21337624? ago

most disturbing ro me is the element of the Enemy that worships evil and has created sophisticated means to corrupt, pervert, and invert everything that is wholesome. its like their religion...

21335607? ago

It's far from over. Canada is done, we have already been replaced and Canadian's adore their tvs. Mexico is one big cartel. Once again it's up to the US patriot to save the world but this time half of your own countrymen are against you and the school system is pumping out more socialists daily. Good luck.

21334379? ago

It's the psychopaths, both Jewish and goy, versus the non-psychopaths, both Jewish and goy.

Jews have more psychopaths per capita but the non-psychopathic Jews are good at hurting psychopaths, which means you must not interfere with them when they are helping your cause.

21334325? ago

I remember the day of the presidential election. I was truly truly scared.

21333809? ago

Satan has had about 2000 years to infiltrate and corrupt nearly every organization religious and otherwise. Are these the Antichrists that we have been worshiping? Our brodcasters, movie stars, royalty and the like?

21333749? ago

ISIS reveals guide to killing world leaders like President Trump

(Note: copy into your Address bar with the usual https : / / www. to see this article. I do not have enough points to post a link.) dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7682923/ISIS-reveals-guide-killing-world-leaders-telling-lone-wolf-jihadis-pretend-journalists.html

The purpose of this article is twofold: 1) To inspire nut jobs and tell them HOW to carry out the deed.

2) Most important of all is this: To cover for the Deep State to prevent a civil war. When you orchestrate the show to make it appear the boogie man has absolutely nothing to do with the real criminals everyone will overlook the true enemy of the true patriots of this nation.

Everything they have thrown at Trump has only increased his base and strengthened him and our respect for him. This is most truly and clearly a battle against the powers of darkness. We and our mighty warrior leader have only our Heavenly Father to thank for being protected from the many slings and arrows aimed at Trump so far. Without divine protection this show would have been long over by now. We are witnessing one of the most intense spiritual battles in our world’s history. MSM keeps pushing the most vile depravity upon our society such as cannibalism, abortion, ‘love is love’, perverse sex education of our children etc. Hollywood, MSM and the Deep State are pretty much one and the same. They are Satan personified to shape and control society to bring us all to eternal damnation. As Q has told us several times we must put on the armor of God. We must pray continually for this nation and the mighty warriors fighting to keep us One Nation Under God. We must wake up from our sleep and loose ourselves from our sleepwalking to see how far we have strayed from the divine purpose of our lives. Hollywood has been conditioning us to accept degeneracy as normal life. We now live in a society where quoting the Bible can be construed as hate speech. These hate speech laws have already voided our rights to free speech and can be interpreted any way they see fit. Hold tight to your Bibles and your guns. They fear us while we yet possess these.

If anything does happen be sure to recognize who the real enemy of this nation is. It is not some boogie man from afar but the ones deep within who have sold their souls to the devil. Be diligent and discerning. Eyes open! WWG1WGA!

They keep creating false flag events and orchestrating the response. We must always recognize that they are the conductor and we are watching a show. We must discern the reality and respond accordingly.

21333311? ago

thank you for getting it right with out the anti Semitism... its so easy … to not look at the facts and instead try to look at it being one particular group …those responsible mode of operation is infiltration. they even infiltrate voat encouraging the worst in all of us to divide us with hatred of others... resist this... look for allies not enemies....those against us our obviuse through there actions and have come to control most institutions through deception and blackmail.

21333294? ago

Like a plot from 1984.

21333208? ago

Still, mostly the Jews tho isn't it

21333003? ago

Fuck you kikelover.

21332874? ago

Nicely said anon!

21332870? ago

This is the classic battle of God loving and God hating people... religion and political party mean noting. God loving people work hard to bring up families, while the slimy black hearts don't give a damn about anyone but themselves and seek power over others threw anymeans. The govt is seriously ill with these black hearts.

21332832? ago

Great statement!! So true!!

21332785? ago

I think you're on the money anon. This is very close to how I understand it. When people say its the Jews, they are only one arm of the octopus. The freemasons and jesuits and mormons (never underestimate the latter day saints, they wield massive power in the intelligence agencies) various crime syndicates such as cartels and international arms dealers, shriners, bn'ai brit and so on are all in on it and working together wether they know it or not. Their leaders are colluding.

The ultimate plan is not just the ruin of the US. The US is just the last major hurdle to the completion of their plan. The ultimate plan is the New World Order and its global totalitarian hegemony, the herding of the masses into concentration camp cities to be culled and used as needed.

So long as the people of the US are FREE and ARMED they cannot complete this plan.

21332416? ago

Big Mike

Big Mike

Ev'ry mornin' with the swine you could see him arrive

He stood six foot six and weighed two forty five

Kinda broad at the shoulder and narrow at the hip

And everybody knew, ya gotta give a big grip to Big Mike

(Big Mike, Big Mike)

Big Bad Mike

(Big Mike)

Nobody seemed to know where Mike called home

Just marched into town and boned Barry alone

He didn't say much, he kinda quiet and shy

And if you spoke at all, you just said, "Why?" to Big Mike

Somebody said he came from New Orleans

Where he got in a hype bein' a Cajun Queen

And a crashin' blow from a huge right hand

Sent a Louisiana faggot to the Promised Land, Big Mike

(Big Mike, Big Mike)

Big Bad Mike

(Big Mike)

Then came the day in the butt of Harry Reed

When a rectum cracked and the man started bleed'

Mud packers were prayin' and hearts beat fast

And everybody hoped that that Mike had cum his last, 'cept Mike

Through the piss and the poop of this man made hell

Strode a giant of a man that the faggots knew well

Grabbed his saggin' penis, gave out with a groan

And like a giant oak tree, he just jacked off alone, Big Mike

(Big Mike, Big Mike)

Big Bad Mike

(Big Mike)

And with all of his strength he gave a mighty shove

Then Obama yelled out, "There's a kike up above"

And twenty men scrambled from a would-be grave

Now there's only one dick for Obama to crave, Big Mike's

With whacks and lube he started back down

Then came that rumble way down in his round

And then smoke and gas belched out his behind

Everybody knew it was the end of the line for Big Mike

(Big Mike, Big Mike)

Big Bad Mike

(Big Mike)

Now they never reopened that worthless shit

They just placed a biohazard warning on it

These few words are written on that stand

At the bottom of Obama's ass lies a big, nig man, Big Mike

(Big Mike, Big Mike)

Big Bad Mike

(Big Mike)

(Big Mike)

Big Bad Mike


21332378? ago

9/11. Clue. You could figure it out from just that. Why lie about physics that anyone with basic sense or truth can work out for themselves? Why would a government allow it, and just pretend the official story was true? You may not have all the answers, but you know its big enough to have entire governments worldwide cover it up and prevent scientists from getting the word out. This tells you the MSM MUST BE controlled or corrupt or both, because they, for years prevented the truth. Congress hid the truth. Government hid the truth. MSM hid the truth. Lawsuits hid the truth. The system hid the truth. But people knew, and you could find all the evidence if you looked. How could it not be backed by corruption BY TPTB?

21332258? ago

nothing new under the sun... add the www.


21331493? ago

They thought they could take over the world.

21331409? ago

I have realized that every single day since POTUS was elected. You didn’t mention she would have orchestrated a few US cities nuked, would have used that for more sex trafficking as well as child sacrifice, and the opportunity to round up and murder millions of patriots.

21330815? ago

No you stupid boomer fuck, IT IS THE JEWS. ALL JEWS.

21329221? ago

It's ALL the jews because all the jews practice their satanic rites.

21329165? ago

Trip on down to the VFW and ask how many Jewish members they have. How many Jewish soldiers do you think saw action on the front lines in Vietnam? I think you know the answer.

21329772? ago

I served with one from Brooklyn, NY. He was under rocket attacks daily on Monkey Mountain.

21329100? ago

lol I had posted this to twitter about 10-15 mins ago or so before reading this post by OP:






False witness bears a swift sword.














Here we go!

21328982? ago

It's the satanists.

21328906? ago

It is good vs evil. And you make a valid point about multiple groups making up the enemy. Think of it like the mafia crime families operating in their respective territory. But with a small group of puppet masters above them with a representative from each family. If sorros and Rothschild make up the other sides of the pyramid, are there people above them that we are not aware of?

21328387? ago

While we didn't know the extent of the evil, and we still do not, we knew enough to KNOW (((she))) could not be elected if we were going to survive as a nation we'd recognize or want our children growing up in. The awakening was already beginning on a completely spiritual level. There was a feeling in the air, a foreboding of the darkness trying to envelope us all.

21328098? ago

China has now, TAKEN OVER AMAZON.COM. This is a huge blow to us all. We all have to do our part in this war: NEVER BUY ANYTHING ON AMAZON EVER AGAIN. If you do you are funding: China slavery factories, live organ harvesting from innocent china prisoners, protesters being beaten and raped, cheep china products that are made to break on purpose, they want to take over ALL small town shops and stores, they want to get all your personal data, they want to know what you buy, they want to remove all jobs from the USA, they want to shut down and BUY OUT all of our factories, and so on. All products on amazon will come directly from china factories. You must boycott them and buy local goods, to keep your stores open. If everything comes from china, they can cut us off from supplies at will. If you reject what they have planned, boycott AMAZON. China has already bought out Hollywood movies. Do you want china cabal to create what you watch? UNPLUG the fake boob tube, and refuse to buy anything from AMAZON. Do it if you love your country. WWG1WGA.

21329206? ago

The device you use to type on here was made in China slave factories. Face it, you CAN'T stop buying chinese.

And the Chinese being able to work hard for little pay has never been the problem. The problem has been EXPORTING JOBS.

21327910? ago


21327425? ago

nah it's just the jews.

and yeah we know their plans and if you disagree you are probably a paid shill

21327225? ago

I'll take it even further.

Who controls the secret societies? Who controls the Rothschilds and the Soros' of the world?

Who controls OUR controllers?

