the other banking elite (Rockefeller, JP Morgan) as well as wealthy families in London who funneled money through the British Ambassador to Russia, Sir George Buchanan. In the US, President Wilson appointed "Colonel" William Boyce Thompson to head the Red Cross, which Thompson used as a front to funnel millions into Russia - paying off soldiers in cash to side with the Marxist revolutionaries and revolt against their commanders in the Tsarist army.

in considering the Jewish Banking Cabal, they would never be successful in any of these schemes if not for the full agreement and participation of multiple ideologically-driven partners and wealthy conspirators.

25405546? ago

I did know that it's a good thing that not all Jews are Bolsheviks

25406489? ago

Nice jew tactic. all jews are foreign enemy combatants.

25405839? ago

But most Bolsheviks were jews

25426922? ago

Yes and most pedophiles are homosexuals but not all homosexuals are pedophiles

25405429? ago

Yes! Will never forget and spreading the info profusely!

On a side note, those little weak and wormey [bolsheviks] have hidden in plain sight interwoven within the

"Jewsful idiots".

Wakey wakey... eggs and bakey!

25405321? ago

I would like to get red pilled on china do the shecklsniffers have their grimy hands on that pie. I know Kissinger and Rockefeller opened the doors there in the 60s my thought is they have a firm grip on the ruling class but just speculation, but what do I know I am just a goat...chang my mind

25405472? ago

My thoughts are yes, they do have their hand deep in that pie.

Manufacturing for pretty much all multinational corporations has been shifted there over the past few decades.

Who owns or controls those corporations? Who finances them?

Also, I have seen interesting posts here on voat from time to time regarding jewish control over China and implementing communism there.

And if you have time to sift through good/bad info, there seem to be quite a few relevant search results


25405564? ago

Supply chains have been ripped from the [bolsheviks] and are being reworked and [they] are excluded...

"Withering on the vine" so to speak.

25405300? ago

Classic projection. It's so obvious at this point.

25405068? ago


25405055? ago

Way more than the rediculous 6 million number that only idiots think was the count of the smallest alleged genocide during the ww2 era.

25404805? ago

They also trained Mao ze Dung.. and escorted him back to china... to try it there.

25404789? ago

When I first heard of this, just a few years ago, I said, "Whhhhhaaaaat? I never heard of that before!"

It is at THIS point where a person shows themselves to be a thinker or a zombie.

A zombie says, "... and, because I never heard of it before, it cannot be true. Impossible! What's on TV?"

A thinker says, "... and, it is strange that I never heard of it before, but let me check it out to see if there is any evidence for it ... because that would be really weird if it turned out to be true, and this knowledge was hidden from me all my life."

25411463? ago

A thinker says, "... and, it is strange that I never heard of it before, but let me check it out to see if there is any evidence for it ... because that would be really weird if it turned out to be true, and this knowledge was hidden from me all my life."

My wife accuses me of "all-or-nothing" thinking, or sometimes, "black-and-white" thinking. No gray areas.

Recently from reading my cousin's 17-year-old writing about Jesus, I have come to realize that all songs -- every single song out there -- all lyrics are about Jesus; whether drawing closer to Him, or pulling away from Him.

It's mind-blowing, to see the change in meaning.

Wife is for Earth; "until death do us part."

Jesus is forever.

God bless.

25404722? ago

When will you guys quit reversing white type out of black? You lose fifty percent of possible readers..

25404537? ago

Yes, I did but it was successfully hidden for many years, and to normies it still didn't happen. If you tell one of them about it they look at you with total confusion. They have never heard in their life before you telling them, because all we have been formally taught non-stop for the last seventy five years is holocaust, holocaust, holocaust. The fucking jews had control of this country, its government and its media before WWI was fought or neither of the world wars nor many of the other conflicts would have ever been fought.

They used these wars to kill off the best of the White men all the while promoting the fucking shitskins entry into our countries.

BTW: The holomodor was mostly a starvation genocide. They will use the same tool again. They don't have the number for real wars, and their ability to get Whites to kill each other is dwindling fast.

The next wars should be fought to wipe them out, and then to cleanse White countries of all that refuse to live by White people's standards and values. Want to live like a damned nigger? You can do that in Africa, or you can take a fucking permanent dirt nap.

25408734? ago

Lol can you imagine jews physically trying to take on the whites.

25404433? ago


25404118? ago

Jews are fucking hypocritical, blood thirsty monsters