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22343370? ago

The house of Babylon Freemasons swear oaths to not snitch on other Freemasons even if they know they have comitted crimes. Masons and the Jewish Occult, is there a connection? a collapse looms? the great rest ?? Britbongs call for gun control in US media and the Baphomet Oath: Hollyweird is the center of occult sorcery. The Shriner? Why are their hats red? Masonic handshake being done right in front of Jimmy Savile. Who are the Shriners and Jesters? I know ground-level Freemasons don't think they're part of an evil organization but on the next floor up it's a... Shriners swear an oath to a Moongod called Al-Lah

22345599? ago

Anyone who doesn't understand this should take the time to really consider it. Sweden's a good microcosm of the future that will emerge if white hats don't win: growing crime/violence by immigrants, women and children being gang raped, police doing everything they can to justify not prosecuting migrants, stats being cooked to deny there's any problems, the media demonizing the native ethnic group, people who complain about it anonymously being doxed by the media, etc. The UK's another "cautionary tale".