21335296? ago

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21334413? ago

And just what "common understanding" do any of those third-world grifters have with native Swedes? I'll wait....

21329517? ago


21326743? ago


They aren't even trying to be coy about it anymore

21326705? ago

Basically what they're saying is they are going to turn Sweden into a little mini Canada. They're going to do exactly what Trudeau has been doing.

Say goodbye to your country, Sweden! It'll never be the same again.

21326645? ago

RIP Sweden

21326278? ago

Pay attention America, this is exactly what they have planned for us. Sweden=gone. London=gone. Germany=gone. Rape of women and children, countless victims. Burglaries, fires, acid attacks, knifings. This is the plan for all white people. Extinction. By whatever means necessary.

21325673? ago

Time for a good old fashion purge.

21325503? ago

Suits that pile of cuck sheeple well. The sooner these self hating souboy cucks are eradicated the better!

21325429? ago

Are the Swedes finally waking up to the fact that they (the NWO) want you dead, replaced, and forgotten from history for all time.

21324955? ago

What’s sad is I can see this ad running in Canada soon.

RIP 🇨🇦

21324113? ago

When I saw Turkey for the first time, and how beautiful the coastal areas are, I couldn't help but wonder why the Turks tried to overrun Europe in the middle ages ( a land of harsh winters). Turkey still likes to threaten Europe with sending it more migrants. Now people of Middle Eastern and African heritage are flocking to Sweden, a land of harsh winters. What is the draw? It's the culture, the government system and benefits, education, and the jobs. There is no motivation to bring about changes to their own culture, governments, education, and economy no matter how nice the weather in their countries of origin. So we should be able to say that some cultures are more desirable than others.

21323840? ago

That's pretty old I think, unless it's a new version. Could be.

21323427? ago

Not just prepare for it, welcome it.

21323361? ago

I find it sad that after so many have "awakened", many still miss so much. There are so many here that are stating that the Swedish people deserve what they are getting.

Seriously? Really?

After what we have seen in the U.S. in regards to infiltration, traitorous actions, election fraud, etc., you are going to blame the people of that country? What if someone or a group of someones had said, "Americans deserve what they get." and The Plan had never been implemented.

Some of you need to stop and reconsider what "WHERE WE GO ONE WE GO ALL" means.


Like the military, we leave no one behind.

21325795? ago

all except the jews and shitskins and niggers, they all get fucking deported or gassed

21323864? ago

Thank you, don't blame the Swedish people, remember they have been lied to by the corrupt media, politicians and it have been going on slowly for years.

I feel like Sweden is a test ground for NWO, not just changing the population but removing cash and more.

21328315? ago

"test ground for NWO", that is spot on. We used to be known for our advanced export industry - now we export climate panic, prime ingredient for one world government.

This can happen when a clueless, pacified population is force-fed a toxic mix of radical feminism, identity politics and every other marxist trick for decades. And when corrupt politicians together with fake news media decide to wage war on masculinity in general and white men in particular. It tears society apart and leaves it open for grabs by any violent tribe.

Which is exactly what is happening. Someone decided that we needed to make this a Middle Eastern country by importing mainly men from the ME and Africa, in enormous numbers, and so Swedistan was born. We used to be one of the safest places on earth - now it's hard to keep track of all the bombings, stabbings, shootings and gang rapes.

This is also a mirror image of the Democrat vision for the US. So I really hope DJT wipes them out in 2020, it might create ripple effects and take out some corrupt regimes over here!

21323241? ago

I think this shit is insane, but I was at a party last weekend and all the white people (especially the white women) were repeating “Well, diversity is happening so you better get used to it!” They said it almost gleefully. This is beyond clownworld. Our own people are leading the cheer for our demise.

21326298? ago

Disgusting. Must have been a liberal party.

21323133? ago

Someone needs to edit this and replace every occurrence of Sweden with Israel

21322628? ago


21322588? ago

Insidious. The white sugar coating on the enslavement-death lozenge. "Here, my little sweethearts, suck on this."

21322530? ago

Wonder how many of those stock videos models know what their vids are used for.

21322383? ago

That's why they want you to be patient : they have almost finished their genocidal project, once it is done, there's no going back and they won't care who is the president anymore.

21322127? ago

Anyone a native speaker? All I heard were fluent Stockholm accents in the audio. (That's like Oxford English. Hoity, toity.) So indicative of everyone having to adapt /s.

21322072? ago

I legit felt something powerful watching that shit. I don't dare write it out.

21322045? ago

So get rid of them, if the pigs defend them, get rid of them too.

Is it not obvious, is there something further we need to discuss here? lol

21321984? ago

What was wrong the old country exactly?

