25620573? ago

They're talking about different groups of people. There's Holocaust survivors, Holocaust death camp survivors, Jewish Holocaust survivors, and Jewish Holocaust death camp survivors.

25622310? ago


Sorta like how they count "COVID deaths"?

Same people doing the counting.

Doesn't matter who votes that counts; it's WHO counts the votes.

Seems they're on first, for trial now.

25647371? ago

No. The different articles are talking about different groups. It's as simple as that.

25620659? ago

And in reality, none of those groups are real, because the holocaust never happened.


25647359? ago

I really doubt the soldiers who liberated the camps would make up something like that.

25647402? ago

What soldiers?

Please debunk the video.

25647523? ago

The American soldiers who liberated the death camps. That's how we first found out about them.

I'm not watching conspiracy theory videos. There's tons of direct witnesses who have nothing to gain by lying about it.

25647569? ago


The holocaust did not even exist until the 1950's.

There were no death camps.

You've been presented with factual evidence, yet you refuse it.

25647646? ago

So the soldiers made it up?

25647708? ago

No, the jews made it up.

We've already had this conversation in another thread.

25648850? ago

I haven't been on Voat for a bit, so I don't think that conversation was with me.

Why do you think the American soldiers lied about witnessing the Holocaust?

25620489? ago

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25620232? ago

They are confusing the numbers. In some places, the survivors are ones who actually survived being in the camps. In other places, the survivors also include those who got away without being in a camp. Apples and oranges.

I've seen census figures showing that there weren't even 6,000,000 in all of Europe. And a lot of them left for America and other countries. Between that info and the numbers of them that were still alive after the war, there's no way that as many as 1,000,000 died.

25620552? ago

In the big picture, to me, how they arrive at their numbers is kind of irrelevant.

It's a fictitious event.

The point of me posting this is to show people that they will pull numbers out of their ass, use manipulative language to get pity, and generally bullshit the public to further their narrative.

25622303? ago

Also all those newspapers gnashing about 6 million, from beofre WW1!

25619213? ago

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25613960? ago

I wonder when they talk remotely if they ask each other about keeping the story straight?

25622300? ago

And I bet they use the compromised Zoom software to do it over, kek!

"These people are stupid" indeed.

I mean I bought cannabis with texts, before it went medical then recreational here. So I'm not saying they have stupid locked up.

But they will have, stupid, locked up. :)

25621461? ago

There's a very small group that appears on TV and public appearances. Like 10-12?

Kind of how like at the fake school shootings you only hear from David Hogg and that bald girl, despite supposedly hundreds and hundreds of students being affected by the terrible event.

25613785? ago

WWII dates will soon be changed.

25613589? ago

I have been saying for years that a new hall of cost survivor is born everyday!

Here is proof!

25613080? ago

Combining this info with another thread that said $85 B from Germany alone to survivors = $85B / 500K = $170K per person. You know what they say - There's no business like Shoah business

25620353? ago

And that’s just Germany. Don’t forget the US Reparations paid to the Jews which I think went into effect around 2016

25612834? ago

At this rate it won't be long until we get to six million.

That could be awkward!

25611948? ago

nice find

25611819? ago

Did you know nazitards struggle with math and numbers?

25611854? ago

Jew Math is exceedingly difficult, please help me.

For example, in the 2018 NY Post article above, it insinuates there were only 500 "holocaust" survivors, after the war, right?

But the 2016 Time article says there were still 500,000 holocaust survivors alive in 2014?

25611906? ago

Jew nazitard Math is exceedingly difficult

There, fixed it for you. That Soros programming you have is pretty bad.

25620326? ago

Yea, soros is one baby dick sucking jew, for sure. Along with most Israelis.

25611934? ago

Can you please explain the 300% increase in holocaust survivors between 2018 and 2020?

Or are you not allowed to deviate from the script?

25613465? ago

What 2 numbers did you divide to get 300%

25613576? ago

According to the logic presented by the articles above, there were only 500,000 Holocaust survivors total, after the war, in 1945.

Incredibly, there is no record of the holocaust story until sometime in the 1950's.

Amazingly, all 500,000 of them remained alive until 2016.

Sadly, 80% of all living Holocaust survivors died between May and July of 2016.


You'd think we'd have heard about that modern shoah, no?

They were consistent with their 100,000 number until January of 2020, when it became 400,000.


25613659? ago

You mean the articles from fake news websites? LMAO

Let me know when you have something solid.

25613680? ago

Sites owned by jews? Promoting the jew lie?

There is nothing solid, because the holocaust never happened.

25613691? ago

Yeah, great work nazitard, you used information from your enemy to come up with a number to spew propaganda against your enemy.

You are a very good Soros drone. Soros would be proud of you.

25613705? ago

It stings, doesn't it?

25613714? ago

I don't know, does it?

I guess I would be stinging too if I found out I'm a Soros drone.

25613755? ago

"Soros drone, Soros bot, Nazi faggot, Nazi tard..."

You silly kikes have always lacked creativity, never a shred of authenticity.

The people are awakening to your lies and here you are frantically bouncing from post to post that exposes the lies you've pushed for many decades, regurgitating the same meaningless lines.

25613766? ago

"Soros drone, Soros bot, Nazi faggot, Nazi tard..."

Yes, they are pretty much all the same. It looks like I'm breaking through your programming!

25622292? ago

yes, but you? i'll pray for you

25612101? ago

Where did you get this data? Sauce please.

25612116? ago

Did you check the OP ^^^?

25612174? ago

The so called increase in survivors is the Economist and Time.

Do not blame the rank and file member of the Jewish faith for a couple of lefty leaning articles published.

It certainly does paint all Jews as deceitful - very unfortunate indeed.

25620289? ago

Sucks to be labeled because of a small minority, huh? The irony is overwhelming.

25612263? ago

Jewish faith?

Is Judaism only a religion to be hidden behind when trying to elicit sympathy?

And a race when trying to take advantage of tangible benefits?

I sure see a lot of "jews" who are openly atheist or even satanic.

Faith? God sent the Messiah and jews had Him killed. Yes, some did believe.

But those claiming to be religious jews today reject Christ and exhibit no faith.


John 8:44 Context


41Ye do the deeds of your father. Then said they to him, We be not born of fornication; we have one Father, even God.

42Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me.

43Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.

44Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

45And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not. 46Which of you convinceth me of sin? And if I say the truth, why do ye not believe me?

47He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God.