Qmajor ago

The Army of Northern Virginia


wolfman411 ago

I don't buy it. but, their patch looks like a Q. but I'm sure thats just a coincidence

Scoundrel ago

Um the Army of Northern Virginia? You all sure about this?

gamepwn ago

Click the wikipedia link Thespeaker2 posted. It's Military.

Stretchmac ago

Careful. He wouldn't doxx Q.

But, he did confirm Q exists.

So, verified with misinformation likely......

Seer1965 ago

Great dig! Thanks!

R07m25s61 ago

Why did they chose 8chan for their platform?

TheFuglyAmerican ago

It was 4 chan first until security concerns then 8chan for security, same reason it is now 8kun, security

R07m25s61 ago

Are they not constricted by thos choice? Could there not be, if this fails then that will be alternate site?

derram ago

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=1PXbj6iFOeA&feature=youtu.beYouTube :

Retired General Paul E. Vallely admits QAnon is real in interview - YouTube

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