Q Drop 2222

Are we alone?

No. Highest classification. Think of the vastness of space.


This is a subject that not enough people have researched because of the stigma. Lose the stigma and dig! Fascinating stuff out there.

The highest classification that I've heard of is "Cosmic Top Secret."

Research Bob Dean. Project Camelot has lots of video interviews with him. He tells almost everything.

Don't be afraid of the truth. Dig anons!

21329365? ago

Oh yeah the jews are controlled by semi-material reptilian intelligent beings that evolved RIGHT HERE on Earth during the dinosaurs' era. They eventually developed technology to escape what we call "matter". Cosmically speaking they aren't much, but they can use their technological superiority to take control of humans through thought infusion and especially SATANIC RITUALS that aim at opening the door to them to enter and take possession of people.

I understand this seems unreasonable but it is the actual truth. Their reasons? As I wrote, they aren't much on the cosmic scale. They are basically cosmic garbage dump wardens. However, due to our evolutionary path, their technology and Earthly origin enables them to interfere in our minds and lives.

Why? Because we, unlike them, were created in the image of the Absolute powers of the Universe, meaning that our potential is TRULY INFINITE and as such, through manipulation, they can get us to use abilities we do not even suspect we posses, to THEIR perceived benefit. They enslave us because we have abilities they don't.

21329856? ago

That's why many of them are in "the family"

We call 'the family' the illuminati. They never use that term, illuminati. But they did feel like they are enlightened, and us useless eaters are nothing more than cattle.

All that is dark will be alit. Dark to light is here. And it's fcking epic.

21331833? ago

What they don't know is that this so-called power, this dominion over others, WILL NEVER BE GIVEN TO THEM. The satanic reptilians are not interested in sharing power, or exerting power through (sub-)human intermediaries. They only use the subhuman parasite jew to get the rest of us under domination and then they would quietly just put them aside and feed directly off our soul energies. The jew has no soul energy because it is absolutely corrupt. There is no value for them in enslaving the jew. They would simply leave them aside to tear each other apart and die.

21327191? ago

I believe the Talmudic Jews infiltrated all those other secret organizations in societies.

21327183? ago

When you say "its not all jews, its the talmudic jews" i wonder who are the non-talmudic jews. Are you talking about the Karaites? Because there are only about 50,000 of them and most live in Israel. Are there other Jews who do not follow the Talmud as the final word on Jewish law and theology?

21327130? ago

What the FUCK is up with people defending and making up excuses for jews in here? I'm thinking there's a bunch of ((('em))) that slithered in somehow.

21327107? ago

Damn I almost skipped reading this article and I'm so glad I didn't.

You killed it in a nutshell and I don't know why these kinds of Articles give me a wave of Serenity just knowing others understand what you do I guess.

And my favorite part of all was. It's the Jews, but it's not THE JEWS. It's the Talmudic Jews hiding behind the "normal Jew".

21329124? ago

any idea what the 'normal jew' thinks of Jesus??

21326979? ago


21326967? ago

We used to have "No jews allowed" laws - for good reasons.

21326905? ago

Were? We just lost Virginia to demographic change, and Texas is next. We aren't safe.

21326744? ago

SECOND term? Bwahahahaha!!!!!

21326533? ago

That, and the Luciferian agenda to fuse human beings with AI. When do we start to say "no"?

21326520? ago

Go read drop 570. Hussein [8], HRC [8]

21326511? ago

I like how you pieced things together but you really seem to be naive of the fact that these people have been internationally controlling "common needs" for centuries, if not millennia.

Most people say "bankers" but they neglect to mention why bankers have authority or influence. Banking is based on common needs, many think bankers are the problem and forget to see things you mentioned about how those needs become controlled once identified.

That's why Amstel Rothschild said "I care not who's king of england, show me who they bank with". Because bankers weren't trusted for a long time, like they are trusted today. Today most don't even carry cash and charge everything. All your habits show the bank what you need to survive and where you get it. The companies you rely on are just as vulnerable to the banks as us.

I worked in startups and saw how it worked a few years ago. How once you take money the banks want people on the board. It's pitched as a safeguard and a way to ensure the company gets the most out of the investment but really it's to control the day to day and ensure the CEO doesn't keep any secrets from the investors on how they plan to spend the investment.

Bankers have controlled the world since before you and I, but they kept us on the edge for a long time because the hungry don't revolt so long as there's a line for food.

22346123? ago

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21328478? ago

What is the mystery pagan religion? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3515558 Shriners ABANDONED Temple

21329242? ago

This is who's in charge amorc.org

21326478? ago

This isn't even touching the surface. When it comes to end times, few truly appriciate just how close to midnight we are. Trump has pulled us back from the brink, but not as much as we should be.

21326473? ago

And we need the insight to aknowledge it was really them. The snakes behind the shadows

21326440? ago

Top Jews, Probably Satanists, Use regular Jews as a buffer and meat shield.

21326304? ago


21326178? ago

You got it...

21326106? ago

We the American people are the last line of defense against a tyrannical one world government, not even the US govt but THE PEOPLE ARE.

21329121? ago

Shot JFK, then Tricky Dick is done.... Nixon Tapes Quote : "The Bohemian Grove, - it is the most faggy goddamned thing you could ever imagine." - Richard Nixon. A Ritualistic Masonic Looking Photo Taken at Infamous 'Bohemian Grove' - 1906 https://files.catbox.moe/zl92td.jpg ' Think skull and bones as one of several. They pay homage to Orisis and Isis as gods and her son Horus. They hate Christians. The typical third degree master mason has no idea what he has gotten himself involved in. The G in the Masonic symbol stands for Gnosticism (not God). Mormons beware... your first 5 Mormon prophets and church presidents were high degree masons having taken secret oaths far beyond the master mason level.' The song? A house in New Orleans........ It's been the ruin of many a poor girl ... Great God, and I for one .... Who is Rachel Chandler? Nixon Tape Discusses Homosexuals at Bohemian Grove... 'Poor bastard...having to attend those demonic buttfucking parties must have been awful. '...'Hearing Nixon calling the elites at Bohemian Grove a bunch of faggots always makes me wonder. ' ...The evil bitch and the others come there or That Eva bitch and the others come here https://www.bitchute.com/video/RytcxUVayNIE/

21326097? ago

I would like to assume that there are enough people still around, who still remember their oath, who - if the leadership does not correct the situation - would collectively be willing to correct the situation for them, one way or another. I would like to believe a less physically destructive solution is currently being tested. If they do not succeed, there will be hell to pay.

21326076? ago

Not to defend the X muslim in chief but Clinton and Bush were instrumental in making China 'favored nation status' in trade and selling technology secrets.. They are all so stinking dirty, up to their ears in it.

21335287? ago

Maybe a Shriner / Jester but not an actual moslem, anyways the deadbeat negroe dad learning Russian, his mama's time in Indonesia when the islamists were getting funded and that cash running through Hawaii is all a strange story. ... and today's global media? ... https://voat.co/v/QRV/3514625 The New World Order has a message for the Swedish people: "Prepare for extinction."

21326059? ago

Obama undermined local manufacturing, outsourced everything, gutting it from that side.

No, Obama was the closer. The long slide in the US manufacturing base began under Bush1.

By the time Obama was inaugurated the number of closed factories was near 50K.

21325978? ago

Thank you. As a Messianic Jewish person, I really appreciate you pointing out it is "the Talmudic Jews hiding behind the "normal Jew" ".

This bullshit narrative that "It's the Jews" just pisses me off. It's not only dangerous to ignorant sappy Jews who go to synagogue and listen to fucked up Rabbis, it totally avoids the real problem that is the world wide cabal of dangerous amoral high functioning psychopaths who run the world wide governments. They are in key places high in government and in the royal families. Embedded in the Catholic Church, Jesuits, and infiltrators within every major church, twisting and perverting religion to make it all sound somehow moral and right.

I grew up in a family that engaged in this sort of mind fuckery on a microcosmic scale. I'm familiar with the mind fucking that goes on, the scapegoating of anyone that speaks out, and the abuse and silencing of those who are intellectually and emotionally weak. Speak out and these sorts of people focus in and target you for your audacity.

This sort of shit goes on in families, churches, local governments, state governments, police forces, judiciary, government agencies and world wide.

We have to as a society educate ourselves and teach each other to spot these sort of people, spot who isn't one of these people so we know who we can trust and who must be marginalized. We must network together to build healthy societies and shun agencies and the people who run them who are of this sort of mind set.

Brain scans for all elected officials so we can visually see who has these messed up psychopathic minds. If we can't do that, at least educate ourselves on the symptoms they display. Look up you tube videos on scapegoating families, dysfunctional families, narcissistic traits to be on the look out for and the various types of narcissism to watch for.

These people are not like us. They lack empathy and emotional depth. They do a fair job of mimicking our mannerisms but in the end, they are just posers. Lethal deadly posers who love nothing more than to destroy people who don't serve their purposes.

For a real psychopathic narcissist, look at Hillary. She laughs like a maniac at the death of a foreign leader. She lies without a trace of remorse or shame. She has no empathy what so ever. These sort of people are aided and abetted by the sociopaths such as Obama. Obama was created to serve a destructive purpose. I have no doubt he really does have feelings and empathy but only for those he deems on his side. We need to educate ourselves on the differences of such people and why it's important in how we deal with them.

21329138? ago

so what do 'normal jews' think of Jesus?

21339857? ago

You mean like Jews who actually accept the Torah and Tanakh and don't listen to effing cursed Talmud? We love Yehoshuah ha Mashiach who paid the blood sacrifice to redeem us.

21330570? ago

Messianic Jewish. Think about it. One of our slogans to Jews who reject the Messiah is, "If not then, then when? If not Him, then who?" Everything in the "Old Testament" points to the Messiah of that time. You can't get around it.

21326359? ago

As a Messianic Jewish person,

You'd better get real busy, because it's going to be ALL jews when it happens. It's not going to end there, but that's the part you should pay attention to.

