22816390? ago

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22816359? ago

Mass murdering Dutch Royalty and Agent Orange, the King of Netherlands Willem-Alexander. The Order of the Garter not only uses the EU but also the UN to enforce mass migration https://voat.co/v/QRV/3577833

22355693? ago

Illuminate means to light up, pretty weak stretch. Reminds me of MSM tactics.

22350687? ago

As I read through most of the comments/opinions, I see how many of us live in an echo chamber.


22349258? ago

Exactly right. They are the darkness.

22349196? ago


Define that wiseguy.

22348830? ago

Why do we drive on parkways and park on driveways?

22348353? ago

Are you literally fucktarded?

You're applying modern linguistic rules, which only apply in some instances, to a word from a different fucking language.

What does "Illuminated" mean? Does it mean "without light"? Oh shit, it doesn't.

22347470? ago

Light comes in infinite strengths of wattage, since God is infinite. The Illuminati pretend to have the full-strength wattage, but they are being deceptive just like Lucifer was deceptive when he told Eve that if she ate of the forbidden fruit, she would become like God. The opposite happened when she ate the proverbial "apple."

22347061? ago

all it means is jew bankers, don't support their propagandist bullshit

22346960? ago

Christ is the true light bearer.

"I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father, except through me.”

Research near death experiences and time after time many have described wat they believe to be Jesus emanating from the light.

The light comes with him. His is the only path to the source. He brings the light. He delivers us onto the lord.

22346821? ago

Excellent info!!!!!

22346696? ago

So obvious when it's pointed out, kek....thank you Patriot!

22346433? ago

Interesting assessment. While I like the meaning behind it, it's not true. They think of themselves as the "enlightened ones". It comes from lucifer, the morning star. It's also why hollywood people are called stars.

22346428? ago

The logic is solid, but why do we say if a light is turned on, we illuminate the room?

If to illuminate is to remove luminance from something

22346320? ago

Illuminate means to light up, so Im not so sure your logic is sound

22346139? ago

They truly believe Lucifer is the light bearer = God. They believe they are enlightened about how to live a life of self centeredness, which is negative orientation, so therefore they can manifest what makes them happy here on earth while robbing the people, us positive oriented people. Think Mirror (opposites). Light cannot exist without darkness and vice versa. Positive and Negative energies are needed to make the universe work. You cannot know good unless there is evil, etc. It's the circle of life, the yin and the yang.

22348095? ago

Wrong. Lucy was the first defector. Like Prometheus, Yeshua or Melek Taus, he simply showed man (Adam) light (knowledge) and was then cast out of the garden, or heaven.

Lucy was an angel and when he came to Earth, he brought certain knowledge to us. He too was punished, just like Jesus and Prometheus.

The thing is, which everyone has trouble believing, is that these characters all played the same role in this story, which is just continually iterated.

Lucifer is a guiding light. Just because you don't understand what is objective truth, doesn't mean everyone is just trying to confuse you. The problem is you just don't have the proper frame.

Lucifer isn't a bad guy. The Bible is just told from the perspective of the secret-keepers. Like Prometheus, Lucy stole the fire. She gave us knowledge, just like Prometheus and Jesus. Like the others, she was punished. Again, it's literally the same story.

22349197? ago

Fuck off mason

22352452? ago

You mean you don't think the Old Testament was told by liars? The main fucking character was Lucifer... The "God" of the Old Testament is Yahweh! It's taken from Jewish books!

Open your fucking eyes.

Masons keep secrets. It's a requisite for being one. Me coming here and telling you what they believe doesn't make me one of them. In fact, it makes them a polar opposite from me. I don't do secrets.

22348150? ago

Wrong. Trying going to Antartica and meet the head of the Dracos. You will find out Lucifer is a bad guy.

22348387? ago

You're thinking of Pindar...

Stop being lazy.

22347261? ago

Selfishness/evil is not a necessary ingredient for there to be light. You're mixing apples and oranges. That's like saying evil needs to exist in order for love to come into existence. It's not true.

Selfishness and evil is like heroin. The experience gives a euphoric feeling but in the long run it ends up becoming an addiction that depletes a person of his health and proper role within society.

22347307? ago

Do a little research into Esoterica and Physics and you will find out that the Universe can only exist with opposing forces.....Negative and Positive. Just like lightening charges. Not my opinion, its Universal Law.

22347560? ago

Yes, duality exists on all levels: From the molecular to the cosmic. But that doesn't mean those levels of positive and negative forces require evil to exist. We're talking electrical energy with God's Love being the unifying force. Evil only comes into play in that network of perfect equilibrium when some kind of sentient being decides to go against the Universal Law and misuse God's Love for selfish purposes. Hence, the world we live in on this Prison Planet ruled by Lucifer.

