25787728? ago

Cancel Black everything.

25784459? ago

25 years ago I was in the eighth grade, and we had black history month in school. And I remember it being really pushed down our throats, and everyone, even the teachers had an ass-full of this crap. So by the 20th day of exercises for black history we had to draw a picture about what we learned. Me being a combination of not giving a fuck and wanting to amuse my friends decided to draw the underground railroad as a literal railroad with a train. And each car was labeled "dead bodies", "dead chinks", etc. And the train operator was mid jump out of the engine and another guy was building a brick wall on the tracks as they approached. I got a C+ and it hung on the wall among all the others. And that was my first glimpse that most of life is just going through the motions and the actual content is often ignored.

25784399? ago

I am OK with a bit of black pride, we should all have pride, except the muzzies, but not BLM

25784208? ago

Let's rename it... Barack is history month.

25781656? ago

if black people were treated so poorly during the times of slavery, there wouldn't have been any black landowners to own their own slaves. Think about that. The majority of slave owners were black. They owned land here.... they owned their own people and many other races of slaves.

25781635? ago

Agreed. Along with BET, Blackish, UNCF, affirmative action, etc...

25781501? ago

I told folks years ago that eventually everything would be considered racist. That Whites would be considered racist by default and many other things accordingly. Everyone said I was a lunatic and a conspiracy theorist. We need to separate from the races. We need to discuss race and the differences between the races. But we are too scared as a society to even think about it much less say and do it. Most Whites don't have the stomach for it.

25781784? ago

The riots have made it easier.

25781802? ago

I would say that's accurate. However, we still have much more to go...

25781816? ago

One of the ladies I work with admitted she wants to live in an ethnostate.

25781833? ago

Hmmm. Interesting. Well perhaps this will lead to something. More folks need to think and discuss these things.

25781864? ago

I've found that as a Christian attacking the jew from that perspective is helpful. Bring up what a mohel is. What they do is not written in the Bible.

25781871? ago

In the bible they talk about the Jews being of the synagogue of Satan and are of their father the DEVIL!

25781883? ago

That they do, and the Israelites went to Temple, not a synagogue.

25781893? ago

I see what you mean. You should read Revisiting Revelation by James Mason. You will love it.

25781935? ago

Saved the comment for later. I'm off to sleep. Stay safe anon.

25782005? ago

Stay safe fren.

25780639? ago

Agreed. And while you are at it please cancel the gay pride thing too, thanks.

25780874? ago

What they do in private is bad enough. What they are allowed to do in public is disgusting.

25780248? ago

Why don't we just give them a black month on TV once a year, and the remaining 11 months only whites get to be on TV.

25780560? ago

Or we could just ship them all back to Africa.

25781494? ago

Why don't you stop watching TV. Haven't noticed a nigger history month in a decade.

25781792? ago

I don't watch tv, dummy. But that doesn't mean I don't remember it being a thing.

25779966? ago

Who said we're all the same lol

25780475? ago

(((They))) do.

25779575? ago

You racist faggots whine more than leftists.

You sound like a bunch of weak victims. Get over your race obsession. YOU are the only reason you’re a miserable sack of shit.

25780592? ago

nigger fragility

Too bad you can't stop bitching about that one time you had to work. lol

25784623? ago

One, I’m white.

Two, I own a business and work my ass off.

Your parents failed you miserably. I’m sure you embarrass them.

25784648? ago

I hope your precious blacks burn your business down and rape your family.

25779171? ago

Most of recorded history is a LIE, it is written by those that wish to push a worldview. In the case of Black History Months its to soothe the Negroid low self esteem by SJW's, Liberals and White Apologist types.
The real story is needs to be told, The real source of Negroid Slaves, was Negroid Slavers and Traders of Africa, they had been doing it long before evil whitey arrived. Negroid tribes used to raid other tribes for Slaves. Almost all the original Negroid slaves to America, were trapped and sold by their own kind in Africa, Negroids selling or trading other Negroids is the real story

25780754? ago

The recorded history is fine, what they typically do is just make shit up and hope you don't check the record.

Mostly, people don't bother.

25779284? ago

Brought over by the jew.

25779373? ago

Not all, but most are said to have been jews.

Black History Month represents a manufactured LIE like all other Months Days Weeks they are created to soothe SJW's and Liberals ego's

25779087? ago

If niggers weren’t loathsome I would be fine with a month celebrating their “history”. Like I have no problem with Irish parades or Polish day at the ballpark or a German festival at the state park. I’d give Italians a month, or Fins or the Dutch.

See, but they’re MONKEYS.

25779298? ago

Spot on. You can be around an idiot, but when someone is prone to crime of any kind that's an issue.

25779034? ago

If We Are All The Same Then black History Month Must Be Cancelled. It Is Inherently Racist And Divisive.

