Warmoose76 ago

What what!?!? You said Wisconsin that reminded me of a Static X song I haven't listened to in atleast 10+ years, "Wisconsin Death Trip" I searched the song and this was the second link on Google https://songmeanings.com/m/songs/view/19597/ notice the first comment on those lyrics "Just a little bit of Static-X trivia here:

The name of the album and the song Wisconsin Death Trip, according to Wayne Static, are from a book he found at a yard sale. It was full of pictures of dead bodies and babies in coffins, and he says it left an impact on him.

Just a little info on it...I don't see how it relates to this song, though. Any takers?"

11-11 ago

I'm gonna throw this out there b/c it's too weird not to

I was watching a random YT video and the woman started talking about RACINE Wisc.

The only place I've ever heard anyone talk about Racine is here....


Link should start at 4:18 / 4min 18 sec

Also of note along this line of thinking...

Milwaukee is a hotbed of witchcraft according to Bill Schnoebelen former warlock ( https://www.withoneaccord.org/ ). Racine is located about 30 min. from there I believe

To# Socratic_Question

This comment is related to how the Beast system will be implemented ... Just saw this vid. It's relatively new and incredibly well done. Watch to the very end.

The link (i think) will show the - list - of vid's put together by one YT user in regards to the topic of 5G and other interesting topics touching on the exti nc t ion of our species


To # TrustTheTruth....

yes, I noticed that @Wisconsin_is_Corrupt isn't around anymore and wondered about that. Thanks for bringing it up.

cc# TrustTheTruth # AmmaK # Lansing-Michigan # carmencita # In2wishun2 # gamepwn

Socratic_Question ago

Thank you, @11-11. I'll watch it.

pittsburghisapedoden ago

Oakland County Child Killer nuff said

Lansing-Michigan ago

Seems like Cathy O'Brian , Trance Formation of America, was from Wisconsin. Tried googling state where she was born and failed.Her father offered her up for mkultra and was very well connected / made money off of her. Former president Gerald Ford was mentioned being part of the ring.

11-11 ago


She was from Muskegon Michigan

Link although I don't know if it still works or not https://wikispooks.com/w/images/7/72/Tranceformation_america.pdf

CaJuN-M8 ago

I'm with you op. I want to know the answers to the questions you are asking.

TrustTheTruth ago

Everything @Wisconsin_is_Corrupt Shared was The Truth.

The Truth is not a distraction or misdirection, and proves the Agenda cannot be stopped unless the Root is exposed for all.

Racine is America's Bellwether - the key predictor for the nation, where the most powerful Boy Scout in Congress reigned.

Paul Ryan is part of a cycle of abuse and global criminal coverups linked through the political and economic engine of America and The World.

Paul Ryan was involved in the Tarmac meeting, and the pilot was also murdered.

I-94 is a major trafficking route, and Racine exposes the real agenda and true definition of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption.

The Global Chain of Command is Rothschilds > Rockefellers > Johnsons.

They have unlimited resources and will stop at nothing to eliminate any opposition.

They and the other most powerful families in America and around the world meet at Wingspread.

The Clintons, Bushes, Podestas, Emanuels, and even Trump all work for the same Masters with wealth beyond what you can imagine.

Warren Buffett, Epstein, Branson, Ron Burkle, Guy Oseary, Peter Thiel and many others manage various investments in the chain.

Through their networks, they control every industry, and infiltrate every community to know every angle imaginable.

The Hotel and Technology industries in particular are targeted to ensure full surveillance and control across every community.

Education and labor reform are keys to their global programs, as they monitor every aspect of life possible.

Everything is compartmentalized, however some people find out too much.

There was a long series that targeted @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt, and led to many death threats that were ultimately acted upon in real life.

Jenny Moore was also targeted, threatened and killed after finding The Truth in Racine.

Racine, Wisconsin is hiding very dark secrets involving the most powerful people in the world.

They use many Celebrities in The Great Deception. Some know more than others. Some sacrificed more than others.

Any who dare attempt expose the Agenda, or back out of The Deal they made, are destroyed, tortured, abused or murdered.

The Agenda involves Global Enslavement and Population Control beyond what anyone can imagine.

They control all aspects of Community and Life from cradle to grave, and beyond.

Racine, Wisconsin is the Model Community for the Agenda.

The cover-up of smaller crimes eventually led to the top levels of the FBI and DOJ.

There will never be justice or accountability in the system they control at all levels.

Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders, Paul Ryan and many others were given the Opportunity to Repent and do the right thing.

They all turned their back on Jesus Christ and The Truth.

Paul Ryan and an endless list of other officials in the area systematically resigned over the course in the transition.

Donald Trump closed The Deal for the 8th Wonder of the World from the Public.

The False Prophet Q was created to give Fake Hope that those involved would be held accountable.

They can and never will be held accountable in any court. Only a few examples may be made, without any real punishment.

The Art of The Deal is based on Deception.

Sustainability is The Great Deception to forge the real Agenda (Satan's Ability).

When did Q begin?

What Anon came before Q?

What did SenateAnon say about Racine?

Racine, Wisconsin is the Model for Sustainability and Sustainable Development which is the Foundation of Agenda 21 and 2030.

Racine, Wisconsin was the original Chicago, and is the hub for Global Programs linked with the Pilgrims Society, Club of Rome, Council of 13, Majestic 12, Knights of Malta and Pythias, Dutch Brotherhood, Sons of Norway, Bilderberg, United Nations, and so many others involved.

Racine, Wisconsin is the Model for Community Policing, Resilient Communities, and Smart Cities.

Donald Trump made The Deal in Racine for the 8th Wonder of the World, and no one seems to know what it is.

What is 5G+ AI? What is Dark Matter? What is the Sphinx Head (Society)? What is achievable with Quantum Computing?

There was a reason why the Masons were brought in as part of the coverup from the past administrations, and to set the course.

Look at the other partners of the I-94 Project and other clients of Superboss including Tom DeLonge and Penn State University.

What happened with the event center and hockey arena?

Who made illegal campaign contributions for mayoral elections?

Where did John Dickert stay on his secret trip to New York, and why didn't he have the "option" to leave at the end of his term?

How did the new mayor get elected, where is he from, and who violated the Hatch Act in the process?

What did his father do, and who are his other relatives? https://www.uwp.edu/explore/news/cmiiicmncspkr.cfm

What did his grandfather do, and how does that relate to The 8th Wonder of the World? https://journaltimes.com/business/local/rcedc-celebrates-foxconn-and-more/article_9106545a-8b64-5f7c-a71b-b19a83762b68.html

Why was this article removed? https://higherexpectationsracinecounty.org/posts/2018/04/19/rcedc-recognizes-start-it

Who is Kristin Bauer van Straten, what roles does she take, and what religion does she practice?

What was Mayer Amschel Rothschild's real name?

What does Dr. Chris Mason do?

Associate Professor of Computational Genomics, Weill Cornell Medical Center

Dr. Christopher Mason completed his dual B.S. in Genetics and Biochemistry (2001) from University of Wisconsin-Madison, his Ph.D. in Genetics (2006) from Yale University, and then completed post-doctoral training in clinical genetics (2009) at Yale Medical School while jointly a post-doctoral Fellow of Genomics, Ethics, and Law at Yale Law School (2009). He is currently an Associate Professor at Weill Cornell Medicine, with appointments at the Tri-Institutional Program in Computational Biology and Medicine between Cornell, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and Rockefeller University, the Sandra and Edward Meyer Cancer Center, and the Feil Family Brain and Mind Research Institute.

What is the Vallee Foundation? https://www.thevalleefoundation.org/programs/yia/christopher-e-mason-phd

Who is Linda Mason? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linda_A._Mason https://www.mercycorps.org/about-us/linda-mason-chair-global-council

Who is John Wayne Mason? https://medicine.yale.edu/news/article.aspx?id=7448 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Wayne_Mason

What is Eugenics?

What is Transhumanism?

What is Singularity?

Who is Samantha Marq and what artists does she work with?

What role did Caron Butler play? Where did he go to prep school and college?

What is Mark Wahlberg working on with Caron Butler? Where was Mark on 9/11?

They use both celebrities and technologies including Cellebrite to forge and enforce their agenda.

Why are FLDS, Knights of Pythias, Knights of Malta, and the Boy Scouts closely linked to NASA?

What did Admiral Byrd take to Antarctica on his missions?

What was discovered in Wisconsin, and what are the giant skeletons?

How were the pyramids built? What happened to the other Sphinx Head?

What happened to the ancient technology developed?

What do those involved in Scientology, OTO, Kabbalah and other False Religions believe?

Those involved in the Global Interfaith Alliance are setting the stage for One World Order and One World Religion.