22345859? ago

I've always believed it to be those within the temple that are illuminated by the control of the people.

The temple being dark without the creation of the stone arch, the creation of which is believed to be of a lowly mason. The tangible gift of the archway elevated the mason to do the service of the cult held within.

It's control of the people in every facet of life, through the control over secret societies, that illuminate the middle of the temple. That open the eye of providence.

22345804? ago

If something is lit up with light what do we call it? Illuminated.

Oops, I just destroyed your theory.

22346638? ago

"lit up with" != "giving off"

22345549? ago

Merriam-Webster doesn't agree and basically says "illuminate" means to supply light or spiritually enlighten. These are people who are so twisted that they think being evil is "enlightened."

22345866? ago

Certain people spoke in codes, some words had double meanings, in Germania, the old languages Babylon Egypt words, hebrew yiddish arabic language the Greek, Italian, Spanish, Latin...things became word play when people with money traveled around, they could say one thing but meaning was somewhere else.

22345558? ago

Use Etymology and linguistics..

Prefixes and suffixes have meanings for WORDS..

Open you eyes and see what is in front of the Iris

22348133? ago


22345236? ago

Ever heard of the word illuminated? Because it doesn't fit your narrative

22345673? ago

Luminated is different than ILLIMINATED..

"to light" something..

It is the beginning of light,

NOT(IL) LIGHT(luminated)


Think of darkness...

Then one speck of light..

The darkness is not LUMINATED at that point... when the darkness is completely gone, the space is LUMINATED..(LIGHT)

REMEMBER DARKNESS is just the absence of light..

Think of the Ying Yang...

The dark dot in the white ..

What is to DELUMINATE?

TO make dark..

It's only logical - Vulcan

22347068? ago


22345537? ago

You and your silly facts.

22345179? ago

Most would be surprised to learn the we humans emit photons on a somewhat regular basis

22350737? ago

not actually "emmiting" but I know what you mean, high frequencies from humans


22345598? ago

Everything with a temperature above absolute zero emits photons, it's known as "black-body radiation". For something around the temperature of the human body, it's in the infrared range. Hotter and it becomes visible light, in varying colors depending on how hot.

22346547? ago

Christians instilled with the Holy Spirit give off the brightest light.Jesus gave off this light the most. That's why he is portrayed by artists with a halo around the head.

22345140? ago

Lucifer is the Planet Venus...

Pretty simple to figure out...

Look LUCIFER up in a dictionary...

The Mayan Cslendar uses Venus for their sacred calendar..

583 day cycle..

https:// freemasonry.bcy.ca/anti-masonry/venus.html


22348105? ago

Nikola Tesla

Poor normies...

22345303? ago

Synodic period (the cycle of Venus)

The synodic period is the time Venus takes to be seen again from the Earth in the same position with respect to the Sun (but not necessarily to the stars). It is 584 days long (583,92 days to be exact) or just over 19 months.






LUCIFER(venus) = Hesperus(evening)

If A=1,B=2,C=3,...Z=74


Lucifer is a wandering star that falls from the heavens ..

The MORMONS used LUCIFER in the Book of Mormon when they plagiarized KJV ... for their Book..

Oh ye neophytes.... how i wish you desired the Heavenly Treasures(thsaurus[Greek]..


1 Peter 1:19

NLT ( New Living Translation)



Christ / Lucifer

Until the day dawns and Christ(lucifer/phosphorous) rises in your hearts..

This, my friends is the BIBLE...

FYI.. IT IS infallible

22349222? ago

Oh ye neophytes.... how i wish you desired the Heavenly Treasures

We had to desire the treasures of heaven (outer space). They can’t steal the gold from us but they can convince us to part with it of our own free will!

22349898? ago

the treasures of heaven (outer space)

Higher consciousness

22345202? ago

and what of the Shriners praying to a Moongod Al-Lah?

22345516? ago

There is no God by Al(the) lah(God)...

The pentagram is a natural forming shape with the rising and falling of Venus..

All Stars rise in the East..

What is your question?

They, Shriners can pray to any God...

Here is a question:

Who wrote the Sacred Scriptures?

What is common amongst them all?

22347347? ago

Imperfect people wrote the Sacred Scriptures with the influence of visitors from beyond our world and dimension. Some visitors had good intention while others didn't. And some receivers were better conduits that others. We are still waiting for the full truth without imperfections.

"I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth." John 16:12-13

22347404? ago

The truth lies before your very eyes.

