25770832? ago

What an unfortunate looking dude.

25769953? ago

Orange Lives Matter.

25769780? ago

So the the libs are right. All of the money didn’t go to the DNC. LMAO

25769419? ago

Robbin hoodz n sheeit

25769222? ago

what in the FUCK is that

25769021? ago

The jokes write themselves

25768980? ago

"He wuz gonna gibs them money to them blacks kids who gonna school, fuking whity with their taxes only tryin to keep a black man down."

25768874? ago

He has nigger lips.

25768845? ago

Dude looks like a retarded mongoloid Richie Cunningham.

25768374? ago

What an ugly mongrel.

Niggers ruin everything.

25768228? ago


25767409? ago

nothing to do with black lives

25767351? ago

It's like an albino ginger nigger!

25767231? ago


25767089? ago

Finally, the FBI's justifying their existence.

25767020? ago

So a socialist using corporate capitalism to steal?

Got it...

He got arrested.coz the government doesn't like competition.

25766970? ago

ugly fucking albino nigger

25766639? ago

Is that black?

25766624? ago

A "founder" is someone who has access to their money.......

to steal..........

25766482? ago

The fbi arrests their own people?

25766473? ago

Send him to Africa. He will end up in a voodoo potion to make their dicks bigger and cure aids.

25766022? ago

Fuck the racist losers on Voat. They don’t represent the Q movement.

25767237? ago

You know Q started on 4chan right? Maybe you don't represent the Q movement.

25765870? ago

Of course the founder of BLM greater Atlanta is not even Black. There is no such thing as an albino black person. He's white. Of course TV has tricked everyone into thinking he falls in to the same category as someone who is actually black. How many of you thought he was a regular white guy until fox news said otherwise? End of story.

25767666? ago

Uh, that is clearly an albino nigger. The “race problem” has nothing to do with skin color.

I’ll bet you think Jews are also white, amirite?

25773346? ago

No, Being a Jew is a mindset.

25765866? ago


25765849? ago

Huge lips, ginger, jeez, he looks creepy

25765805? ago

lmao looks like something out of the Oblivion character creator

25765749? ago

Antifa member willing to do ANYTHING for money? I'm shocked!


25765550? ago

They should’ve let him keep burning their blood money

25765534? ago

Grab it, we can sell it to Africans they think albino are magic niggers and shit

25765269? ago

eeesh the great white ape. literal white nigger.

25765126? ago

So he probably has an exemption to wear some black face and nobody would mind?

25764971? ago

Someone actually whiter than Shaun White.

25764687? ago

Who needs to break into shoe stores when you can cash in like this:

The Toledo FBI office opened an investigation last year after a cooperating witness submitted a fraud complaint against Page, whose real name is Tyree Conyers-Page, FBI agent Matthew Desorbo said in the complaint.

Page founded Black Lives Matter of Greater Atlanta in 2016 and this year took in more than $466,000 in donations in June, July and August, Desorbo said.

"In sum, Page has spent over $200,000 on personal items generated from donations received through BLMGA Facebook page with no identifiable purchase or expenditure for social or racial justice," he said.

25764421? ago

Is this person crying?

25767027? ago

Ya, he looks like he's shocked that he got busted. Like he can't believe it.

25764303? ago

Hmm. Stupid people still give money to these con artists? Dumb to do so. I never give money except to my local soup kitchens or food banks.

All these groups only profit the crooks that start and run them. They are for profit!

25764189? ago

Lol black guy white face there is a joke there somewhere

25766519? ago

Is its white and toxic or just raycis?

25763972? ago

Is this where we hang her in the town square and thumb up/down it?

25763954? ago

Rachel Dolezal husband?

25763922? ago

I'll just post this comment from u/elcycs.

25767789? ago

Well fuck me. Thus is what I get for reading the article!

25763844? ago

Niggers are just fucking hopeless

25763782? ago

Blm getting run out of Yorba Linda right now by patriots lol stream at livenewsnow on twitch

25763676? ago

Albino boot-lipped nigger.