The Agenda will be enforced with the Mark of the Beast, 5G+ AI, Smart Cities and Resilient Communities.

Their network is so vast and pervasive, it can never be fully identified or stopped without the Root being exposed.

Jesus Christ and The Truth are The Only Way.

Jesus Christ and The Truth are All they Fear. This is why they have targeted all organized religions and linked them to the systemic abuse.

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

ASolo ago

To kick off #PrideMonth I’ll be honoring this famous LGBT person Jeffrey Dahmer. A serial killer and a pedophile responsible for the death, rape and cannibalization of 17 men and boys. Dubbed the Milwaukee Cannibal , Dahmer is one of the most famous #LGBT people from Wisconsin.


And only one state over.

When I think of #PrideMonth I think of John Wayne Gacy! He was known as the Killer Clown because he was colourful, just like #PrideMonth2019!!! He raped, tortured and murdered 33 men. He also contributed locally to the Democratic Party as a precinct captain.

TrustTheTruth ago

Don't forget about Ed Gein, another serial killer from Wisconsin, who was a "frustrated transsexual".

There are many still serial killers active in the area. Michael Aquino knows.

Dahmer also spent time in Racine among familiar circles.

Why is Warren Buffett connected to Racine?

Why is Frank Lloyd Wright also celebrated by the Johnsons, Clintons, Podestas and so many other groups involved?

What happened to Judge Dennis Barry?

Are Reince Priebus, Paul Ryan, Scott Walker and the Boy Scouts celebrating Pride Month?

Why are torture, abuse and murder celebrated and glorified by the media?

What happens in Hollywood?

What is Celebrity, and what is Cellebrite?

What is Community Policing, and how does that relate to Pride Month?

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

Gladys_Kravitz ago

Judge Barry supposedly committed suicide at the Root River. I liked him. He was a tough but fair jurist. I never believed it was suicide. Dickert says he stayed with a friend while in NYC in order to save the city money. Also suspect.
Are JWax owners still involved with Boys Town? What is the nature of their involvement?

TrustTheTruth ago

What really happened to Dennis Barry?

What really happened to John Dickert?

What really happened in Boys Town?

What is the role of the newspaper?

What happened in Brazil?

Why did Paul Ryan really resign?

What happened to Anthony Weiner's laptop?

What was Mayor Pete doing in Racine?

Who is the next mayor of Racine, and who is his "mentor"?

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

Gladys_Kravitz ago

Can you provide any answers, such as why Judge Barry died? Why did Dickert resign? And Ryan? I mean, something specific, not just that they were corrupt or learned of others' corruption.
You obviously live here and know a LOT. Please provide some real answers. Thank you....

TrustTheTruth ago

They were all abused.

They were all abusers.

They were all compromised.

They were all controlled.

None of them made the decisions themselves.

What did Dennis Barry resign from immediately before his death?

Who runs the golf tournament in his name, and what businesses and institutions are him and his wife involved in?

What did the Awan brothers do, and how do they know Paul Ryan?

Who did John Dickert go to New York with?

Why did Paul Ryan work to shut down the Page program? Who were his "mentors"?

Who is on the Siena board and why?

What is next to Google in Chicago and why?

Why did Warren Buffett buy the newspapers when it is such a terrible investment?

Who donated to Dickert and Mason's campaigns?

Who donated to Ryan's campaigns, and why was Randy Bryce not a real candidate?

Why is Paul Nehlen not genuine?

Who founded Racine, and who did he work for?

We are the reason for the Tarmac meeting.

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

Gladys_Kravitz ago

Jack Kemp was a mentor of Paul Ryan. Buffett bought Lee Enterprises? My first thought would be the usual, to control the narrative. Awan bros worked for/with Mrs. Clinton. What do you know about the Gulen schools? I didn't know Judge Barry resigned before his death. Why did he? Apparently the Rotary conducts the tournament in his name. And? Why was Randy Bryce not a "real candidate"? Because of his utter lack of experience?

TrustTheTruth ago

Jack was one of multiple "mentors".

Warren does not appreciate The Truth.

Awans worked for more than the Democrats. Paul Ryan was no exception.

Who controls Global Education Reform?

Why did the Judge resign from Rotary?

What was he in the middle of?

What was he accused of?

Who runs the golf tournament and what are their other connections?

Who made the big speech at Randy Bryce's campaign event with Bernie Sanders?