Only Theos(kurios/ihvh/LORD) can open the eyes of the blind.

22347716? ago

Truth is received according to the level of understanding inherited from the generations of ancestors that you are descended from. Thus, it's our genetic (epigenetic) resonance from within that allows each of us to attract the level of truth that we are worthy to receive. So what is good for me may not be good for you and vice versa.

Many are called but few are chose.

22347743? ago

So you say.

I know what I know...

Not inherited...

Not attracted...

Not "worthy"...

Your intelligence is quite deceptive and agnostic

22363181? ago

Deceptive? Agnostic?

Very cryptic.

Not sure what you mean.

But I'm glad you're happy with what you know, basically confirming what I said.

22345456? ago

Because Christianity is the Sun god. Islam is the Moon god. Israel is the Star god. See, the sun, the moon and the stars.

22345690? ago

The Sun is a Star, it has a name...


22346593? ago

Stars are painted on the firmament. The sun is below the firmament.

22345088? ago

They are not illuminating, like a candle, they are illuminated by an external source of "light."

In case you're not into symbolism, I'm calling them

22345884? ago

the Jester and Shriner, in New Orleans a house of black mail

22344933? ago

light doesn't ask darkness to leave, it simply is, and the darkness is not.

22344856? ago

bud-light! michelobe-lite. natural-lite.

send them beer!

22344788? ago

It’s plural for “the illuminated.”

22344629? ago

That's why they must steal the light energy from other's.

22344542? ago

The "light" of Lucifer is not Holy

22344520? ago

Another interesting fact is the name of the country commonly called Israel in Palestine.

It is officially named Israeli.

The actual meaning of Israeli is "not Israel".

22345217? ago

There was a story by Dutch banker Ronald Bernard.

22344489? ago

What does illuminated mean? It’s Latin brah, nice try tho. Although I wish you were right.

22344783? ago

Dual meaning would fit with what we know about this mystery cult. It could even be a message. Too become illuminated into their ways you must extinguish your light.

22348178? ago

Learn about illuminati initiation and then you will understand how it works.

22346823? ago

You have a narrow perspective on what this is all about. Many of the higher ups in turn Cabal/Illuminati ARE enlightened and know of the higher truths of the universe, but they are following a negative/service to self path. Aggrandizement of the self and domination of others. It's still a valid path and the Creator allows it because it is a free will universe.

22349167? ago

They know a bunch of astrological tables. The true secret knowledge is how to get all the rubes to ask to become freemasons.

22344410? ago

I call them targets of opportunity. "They won't be able to walk the streets".

22345198? ago

Satanic Luciferians?

22348119? ago

Satan is just a title...

Lucifer is the same entity that came to us through Jesus and all of the other same characters, Quetzalcoatl, Ganesha, Budha, Kukulkan, Prometheus, Thoth, Jesus.

You guys are literally just new... Stop being lazy.

22344387? ago

If i turn on a light bulb, i am illuminating it.

The root word in Latin is "illuminatenum".

22344377? ago

LOL okay sure haha

22344376? ago

To illuminate would not be FULLY LUMINATED, factually.

Phos(lux) light

phoros "bearer," from pherein "to carry," from PIE root *bher- (1) "to carry," also "to bear children."

22344353? ago

illumnati - illuminators

22347144? ago

God is the Source. Lucifer was a being created by God to serve Man. Lucifer didn't like that arrangement so he rebelled against God by tricking Eve into having sex with him. This story is told in the Book of Enoch. The knowledge Lucifer promised Eve was false knowledge. Instead of becoming like God, she became like Lucifer. This caused our Light to be cut off from the Source. Ever since, Man has been living in darkness and ignorance.

God wasn't trying to deny us knowledge. Just as a father educates his children with age-appropriate information, God was waiting for Adam and Eve to fully mature before revealing the "forbidden" Truth. By prematurely partaking of the forbidden fruit, mankind became emotionally and mentally stuck at a level below Lucifer. This way, Lucifer can perpetually keep us ignorant and enslaved to doing his will.

22347426? ago

God wanted to keep us naked and ignorant in the garden...Lucifer gave us the true light. He is the morning star. Look at all the great things we have built thanks to what Lucifer gave us. If it were up to God, we would still be in that garden like animals. Lucifer ennobled us, and he paid the ultimate price for loving us and giving us all the nice things.

22349359? ago

Found the freemason

22348200? ago

God created a nurturing environment for Adam and Eve in which we didn't need clothes. That was the perfect state of purity and innocence. The temperature was perfect. We could live from fruit and seeds alone. And the angels could administer to us and protect us. But that idyllic world was shattered when Lucifer got jealous that Adam was going to become a greater being within God's hierarchy. So he sabotaged God's intended arrangement and reversed the arrangement, making himself the master and mankind the servants.