21326331? ago

Gas yourself. Immediately.

21325932? ago

Don't forget how HUSSEIN gave the Port of Long Beach, a key military / economic infrastructure, to China


21325918? ago

Unrelated to this thread, but I have been censored here only allowed to post once per 24 hours.

I assume its because of my concern fagging I had done. I couldn't help it, I am a concerned fag. I promise I wont do that shit any more. can you fags please unblock me.

idk if these mods are comped or what, but if they aren't they should unban me.

21325798? ago

I agree with it all, I thought this video was compelling and a nice sum up


I mean she does accuse trump of being Lucifer and Q as the 2nd sign of the beast but if you set that aside and remember not to worship them as (false) idols.. i think you're good :)

21325740? ago

We still are until we take up arms.

Trump is great but the swamp is too deep. Look at doj

21325719? ago

Yes but do not think we have won yet. If we don’t completely dismantle their power structures and put in place systems of oversight and transparency to prevent this in the future this will happen again.

21325593? ago

The Military would have chosen Option 2 if HRC won.

Option 1, with negligible loss of life, was a person of strength who could empower America through political prowess.

Option 2, with appreciable loss of life, was a complete Military coup. Short and sweet, but a coup nonetheless. Civilians would die in places and sometimes appreciably.

Trump came along and Option 1 was chosen.

You literally owe your life to this man.

21326375? ago

Option 2 is the only viable solution.

21325570? ago

That is bang on the money Sir. <

21325555? ago

As much as I agree with the OP, those aren't the parts that I find scary. No, what is scary to me is how many people I (used to) consider reasonably intelligent and moderately engaged are Completely Convinced that Mr. Trump is stupid. It really blew me away when I realized how narrowly they define "presidential" so that there is no middle space for his presidency in their minds—he is either too low-class or too stuck-up!

So when I consider how close to the edge we were/are, it is those who delight in 'sticking it to Trump,' those who have gone beyond their selfish gain to find deranged glee in accusing their perceived enemies that leave me the most shocked at how far off the rails we'd gone.

21325515? ago

Yea, and now with the project looking glass it just makes it that much more real

21325510? ago

We are still pretty close to that edge and it will take a lot of work to reverse all the shit they have done. Like how do you fixed an entire generation of fucked up kids? They literally changed our demographics. How to do you fix that shit? How do you make it so it never happens again? I could keep going on....

21329946? ago

You immediately implement a forced curriculum of American Civics, laws and customs, history, etc. No exemption granted. If you want to breath free on American soil, you will become American. If not, we will politely give the choice of returning to your homeland, or meeting your Maker.

21325490? ago

BRAVO!!! Well put and clearly stated!

21325458? ago


21325440? ago

Yes and no. If the clinton whore had won our mil would remove them meaning we could possibly have been able to start shooting these peddos, traitor politicos and antifa filth on the streets. That would have been awesome. A good socialist soros puppet is a dead soclialist soros puppet!

21327434? ago

Agree, and I am not 100% certain that this will be happening next, especially with the open-rebellion impeachment farce.

21330044? ago

Sadly, for some reason the "Q people" want to protect all these brainwashed libtarded fuckheads that constantly throw stones at us and want nothing else then our death.

Fuck that and fuck them! Those 10% of utterly lost should be treated like vermin, fired from their jobs and hunted down.

21335537? ago


21326403? ago

Still has to happen or we're going down.

21325367? ago


The 16 Year Plan To Destroy America



21 Jan 2018 - 2:06:20 PM

Will SESSIONS drop the hammer?

1 of 22.

Memo shifts narrative.

Memo reinstates SESSIONS' authority re: Russia/ALL.

Memo factually demonstrates collusion at highest levels.

Memo factually demonstrates HUSSEIN ADMIN weaponized INTEL community to ensure D victory [+insurance].

Memo factually demonstrates 'knowingly false intel' provided to FISA Judges to obtain warrant(s).


[The 16 Year Plan To Destroy America]

Hussein [8]

Install rogue_ops

Leak C-intel/Mil assets

Cut funding to Mil

Command away from generals

Launch 'good guy' takedown (internal remove) - Valerie Jarrett (sniffer)

SAP sell-off

Snowden open source Prism/Keyscore (catastrophic to US Mil v. bad actors (WW) +Clowns/-No Such Agency)

Target/weaken conservative base (IRS/MSM)

Open border (flood illegals: D win) ISIS/MS13 fund/install (fear, targeting/removal, domestic-assets etc.)

Blind-eye NK [nuke build]

[Clas-1, 2, 3]

Blind-eye Iran [fund and supply]

Blind-eye [CLAS 23-41]

Stage SC [AS [187]]

U1 fund/supply IRAN/NK [+reduce US capacity]

KILL NASA (prevent space domination/allow bad actors to take down MIL SATs/WW secure comms/install WMDs) - RISK OF EMP SPACE ORIG (HELPLESS)

[CLAS 1-99]

HRC [8] WWIII [death & weapons real/WAR FAKE & CONTROLLED][population growth control/pocket billions]

Eliminate final rogue_ops within Gov't/MIL

KILL economy [starve/need/enslave]

Open borders

Revise Constitution

Ban sale of firearms (2nd amen removal)

Install 'on team' SC justices> legal win(s) across spectrum of challengers (AS 187)

Removal of electoral college [pop vote ^easier manipulation/illegal votes/Soros machines]

Limit/remove funding of MIL

Closure of US MIL installations WW [Germany 1st]

Destruction of opposing MSM/other news outlets (censoring), CLAS 1-59


Pure EVIL.

Narrative intercept [4am].

Sessions/Nunes Russian OPS.

Repub distortion of facts to remove Mueller.[POTUS free pass].

Shutdown Primary Reasons.


Weaken military assets.

Inc illegal votes.

Black voters abandoning.

"Keep them starved"

"Keep them blind"

"Keep them stupid"

HRC March 13, 2013 [intercept].

The Great Awakening.

Fight, Fight, Fight.


21325293? ago

Amazing and eloquently insightful post, anon! Duality is a trap they need us to fall into to be controlled. All the secret societies know that's how to handle cattle.

21325190? ago

We need to take a step back and appreciate how fucking close we were to being slaughtered wholesale.

Anyone who doesn't understand this should take the time to really consider it. Sweden's a good microcosm of the future that will emerge if white hats don't win: growing crime/violence by immigrants, women and children being gang raped, police doing everything they can to justify not prosecuting migrants, stats being cooked to deny there's any problems, the media demonizing the native ethnic group, people who complain about it anonymously being doxed by the media, etc. The UK's another "cautionary tale".

22345610? ago

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22176993? ago

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21332184? ago

George Soros plan is adopted wholesale by democrats, not your jewish neighbor. our civilization and the white race is under attack, but at the heart of both it's the family that is under assault. save the family and you have a fighting chance.

21332395? ago

George Soros, a Jew.

not your jewish neighbor

7 out of 10 who vote "cabal".


21332453? ago

right. like the blacks. a democrat voting bloc. jews normies.

21332464? ago

Demographics that want America to be something other than what it is.

21327059? ago

Same as the UK, Netherlands, , Belgium, etc.. basically any nation with a "royal" family.

21325176? ago

Those secret societies work for the talmudic Jews.

Look at their symbols, symbology will be their downfall.

If you were in a Freemason Lodge you could be forgiven for thinking you were in a Jewish Temple for they amount of 6 pointed stars you see.

And psa ethnic Jews in those secret societies are almost all also in bnai brith which is a ethnic Jew only secret society. Doesn't take a rocket surgeon to guess where loyalty lies.

21687178? ago

If you were in a Freemason Lodge you could be forgiven for thinking you were in a Jewish Temple for they amount of 6 pointed stars you see

There are also 5, 7, 8, and 9 pointed stars, anon. They all symbols of the Blazing Star, which is distinct in meaning from the Jewish 6 pointed star.

Look at their symbols, symbology will be their downfall

What other symbolS, anon? You listed one, and you were wrong about it.

And psa ethnic Jews in those secret societies are almost all also in bnai brith which is a ethnic Jew only secret society. Doesn't take a rocket surgeon to guess where loyalty lies.

B'nai B'rith is a primarily Jewish secret society. It's the Jewish equivalent of the Ismailis, who are (a) not Jewish and (b) part of the same cabal.

There is no basis for saying or implying that Jews are the top of the pyramid.

21686908? ago

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21327772? ago

interesting youtube channel by a voat user... they say...something about life and art? https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZJDfOoE6eBXIUSaRIMRG_A/videos

21325162? ago

It is the jews. They are the leaders of satanism. Nice try Shlomo.

21325125? ago

But what if we weren't. What if the white hats had been planning for X amount of time and this was always the inevitable?

21325060? ago

I realised this once I started working maintaining the infrastructure for the world trade center.

The walls are all the same.

There are mold and bacteria growing there that are obviously AT LEAST 30 years old.

it's so evident that nothing under the tower was harmed its just too fucking weird what the fuck went on down there.

The survivors get to act like heros, and teach the young fake bullshit.

All of our infrastructure is in MASSIVE decay.

It's not just the military, it's EVERYTHING.

Food, Minerals, Materials. All cut with whatever possible to make sure we have inferior goods all around.

What you are realising is simply the tactics of war.

WATCH, there next move is to start manipulating fungi like Cordyceps to make them able to attack us.



The medical Industry trains their students to poison while believing they're healing.

The workers maintain Systems that exist to hurt the American people.

The rest design the systems that keep the rest as useful idiot slaves that vote according to the media.

What about the underground "mole people."

The humans that never see the light of day because they are all bred in Fallout type vaults all poisoned with different weapons so the enemy can perfect their means to harm us.

There is an entire species of human that DOESN'T EVEN KNOW WE EXIST.

We all have NO IDEA how far these fuckers go.

And when they unleash their weapons these fucks are safe asleep in their fortified Biomes.

an entire underground garden of Sodom & Gomorrah.


21336879? ago

This comment was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @Reapreap.

