Khemyst ago

Let's hope that the Epstien case can be reopened and start the downfall from the pedo aspect intead of only the Declass/Treason acts. This will truly open up the eyes of the masses once these horrors committed by the corrupt come to the light of day!

Y8goKTH959VCLKty8xIz ago

It’s like their religion or something

Sanhedrin 55b

A maiden aged three years and a day may be acquired in marriage by coition, and if her deceased husband's brother cohabits with her, she becomes his.

Sanhedrin 54b

Pederasty with a child below nine years of age is not deemed as pederasty with a child above that.

Ketubot 11b

When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing, for when the girl is less than this, it is as if one puts the finger into the eye

Don-Keyhote ago

LMAO what do you think JewAnon is for except to co-opt pizzagate?? Imagine being as oblivious as OP jfc

Letshaveascrap ago

It doesn't matter. Trump is documented as going to pedo Island multiple times. He's not going to do shit to any elite pedos, only the ones who've stepped out of line.

BettyLiberty ago

That's a lie.

Trump is documented as having flown on Epstein's plane once, and never to the island. In 1999 Epstein was busted trying to mess with an underage daughter of a member of his golf club, and was banned from Trump's properties.

Snicklesnork ago


pby1000 ago


Heisenberg123 ago

Can you give me a source if it's documented?

369693936 ago


Phantom42 ago

Here's all the times Q has named the kike:

Don-Keyhote ago

"saving Israel for last" meant ensure they're the last ones standing

Blacksmith21 ago

Well, well, well - the DonkeyHole is back. How's that meth addiction working for you prick?

Don-Keyhote ago

missed u too bro, the meth here is great, Santa Ana Salt we call it

Blacksmith21 ago

Not your bro. Enjoy the rotting teeth.

Heisenberg123 ago

QAnon mentioned Rothschilds 26 times. Israel and Mossad has been mentioned several times and not in positive light at all. I think what you have wrong there is that you're thinking that all Jews support Donald Trump. 70-80% of Jews in America don't even support Trump because they're long time Democrats.

Phantom42 ago

Member for 1.2 years. Little participation.

Trying to shift the narrative, eh?

Doesn't work.

pby1000 ago

Q posted about Masonry, too.

Heisenberg123 ago

Lmao, I know I won't convince you but I'm actually researching Pizzagate from November 2016. Only in 2018 I've registered account here and later started to post. Imagine that I've discovered QAnon THIS year, meaning - 2019. I didn't knew about it before and I'm not for it or against it.

Antiracist10 ago

I'll name the kike Shlomo.

RampancyLambentRaven ago

WI has a corrupt police force and is extremely Catholic. I'm sure the police in WI cover up for the Catholic church in WI and shuffle a lot of molester priests around. The police, teachers, priests, and many parents are all pedophiles. Well what do you expect from a state that doesn't want men and women to get it on. It's so they can turn many repressed people into pedophiles. This state has a Catholic church shuffle, Pig shuffle, teacher shuffle problem and many abusive parents who are borderline Sadists. You even have sex with your own wife or girlfriend trying to start a family and the parents try to break up the relationship for no reason. Many parents in WI are cat ladies even the males and they are all manipulative and manipulate their own children.

Look into Jeffery Dahmer and how the police mishandled that one.

There is a scandal brewing here and waiting to explode. WI needs a statewide #METOO.

The kids have no recourse and no one to talk too and nowhere to go.

TrustTheTruth ago

Everything you said is absolutely correct, and it is even much bigger than you can imagine.

Most people are ignorant and controlled through their employment, church, education, service clubs, or the newspapers and social media.

They do not understand the role they play, and all communities in Wisconsin are silent and complicit to the problem.

Secret societies and elite groups control every aspect of life from cradle to career to grave, and beyond. This goes back generations, and in many cases includes systemic abuse.

Racine, Wisconsin is the Root of All Evil and the Model for the Global Agenda beyond 21 and 2030 of Eternal Enslavement.

The Agenda is forged through the Great Deception of Sustainability, with the Mark of the Beast enforced by 5G+ AI, Smart Cities, Resilient Communities and Community Policing.

Racine is the Clinton's model for Community Policing, and is now the Model for Smart Cities and 5G+ AI development.

Racine is where the Podestas, Weiner, Schumer, Byrd, Emanuels, Ryan, Priebus and many others were made.

Racine is a revolving door of corrupt pedophiles, criminals, and Luciferians in positions of power.

Dahmer also spent time in Racine, and there are many more serial and Satanic killers still in the area, including some still active.

The complicity and corruption has eroded every level of enforcement, and the courts are the most corrupt arm of all, controlled by primarily by the Marquette mafia linked with the Dominicans and others involved in the abuse.

The Johnsons are directly involved in the system of corruption and abuse, yet the community celebrates them while subsidizing their development of children's community pools and involvement in education and other children's programs.

Anyone who exposes the Agenda or the Root of Pizzagate and the system of Global Criminal Corruption is targeted.

They cannot allow The World to Know The Truth.

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

Hastur77 ago

RACINE!!! Reeeeeeeeee

SearchVoatBot ago

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WTFChuck ago

I live in Wisconsin. It's not perfect, but this rant of yours is unsourced balderdash. Prove some of this up. And I'd say about Dahmer the same thing I'd say about the Milwaukee Monsignor who ended up in prison for his abuse of children: they both met their end in the WI prison system, killed by other prisoners. Not waiting on a death row forever. I'd say that was a pretty good outcome for those two and the rest of us.

AmmaK ago

I live in WI, too. I listen to Field McConnell and he definitely has issues with many officials in Wisconsin, but for someone to make blanket statements like RampancyLambentRaven did is just wrong. There are many more good and decent people in Wisconsin than bad.

WTFChuck ago

I'm a big fan of Field McConnell as well. Was proud to know he was living in Wisconsin when I found that out. I agree with you that there are a lot of good people in Wisconsin. And I also acknowledge that Paul Ryan, who in my view is not so good a person, also heralds from Wisconsin. I think it's going to be the height of irony if we find out at some point that Joseph McCarthy was a good guy from Wisconsin and Paul Ryan was a bad guy. How efficient they were at turning things upside down!

AtLiEn6489 ago

Sad, such a cold cold place .... Cold depressing Midwestern weather doesn't justify pedophilia tho... Honestly though this is a worldwide problem and has been since Babylon 4 all we know...

God Bless The USA and WORLD!!!

Peace in UNITY!!!