Who made the video that launched his campaign?

Who made the video for the supreme court judge candidate?

Why did they need to control the local and Congressional elections?

What is America's Bellwether?

Who else ran against Randy, why, and what happened to them?

Who threatened the Scottish Rite temple in Milwaukee, how were they setup, and why?

What is the significance of the Sikh shooting?

What are ley lines?

Who is John of God?

What happened in Brazil?

Who controls Global Education Reform?

Where are the worst states for racial equality and why?

What are the expectations?

What is the most Valuable Resource in The World?

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

Jesus is The Lamb.

OpakapakaCaca ago

What was Mayer Rothschild's real name?

TrustTheTruth ago


Socratic_Question ago

@TrustTheTruth, Admiral Byrd brought malted milk to Antarctica. Lots of it. Should I extrapolate on this and the Horlick family in Racine? And was it really malted milk in all those crates?

TrustTheTruth ago

Yes they did take malted milk, a favorite of NASA that "all druggists sell", but they took much more. Horlick was involved in many related groups including the Knights of Pythias, the Elks and Masons, and the Mystic Shrine, and was Knighted in Norway. He married his cousin, had four children, including Alice who died at age 11.

There are tunnels under Horlick school and throughout the city. Mitt Romney was named after the quarterback of the Racine Legion NFL team that played at Horlick Field, where the Racine Belles won the first World Series. A different field was used in A League of Their Own, but Tom Hanks knows about Racine. Ask his son.

The families that control Racine run generations deep, with abuse and pedophilia, mind control, grooming, bribery, blackmail, racketeering and other crimes. Sustainable Racine and Leadership Racine are two of the common pathways to ensure community leaders will follow the Agenda.

Wisconsin has great significance in both sports, including the Olympics, and with ancient civilizations, They are connected. What happened in Rio, does trafficking increase during the Olympics, who are the key sponsors, and who benefited from Zika? Who is George Poage? What happened to Caron Butler and Mark Wahlberg?

Where were the majority of the Majestic 12 from? Wisconsin.

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

Socratic_Question ago

@TrustTheTruth, was Alfred Lawson relevant in any way to the truth? The land on which his 'University' was located in Racine, WI is now owned by Foxconn. Lawson was part of the early aviation industry in Wisconsin. He then took interest in social cause and philosophy, both of which relied heavily on his personal perspective, and are regarded by most internet sources as crackpot theories. There is a picture online of Lawson standing in downtown Racine awaiting the start of one of his direct- credit parades. He is standing in front of one of Racine's early furniture stores. This store was also involved in the funeral industry and was connected to that part of it's business via underground tunnels. Was Lawson connected to or did he have knowledge of any of the things that went on concerning the "Root"?

TrustTheTruth ago

There is much more to this story than many realize. It is extremely relevant.

In2wishun2 ago

You mention Root often. Does that Refer to Root River Council?

TrustTheTruth ago

Racine means "Root", and the Root River plays an important role. Machinery Row was a corrupt development deal along the Root River, and the water deals in the region leverage the river also. The newspaper helped locate the straw man investor, linked through Freemason groups to push the development deal, and everything fell apart when the kickbacks started being scrutinized.

The Root River Council is absolutely corrupt and comprised of criminals, and serves as one of many more corrupt arms in the community. Greening Greater Racine, DRC, RAMAC, Rotary and the Sustainable Business Network are a few others. The list is long.

Milwaukee 7 is a main part of the water control mechanism linked with major PACs and think-tanks including Aspen and Brookings among others. The Marquette Mafia is one of the groups that control the courts and ensures none of them are held accountable.

How did SC Johnson secure such a great water "deal" with a corrupt pedophile mayor? Why was he eventually forced out of office?

Racine is the Root of All Evil and the Model for the real Agenda.

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

Socratic_Question ago

Hey,@TrustTheTruth, you've talked about exposing "the root", aka the "bottom of the pyramid", which you say is in Racine. Are there any individuals living in Racine who are higher up on the pyramid of power who don't hold public positions? If so, please provide some clues. Also, you've mentioned that there are active serial killers in the vicinity of Racine. Will you provide clues regarding people involved or locations at which they practice their craft?

TrustTheTruth ago

The top levels control everyone below usually without needing to be involved as the system supports the structure.

