23360928? ago

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23360927? ago

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23360926? ago

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23356279? ago

If you don't our aggressive approach to dealing with shills, then you can go talk about Q on Reddit, and see how that works out for you. Dipshit.

23355037? ago

A follower?

Seems you're missing the whole point of Q.

Sheep mentality.

Wake up.

23355018? ago

Ya think those might be shills getting to you?

All shapes and forms.....

23354648? ago

Well said. It's been an echo chamber here for a long time.

Looks like the shills & the fanatics are downvoting this. Fanatics hate it b/c they can't handle real debate.

Shills love it b/c They want us divided.

23356375? ago

Fanatics hate it b/c they can't handle real debate.


We here on QRV are beyond those trite discussions, been there, done that, going on three years now.

If that's what you want to talk about, then gtfo of QRV, and go talk about it elsewhere. Because anyone who posts those topics here IS a sliding our research threads, and for all practical purposes a shill.

23404621? ago

This guy, exactly what I'm talking about. I'm not here to debate if Q is real. But open discussion on whether theories based around Q should be accepted. You just couldn't resist throwing 'shill' in there. You are a fucking joke & you are the reason ppl refer to us as Qtards.

23357510? ago

Research threads..? Hahahaha

23356906? ago

You do know we know your not a real Q follower and a fucking shill right?

23356863? ago

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23354689? ago

I appreciate it. I always follow the Q drops, I have redpilled numerous people on them both here and in the real world, but the fanatics make me more sick than the shills. This is a truth movement. We came here to find the truth and change the world. Attacking people for doing so and excising their right as an American to question is sickening.

23355087? ago

You're not looking for answers.

You're spewing your own lack of awareness.

Whining, really.

Wake up

23354271? ago

OP that's the point of their actions. To kill the movement.while pretending to defend it.

23354283? ago

I hope so. I hope these are shills responding back in this thread, because if not it's disgusting the way they will attack their own for questioning something.

23354221? ago

Good news. That should help with the bandwidth here.

Maybe we can drive them to twitter or something.

23354159? ago

Agree with OP. Blindly attacking everyone who finds concern with inconsistencies is a great way to kill the awakening.

23355162? ago

Toughen up snowflake.

23361993? ago

Waking up more like it.

23365767? ago

Resolve the inconsistencies. Think.

Waking up is figuring it out for yourself and determining what you believe.

Or just bitch that you don't understand.

23369515? ago

Q posts link to fake hollywood props. Then next day tries to backtrack with justification for doing so instead of admitting he played himself. But others need to figure it out for themselves. Genius logic retard.

23369823? ago

Is that what Q did?

Man you're smart to figure that out.

Good on you.

23376988? ago

You don't have to be smart to figure it out, you just have to not be a fucking retard. Pretty basic really.

23380708? ago

Perhaps familiarize yourself with the term: being facetious.

23382345? ago

Maybe familiarize yourself with the word: sarcasm.

23383670? ago

Yeah. That was in there, too. The first line of my post. The rest, facetious.

You're learning.

Good on you.

23392939? ago

You used it wrong. Rhetorical isn't sarcasm. It's ignorance. Try to keep up.

23396361? ago

"Is that what Q did?", he asked sarcastically.

"Man you're smart to figure that", he said facetiously.

"Good on you", he added facetiously, mocking him.

It wasn't a rhetorical question. Nice try, though.

Yes, try to keep up.

23397257? ago

Your pretzel logic has got you confused. "Is that what Q did?" isn't sarcasm, it's rhetorical. It's not the same thing. He can say it was sarcasm, but that doesn't make it so. If it was sarcasm it wouldn't be rhetorical. "Man you're smart to figure that out" was sarcasm, not facetious. Jesus Christ, didn't you retards take one English class?

23397656? ago

My pretzel logic? Lol

Yes, correct, I could have originally said, "introduce yourself to rhetorical sarcasm".

However, it was unnecessary, given that the context applied to was a question, and the "rhetorical" is implied. Okay, retard?

Regarding facetious, properly applied.

adjective. not meant to be taken seriously or literally: a facetious remark. amusing; humorous. lacking serious intent....

Lacking serious intent to the thought conveyed with the intent to mock.

Okay, pretzel brain?

23400597? ago

"rhetorical sarcasm" LOL. Nice try to cover your English failure by smashing two separate uses into one to make a double negative. The context you applied it was not a question. If it were an actual question then you really didn't know when you replied "is that what Q did?" So either you didn't know what the hell you were talking about then or you don't know what the hell you're talking about now. Either way you're starting to sound worse than Joe Biden. So you just played yourself again because you keep digging yourself deeper.

23405214? ago

Pretzel head.

In standard punctuation, when you see a ? It denotes a question.

Further clarification is required apparently, because you appear pretty dim.

"Sarcasm is a literary and rhetorical device that is meant to mock, often with satirical or ironic remarks..."

So I'll clarify the meaning and expand on the statement so as you might then be able to figure things out.

"Is THAT what Q did"?[You fucking stupid, dumb ass troll. Of course it's not what Q did.]

There you go. Comprehende professor?