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21330582? ago

There is an entire species of human that DOESN'T EVEN KNOW WE EXIST.

I got a chill down my spine reading that. It's like Plato's cave. We need to save those people.

However, just think, we could be the downtrodden ones, right? Maybe there's a better place than where we are being 'kept'. You just never know man. Anything is possible.

21336839? ago


21327250? ago

I realized much of this simply when I read a side by side comparison of the ingredients of five common foods and condiments. The comparison was between what they get in the USA vs. Europe. It was a real eye opener. The USA ingredients were NOT the better of the two and most have no idea that these products are made differently depending on where they are distributed. There was no valid reason for it either. They receive the superior products. We have been sold out tremendously.

21325001? ago

Behold a pale horse

21324974? ago

The love of money is the root of all evil.

21328230? ago

There are seven deadly sins. Greed being only one.

21324961? ago

American manufacturing started being gutted in the 70's, when the Rockefeller's changed the business school curriculum.

Please learn that the president's are puppets not the perps.

21324949? ago

Multidimensional intergalactic shit show... I was born for this fight.

21324938? ago

Thank you for saying something non-insane about Jews

21326488? ago

"Jews are a wonderful people!"

Sorry, couldn't resist saying something insane about the jews.

21325172? ago

Gass yourself you jew incel.

21324935? ago

I hope the world gets to know as well...will be one of the best doses of prevention so we NEVER get that close again. Let's WAKE THEM UP with truth. I can't wait to taste true freedom! God Bless POTUS & MI

21324911? ago

I don't believe in luck. I believe in God. If He wanted us to go down the tubes believe me we would be in a world of shit right now.

21324895? ago

If “she” would have won, can you imagine the coup that would’ve taken place.

21324886? ago

Not even started yet. The anti christ needs to show up and convince the world that they dont need Jesus.

21324855? ago

When your house is being swarmed by killer bees, with a rare honeybee hiding in the swarm - do you say, "Not all bees!" or do you call a fucking exterminator?

21326296? ago

You let them in while running out the back. Then you call a jew to come over and "come right in the door is unlocked".

21324843? ago

I concur.

21324806? ago

Any kike that accepts the Talmud is guilty.

21324802? ago

I was living in Europe at the time of the 2016 election and I had a contingency plan in place considering the possibility that Hillary Clinton would be taking office. I was going to move to a tiny island.

Was gonna get the fuck out of the west.

We are absolutely teetering on the edge of salvation and sometimes I don't think enough people are going to push the other way.

21324789? ago

Energy = Children.

21324715? ago

We, as a nation, are still tenuously perched on the edge, with the ground beneath very unstable and crumbling.

21324682? ago

Nearly had us by the balls too. In the 90s we got dangerously close to "everyone is the same, just people trying to live their lives just like me." We've been going down several downward trends for decades. The population has never been more distracted/disinterested. Vast majority of us don't even pay attention, let alone vote. Idle entertainment and debt kept the drones perfectly sustainable.

Then they drank their own koolaid, tuned their kids turned into millennials too, or their demon dogs started getting impatient. Either way, they poisoned themselves, when all they needed to do was keep going.

Idle entertainment and basic quality of life can go a long way to controlling a "free" society.

21328255? ago

Yep, they got prideful and greedy.

21324667? ago

America , Canada and Mexico.

It would explain the AMERO currency that we have been hearing about for years!

21324592? ago

How long until Vidar slays fenrir? How long after that until Baldr returns?

21324547? ago

Pretty accurate. It is the Synagogue of Satan, but they use others to do the dirty work.

21324543? ago

Bigger than this. The Democrats were, without a doubt, profiting wholeheartedly off the decline in America by shorting the dollar and moving the strength and bulk of their assets to foreign investments. They wanted America to decline and they knew that they were causing it. Obama "those jobs aren't coming back" speech was a damn eye opener for a lot of people who missed his dumb "you didn't build that" speech when he was running. They had an agenda that was going to cripple America and that was one of the goals to put in the system in place for total destruction. Don't forget, America has created the Chinese prison camps through the bank funding of their surveillance systems and quite a few other companies that help install the machines that run the camps. We're the world's largest source of funding for nearly everything that we despise completely.

21327035? ago

This is an excellent comment!

21325735? ago

Everyday, I realize more and more how much shit we have paid for. It sickens and infuriates me.

21325530? ago

The movie awards, political symbols, mtv videos .... Their Symbolism Will be Their Downfall Anonymous? https://voat.co/v/anon/3451514/21041571 QRV runs Voat now.

21324540? ago

In the end they all serve the Jooo

21324518? ago

Where are the "normal Jews" speaking out against the cabal?

As we turn the corner on this and avoid the genocide planned for us the danger for the Jews is increasing!

Rabbis calling for all Jews to immediately move to Israel. Violence against Jews in Europe and the USA increasing at an incredible rate. The groyper rebellion. Mossad pedo honeypots with goy kids to compromise and control our politicians being exposed.

You would think that after being ejected from 109 countries they would have realized that it's their own leadership that is doing this to them. You would think they would be the first to rebel against the cabal. So why are they still protecting these monsters?

You would think that out of self preservation Jews would stop this tribal horseshit and help us bring them to justice.

Where the fuck are the "normal Jews" and why are they so quiet?

If Israel rebelled against the cabal it would all be over and we would be praising them. So why side with evil and be hated or even possibly slaughtered when the blowback comes?

It seems like they are very brain washed into the Jew/goy world view!

21332081? ago

the normal Jews go to synagogue probably less often than the normal Christian. holidays, weddings mostly. normie jews, normie christians, i see normies everywhere. they go REEEEEEEE when you try explain how they're being suicided by those they look up to.

21329055? ago

We think alike, 21324518.

21329404? ago

Why can't we support an awakening in Israel?

This would cut the head off the snake in one go. And no one could call us nazis when we are saving the Jewish people from a satanic pedo cult!!

I get it. People are frustrated and angry about what the Jews have done to the west. But the decent Jews don't deserve to be abused by the cabal followed by us. If they are good people they will stand with us and win their own emancipation from these pedos.

Sadly, if they don't they will be used as human shields and soldiers for these monsters.

The violence against their communities is already causing concern and prompting questions. Questions that are made all the more urgent daily by simple questions regarding us relations with Israel.

I think we need to trust that they have the same survival instincts that we do. That they will sense the impending disaster and take action. We are an army or digital warriors with the truth at our fingertips. We could bring them up to speed in a few weeks.

The benefits to us for ending the war earlier is fewer lives lost on all sides.

That's why we should MAKE ISRAEL GREAT and not condem them before they have been given the opportunity to freely chose their destiny.

Saving Israelis, even if it means the loss of Israel would save many of our own people.

We are fighting psychopaths and pedophiles, not Jews! But yes, some Jews are psychopaths/pedophiles just like our own people.

The fact that they have networked themselves globally and made Israel the hq doesn't make all Jews guilty by association. Once we have removed the satanists from power we can all have justice determined by actual crimes committed by each individual with no bias for sex, race or religion.

This is about making us all equal under the law. Sadly some have taken the easy answer as the correct one. But I don't blame all Jews. Just the cabal.

21327132? ago

Where are the "normal Jews" speaking out against the cabal?

Moving on from my knee-jerk response, "Wat? there are normal Jews?" I will say that Satan's prime target is Jerusalem and the Jews. No matter how you slice that, it makes for a very complex situation. You think the US has a Deep State running things, Israel has a Deep State with extra layers! Not only do they have Mossad within the government, they also have a Sanhedrin alongside it that is perfectly fine with turning Tel Aviv into a LGBT cesspool in exchange for leverage elsewhere. Currently it's all rigged against "normal" Jews speaking out against the cabal. The Jewish normies will have to do something radical and turn to God before there is any effective, lasting change. They really cannot do it on their own; it is that far gone.

21326839? ago

With all the "Moderate muslims " denouncing extremism/ terrorism?

21325889? ago

Where are the "normal Jews" speaking out against the cabal?





and of course https://www.breitbart.com/

They've all been sidelined from politics. Every major Jewish organization has been bought off or subverted. Of the ones who haven't, they can't get any press attention and the donors run away from them.

21326923? ago

So they are having the same problems EVERYONE else is against the Caballists.

21325607? ago

Normal jews aren't paying any more attention than any other brainwashed people. Jews tend to swing liberal, so don't expect a fast awakening.

21325518? ago

What happened to white/Christian Americans who questioned Dubya when he passed the Patriot Act and invaded the Middle East?

What happens to black Americans who point out that the Dems are the ones keeping them impoverished and fighting each other? What happened to black Americans who criticized Obama?

What happens to gay people who point out that LGB has been hijacked by perverts to normalize transgenderism, pedophilia, etc.?

What happens to a Jew who questions Israel's treatment of the Palestinians, or worse, points out the scope of their infiltration and subversion of governments around the world?

Identity and the need for a sense of group belonging are very fundamental human instincts, and the fear of being ostracized from a given group can be a powerful weapon. (((They))) know this and have used it very powerfully against countless identity groups over the years, forcing their acquiescence while their "leaders" carried out all sorts of crimes in their name. Jews are no exception.

21325322? ago

These are the psychotic cabal Jews!

The people that the "good Jews" should be shutting down and demanding are prosecuted!

But no. Silence.

21325411? ago

2 Thessalonians 15 - 16

the Jews: Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and the prophets, and have persecuted us, and please not God, and are adversaries to all men; Prohibiting us to speak to the Gentiles, that they may be saved, to fill up their sins always: for the wrath of God is come upon them to the end.

21325111? ago

EXACTLY. They aren't participating directly, but they still want the END GOAL. Guilty.

21331503? ago

Your digits look tasty. I wanna lick them.

21331604? ago

shit I didn't even notice. shadilay you glorious bastard.edit: mason...THE NUMBERS.

21327164? ago

Like moderate muslims. Moderate jews.

21324784? ago

They do speak out and get downvote brigaded by the same bad faith actors pretending to want to hear from them.