The same groups are involved across every organization in the community to control every aspect of Life from Cradle to Grave.

https://www.unitedwayracine.org/board https://racinecommunityfoundation.org/board-of-directors.html https://www.racinechamber.com/about-us http://racinesustainablebusinessnetwork.weebly.com/planning-and-advisory-committee.html https://www.ramart.org/about-ram/board-of-directors http://www.realracine.com/resources/staffandboard/ https://www.sienacatholicschools.org/siena-leadership/ https://portal.clubrunner.ca/7866

They rarely solve murders in Racine.

The entire community is designed in symbolism.

They control old factories, underground tunnels, and the vast majority of real estate in the area.

Most of the educated population condones the system, and the rest are controlled beyond what they even realize.

Racine means "Root" and serves as The Root and Model for the entire structure - both the top and bottom of the pyramid.

They have unlocked the key to controlling the world, and the technology to enforce it.

What is Community Policing in the Book of Revelation?

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

Socratic_Question ago

@TrustTheTruth, Admiral Byrd supposedly brought malted milk to Antarctica. Lots of it. This is connected to William and James Horlick. Their family owned and operated at least one quarry in Racine. James was trained to be a pharmacist in London before he went to Racine. This family was involved in manufacturing, resource acquisition, and aviation. Should I extrapolate on this with specific regard to the malted milk?

In2wishun2 ago

I tried all weekend to figure out what you’re saying about Racine, even think I found you commenting as ‘a.b. see’ here. https://arrestrecordsofracinewipublicofficials.wordpress.com/tag/corruption/ I still cannot figure anything out. Can you just say what it is you want people to figure out, cause if you don’t speak up, then aren’t you like the rest that you complain about?

TrustTheTruth ago

Racine, Wisconsin is the Root and Model for the real Agenda beyond 21 and 2030 of Eternal Enslavement.

Sustainability is the Great Deception used to forge the real Agenda, which is the foundation of UN Agenda 2030 and all global corporate movements.

The Pilgrims Society is one of many groups involved to control and enforce the global distribution channels and alliances.

The 8th Wonder of the World is a means to a much bigger End.

Everything that has happened in Racine is a cover-up for the bigger Agenda.

An alarming number of officials have resigned over the course of a few years as they attempt to Hide The Truth.

Just today, Paul Ryan's replacement pitched the Global Anti-Trafficking Bill and Caron Butler is building a Dream Court on a new street being named after him.

Paul Ryan is part of a generation-long circle of abuse that has permeated and controlled the community as a Global Model, while they prop up criminals, abusers, liars, victims, and fools who could never possibly figure out their own role.

World elites travel in and out of the harbor and airport without hassle, and can meet in relative secret at Wingspread.

They control every aspect of Life and Community from Cradle to Career to Grave and beyond.

Racine is the Model for Community Policing and Smart Cities, with technologies including SnapTrends and Cellebrite being implemented through a complicit, corrupt and inept group of officials.

The model for Community Policing results in mass incarceration, tyranny, abuse, and hierarchical enslavement.

Racine is a Model for Education, Labor and Prison reform in combination with Sanctuary City status as they create systems of control. Resilient Communities is the way to control any opposition towns. Milwaukee 7 plays a key role in controlling the water.

Sustainable Racine is one of the key groups involved. Racine Community Foundation and other groups control the money. The Dominicans control the Interfaith Alliance.

The I-94 Project is a cover-up linked with the very people and groups at the heart of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption.

Everything told about The Deal for the 8th Wonder of the World is a Lie.

The Truth about Racine was Shared since The Beginning.

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

In2wishun2 ago

And maybe I should just give up. It’s like a road to nowhere. I thought that since I’m from Kenosha, that I could be a help, but I guess maybe I can’t be.

CaJuN-M8 ago

What is dark matter? In your opinion.

TrustTheTruth ago

Dark matter is the key to other dimensions and parallel universes.


Why are FLDS, Knights of Pythias, Knights of Malta, and the Boy Scouts closely linked to NASA?

flds has ties to NASA? proof?

TrustTheTruth ago

There are many more connections linking back to the original development of NASA and the origins of the Majestic 12.

letsdothis3 ago


CaJuN-M8 ago

If declass comes out and people get charged for treason then you were shilling this whole time. Maybe you are giving us half truths sprinkled with lies and disinfo. Like Alex Jones mos.

TrustTheTruth ago

We only Share The Truth.

Alex Jones is a Liar, a Cheat, and part of The Great Deception. He is one of many.

No media outlet would ever cover The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know.