23409608? ago

If it really was a question then that proves:

1. You really didn't know what Q meant and you really have a learning disability. But if you did know what Q meant then:

2. since you punctuated it with a "?" means it was rhetorical. There's no use of rhetorical in a sarcastic context. Neither the Webster or the Oxford dictionary refer to the use of rhetorical being sarcasm. Most likely because (as I educated you before) that would be a double negative.

You can use a rhetorical question and then later try to explain it away as sarcasm to cover for playing yourself, but you can't erase what you wrote.

23354188? ago

Thank you, even the responses here are making me question everything. I like Q, I like Q's research, I follow Q and hope Q is real. However these responses just make me cringe.

23354077? ago

Some of the 40,000 children brought from dark to light actually had malformed eyes and ears from being isolated in the dark for so long.

2.6k retweets and 5.3k likes

Exactly how is anyone going to take you retards seriously?

23354851? ago

i expect when the photo's start dropping you'll have figured a different objection by that time. If that's what you need to believe then realize it's coming. Meanwhile I suppose the doctors and nurses from the Central Park field hospital and navy ship who have leaked what they have seen is meaningless to you without them right? Careful what you wish for. Once the photo's are out the debate will be over...nothing happens right now or right away but it does happen.

23355043? ago

lol There aint no fucking kids that have mutated into Gollum you dumbass.

23355390? ago

now your topic sliding neither you or I said anything about a fictional character....problems noted were ears on some(genetic possible breeding program in play)...eye's being extremely light sensitive...skin conditions and bone conditions due to a lack of Vitamin D and K in the diet. Evidence of physical, mental and sexual abuse. Some had never seen the sky before...just some of the drops I and come across. Time will tell in the long run, so we will see won't we? So you don't have to like it it's okay I don't need your belief....I am just telling you whats known up til now....peace.

23355431? ago

You're delusional and deep down you know it.

23355696? ago

No your just unable to accept just how evil the your opponent is. Your push back is more or less a self defensive measure if your a normal human being but if I am right ...your world view melts in ways you don't know how to fix...then there are bastards like me who have seen evil and know what is possible... As I said time will tell who the most stable among us are...I'm telling you what is known....you don't have to like it....peace.

23356131? ago

Just gotta give it time right? Time is the fire in which we all burn.

23356653? ago

Almost everything about this has always been out of our hands ...Time ...Waiting....it's all we have. Our job is to pass on what we know...knowing doesn't make anything happen quicker then it already has or will. Welcome to the back of the bus ...there is a reason we are kept in the dark for the time being as we might to decide to take things into our own hands and end a witness they need. The worst among them, we not even aware of their names... or that they even exist. But time marches on future will prove the past. It has so far. The timing might bug you but then this is being done to free us forever not just kick the can down the road a decade or two.

23356788? ago

Tell me about the blue/red pill definition again.

23357093? ago

It's not about Blue vs. Red in either politics or metaphors it's about Good vs. Evil. Which side has the best retirement benefits? And remember not choosing either is still a choice. Narrow is the path...choose well.

23357197? ago

So just sit back and hope in other words?

23359437? ago

How about speaking truth to those around you, pray..he is listening dare I say trust God? We oppose an enemy entrenched and full of it's self and until recently thought it was untouchable. Eye's open..if your locked down and want it to stop use the time to push back at your local leadership many of whom seem okay with sidelining you in your house for months. I wait quietly for the beginning of an end, knowing full well that the right to Judge is Lord's and he's on the war path. The way forward took a long time to figure out....let's stay out of the way and let those charged with addressing the issues do their thing. In the meantime take care of you and yours ...get to know your neighbor. In the end hope will have nothing to do with it but the faith can move a mountain. Pray more worry less and in time you will realize hope has nothing to do with it at all.

23362581? ago

Your god is about to kill a lot of people my dude. Let's talk about "the plan" in a months time or so.

Out there in the real world where we are accountable for saying dumb shit I'm known as @BrennKommando


23367772? ago

Narrow is the path in a world where free will resigns supreme...realize those who face judgement brought it upon themselves by their own actions. You really gotta get Kevin Smith's Buddy Christ model out of your head. When God is pissed he has destroyed...people....cities and entire cultures. Q is just a messenger and no God so I hope you realize ...some will get reduced sentences for ratting out others....some will get 20yrs...some will be frog marched to a wall...gas chambers....electric chairs...and lethal injection medical suites. Why? Because they broke the law. And as we return to equal justice under the law realize even the Supreme Court has put Federal Executions back table again. The idea that they should be given a pass because of this that or the other thing just won't matter. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time, right? The will be no sympathy for the Devil's coming from this corner. But if it happens in month I'd be ecstatic but personally I expect it will be later , who knows, part of this has always been about scaring them into making mistakes and it worked. Look at our world now all for a LARP eh? Grand Juries have begun starting Friday....did you notice Durham hasn't produced a report. He's just going to indict so I expect in 30days we will have a lot to talk about Brenn.....peace.

23354051? ago

Concernfag warning. OP doesn't mention the ARMY of shills that try to sow doubt - endlessly. Be content to be a mealy-mouthed little fucker then. When people realize they've been oppressed their whole lives and then Q comes along revealing all the bullshit, it tends to provoke emotion in people. You can argue your points just like they can. Nobody is being banned here. May the best man win.