21322410? ago

It was too white and non-inclusive, totally racist and against the globalist agenda.

21321964? ago

What the actual fuck. "The New Country".......

21321937? ago

Dark skin, hair, eyes, and mediocre IQ are not well adapted for cold climate survival.

21321753? ago

"you try to fuck me, but I'd rather fuck you" - ice cube

The rat faced vermin who are trying to ethnically cleanse the European people will be exterminated in self defense.

21322040? ago

So you quote some nigger. facepalm

21322908? ago

It's qrv

Do you really think it's only white people here?

Everyone attacking our mutual enemy is a good thing whether or not you want to be around them after said enemy is defeated.

21321750? ago

To be Swedish, you must....

Be African



Not speak Swedish

22345656? ago

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21321673? ago


21321648? ago

If any people is not strong enough to fight back, then they deserve extinction. The NWO plays by the law of the jungle.

21321496? ago


21321853? ago

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21321450? ago

Wow, these people are getting desperate, this is what they want to do with every country in the world. They want to kill your history and kill any notion of being Caucasian. These sick fucks will never win this battle!!

21321942? ago

How do you wake up a demoralized populace?

21324247? ago

Religious revival?

21327182? ago

Follow which religion? Catholic? (That Pope?). If not the, what?

21327597? ago

10 Commandments = Golden Rule = Maxims of Law = Bill of Rights.

THAT is the religion of the West.

21327480? ago

Why would anyone be a catholic? Are you serious? The pinnacle of degenerate globohomo.

21323250? ago

Exacerbate negative effects to trigger an immune response.

21321785? ago

These sick fucks are going to pay dearly

21321343? ago

I just vomited in my lap.

21321192? ago

First, South Africa.

Now, North Africa (Sweden).

21322828? ago

You forgot Rhodesia

21321093? ago

I will never go to Sweden. Sorry I missed my chance to go beck to Europe and Scandinavia 10 years ago... sweden deserves what is happening to them. The muslims will successfully turn their country into a shithole in less than 5 years - they’re already more than halfway there. Let Sweden be a lesson for all other countries.

21329713? ago

Hey, these were the people who protested and begged to carry signs reading "REFUGEES WELCOME" to prove just how tolerant and inclusive they were. The ultimate in virtue signaling. They asked for it, they got it. There's a good reason Scoldilocks is protesting here and not her home country.

21330580? ago

You’re preaching to the choir, fren. - OP

21325704? ago

we deserve it? why? i dont know one single swede that voted for this. Sweden have corrupt politicians that sell out our country just like america has. Dont say we deserve it. Do you want us to just give in? is that what americans should do also? They have far bigger problems with immgration in america. Fuck you for saying we deserve it.

21330631? ago

I was under the impression (as is the rest of the world) most Swedes did vote for this, fully welcomed the migrants, and still do. Are you saying that’s not true? If not we could use a real Swede POV post as to how this happened and what is really going on over there. - OP

21416242? ago

yes, national polls even in left wing media shows most swedes wants restriction of immigration even after the restrictions we have implimented for the last 3 years. You know the numbers are higher then what the papers say also. The anti immigration party is the biggest party in sweden now, reported by national papers which should prove



21420272? ago

Well all right, there is hope for Sweden yet. What all western countries need to do is kick out all migrants, period, cut off all help/finding for migrants (no freebies), and make the practice of islam illegal. That will get rid of them pretty quickly. Sounds like a pipe dream, but the way things are going it could actually happen. #WWG1WGA

21328444? ago

Do you have weapons to fight, or did you give them up to your government? That is the red line.

21333362? ago

GET confirms.

21326286? ago

Exactly. Thank you.

21323406? ago

Sweden might be rapidly becoming a shithole, but it's still positively decades away from the level of degeneracy americas at.

21321922? ago

Hopefully Sweden will be the canary. Let that country collapse into oblivion so everyone can see the dangerous of white genocide, and not make the same mistake.

21333364? ago

GET confirms.


21323060? ago

What about Rhodesia or South Africa. MSM would not even cover their plights.

21323443? ago

You bring up a good point there. MSM lied and made those look like atrocities BY whites instead of against whites. But the message was clear that whites need to stay the hell out of Apefrica. And they did. No new colonies after those events. Africa deserves the communist shithole that China will turn them into.

Meanwhile, Europeans, out of concern for self-preservation, may wake up to the risk that Africans and Muslims are to their way of life. And very existence. All because of one canary dying.

21320873? ago

wow "Inclusive and Sustainable" = Kill White People!!!

21320824? ago

Soyden committing suicide by degrees.