Money, fame or power are meaningless to Us. We want the Opposite.

We Share The Truth that no One has ever Shared, and that no One else has the courage to.

Who else has told of the Root of All Evil and The Model for Eternal Enslavement in a small, midwestern town?

Where did The Deal for the 8th Wonder of the World end up happening?

In the exact same place that has been Shared since The Beginning.

Everything that has been Shared can be verified.

Sustainability is The Great Deception to forge The Agenda beyond 21 and 2030.

The Truth cannot be disputed or disproved.

The Truth is Simple, Honest and for All to Know and Share.

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

Gladys_Kravitz ago

What is the problem with sustainability?

TrustTheTruth ago

Sustainability is The Great Deception to forge the Real Agenda.

What is the Upside Down?

What is Satan's Ability?

What is "A Family Company"?

What religion do they practice?

What religion did Frank Lloyd Wright practice?

What is Teen Mania and how does that related to Racine?

Do you really believe that Global Warming is the world's greatest threat?

Why did Racine endorse the Paris Accord?

What are Resilient Communities?

What is Community Policing?

What did Jesus warn The World of?

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

CaJuN-M8 ago

Would you change your mind about Q and trump if they charge the traitors? Causr thats where declass is leading to. You say they wont be imprisoned but i think they will. Soon. Trump is good. Q is good. You say stuff that are interesting I'm not gonna lie but you don't predict like Q does. Q says something and then shit happens after. Q is good. You saying it's bad makes me believe you are shilling. You do got very interesting talking points though. Almost like imitating Q to be honest.

letsdothis3 ago

Cause thats where declass is leading to.

Let's see what happens. Meanwhile we continue to make the connections that almost no one else makes.. in order to hold power to account if need be.


Meanwhile we continue to make the connections that almost no one else makes.. in order to hold power to account if need be.

I love this sentiment I love you

keep fighting

TrustTheTruth ago

The system cannot hold those involved accountable.

Anyone who knows anything about the legal system and the power of those involved would never say such Lies.

The amount of wealth and power involved is unimaginable and incomprehensible.

The Truth is Simple, Honest and Easy to Recognize.

The swamp cannot be drained without the Root being exposed.

Trump and QAnon could still Save The World with One Word, and We will show them The Way.

Neither can be Trusted.

They have Known since The Beginning.

We are the reason why Q was created.

Trump was given The Opportunity long before he accepted the nomination.

They were given the Opportunity to Repent and Reveal The Truth for All.

Instead Trump closed The Deal from the public, and Q flooded Voat.

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

Cleareyes ago

Yeah maybe some of the other information is correct, haven't dug deep on it, but stating Trump is one of them, believing OP is much less likely now. Pretty concrete at this point Trump is fighting them, politically and spiritually. If you were truly on the side of good, you would know this truth yourself for reasons you wouldn't be able to deny.

CaJuN-M8 ago

Quantum computing will bring about the antichrist through AI? Is that what you are saying?

TrustTheTruth ago


Socratic_Question ago

But the antichrist will be put into place only after technology is used on a large scale to decieve most of humanity and create great fear in order to paralyze us. Is that correct, @TrustTheTruth?

TrustTheTruth ago

It is already happening.

The Great Deception is based on Sustainability (Satan's Ability), and technology is their weapon to enforce it.

What is Community Policing with the Mark of the Beast?

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

CaJuN-M8 ago

Donald Trump is on our side fool. That's how I know you are shilling. Why is the deepstate media attacking Trump if he's supposedly on their side? Cause he's not he's a patriot. Trump is good. Even though I like what you say but the Trump is bad part makes me believe you are a shill. You fucked up. Mark taylor a man of God said Trump is fighting the illuminati/NWO. Trump was chosen by God. The right man for the job. I am not suicidal and never plan on killing myself. Love life. MAGA.

TrustTheTruth ago

Unfortunately Trump is one of them, and part of The Great Deception.

He is a Fake man of God, and his 'battle' with the Deep State is no different than Wrestlemania XXIII.

He could declassify everything. He could expose The Root and Model. He could Share The Truth. But he won't.

Q is the False Prophet created to hide The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know.

Where did Trump make The Deal to endorse the Model for 5G+ AI, Smart Cities, and Community Policing?

Where did Trump make The Deal for the 8th Wonder of the World of all places - what are the odds?