25763577? ago

Is this the meeting to coach them what to say and what not to say?

25763431? ago

Aren't albino's the retards of that race? Like, it's known that the gene he carries that makes his skin appear "white" and his hair "red/orange" is from generations of inbreeding. Like the Banjo Paying Boy in Deliverance.

What is the MSM trying to prove here?

25763700? ago


25763415? ago

It’s an albino negro.

25764377? ago

Oh my God. They are even more disgusting in albino form. They look just like macaques.

25767432? ago

I think they look more like these.

25763370? ago

That is one lucky white nigger right there. If he had been born on his native continent he would have been killed for ju-ju or body parts.

25783085? ago

Theres an episode of tales from the crypt where this plays out, but instead of an albino it's a redheaded irish dude.

Guess who lops his head off and brings it home to her clandestine tribe?

Whoopi Goldberg.

I shit you not.

25763348? ago

Arrests of GT...

Shit, not ANOTHER one. No wonder I sounds so stupid.

25763277? ago

Is it the jew or the nigger? ... Looks at nose. Pffttt all they got was the nigger.

25763261? ago

The evil eventually show their TRUE colors.

25763215? ago

Durr hurr....Arrests or GTFO!!!!

Seems like there are arrests....so "nothing ever happens" shills, GTFO!!!!

25764394? ago

Yes, because four years ago when we were waiting for arrests it was mid-level BLM leaders. You fucking idiot. If you really have to stretch this far you are admitting you have absolutely nothing.

25764095? ago

Nice. Some low level operative got arrested. Great. Now arrest Hillary, Podesta, and all the big offenders.

Or you can





25763137? ago

So the BLM crew is embracing the guy? They're the ones he defrauded. Carry on.

25763090? ago


25763079? ago

The headline says he spends $200G... What the fuck is $200G?

25763971? ago

Grand as Gee in Thousand? There were French and Italian mafia type who used a spin from the word grant and grande, it became slang from the early 1900′s, presumably from the expression “a grand sum of money” to mean $1,000. As with most questions of expression we don’t known when or exactly where it starts or you also have K as in Thousand also Kilo, this article was Fox btw some real NYC journalist or maybe one of their overseas FauxJews

25764154? ago

this article was Fox btw some real NYC journalist or maybe one of their overseas FauxJews

I swear valley girls are infiltrating all of the career positions now, bringing their cheap slang with them and desecrating all English language.

25762595? ago

BLM has a 'founder"? MSM says it is a movement without leadership.... What gives?

25769946? ago

B elligerent

L eftist

M obs

25768983? ago

Just like antifa, who is all too not about money.

25768883? ago

Fake news, of course!

25767068? ago

He's not BLM, he's BAM. Different group.

25763438? ago

They also claim Qanon has open leadership,so...

25769109? ago

Well, QAnon is more like a cult. Sorta. It’s culty.

25768886? ago

I thought I was leading this circus.

25764336? ago

Well they have open holes in the narrative of their stupid retarded cult, so...

25766157? ago

I smell butthurt

25769602? ago

Yet these shills spend hours and hours shilling on a forum they claim is about something that doesn't exist. I dant even imagine me wasting my life spamming a flat earth forum as much as these shills spend here..

Really tells you something...

25769753? ago

Must be close to mark to get them all riled up like this

25764209? ago

and ...???

25762984? ago


25763585? ago

Radical lesbions.

25763960? ago


25762561? ago

Got Mulatto?

25764314? ago

It's an albino nigger.

25769664? ago

Technically an albino mulatto. Dude looks mixed and albino lol

25770031? ago

Orange Lives Matter

25768706? ago

Your mom is an albino nigger.

25783082? ago

Mom says its time to come home from the library, Dad.

25768420? ago

How's he supposed to have magic negro powers without melanin?

25764546? ago

It's an albino nigger.

Are you going to try to divide people by their skin color? I disagree with Evil behaviors. Such as dividing people by their skin color, or faith, or orientation, or gender. I agree with Good behaviors though.

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They want you DIVIDED.





United or Divided?