Are you going to try to divide people by their skin color? I disagree with Evil behaviors. Such as dividing people by their skin color, or faith, or orientation, or gender. I agree with Good behaviors though.

One Of Many Black Patriots Is BCP :)

• Black Conservative Patriot (BCP)'s channel with 428,000+ subscribers at https://www.youtube.com/user/semajthethird/videos

• Minds at https://www.minds.com/BlackConservativePatriot/

• Twitter at https://twitter.com/Black_C_Patriot

• Website at http://www.BlackConservativePatriot.net

• Support BCP at http://bcpextras.com

• Shop at https:// teespring.com/stores/bcp-merch


"BLEXIT is the black exit from permanent victimhood, the black exit from the false idea that we are somehow separate from the rest of America. BLEXIT is an ongoing widespread black Americans exit from the Democratic Party's plantation." Video

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They want you DIVIDED.





United or Divided?

I suggest to ignore calls for division. Because by remaining united you are STRONGER. Thanks you for being you ♥. Including, but not limited to united Atheists, Blacks, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Whites, and all other flavors. Compare to divided where you would be weaker :(

With infinite love ♥


25783501? ago

God divided people by their skin color. Are you putting yourself above Him? (J/k I know that's like your whole deal)

What's more good, destroying a pleasant illusion or trying to protect people from hurt feelings? What's more evil, making people uncomfortable or interfering with their ability to navigate reality?

If the God of Truth is evil, then I will spread evil everywhere. The God of Truth divides. Light from darkness, heaven from Earth, and each of the races to their own customs and languages.

Quit your genocidal "unity" bullshit. You want unity? You want peace? Tell the other races to support white ethnostates.

25780649? ago

Kool propaganda post, dickhead.

25778901? ago

Your missing the shot completely.

The jewish solemnise who push all this social Marxist shit simple hate Whites and use blacks and others as a way to attack us.

To the point where the Jewish lying press has whipped idiotic blacks into an anti white frenzy and they have murdered two white children this year just for being White.

25781988? ago

Correct. Sadly, many Whites haven't awakened. In order to organize we must awaken and be motivated enough to do so.

25779312? ago


25779391? ago


You are better than making threads than I. I will try to emulate your technique.

25780527? ago

It's tough here in QRV. My success rate is not as high as you might think. However I have had more success once I stopped using slurs. I made this choice after I listened to Rockwell at Brown University say that's what he does at his speeches as a guest. In the street he would say whatever. Also note that with my low success rate I've taken to quicker to make posts like this, where I take a few minutes to just type up something real quick.

25780838? ago

I tried to cross post this


And it got sank with a quickness.

I guess the enemy poisioned the well for videos by posting gay porn.

25780922? ago

It happens but you can still have some success


25781073? ago

Would you mind knocking this one up to a positive number I don't want to make a 3rd thread of the same thing. Tyvm


25781013? ago

One of the kikes in that thread I recognize it's writing style. Jidf who's entire job it is to go around being a faggot.

Since they hung streicher for running der sturmer they set their own precident for enemy shills.

25778779? ago

I'd like to see black slave owners celebrated during Black History Month.

25779318? ago

Bunch of jews and anthony johnson.

25778639? ago

yes, along with juneteenth

25779326? ago

What's that day for?

25778343? ago

That means the white holiday of father's day must also be canceled

25779864? ago

Don't you know whites appropriated Father's Day?


25778240? ago

Ah yes, Black violence month.

25778351? ago

Here's me having fun with a jew.


25778156? ago

We're not the same though.

25778204? ago

I concur, I'm just using (((their))) language.

25778090? ago

A good buddy of mine was awarded 'Black Employee Of The Month' and got his photo on a huge placard in the lobby of a certain Silicon Valley tax software company. Sadly he could not see how it was racist as fuck. I was disgusted. Unless there's a White Employee Of the Month or a Yelllow Employee Of The Month etc it is pure liberal racism at its finest.

25777683? ago

If we ever have true equality in America, blacks will be exposed as inherently worthless.

The only way to keep the money flowing and the charade alive is the phony grievance industry.

Blacks can't make any money worth talking about without affirmative action at a minimum. Strictly on the merits, they would all be cleaning toilets and robbing banks.

No one really wants to hire them and they won't unless someone makes them.

25781999? ago

Based AF.

25778149? ago

It's just like how schools were (((integrated))) at gunpoint.

25778177? ago


So Trump wants to continue a system that was forced upon whites at gunpoint? Bad boy.

25778422? ago

25777443? ago

Whites should just start having their own months and then throw the opposite in their face if they say shit

25777824? ago

White people aren't in charge of anything, that's the problem.

25783398? ago

Then let's collectively be in charge of ourselves. That's how the settlers rolled. We've got to see "fellow whites" aren't white, and we've got to create something like a government for ourselves.