Racine, Wisconsin

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

carmencita ago

http://www.city-data.com/so/so-Racine-Wisconsin.html Map Included

According to our research of Wisconsin and other state lists there were 408 registered sex offenders living in Racine as of May 27, 2019. The ratio of number of residents in Racine to the number of sex offenders is 191 to 1.

Read more: http://www.city-data.com/so/so-Racine-Wisconsin.html

I remembered this post from before thanks for reminding me. 191 to 1. Amazing.

TrustTheTruth ago

That is only what is reported.

There are unwritten rules not to report certain crimes in connection with certain locations, businesses, churches and groups.

Why are pedophiles allowed to build community pools for children?

Why are pedophiles propped up into power positions so they are easily controlled?

Why did the former mayor convicted of pedophile crimes receive a special residency exception?

What else is he doing now and who is he working with?

Where did the last mayor stay on his trip to New York before he was forced to resign?

The I-94 Project is part of the cover-up, and the numbers they report are alarming.

The real numbers would be much more staggering.

The Truth is more Amazing than You could imagine.

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

PrepareForWar ago

I've asked as well and have never received received an explanation but my theory is that there are very very few researchers here and a lot of paid shills. I used to come here daily when the reddit purge happened and now its once a month. Coincidence? No I'll say it one more time for everyone not listening. Divide and conquer.

letsdothis3 ago

very very few researchers here and a lot of paid shills

That's the reality of the internet. If you classify yourself as a researcher, just keep on doing that.... the Truth will out.

TrustTheTruth ago

That is absolutely part of the Agenda.

We are the reason why Reddit Pizzagate was shut down. Check the comments in the last post.

We are the reason for the Tarmac meeting.

We are the reason why Paul Ryan and so many others suddenly resigned.

We are the reason why Q was created, and why Q flooded Voat.

Why are We the most targeted and attacked of All?

What did Jesus say would happen?

Why can't Anyone answer the Questions?

Why can't Anyone effectively dispute or disprove The Truth?

We are Here for a reason.

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/pizzagate comment by @letsdothis3.

Posted automatically (#43185) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

Vindicator ago

I did a thread on WIC a while back to get to the bottom of it and am still bewildered.

Pretty sure this is their intention, gamepwn.

Can you prove to us you are not a bot and give us some straight answers to your own questions?

Excellent question. My bet: No

TrustTheTruth ago

Why would this Moderator stalk and downvote every comment We make?

Why would this Moderator and others partner with someone who openly admitted to Satan worship and blood drinking?

What was the name of their series, where did they steal it from and why, and who was the target of the longest multi-part series in Voat Pizzagate history full of lies that resulted in death threats carried out in real life?

What really happened to @Jem777 and @Wisconsin_is_Corrupt?

Answer that Question for everyone, and We will Answer more of the other questions We posed.

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

Vindicator ago

Why would this Moderator stalk and downvote every comment We make?

I generally downvote shit, Diarrhea Bot.

When you're shilling to distract

and it squirts right up your back


AmmaK ago

Field McConnell keeps talking about Wisconsin and all the pedos that live here. thank you for the info you have included, I’m going to start digging on this also. I live in Wisconsin and am totally naive about what apparently has gone in here. Field has said that Paul Ryan, Reince Preibus and Ron Johnson are part a part of the problem. Racine doesn’t surprise me - same players there as in Milwaukee and Madison....also it is so close to Chicago. Thanks for the start - I’m going to go back and watch a few of Fields old videos and see if there is more info.......

NoRoyalty ago

Preibus and Ryan were able to operate under cover by publicly self-identifying as Repub/Christian. It will shock the country when they learn how many of these pedos are hiding in the Republican party.

TrustTheTruth ago

What is the real meaning of Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts?

What are Unitarianism, Kabbalah, Scientology and the Interfaith Coalition?

Why are the Scouts closely connected with the Knights of Pythias, FLDS and NASA?

How is Tom DeLonge connected to the Podestas, Emanuels, Jack Parsons, L Ron Hubbard and Aleister Crowley?

Who are Sara Latham and Dr. Edgar Mitchell, and what is the Rockefeller Initiative?

What is Project Blue Beam?

Who is Johnny Gosch, and what President was he seen with?

Where is Seth Rich from?

Where did Seth Rich attend camp?

What firm did Seth Rich work at, and who else worked there?

What is America's Bellwether?

Where is the 2020 DNC Convention being held?

Who is Tim Dolan, what did the pope say about Hell, what prayer is being changed, and what happened in Brazil and Argentina?