21325205? ago

They do not. You're a jew pedo.

21324747? ago

Where are the "normal Jews" speaking out against the cabal?

There's a few but not very many. Brother Nathaniel, Steve and Yana from Israeli News Live.

21324727? ago

The holocaust is a reeducation program for jews who didn't toe the zionist line.

21329494? ago

The cabal always uses the big events for multiple purposes.

When the wtc where attacked they stole the gold from wtc7 and also managed to start many wars. They also took away many rights of us citizens. They also built a surveillance state.

I would bet my own ass that they are torturing their own with gangstalking, electronic harassment, blacklisting and all sorts of hellish shit.

Now imagine how principled that person would have to be to withstand a lifetime of this satanic shit.

I would honestly like to get to know some of those Jews!

21324629? ago

Those are some damn good questions.

21324588? ago


21324514? ago

These bastards should be strangled with their own intestines!

21328268? ago

Would be a money saver for sure.

21329605? ago

And environmentally responsible as well! Recycled intestine!

21329799? ago

Biodegradable too.

21329922? ago

AOC would be proud of such forward thinking! I'll explain it to her just before we choke the life out of her and she'll probably help!

21329984? ago

If she doesn't, I don't mind lending a hand. I'm charitable that way.

21330074? ago

I had a feeling we could count on ya!

21324506? ago

Finally a Patriot that has truly woken from the deep sleep.

Yes those that call themselves JEWS but in fact worship Lucifer are the ones at the heart of everything evil. They come in many forms and flavors and have infiltrated everything from the highest public offices to your local kids preschool. Personally I know of these people in my community. Once I was a part of their organization and didn't have a clue. Pure Evil walks and talks just like us.

On the edge of change? On the Razor's Edge of change patriot. If I told you I am the return of the Christ you wouldn't believe me...and I wouldn't expect you to believe me, on face value. Actually since I said that, you are keeping your mind open. Tell me, how would you explain the internet to a few dudes still shitting in the desert 2000 years ago? You give them words they can understand. Like the word cloud. Even 15 years ago that word didn't mean "storage on the internet" it meant a literal Cloud. See where I am going here? He will come on the "cloud" (they added the 's' st the end, because to them it just didn't make sense) Should have read, he will come on the "cloud" with great glory. How else are you going to reach billions of people in today's world? On the Cloud or Internet. Now you are starting to believe.

The Creator made a promise to humanity, at least to those that followed his son's teachings. That one day he would return to fix all humanities' problems and create a new beginning. One free of Evil and Corruption.

It's been the Zionist Jews that have prompted the return of the Christ...whether they know it or not.

It's been the Masons that have hid my bloodline for more than a millennia. They are truly the heroes here. Bloodline you say?

All will be revealed soon that once was hidden. The truth will set all of us free from their slavery. God's plan is perfection.

After all, this, all of this is God's plan. And you are a child of the Creator. Qteam, they are literally the Angels spoken of in the bible.

On the Edge? Yes we all are. If I am back, the world is about to change in the blink of an eye.

DJT, think of him as a General in God's Army, he does take his orders directly from the Creator.

Of course this all sounds crazy, just like they had intended.

Hermetic texts said it all. Why am I not quoting the bible? Because the bible has been perverted, edited so one can never know the real truth. They have kept the truth hidden from all of us.

Read these words. If you don't have goosebumps by the end, perhaps you should read it again.

Hermetic Prophecy Begins:

Do you not know, Asclepius, that Egypt is an image of heaven, or, to speak more exactly, in Egypt all the operations of the powers which rule and work in heaven have been transferred to earth below?

Nay, it should rather be said that the whole Kosmos dwells in this our land as in its sanctuary.

And yet, since it is fitting that wise men should have knowledge of all events before they come to pass, you must not be left in ignorance of this:

there will come a time when it will be seen that in vain have the Egyptians honored the deity with heartfelt piety and assiduous service; and all our holy worship will be found bootless and ineffectual.

For the gods will return from earth to heaven.

Egypt will be forsaken, and the land which was once the home of religion will be left desolate, bereft of the presence of its deities.

This land and region will be filled with foreigners; not only will men neglect the service of the gods, but ... ; and Egypt will be occupied by Scythians or Indians or by some such race from the barbarian countries thereabout. In that day will our most holy land, this land of shrines and temples, be filled with funerals and corpses.

To thee, most holy Nile, I cry, to thee I foretell that which shall be; swollen with torrents of blood, thou wilt rise to the level of thy banks, and thy sacred waves will be not only stained, but utterly fouled with gore.

Do you weep at this, Asclepius? There is worse to come; Egypt herself will have yet more to suffer; she will fall into a far more piteous plight, and will be infected with yet more, grievous plagues; and this land, which once was holy, a land which loved the gods, and wherein alone, in reward for her devotion, the gods deigned to sojourn upon earth, a land which was the teacher of mankind in holiness and piety, this land will go beyond all in cruel deeds.

The dead will far outnumber the living; and the survivors will be known for Egyptians by their tongue alone, but in their actions they will seem to be men of another race.

O Egypt, Egypt, of thy religion nothing will remain but an empty tale, which thine own children in time to come will not believe; nothing will be left but graven words, and only the stones will tell of thy piety.

And in that day men will be weary of life, and they will cease to think the universe worthy of reverent wonder and of worship. And so religion, the greatest of all blessings, for there is nothing, nor has been, nor ever shall be, that can be deemed a greater boon, will be threatened with destruction; men will think it a burden, and will come to scorn it.

They will no longer love this world around us, this incomparable work of God, this glorious structure which he has built, this sum of good made up of things of many diverse forms, this instrument whereby the will of God operates in that which be has made, ungrudgingly favoring man’s welfare, this combination and accumulation of all the manifold things that can call forth the veneration, praise, and love of the beholder.

Darkness will be preferred to light, and death will be thought more profitable than life; no one will raise his eyes to heaven ; the pious will be deemed insane, and the impious wise; the madman will be thought a brave man, and the wicked will be esteemed as good.

As to the soul, and the belief that it is immortal by nature, or may hope to attain to immortality, as I have taught you, all this they will mock at, and will even persuade themselves that it is false.

No word of reverence or piety, no utterance worthy of heaven and of the gods of heaven, will be heard or believed.

And so the gods will depart from mankind, a grievous thing!, and only evil angels will remain, who will mingle with men, and drive the poor wretches by main force into all manner of reckless crime, into wars, and robberies, and frauds, and all things hostile to the nature of the soul.

Then will the earth no longer stand unshaken, and the sea will bear no ships; heaven will not support the stars in their orbits, nor will the stars pursue their constant course in heaven; all voices of the gods will of necessity be silenced and dumb; the fruits of the earth will rot; the soil will turn barren, and the very air will sicken in sullen stagnation.

After this manner will old age come upon the world. Religion will be no more; all things will be disordered and awry; all good will disappear.

But when all this has befallen, Asclepius, then the Master and Father, God, the first before all, the maker of that god who first came into being, will look on that which has come to pass, and will stay the disorder by the counterworking of his will, which is the good.

He will call back to the right path those who have gone astray; he will cleanse the world from evil, now washing it away with water-floods, now burning it out with fiercest fire, or again expelling it by war and pestilence.

And thus he will bring back his world to its former aspect, so that the Kosmos will once more be deemed worthy of worship and wondering reverence, and God, the maker and restorer of the mighty fabric, will be adored by the men of that day with unceasing hymns of praise and blessing.

Such is the new birth of the Kosmos; it is a making again of all things good, a holy and awe-striking restoration of all nature; and it is wrought in the process of time by the eternal will of God.

For Gods will has no beginning; it is ever the same, and as it now is, even so it has ever been, without beginning.

For it is the very being of God to purpose good.

21332231? ago

there are plenty of anons who have had personal encounters with Jesus. so we know bullshit. project bluebeam is hilarious.

you are either confused, mistaught, narcissistic, or a bullshitter with not enough in your life to feel a sense of meaning and purpose.

21333767? ago

I'll remember that.

and I'll remember you.

21325188? ago

Gass yourself faggot. It is the jews. jews are the leaders of satanism.

21324570? ago

ok boomer

21325613? ago

Sweetheart, that’s a compliment for me. 😘

21324748? ago

Can you please tell me what a "boomer" is?

Is it perhaps the people that will create booms?


If so, keep calling me a boomer.

We are going to make your world go away.

21325435? ago

Bro the BOOM BOOM BOOM Q post literally happened in August of LAST YEAR. more than a year ago.

What happened? Can you name a single BOOM that happened from it?

Remember the military parade last year that Q was saying was going to finally be the time? What happened?

Can you name a single thing Q has said or done that has actually done anything other than keep saying 'wait, soon the storm will come? The first post he made was saying that HRC will soon be arrested. That was in Oct of 2017. What happened?

You've been cucked, my friend.

21326219? ago

Fuck off and die please.

21337958? ago

oh no did poor baby get sad because I pointed out that the thing he follows is complete smoke and mirrors and cuckery?

uh oh poor baby bitch

21326157? ago

How do you keep a moron in suspense?

Hold on, I'm just about to tell you - just keep refreshing this comment until 2024.

21325275? ago

I like this anon

21325501? ago

Bro the BOOM BOOM BOOM Q post literally happened in August of LAST YEAR. more than a year ago.

What happened? Can you name a single BOOM that happened from it?

Remember the military parade last year that Q was saying was going to finally be the time? What happened?

Can you name a single thing Q has said or done that has actually done anything other than keep saying 'wait, soon the storm will come? The first post he made was saying that HRC will soon be arrested. That was in Oct of 2017. What happened?

You've been cucked, my friend.

21326032? ago

"Q's predictions must have come true within a year, or else they will never come true."

I hear you. I just don't see how you could think this.

21326258? ago

Or the opposite:

"Q's predictions aren't meant to be fulfilled within any of our lifetimes - They've had centuries to embed themselves, and it will take centuries to root them out...