23354076? ago

Who is denying the shills? Did I say they don't exist? Why am I a conernfag for saying it's ok to question Q? Honestly. Is it not ok to question Q? Is this what the movement has become?

23354040? ago

This kind of shilling is getting monotonous.

23354053? ago

Yeah, and so is the fanaticism.

23354194? ago

Fanaticism? I’m pretty sure most assholes are shills. They constantly bitch about being call shill when all they do is attack this sub. Like you right now are pretending to be a patriot that’s fed up. This isn’t new. Shills have been doing this from the beginning.

23354213? ago

If I'm a shill I'm doing a poor job at doing it. I constantly expose pizzagate and do pro Q threads. God you such a tool.


23354296? ago

If I'm a shill I'm doing a poor job at doing it. I constantly expose pizzagate and do pro Q threads. God you such a tool.

If you’re not a shill than you’re pretty retarded. You claim to believe there is a global satanic pedophile cabal yet refuse to acknowledge that they would want to control their opposition. Have you ever heard of cointelpro?

23354310? ago

Once again, putting words in my mouth. What the fuck is wrong with you?

23354352? ago

???? So you’re doing your part exposing pizzagate but don’t believe there is a satanic global cabal behind it?

Lol. You are retarded.

23354366? ago

Did I say I don't believe in one? Once again, putting words in my mouth. Of coarse there's a global satanic cabal. Insulting me and throwing a tantrum and manipulating my words does not make you right.

23354425? ago

manipulating my words does not make you right.

What did I manipulate? I was just trying to understand why someone that believes the pizzagate cabal exists wouldn’t acknowledge that these same powerful people would be incorporating cointelpro anywhere there is a threat.

You claim to be a fed up Q follower. What the hell did you expect to get from this post? Is this your first day in QRV?

23354451? ago

Your obviously a child, or a fanatic, ether way I don't care. This post is for Q followers who feel similar to me and believe it's ok to question anything and everyone, including Q, which Q encourages to do so. I believe it's your god given right as an American to question everything.

23354996? ago

Your obviously a child, or a fanatic,

I’m just somebody that think you’re either a retarded person or a retarded shill.

This post is for Q followers who feel similar to me and believe it's ok to question anything and everyone, including Q

Asking questions is fine. I do it all the time. Pretending like you can’t ask questions in a community that questions literally everything is retarded shill fagging.

which Q encourages to do so.

And any genuine Q researcher would know this and encourage this. Pretending like cointelpro isn’t being used in this sub is retarded.

I believe it's your god given right as an American to question everything.

And people question all the time here. Shills like to make posts that pretend like this community isn’t interested in asking questions. We’re just not interested in questions that start off “why do you Qtards” and so on.

23353995? ago

We want people to wake up, not become followers. Waking up requires using one's own discernment - that includes being exposed to overly enthusiastic qtards and radical hateful leftists. If you need information curated, chances are you're still a long way from truly being awake and able to rely on your own discernment.

23355056? ago

This ^^^

23354011? ago

I don't need information curated, I do my own research on everything presented. I follow Q and even I'm becoming disgusted at the people who will attack even other Q followers who question anything. That's not using discernment, that's called being insane.

23354038? ago

I follow Q and even I'm becoming disgusted at the people who will attack even other Q followers who question anything. That's not using discernment, that's called being insane.

Your emotional response to things you don't like doesn't make other people insane.

23354045? ago

You are putting words in my mouth saying I need information curated, that's what I'm talking about. I mean what I said. No one deserves to be attacked for questioning anything, even Q.

23356471? ago

No one deserves to be attacked for questioning anything, even Q.



Go question (attack) Q on some other sub, or better yet, Reddit. There are 10,000 subs where people can debate that. That trash has zero place on THIS sub.

23356669? ago

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23356642? ago

Then, what is the PURPOSE of QRV???

23358121? ago

Q. R.esearch subV.erse.

It is supposed to be a place where people can discuss topics of interest, and share research related to things Q has posted about.

It's not here for noobs to slide threads with off topic crap, concern trolling, and doubting if Q is even real or not, in addition to shills infringing on OUR right to freedom of speech by constantly spamming the sub with flagrant voat rule violating spam.

23356596? ago

Sorry fuckface than you are not a true American. It's your right to question your government. Q even says question everything. Go fuck yourself.

23354099? ago

No one deserves to be attacked for questioning anything, even Q.

Which means that people challenging you for wanting to limit free speech and free expression don't deserve to be called insane because you disagree with them.

23354134? ago

This thread is pro free speech, jesus you are a master manipulator. This thread is saying it's ok to question anyone and use your free speech to do so. Your the type that flips on anyone asking questions on Q. Your the type this thread is directed at.

23354155? ago

I quoted your own words back to you in order to illustrate your cognitive dissonance. You're clearly a shill who's tired of being recognized immediately for what you are.

23354174? ago

Yeah, this shill has spent years doing hundreds of pizzagate threads, and Q threads, and has always been pro Q. Thank you for making me question everything.


23354183? ago
