quantum1234 ago

people believed CV was a bioweapon....then MSM started covering it. they used it to attack our President, they used it to attack our rights, they have used it to bury a cure.....they have used it to push their evil agenda....its not the reporting about the actual virus that has people upset, it the manipulation by progs that have us all upset!

TurquoiseLover ago

They don't like anything but watered down msm out here.

monsterdoggie ago

I'm not sure what you were posting from China, but I thought the videos of people falling down dead and dead bodies laying around the sidewalks were fake.


You're not doing anything wrong.

Everyone knows we are being lied to about ChiComVirus. But it's really hard to tell exactly why we are being lied to, or even how.

We can all sense that an agenda(s) is at work with the reporting surrounding CCPvirus.

So why did the MSM flip-flop on its reporting?

How did the MSM know that all the stores in the country ran out of toilet paper, at the same time?

When did they figure that out? Why didn't China run out of toilet paper first?

You like to research. Here's a challenge for you- Find the very first news report of a toilet paper shortage due to CoronaVirus. Let's see exactly how the MSM discovered that resource shortfall.

monsterdoggie ago

One of the podcasts I listen to (I think it was No Agenda) found a clip of a news station, which, at the very beginning suggested there would be a run on things like toilet paper. That was the first mention they could find, and soon after it actually happened.


So a news station planted the idea that there was going to be a run on toilet paper, and just like that, people ran out and bought truck loads of TP.

What I want to know, is how did the news arrive at that prediction. What led them to reporting that?

Did they run out of TP in China, or Italy first? If so, where is the first news report of that phenomenon?

Or was the media just feeding people a load of crap to plant a suggestion? That suggestion being that so many people were suffering with Corona virus, that unprecedented numbers of people were blowing their noses, and used up all the TP.

monsterdoggie ago

I think it was an American thing. I don't think it happened anywhere else, at least not until it happened here first.

Timekiller69 ago

Q says do your own research, he gives us crumbs and some hope that we "question everything" people are not crazy. I dont live in my moms basement, I actually own my own house, wow. You keep doing your thing, truth is not always easy to accept by everyone especially when it challenges your own beliefs. Stay gold Pony boy.

monsterdoggie ago

You aren't supposed to be here. This is only for basement dwellers.

Bir_Yaqub ago

If you are catching flack, you are over target. If you are catching flack from Q followers you are still over target.

TheTruthAwakens ago

If you believe Voat does not censor, you should look at the list of Banned users in Pizzagate. What do you see?

How could this be a natural pandemic? Does that seem even remotely possible at this point?

How could it have only begun in the US on January 15th? Does that seem even remotely possible at this point?

Does Trump not have the ability to hold people and organizations accountable?

Does Trump not have the ability to Share The Truth, even if it is merely through his Twitter account?

Are you and your family really safe as Q promised?

Who was the Anon before Q and what did they say to “keep digging into”? Did Q ever try? Does Q not know The Truth?

Does Q not know that Chuck Schumer, Anthony Weiner and Jeff Epstein are all members of the Knights of Pythias?

Is that too much Truth for Q to Share?

Does Q not know where the NXIVM doctor practiced or where her family lives?

Does Q not know where the Rothschilds live or what Mayer Amschel Rothschild’s real name was?

Think about this @gamepwn -

What is The Most Censored and Banned Truth on Voat Pizzagate and the entire Internet?

What happened to the “we don’t remove comments” lies on Voat Great Awakening? Look at the top sticky submission for proof?

What is the only thing those involved fear?

Do you believe in Jesus Christ and The Truth?

Are Jesus Christ and The Truth the Only Way?

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

What is The Parousia?

This is Easter Sunday.

The Truth is here. He is Risen.

DemonNancy ago

TY for posting. I didn't know about Parousia and Knights of Pythias. Here's a link for Parousia.

common-citizen ago

Excellent job Patriot !

derram ago

https://archive.ph/XigF1 :

World Health Organization (WHO) on Twitter: "Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in #Wuhan, #China🇨🇳.… t.co/1GHUbI2YXm"

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=X0jw36wHnDw :

QAnon followers believe the storm is happening and that's what we are seeing. - YouTube

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=EvI_wvqWoLo&lc=UgwEIWdj7ne80CePWDx4AaABAg :

Bodies in the streets of Ecuador - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

Ihatesports ago

Because people are retarded and they will put a minus in front of anything the network news says and automatically assume it's the opposite of truth. People are unwilling to accept that there are gray areas and sometimes what you hear even on CNN is the absolute truth and other times it isn't. It's not black and white. It's the same things to liberals do with Trump they put a minus next to his name and no matter what he does it's the wrong thing. Quit trying to please people and just do your damn job.