Who was in the Spotlight of a Best Picture?

Why did Paul Ryan move to shut down the page program?

What is the lie being told about how The Deal for the 8th Wonder of the World was conceived?

What happened at Wrestlemania XXIII?

Who are the real Pilgrims (Society)?

Who are the first Corporate Nations?

What is The Great Deception?

What is The Only Truth that would truly shock The World?

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

auralsects ago

Why do you bring Tom Delonge up of Blini-182 so much?

Because he's into UFOs and showed up in Podesta's emails iirc

WIC obviously has a list of time-wasting fodder he rotates through, to obscure the fact that Jews are largely responsible.

Exactly like Q.

TrustTheTruth ago

Who was Jack Parsons accused of spying for?

What happened recently in Poway, and what is unusual about the Poway religious community?

Tom and John are connected to Peter Lavenda, L Ron Hubbard, Jack Parsons and Aleister Crowley.

Jack Parsons was one of the most influential minds of the space program, tied to the roots of OTO, Scientology, Kabbalah, FLDS and related circles.

Art and music are one way of telling you what is happening while concealing it in larger programming.

It is also a way to hide vast wealth and exchanges with subjective valuation.

The Synagogue of Satan is entrenched across every aspect of these transactions to ensure their Agenda is carried out.

We are the reason why Q was created.

What Anon came before Q?

What did SenateAnon say about Racine?

We are the reason why Q stopped posting on the public boards.

We are the reason why Q flooded Voat.

Q tells you to Trust Sessions, Wray, Huber and other known corrupt agents.

Q doesn't tell you that Racine, Wisconsin is Hillary Clinton's Model for Community Policing, and that Cellebrite and other invasive technologies are being used against citizens with Trump's knowledge and endorsement.

What is Cellebrite?

Q saves Israel for last.

Jesus Christ and The Truth Save by exposing the Great Deception, the Root of Evil, and the Synagogue of Satan.

Knights of Pythias are one of many groups directly tied to Racine who are deeply involved.

Schumer, Weiner and many others were all made in Racine Wisconsin.

FLDS is also deeply involved with Mitt Romney, Evan McMullin and many others.

Tom DeLonge is linked to Project Blue Beam, Scientology and OTO along with the Podestas.

Tom is also linked to the cover-up organizations affiliated with the I-94 Project.

Why did Kushner correct the record when Yeezus misspoke about The Deal for the 8th Wonder of the World?

Why is Kushner attending Bilderberg, what building did he overpay for, and how did Donald Trump meet his wife?

What role do Kanye West and Caron Butler play, and why is Kanye claiming he was drugged?

What happened to Mark Ruffalo's brother, and what role did Mark play in a Best Picture?

Why was Mark Zuckerberg sacrificing baby goats?

What is Dark Matter? What is CERN?

What elites are involved in space exploration and why?

It is a Global Interfaith Coalition for forge One World Religion under the Mark of the Beast, led by the Synagogue of Satan.

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.


'What role do Kanye West and Caron Butler play, and why is Kanye claiming he was drugged?'

CARON butler of the NBA? I see he from Racine! Check out @realtuffjuice’s Tweet:


seems to be blasting the new "MAGA Kanye" persona

TrustTheTruth ago

Caron and Kanye are two sides of the same Evil and corrupt coin.

They are both Luciferian puppets of the elite.

Why does Kanye want to move to Chicago?

What happened to Caron and Mark Wahlberg as young men?

Where did Caron go to school?

How does Caron know James Alefantis, Huma Abedin, Mae Podesta and Eric Braverman?

What is the Young and the Guest?

Where was Mark Wahlberg on 9/11?

They are all pawns.

What is Celebrity?

What is Cellebrite?

What is Community Policing?

What is The Mark of the Beast?

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

millennial_vulcan ago

You saw my other comments on Tom.Travis/Blink/DJ AM?

No coincidence that Travis and DJ AM had a hit on them in 2008 and lo/behold, DJ AM dies of a “DRUG OVERDOSE” (uh huh) less than a year later.

Love to get to the bottom of that weird late 2000s period. What did Barker and DJ AM know?

Vindicator ago

You're talking to a Donkey alt, fyi.


upvoat. the shillyness around the topic doesn't seem like misdirection, but obfuscation

gamepwn ago

I agree, because if you look up the information alot of it does check out. I think your right and it is obfuscation.