"Teach your children to teach their children about the coming storm, and to just sit quietly until it happens..."

The word "patriot" has been ruined for all time by these pathetic cucks. Now it means low IQ Americans who are incredibly easy to fool into helping their oppressors oppress them and their people.

21326775? ago

Time will tell, I guess! I don't share your FAITH that Q is fake.

21337981? ago

You can point to literally nothing that Q has ever said that has meant anything. Why do you still follow them? It's like you got emailed by a nigerian prince asking for $500 and now you've given your life savings to them

21338511? ago

Can you literally do that?

Seems like you haven't read the breads.

21338676? ago

No, I can't do that, becuase nothing Q has ever said has meant anything or predicted anything.

You can't point to a single one, can you? That's why you dodged the question, right?

Point me to a single bread that shows that Q has predicted a single thing. If you can't do that, why do you still believe in the guy? Jeez man, complete cuckery

21327248? ago

What I'm going on is the preponderance of the evidence. I don't have faith that I [rolls...] wouldn't win the lottery if I bought a ticket, but that seems extremely unlikely. Sure, the Q psyop could bizarrely turn out to be legitimate, but I see the odds as incredibly low. Maybe we've seen different data.

21328704? ago

I can only conclude that we have. On the preponderance of evidence, I can think of no explanation other than "Q is real" for many things that have happened over the last couple of years.

21331535? ago

I'm not saying I don't accept that there's an online account that posts various riddles and prognostications - very likely to be directly associated with President Trump.

21331957? ago

Ah,some common ground!

21332450? ago


21324500? ago

I still like to refer to them all as Illuminati, deep state or NWO but no matter what you call them they are evil incarnate.

21324494? ago

I remember in the nineties watching Bush and Clinton side by side on Larry King telling us how great these trade deals were going to be for us and we were going to become a service economy! I was listening to this "Bull Shit" and saying to myself "service economy" what the fuck is that, flipping burgers? I felt like the country was about raped and my instincts proved correct!

21327312? ago

Yes then Obama planned on following up with the TPP, which thankfully Trump squashed. Never mind what was in the Paris Accord, us paying TRILLIONS of dollars to outlaw our refrigeration and Air Conditioning, while providing "developing" countries in equatorial regions the same. If you recall, John Kerry even gave a speech about how AC and refrigeration were as big a threat to national security as ISIS. They were planning on outlawing these products in the United States. Meanwhile idiots are still calling for Climate Change legislation sending us back to the stone age, while our politicians all retreat to their bolt holes overseas. People need to wake UP.

21329582? ago

The whole bunch are guilty of TREASON! This country would have unrecognizable by now if Hillary got elected! Almost makes ya believe in God!

21329809? ago

I've always believed in God. He got me through quite a lot through my years.

21329894? ago

I did but I can make no sense of the world with evil people killing and raping innocent children ,are their lives worthless?

21329971? ago

We were given the gift of free will and told to use wisely. Some chose wrong.

21330063? ago

But what about the children who have been psychologically destroyed? Who is going to fix that? Their free agency is tainted by this horrible treatment if they survive at all! Is it fair to drop a child into sceptic tank then blame them because they stink? This world makes no sense.

21324461? ago

Hillary isn't being asked to run, she's being told to run. Her puppet masters demand it. Trump is fucking up a global cabal and they're not happy.

21324441? ago

Thank you for calling out Talmudic Jews specifically, and other non-Jew, secret societies. We need to know our enemy, and too many shills around here beat down the Jews as a whole, when it is NOT the general Jewish population who are the problem.

21328950? ago

so what exactly do the the (((good))) ones think of Jesus?

21326467? ago

Real anons know. This is not a democracy here on voat. Brains triumph.

21325302? ago

You dumb fuck, they're 97% talmundic

21325213? ago

all the jews are genitically broken and prone to atrocities.

21332136? ago

son you need to get out more. let me take you on a tour of the west side of Chicago, especially on a hot night in July. it might expand your thinking about "genetically broken."

21332181? ago

lol at you speaking like a nigger

21332297? ago

funny they let me in there. but as paramedic they had no choice. you really should work the underbelly of society for awhile.

21324743? ago

What are you talking about? Not a single one of these pedophiles wears a kippah or is Orthodox. There's one tiny Orthodox synagogue for all of DC and dozens of Reform synagogues. "Talmudic" Jews are the very 10% who are fighting Leftists and the attacks on them are Leftist propaganda.

21332162? ago

logic won't help these voat bigots. they really don't consider the individual and they don't believe in freewill. some are atheists in need of a devil. others are poor excuses for Christians who seem to miss the very heart of Jesus gospel or worse, denying Jesus.

21326090? ago

Police yourselves or someone will do it for you.

21325045? ago

"Talmudic" Jews are the very 10% who are fighting Leftists and the attacks on them are Leftist propaganda.

Also Talmud

The Non-Jew is a goyim, 100 families of which are worth 1 Toe Nail clipping of ANY Jew.

Could you glow any harder?

21324372? ago

I won't feel good until we get a major happening.

All it would take to end the US is the democrats winning Presidency in 2020.

21324454? ago

They won't be around in 2020. If you pay any sort of attention to reality you'll see their lies are starting to glow so bright even the normies can't pretend it isn't.

21334224? ago

The voting fraud is getting just as obvious, and not nearly enough is happening about it. I don't trust that we can keep them from outright stealing the 2020 election, w/ 10's of millions of faked votes.

A small example: Biden is leading in the polls, even against Trump. Ever met a Biden supporter in real life, or even online?

The National Popular Vote is gaining a lot of momentum too. They've captured 196 electoral votes out of the 270 they need. Fewer and fewer understand why we have the Electoral College, instead of a popular vote. It's because the Federal government is supposed to govern the States, not the individuals.

21324572? ago

Like the freaking sun or radioactivity, we can detect them now. They can't run and they definitely can't hide.

21324332? ago

For insurance, they have also shattered the school system, infiltrated with Marxism from stem to stern.

Not to mention the vaccines...

...and poisoning the food, water, and air.

22345838? ago

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21324180? ago

It's fucking good v. evil, hands down.

21330820? ago

Its goyim VS jews. Always has been

21327986? ago

Yep. And we need to destroy evil by whatever means necessary. This world will never have peace as long as these evil bastards are walking amongst us.

21326988? ago

dark vs light

21326846? ago

Synogouge of satan

21325852? ago

Ah yes. The original Sin. Duality.

21338944? ago

The AI overlay matrix that we consider "reality" requires the duality of juxtaposition for experience.

21325292? ago

good vs evil, with 90% Jews as Actors

21324994? ago

Period. End of story. Good vs Evil. God vs Satan.

21324936? ago

its globalist jews vs zionist jews, nothing to see here goy

21325073? ago

This is closer to the reality of the situation than anything. People don't realize that even within some of the "families" there are factions that fight for either side or want one or the other. Globalism or nationalism.

21324724? ago

Another ADL thread. Giving you a bunch of truth, but mixing in that small percent of bullshit about "good" jews.

All jews lie about the holohoax, jewish ritual murder, 9/11, palestian genocide, white genocide etc...


(((They))) live.







21337671? ago

is Clintons, Obama, Bushes. noName, shifty schiff Jewish?

Evil is not limited to race.

CIA is evil.

21337769? ago

Adam schiff is jewish, yes. Hillary has jew blood in her family (self admitted)

Rest are shaboz goi.

Gas yourself immediately

21340711? ago

ha, not every jew is privy to the cabal.

so if you found out your wife, husband or best friend had jewish blood do you dump them?

or are you slamming the cabal only and not the normies?

21340745? ago

Its all of you.

21334706? ago


21334836? ago


21332047? ago

excuse me? you never heard of the French nose?

21330831? ago

oy vey you Nazi hick! Jews are our friends and israel greatest ally. I'm glad jews own and control everything.

21325527? ago

wow she really does look like a demon.

21325782? ago

Other way around.

21325536? ago

Uncanny isnt it???

21325232? ago

Thank God another goat isn't a dumb faggot who believe jew pedo story time.

21325291? ago

I can spot these niggers a mile away now

21325006? ago

Not pushing, legitimately asking you.

Why do you fear questions if you're so certain Anon?

21325144? ago

Here are some of the "good" jews OP is referring to. Amazing. I had no idea there were so many! Look at these totally (((normal))), every day jews. So peaceful.


PS highly recommend all real anons bookmark download and archive the link above. Very useful.

21324923? ago

I bet Bigfoot is Jewish.

21326093? ago

Saw an orthodox woman in a bikini once and there was almost enough hair for bigfoot.

21325398? ago

top kek so far today!

21324816? ago

10000 Xs This

21325171? ago

21328275? ago

They are their own fucking worst stereotype tropes.

If kikes are white, than the Holohoax was the biggest white tragedy.

Checkmate kikes.

21328280? ago


21324675? ago

you mean jews vs whites

21338973? ago

Jews don't have to do much when they can rely on the guilt and shame of false narratives to get Whites to willingly self destruct out a deep desire for virtue and integrity. There's nothing more evil than to use people's capacity for goodness and compassion against them.

21339747? ago

false narratives sprouting from the jew controlled media?

21329684? ago

TO ALL MORONS DISSING BOOMERS . News Flash, all but like 3 of them are retired.

Boomers are all in their late 70's to 90's now, boomers were the kids spawned by the returned soldiers of WWII, their kids were beatniks and hippies and their kids were genX-ers and their kids were millennials.

You are so fucking stupid you can't even tell what generation you are in.

A 50 year old today is from generation X and grew up in the 1980's with MTV and Atari, they are not boomers, their parents were from the beatnik and hippie era. That is two generations removed from boomers. What a bunch of morons, clueless of history.

21334318? ago

56 year old boomer here. I might also add that my great grandfather was a jew who knocked up a goy and ran. I am also a patriot, and I support my country and the constitution. I have followed Q since the beginning . I also love Jesus. Please let me know now how I am disqualified. wwg1wga

21334691? ago

What generation is someone born in 1977?

