maggiethatcher ago

No, the people who attack you are shills and paid censors. Stick to your beliefs and report truthfully. Keep going

Forthegoodofit ago

Mostly when you are right, you will be attacked because you have hit a nerve. When you are wrong, you will be ignored....should be some kinda Newtons law....

suomy_the_nona ago

Am I wrong?

No, you're not wrong about the importance of free speech.

But I have some ideas what might have happened.

In the beginning it was unclear if the "Coronavirus" story was downplayed or exaggerated (or a fake). So it was the safest option to assume it was downplayed and to inform as many people as possible that they should protect themselves. Even if there were some red flags from the beginning.

Many said Chinese citizens were risking their lives to get the videos out.

If the CCP hadn't wanted these videos to be released, they would very likely have prevented it. And the videos and pictures looked staged, sometimes very professionally made but unrealistic. An example: where they carry futuristic disinfection guns, while beeing in each other's way. And, always an important question: "Where was the photographer positioned?". In the direction where they were spraying? That photo and many more photos and videos look as staged as these we got from the Mexican border a while ago. And from many more events. (1)

I promised my followers I would get the truth out. That's it's a bioweapon that for weeks was covered up...

In the meantime we have got much more information (2). About the missing proof that there really is a new virus, about the questinable tests and the numbers resulting from that. The effects of the Virus outside China looked very different to what we saw from there. And now the problem has disappeared nearly completely in China, what would be very unlikely if all we saw and heard from there before had been true.

So there's reason enough to reassess all the information connected to the "Coronavirus". Not because of the heinous threats and not because of the change of the MSM narrative. But because there is so much contradicting the first impression we had got. Research sometimes means we have to reconsider our opinion when there are new findings.

(1) I highly recommend Ole Dammegards videos for learning to spot fake pictures and videos that were made to suggest a certain impression. At first you could view from here for 3 minutes: . It's unbelieveble, but that was from an alleged attack that changed Europe permanently. The whole video is worth the time for viewing.

Two more examples:

These were the videos that redpilled me about FFs and how the MSM are lying and even creating events that never really happened. Very often there is a drill shortly before an alleged attack and all the footage is taken at that drill. Maybe that's the source for a lot of Chinese footage, too.

(2) In my opinion Jon Rappaport's work is the best summary for the scientific (medical and mathematical) aspects of the Coronavirus story. Especially there is his informative 3 part audio series (downloadable as mp3):

and everything he wrote in his blog:

standwithuQ ago

China is TIGHTLY controlled. Ask yourself these questions: Why was someone allowed to film the streets etc being sprayed? How did they get around the STRICT censorship to release the video of the spraying as well as the videos from supposed citizens panicking and trying(?) to warn the world? I think it was all staged and obviously allowed to be released to the world so we would panic. ALL the MSM is now doing panic porn so we will OBEY, the economies will be destroyed and eventually they plan to have major food shortage and CHAOS then send in the UN troops. That's THEIR PLAN but Q and Q+ have known for more than 2 years what was coming and have implemented their own PLAN with God's help and I trust THAT PLAN. You are probably trying to do good but I really think it was/is a psyop FF where they made it APPEAR that a deadly virus was being covered up. Anyway, if you are the real deal and mean well than don't give up digging for TRUTH and consider what I've said. WWG1WGA!!

maggiethatcher ago

I think this is true about the "sudden deaths" too. There is no logical (medical) reason for people dropping down dead on film. It's just a scene out of the Caontagion movie. Designed to cause fear.

TabascoTabasco ago


I remember the day.

On 11/9. The news announced that they had found a car in the airport car park. In the car were passport for the guys, and, a flight manual for ?whatever plane.

That day I said it was an inside job.

Nothing has changed my mind.

This flu.

It is flu.

That is it.

No.1 The legacy media are trying to convince everyone of their importance. How you need "the media" for up to date information.

That seems to be key here. The legacy are blowing this all out of proportion.

No.2 Democracy is slightly at fault here. Politicians still fawn over the legacy media. You guys in America still, in this day and age, have a daily press briefing.

So the legacy politicians still have to bend over for the (((MSM))).

Hence the currant lockdown bullshit.

If a country does not lockdown and people die. The legacy media will be all over it. So the politicians bend over for the (((MSM))) "just in case"...

derram ago :

World Health Organization (WHO) on Twitter: "Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in #Wuhan, #China🇨🇳.…" :

QAnon followers believe the storm is happening and that's what we are seeing. - YouTube :

Bodies in the streets of Ecuador - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

Ihatesports ago

You already did