We can do it a million times better than CHAZ.

25777378? ago

Oy vey.

25780580? ago

Shut it down

25778173? ago

It's anuddah shoah!

25777170? ago

The real problem is hispanic heritage month starting Sept 15 and going to Oct 15, that way, they can start earlier in Sept for their month, or delay the end of their month in the last week of October, thereby grabbing 2 months, not to mention they also grab the first week of May.

25778182? ago

Didn't know that.

25777161? ago

just let the niggers have their stupid month. if they are ever strong enough they will realize its all pathetic and unnecessary but for now they are petulant children.

25777149? ago

There should be American history month. Nothing more, nothing less.

25777132? ago

Trump gave 500 billion to these ppl https://files.catbox.moe/d695mp.mp4 ...............

25783275? ago

Loan != Give

Loans are giveaways to (((these))) people, especially when their targets are as dumb as nogs.

25778561? ago

He's a traitor.

25777058? ago

It should be American history month, to teach the truth to the citizens.

25776880? ago


We just get shit on, 24/7.

25783460? ago

And then the useful idiot sheep applaud those history months, not realizing whites don't have one. They virtue signal about how important the history is without noticing the charade. Honestly, I've lossef faith in our fellow white people. Shame on them for calling out this hypocrisy.

25781884? ago

oh vey you are the #1 terror threat for always living peacefully, black people look at that and can't understand how you do it = terrorism. War is peace, ignorance is strength, think in newspeak.

25782089? ago


25779039? ago


We just get shit on, 24/7.

Are you going to try to divide people by their skin color? I disagree with Evil behaviors. Such as dividing people by their skin color, or faith, or orientation, or gender. I agree with Good behaviors though.

One Of Many Black Patriots Is BCP :)

• Black Conservative Patriot (BCP)'s channel with 428,000+ subscribers at https://www.youtube.com/user/semajthethird/videos

• Minds at https://www.minds.com/BlackConservativePatriot/

• Twitter at https://twitter.com/Black_C_Patriot

• Website at http://www.BlackConservativePatriot.net

• Support BCP at http://bcpextras.com

• Shop at https:// teespring.com/stores/bcp-merch


"BLEXIT is the black exit from permanent victimhood, the black exit from the false idea that we are somehow separate from the rest of America. BLEXIT is an ongoing widespread black Americans exit from the Democratic Party's plantation." Video

WebsiteTwitterFacebookInstagramAll Videos


They want you DIVIDED.





United or Divided?

I suggest to ignore calls for division. Because by remaining united you are STRONGER. Thanks you for being you ♥. Including, but not limited to united Atheists, Blacks, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Whites, and all other flavors. Compare to divided where you would be weaker :(

With infinite love ♥


25781477? ago

BCP doesn’t even mention Q.

25779635? ago

Get lost, kike

25779072? ago

I got your "faith", bitch.


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25777914? ago


Says the shrieking Jew pretending to be white.

25778300? ago

jews get a month too, faggot.

25776894? ago

Oh boy, can't wait for transhistory month

25779724? ago

With kids!

25777210? ago

I was gonna go with October personally.

National Disability Employment Awareness Month (October)

25776864? ago

Maybe someday blacks will figure out that having a special month and special colleges and special entertainment awards etc. only makes them 'special' in the same way that LD (learning disabled) was changed to "special needs" to make the slow learners feel better.

Blacks can act special or they can behave as equal, but they cannot do both at the same time.

Other than it being mildly annoying that some blacks have defrauded taxpayers by enriching themselves while falsely claiming to help other blacks, I really don't care to get emotionally invested in their drama.

25776316? ago

This post is divisive. NatSoc Left getting awfully pissed their Justice died and Trump is helping black people with a no strings attached opportunity to succeed without the left.

Shills are proof of that.

25781874? ago

9 hours in and I'm still on qrv's front page. Only 5 down votes. 272 views. Qanons are learning the truth.

25777173? ago

Oh sure, this is probably a shill post, judging by the sheer volume of posts on here today of a race baiting nature, however it's not really inaccurate by itself. We shouldn't have a "X- ethnicity" month of any kind. We should have an American history month, plain and simple.

25778254? ago

It is inaccurate. MasterBader Jizzburg was a rat faced jew.

25776889? ago

You are a shill, because nobody is so retarded as to think communists = nazis, except you dumb motherfuckers.

And you're spamming this shit in every thread.

25776401? ago

This post is about black History Month, not Justice ginsburg. I ask that you please stay on topic.

25776425? ago

You are so pissed. I can’t stop laughing right now!!!! Bwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahabahahahahahahahahhhah


You are the ultimate punchline. Just like your ancestors.

25776479? ago

Off topic.

25776255? ago

let them have it, but for every 1 month we should have 6 months of white history. We all know that ain't going to happen.