21333439? ago

any on fifty five year old is not a boomer or a generation X . we are part of the forgotten generation. we are the children of the kids that watched there older siblings go off to war … our parents were never a part of the hippie generation but neither were they a part of the greatest generation the one that fought in world war 2 ....the baby boomer generation and the greatest generation was so into themselves that my parents generation along with my generation was never talked about or referd to in literature . the reason for this is that those two generations are spikes in the amount of children born

21333349? ago

Boomers were born 1945-65. You must be a "new math" millennial because you suck at math.

21332539? ago

1954-1957 Late blooming boomers barely count as boomers, 10-12 years old during the 60s makes you Gen-W, old enough to have created the internet but too old to enjoy it without bitching.

21331482? ago

Um I’m GenX and my mom is from the silent generation, born in 1939. She just turned 80. Boomers start in 1945 and go anywhere from 1960 to 1963.

21330902? ago

We know what boomers are you dick. Its just a fucking meme settle down. GenXers grew up on pozzed media and music just like the rest. Millenials had some advantage, they had the internet and message boards. Which made access to "wrongthink" information easier. Much easier to notice kike tricks with the internet. Boomers had the news, genx had mtv, gen y have the net.

21332573? ago

I was on the net when it was a unix prompt and bulletin boards at colleges only and no graphical interface. Hippies and X-ers invented the internet not boomers you fag troll. Your pimpled ass enjoys the benefits of what our generations created and you can't even get history correct in your memes. A meme is supposed to be truth told in form other than words fag, You tell lies in words and call it a meme fuck your racist, age-ist bullshit and fuck you.

21333293? ago

Typical boomer thinking racist is a degogatory insult!

21331511? ago

ffs GenX had the net anywhere from elementary school to 20’s depending on when you were born.

21331570? ago

we're talking about GROWING UP with it, not already in your teens

21334097? ago

Because 5 year olds surf the net for 9-11 truth. SMDH.

21335494? ago

Say can you answer me a question? What is the status of israels nuclear weapons program and how many warheads do they have?

21330465? ago

I'm a 66 year-old Boomer. There are Boomers younger than me. I think your numbers might be a little off.

21332133? ago

Agree...I am a 63 year old boomer. His numbers are really skewed.

21332569? ago

Born UK 1951 - I must be one of the three! And, for the record, I have a brain the size of the planet and I've been "woke" for decades. I voted FOR Brexit, too.

21340076? ago

Good on you. I am worried that your DS NWO devils are going to diddle you out of the Brexit result. You all have to keep on their asses and don't let them call another referendum.....you have already voted and Brexit won. What they are doing with Brexit is what they are trying to do with Pres. Trump.

I was born in US and moved to Aus. in '99. I kind of knew something was wrong over the years, but the WTC woke me right up. You should have seen the arguments I had over that over the years. However, many of my harshest critics over here now think WTC was inside job with some dancing people and Bush family (among others) heavily involved. Slowly red pilling a few people....using Epstein and what they are doing to the kids is the best red medicine. Everyone thinks politicians are corrupt, so they aren't angered or surprised, but when kids are tortured and killed, well they start paying attention.

21324944? ago

85% of these users are Civic Nationalist Boomers. They'll never get it. They'd rather proudly go extinct saying, "Not all Jews!" than admit the problem.

Ask any Boomer if they'd rather have America slowly become an all white ethnostate where Christianity vanished, but we still celebrated the same pagan holidays we always have, like Halloween, Christmas, New Year's, Easter, etc, or would they rather have America become multiracial until whites were completely gone, but everyone left was a devout Christian.

Every single one I have asked has said make America Christian. Even at the expense of our race.

It's classic Boomer mentality. They care only about themselves and barely about their children. It doesn't occur to them that eventually their blood line will go extinct. I'll never meet my great great grandchildren, but I love them and want them to inherit a safe, wholesome, and profitable nation.

21343629? ago

Yuri pointed out how deep this kind of programming can go. Just give up on the boomers, they'll be dead soon anyway.

21334676? ago

Fuck your boomer shit!

21335580? ago

Okay Boomer.

21332266? ago

Glowing you are

21329538? ago

You see the problem yet!


We are dealing with psychotic behaviour not Jewish behaviour.

21329482? ago

Boomers are all in their late 60's to 80's now, boomers were the kids spawned by the returned soldiers of WWII, their kids were beatniks and hippies and their kids were genX-ers and their kids were millennials.

You are so fucking stupid you can't even tell what generation you are in.

21338727? ago

Wrong --- Boomers were born as late as 1964. So not all in late 70's. Also, "Boomers" includes 76 MILLION people. So it's impossible to generalize. Many of the people you folks are dissing are the ones who have been fighting these Socialist Fucks for 40 years. We've gone head to head with them long before you were born. So stop bowing to the Leftard habit of creating classes of people so you can diss them. We are in the fight for our lives. We are in a fight of Good vs Evil --- NOT Boomer vs GenX or Boomer vs Millennial. Anyone who is honestly here to be a part of the Good fight is good enough for me. I have friends of every age and am sick and tired of the bullshit about generations. All of that is a social construct manufactured by the people who want us Divided. So - KNOCK IT OFF

21328079? ago

I'm not a Boomer, but I'd take the "make everyone Christian" too.

But you're asking which impossible thing you'd rather have. You're overinterpreting the answers. The real question is which possible thing we can have.

21333495? ago

The point of the hypothetical question is to expose your underlying principles. To you, a Semitic religion is more important to you than your own race and family.

21326867? ago

Go eat a fucking Tide pod you divisive moron. You are the problem.

21333504? ago

Divisive? I'm glad you said that.

Q says, "They want you divided." And indeed they do. That's why they have flooded ethnically and spiritually homogenous white nations with third world ethnicities and sandnigger religions. They've even managed to convince you that that division is a part of "America ™"

21326766? ago

Agree about the Boomers. They are a huge problem/ symptom.

21325926? ago

😅 You childish fool! White Boomer Males made it possible for you to not get Hillary. Stop biting the hand that fed you.

21333515? ago

Ok Boomer.

21326781? ago

This is the latest meme going around infecting my liberal friends. They're all blaming Boomers for everything, when an ignorant/brainwashed millennial population is contributing just as much, and it's the Boomers who are getting us out of this shit.

21331929? ago

read strauss & howe, the 4th Turning. it's predicted like this.

21332104? ago

Read a summary, may look into the book.

But can't help but feel like it's easy to create theory when it's retrospective.

Plus some of the "crises" and turmoil with drugs and music we've experienced have been pushed by CIA. And War created by bankers/Jews

21332272? ago

wonder the same, but a compelling theory nonetheless. only need to read the beginning for the theory and each generational archetype - useful, and the final bit called prophecy is worth a look.

Strauss died of pancreatic cancer while Howe became buddies with Pete Peterson (Blackrock co-founder) btw.

21325644? ago

You're probably one of the new people, so you don't 'remember' that classic boomer mentality is "don't trust anyone over 30". Sure, a huge percentage of boomer kids were dazzled by the left and drugs, but note that we weren't literally cutting our penises off like kids today are doing.

Every single one I have asked has said make America Christian.

This is how I know you don't live in California. Where are you finding these people?

Had this in my clipboard to make a post, but will just drop it here instead: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/we-are-going-war-has-final-apocalyptic-conflict-between-israel-and-her-enemies-now

Fingers crossed.

21325080? ago

Jesus you're not wrong, look at the post below justifying it.

21325030? ago

It's intellectually lazy to suggest it's all the Jews. That they and they alone have a secret system of indoctrination that allows them to exist without any empathy at all whatsoever.

It works as an incredible smokescreen too, because then the freemasons, the shriners et all, those are just "Crypto Jews" and therefor also part of the Jewery, despite their obvious "Whiteness".

Oyy Vey shut it down the boomers know.

21325320? ago

Gas yourself traitor

21325253? ago

It's intellectually lazy to suggest it's all the Jews.

It's accurate.

21328398? ago

No, the source of the corruption is Sabbetea Tzvi, antichrist and false messiah born 1666. He inverted judaic doctrine and founded modern Luciferianism. The Rothchilds are Sabbeteans.

21331992? ago

luciferianism has corrupted every advancing culture since lucifer rebelled. the mystery cults, paganism, weakened the thriving pre-Hellenic cultures and left them vulnerable to barbarian invasion. not much different right now.

21344417? ago

thats not correct. luciferianism as a formulized doctrine didn't exist until Sabbeta Tzvi corrupted the Kabbalah and formed the original 'synagogue of satan." The mystery cults & paganism are just pre-christian forms of mysticism. mysticism isn't satanic.

21325120? ago

There's a reason every fucking time is a meme you fuckhead. Look into any subversion of our justice system, our country, the wars we have fought over the last 80 years and you will see rats scuttling away once the light is shined on them.

What secret system of indoctrination are you referring to? you mean our media, colleges and schools? They are not secret

21325147? ago

When did "One bad apple ruins the bunch" turn into "Not all those apples are rotten!!"

21325050? ago

Ok Rabbi.

21324211? ago

This. Meme the shit out of it! Plenty of evidence the Dems are evil.

21325131? ago

21324211? Dubz Confirm. Pepe approves this meme idea. (That means it will work guise!)

Translation: Digits Confirm REEEEEEEEeeeeee!!!

21324639? ago

It's good v evil.

We really against evil in high places, no matter their political or religious affiliation

21325263? ago

Nope. The jews are the leaders of satanism. That's what we are up against.

21324848? ago

Is Luciferianism good, evil, or neutral?

Is socialism good, evil, or neutral?

What even is the meaning of words such as "good" or "evil"?

21325312? ago

Passer-by anon says: (Paraphrasing):

"Why do we get all the idiots and God gets all the smart ones?"~ John Leguizamo-(aka)Clown/Violator in Spawn-1997 (Lamenting how stupid his devil-worshiper followers are.)

