Illuminati does NOT mean "enlightened" ones, it means Those without Light (QRV)
submitted 5.1 years ago by 3637290?
If something is not Legal what do we call it? Illegal.
If something is not Legitimate what do we call it? Illegitimate.
The word Lumin or Luminous means full of light..
And what is the cure for a room full of darkness? A little light.
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22344164? 5.1 years ago
Great insight. Just like New Age is actually ancient
22345833? 5.1 years ago
For insurance, they have also shattered the school system, infiltrated with Marxism from stem to stern.
Not to mention the vaccines...
...and poisoning the food, water, and air.
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22344164? ago
Great insight. Just like New Age is actually ancient
22345833? ago
For insurance, they have also shattered the school system, infiltrated with Marxism from stem to stern.
Not to mention the vaccines...
...and poisoning the food, water, and air.