sunshine702 ago

"Selling children". Oh like John Luc Brunel did?

Anons know.

Kzintrooper2016 ago

In the first 30 seconds I could tell it was a waste of time. Bla bla bla conspiracies bla bla.....

Revodude2 ago

I think 10% is the key takeaway. That 10% know about Q and approve/support is huge. Since there are about 200 Million adults in the US, that means there are about 20 Million and growing Q supporters just in the US. Not to mention around the world. Wait till all the red pills start dropping.

Johnny_Ninja ago

Well I don't appreciate the continual usage of the phrase "conspiracy theory", and it's bullshit that they never even talked about any obvious proofs..

But [eyes on] isn't a bad thing, and this report is the first one I've seen yet that didn't include patently false bullshit to muddy the waters.

Christosgnosis ago

it's a term that's been so overused that it's about like how they wore out their favorite pejorative term, "racist"

not too worried about that - the exposure will cause yet more to become curious and try to check it out for themselves

TRFBYTrC0mmies ago

Agreed. He shoehorned conspiracy theory in there every chance he got, but I think it was overall positive.

Even Jesse speaking so nonchalantly about one of his boys following Q is positive, because most media would have people believe we’re a bunch of mentally ill homicidal maniacs.

Terri88 ago

How many follow but are not registered with the site? I did that for a while. So most likely more than stated.

TCDave7 ago

I favor the term 'conspiracy researcher'. Much more accurate as that is what we do.

RedPillMAGA ago

Or “conspiracy FACT”! =-D

ThepowerofQ ago

What no Hillary then

[3147] who dat on Ch11?

Lauraingalls ago

Somebody downvoated me just because I let you know somebody else posted the video.

I was just trying to be kind in case nobody responded to you.

Some people are pathetic.

Lauraingalls ago

Somebody already posted this video. At least it wasn't negative. Didn't call Q followers insulting names.

gamepwn ago

Q said to watch this tonight. I uploaded it to my YouTube channel.