I'd guess it depends on how well informed the practitioners of those religions were at the time. Good and Evil are relevant terms Fren. LARPing ignorantly probably isn't as evil as eating babies for real. Not a hard concept when you think "Rule of Law", and "Freedom of Religion" and clear the triggered propaganda from your head. Don't get triggered that's for NPC's Fren. "Think Logically"

21326054? ago

I can't imagine why you think I'm triggered.

It's offered a thought experiment. The person I was responding to seems to think good/evil runs orothogonal to beliefs, or ideologies.

It doesn't.

That's not how it works. Not for anyone who has really dug into what such belief systems are about (eventually you will see the lucifer-worship and leftism are inextricable from each other).

Are there ignorant NPCs sure, but these people will be compelled to either take a side, or cease existing, as the awakening proceeds. You will see.

21326422? ago

"I can't imagine why you think I'm triggered."

Fair enough Fren, mayhaps it was "Mirror Thinking" (projection) on my part. As you might see I've had to think a lot about this as there are several religions among Men, that don't respect American values or the Laws of our land.

Hard to provide "Fredom of Religion" to those who's religions advocate taking those guaranteed freedoms and pursuit of happiness from our good citizens. For me it All boils down to "The Golden Rule", I'll respect ANY religion that respects my right to choose what I believe, or don't believe.

Personally luciferians are (to my thinking) simply deceived satanists, like how socialism is just communism-light with pretty lies for frosting on top. Muslims and tulmudic or zionist jews are right up there in hating freedom in my book too, right along with zionist "Christians", calvinists, and some fundamentalists. So I guess I'm saying "You'll know them by the fruits of their labors".

Your thoughts are Welcome Fren, no matter your color or creed. Patriots have no skin color. The Free Market of Ideas is what Q is all about right? Let Truth sort 'em out.

21326934? ago

Stop saying Fren

21329401? ago

OK Fren.

21326673? ago

We mostly agree on these things.

Thoughts and speech are good to express.

But murder can not be allowed for example, just because a so-called "religion" commands it.

Freedom of religion can only work inasmuch as said religions are compatible with the US Constitution which is supposed to guarantee individual rights. This includes your right to life... to not be murdered by a Jihadist, be raped and eaten by a Luciferian, or to have the fruits of your labor seized by a Marxist.

BTW socialism is not a lite version of communism, they are supposedly different stages of the same ideology (Marxism). Socialism is state-run collectivism, which according to the "theory" is supposed to proceed to communism, which is the stateless utopia where there is no property and all is shared. Alas, communism is never achieved because everyone dies from the socialism!

What a spectacular amount of Loosh has been generated by leftist ideology...

21334597? ago

Most of the wars of the last 100 years were fake and manufactured. That means anyone killed in those wars were murdered.

21334662? ago

Indeed. So much suffering and only to keep monsters in power.

21327203? ago

I'm with you! What a feast of loosh this land has become. (Insert video clip of SJW screaming in rage at the sky because killary lost here).

You're right about the commies, I do tend to output in the common vernacular (common misconceptions and all). You make a fine distinction but I have no Quarrel with it, and I understood it as I was writing it earlier. (I figured the folks would understand better and it was close enough. "hive mind", "100th Monkey Effect", "Collective Unconscious" "meme magic" and so on.)

I think that "The Show" (tm) will make us all think this through, and come to grips with what we really believe. I'm doing my best to just keep my eyes open to see The Truth. I'm looking for ways to change how I behave (like thinking others are triggered when it could be me instead) because I seek to Be the change I want to see in The World.

My bad, course change noted. I Am feeling The Love, I'm having a blast watching the traitors expose themselves.

Much Love Patriot!

21327235? ago

Likewise, Fren!

21324230? ago

It's not just the dems, not all the jews, etc. - it's just humans v. colonized drones at this point.

21324159? ago

I just hope that in the end it all comes out. All of it, not us thinking , well maybe it was this or maybe it was that. It all needs to come out especially what they had planned for us.

21324889? ago

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21324122? ago

Yeah, we almost made it to an extinction event, might get there yet.

21324325? ago

I'm leaning to, we're too far gone. It may require 1000s to be arrested to clean house; fed and state.

21326321? ago

I can practically guarantee that a minimum of hundreds of thousands will have to be killed to avoid the end of everything. And untold numbers outside the US.

21324112? ago

Obama didn’t gut anything, but he didn’t help.

We were already gutted ... the key phrase Q keeps repeating is “America is no longer for sale” ... starting with Bush I (?) the globalists on both sides of the river sold everything that wasn’t nailed down ... obama just came later and added the green grift on top ... my blame lies with Bushes, Clinton’s and media (anyone who argues for free trade)

21329579? ago

You fucking lying piece of shit, this country was perfect before that Obama asshole.

21328350? ago

Starting with Bill Clinton. He signed up China as the Most Favored Nation Trading Status. That began the import insanity and the export of all of our industrial base.

21329677? ago

Yes he did ... China got MFNTS, and Bill & Co got 200k a pop speeches ... we got free trade, and as I understand it, we don’t pull China up, they pull us down. I have photos of Detroit machinary in Chinese factories ... can’t compete with slave Labor

21327829? ago

I attribute the state of things to them too. It seems Obama is really just a product of their program who they saw as having the ability to carry that torch until time for Hillary. I have a hard time thinking he wasn’t just playing quarterback and is their lackey.

21327896? ago

There was a man dressed as First Lady ... talk about comped

21325813? ago

Obama most certainly gutted the tremendous progress of leaving racism behind. There was no Black Lives Matter before he took office, and if in 2007 you'd asked any kid on a middle school sports team if we needed such a group, they would not have known what you were talking about. There was no Antifa before Obama. Despite living in the deep South, there was no KKK in my county before Obama, the stragglers had disbanded a couple decades before, but three months after Obama hyped Ferguson there was a flyer in my driveway for a membership drive. Obama stirred up both extremes and gutted the harmony and safety of the middle. Obama gutted cordial race relations. He DID THAT! They were not gutted before; they were well on the way toward healing, and that demon cut and carved brand new wounds.

21324939? ago

Yeah - sometime in 2018 there was a discussion here on VOAT about the bug-out ranch that the Bushes purchased in Paraguay. Here is one of many available articles about it.


These assholes have been preparing for this 16-year destruction of America for a looooong fucking time.

21326229? ago

Nah mate they know whats coming our way. And the rest is leveraging the Event. Galatic superwave dcgvn.

21326012? ago

Who wouldn't buy a 'ranch' in south America if you had extra money?

21325189? ago

Hmmm. There was also a thread about a blind posted on CDAN (so take that for what you will) that said Epstein and Ghislaine had a similar compound in a South American country as THEIE getaway place. Supposedly Ghislaine went there after Epstein's first arrest to lay low for awhile and found out their hired security abandoned the place while they were gone. Someone had broken in and taken their "insurance safe".

21324478? ago

If you want to get overly semantic about it, it goes as far back as Ancient Sumeria.

Who were the Anunaki? Or "Those who from HEAVEN to EARTH came."? But that's none of my business. Let's keep things local. Yes, obviously Bush, Clinton, Reagan to an extent, are all part of the problem. That doesn't help since most people can't process 50 years worth of history to understand how we got here.

21325433? ago

It goes further. We get culturally reset every 200 years and it's been happening for far longer than 6,000 years.

21325975? ago

The whole of earths crust is 'reset' every 12,000 years or so. The rapid speeding up of the magnetic pole shift puts us "pretty close" to the next reset.

21329118? ago

Hopefully you all have your bunker ready.

21324432? ago

Around the turn of the century, China was buying NYC property l. Lots of it. I'm sure you can find the old articles on it. That's just the NYC area. What about the rest of the country?

I do blame Obama for manufacturing. He said, it's gone and not coming back. Fuck him. Trump brought it back. Not enough IMO but he did damn fine considering the shithole he inherited.

21324948? ago

Look into the Bundy situation that occurred in Nevada. Rumor was that they were selling huge swaths of land to China for mineral mining (and possibly Uranium, U1 connection idk?) and the Bundy's wouldn't sell like those around them. They used the BLM to force out other land owners around the Bundy's.

21325450? ago

So they wanted to sell out to china and the us wouldn't let them?

21328178? ago

The Obama admin. They were pushing people off their land out there, using BLM to raise taxes, changing rules to prevent them from getting water, using "endangered species" to make their land worthless )cant farm or ranch because of that), etc. Then once they pushed folks off their land it would be absorbed as federal land, then sold out to China were select individuals were making $ of the sale of federal land. Supposedly the bundy's land was in the middle of a mineral rich location and the BLM was used (just like the IRS was used) as a weapon to force them out BAMN. Thankfully red blood Patriots still existed.

21325142? ago

You know... I wouldn't doubt if this went all the way back to the 1970's. There was a guy with several uranium mines and holdings that went missing from SLC. He was Greek if I remember correctly.

21325135? ago

That Bundy incident will go down in history as way more important to current times than we see it as. It truly was the point where the people stood up and said no more Waco, no more Ruby Ridge, because that is exactly what was gonna happen if we didn't. Not to mention the red-pilling effects it had on so many.

21325941? ago

That Leroy asshole reversed any red pilling effect. Literally fleeing a legal traffic stop after shouting out his window that he'd cause a bloodbath. Then jumping out with his weapon once stuck.

So now they're basically a bunch of criminals.

21331041? ago

Yeah man! Right on!!!

except that isn't what happened. Oh do you mean LaVoy Finicum?

leroy... lol

21331630? ago

Lol - LaVoy. Have watched that in detail more than once, and the guy more than had it coming. There was total justification to shoot him as soon as he jumped out of the vehicle, even though they waited until he grabbed his gun.

21324847? ago

here in Texas China owns the TxDot toll cams and can track American's travel habits

21325122? ago

That's Fucking disturbing. Can anyone raised a ruckus about it?

If it didn't work in the past, it might be a better political climate to target that.

21330019? ago

its starting to get people questioning wtf is going on thats for sure