I suggest to ignore calls for division. Because by remaining united you are STRONGER. Thanks you for being you ♥. Including, but not limited to united Atheists, Blacks, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Whites, and all other flavors. Compare to divided where you would be weaker :(

With infinite love ♥


25769130? ago

But it is an albino negro.

25768880? ago

Niggers can be any color.

You're the one being racist.

25769124? ago

No. “Nigger” is a noun, not an adjective.

25767622? ago

Race isn’t about skin color, you moron. It’s about inherent behavior incompatibilities.

25765562? ago

It's literally a white skinned nigger! We aren't judging it by the color of It's skin but by the fact it is a nigger

25765481? ago

niggers were brought to America by jews. They will be brought back to Africa by American patriots.

25765263? ago

shut up nigger.

25765109? ago

You're a kike, aren't you?

25764697? ago


Jews Are Behind The Largest Mass Murders in the History of the World... (QRV)



Bolshevik jews Slaughtered Millions of Ethnic Ukrainians and Russians, Many of Whom Were Christians, in the Years Leading Up to WWII



If the Holocaust Happened, Why is it Illegal to Say That it Didn't? Wouldn't the Facts Stand on Their Own? (QRV)



Hypothetically Speaking, If it Were Illegal To Question the Motives, Tendencies, Behavior and History of Certain People, That Would Be Alarming, Right? (QRV)



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"We've defeated the wrong enemy."- General George S. Patton



The Zionist Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals



Did You Know These People Have Been Receiving Reparations for Nearly Seven Decades? (QRV)



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Did You Know That as of 2014, Germany Alone Had Dished Out $85 BILLION to Jews Who "Survived" the Holocaust? (QRV)



How Did (((They))) FAKE the Holocaust? Why is it Illegal to Debate the Details?



So, Black People Have The Second Largest Continent, All To Themselves... But Jews Insist That The Rest Of The World Needs More "Diversity And Inclusion"... Why? (QRV)



Guess Who Does NOT Allow Dual Citizenship in Their Government? (QRV)



Haaretz: "Trump's Attacks on Antifa Are Attacks on Jews" (QRV)



AG Barr on Antifa: "They are a revolutionary group that is interested in some form of socialism/communism - they're essentially Bolsheviks." (QRV)



What is Jewish Bolshevism?



Q4693- For those who may have been confused: Antifa= The COMMUNIST PARTY of Germany. NOT Nazis.



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(((Netflix's CEO))) is the great-grand-nephew of psychoanalyst (((Sigmund Freud))) and grand-nephew of social engineer (((Edward Bernays))). Netflix is one big psyop.



109 Eviction Notices Since 250 AD. What Did General Ulysses S. Grant Have to Say About Them?



jew Math: 500k Holocaust Survivors Remained After the War. They All Lived Until 2016. Then 400k Died Within a Couple Months. 100k Remained Until 2018. There Are Now 400k Holocaust Survivors in 2020.



Deep State: Follow the Rothschild, Soros, and Rockefeller Money - "Deep State Moneymen Love Globalism and Communism"



Hitler DID NOT Defund the Police



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25765892? ago

Thanks for the truthpill

25764479? ago

In Africa they would have killed him for his magic.

25763138? ago

His head and skull feature looks old like Mongoloid or European caveman times?

25765900? ago


25763135? ago

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25762558? ago

Nothing will happen Trump just gave them 500 billion

25763363? ago

I know, it is AWESOME



25762602? ago


25762610? ago

Enjoy you globalist skank a scotus. You Q roach

25764415? ago

I didn’t agree with you on the other comment, but this one is correct. I wouldn’t call her a skank, but she’s certainly far from the best nominee we could have picked. Way too many red flags.

25762648? ago

Eat more Rodham pussy, bitch

25762670? ago

Looks like you've been eating her nasty pussy without even knowing. Enjoy the 500 billion to BLM and enjoy your new globalist cunt as a scotus :)

25763207? ago

Eating your mom's pussy gave you throat cancer, and unable to work taking it deep throat. Now you shitpost....LMAO!

25762539? ago