Interesting that a Luciferian/Illuminati would lurk here on a Q board.

22350058? ago

If God really loved us, he wouldn't have punished us severely. He turned childbirth into a form of punishment, a curse.

Lucifer literally died for us to have all the things you enjoy now.

22363431? ago

God created our system out of LOVE. We were designed to reflect God's nature, which is LOVE. But to achieve that goal, we were designed to have free will. This is because free will is necessary for LOVE to be exercised correctly. Having to force someone to love us is not LOVE. But in the state of immaturity, that free will is vulnerable to outside influences. This is the same today and why it's so important for children to have good parental role models. But Adam and Eve didn't have physical parents. Their parent was God. Being invisible and beyond time and space, God couldn't physically be there to directly nurture Adam and Eve to full maturity. That's why He created angels. But it was Lucifer, as "babysitter," who became a bad influence on Adam and Eve to the point that they strayed into unprincipled realms of emotion and sexuality. (Source: Book of Enoch, Secrets of Enoch, Gen. 6)

God didn't interfere with this unprincipled action because of the necessity of honoring the law of free will. Since God can't go against his own Laws (free will), God couldn't interfere with Eve's choice of "eating the apple." In turn, Eve shared that "apple" with Adam. Once once they had immature sex, their spiritual development became stunted. And they eventually lost consciousness of God and their true purpose as children of God.

In that imperfect state, God could no longer reach them. Their spiritual senses closed down and their emotions became twisted in the same way Lucifer had become twisted. And without access to the protection of the angelic realms, they became easily manipulated by Lucifer.

So if you want to blame anyone for this unfair situation, you should blame Lucifer. His motives were selfish and based on resentment that he was designed to be "second fiddle" to Adam (mankind). Lucifer knew he wasn't designed to have sex with Eve, but he knew by tricking her into having sex with him that he would be creating a subset of an unprincipled realm within God's creation. This "subset" created by Lucifer put God out of reach from directly communing with mankind. Only when mankind reaches out to God in repentance does God have the right (according to the law of free will) to intercede on mankind's behalf.

As for the curse of childbirth, I suspect that has more to do with our being out of sync with the true resonance of God's LOVE. Instead, we resonant with the low frequencies of Lucifer in thought and deed. This situation puts God in endless grief. The same grief that any parent would feel seeing their own child raped by a conniving sexual predator.

By Eve being seduced by Lucifer, as the Book of Enoch

22350700? ago

It comes down to what kingdom you want to live in. The kingdom of the creator or the kingdom of the creation.

22349363? ago

Thank you anon. Saved me typing the very same exact thing. Hive mind.

22363186? ago

I suspect that's Michael Rothschild who's lurking here with such sentiments.

22366101? ago

Kek if true!

22371249? ago


22344335? ago

The n of the prefix assimilates to l in words that begin with l: illegal: not legal or lawful. illegible: not legible; incapable of being read. illegitimate: not recognized by law as lawful offspring; not rightly deduced; departing from the expected. illiberal: not liberal; not generous; not broad-minded.

Jiminy Crickets

22344317? ago

Well, that explains a lot. Freemasons are always telling me they are in the light, but they are a bunch of lying idiots.

22348126? ago

It's more like the hide light.

22347737? ago

What are these Shriner and Jester types about? https://voat.co/v/8chan/3520501

22351838? ago

To be a Shriner, you have to be a 32nd degree Freemason and you have to be invited. To be a Royal Order of the Jesters, you have to be a Shriner and be invited. It is like a Russian doll,

You get invited if they think you will add to their debauchery and keep your mouth shut.

22349242? ago

They love the kids

22351813? ago


22344164? ago

Great insight. Just like New Age is actually ancient

22347445? ago

New age is ancient babylonian religion, yes. But the "new" does not mean that the religion is new. It means that the age to come, the age of aquarius, is a new age.

Also, Illuminati comes from illuminate. Were they wrong? In their choice of words, no. In thinking they were in the light, yes.

22347603? ago

Thank you for your intelligent and concise explanation.

22346381? ago

Great insight? How easily manipulated has this site become? So when you turn on a flashlight are using it to brighten, or darken. I would like to think it's to illuminate the area. illuminate

22349166? ago

And luminate means the same thing. It’s been taken away from the online dictionary after another poster noted this several months ago. Funny what they care about. Words are the least of their worries right now.

22348930? ago

Ill, bro

22345833? ago

For insurance, they have also shattered the school system, infiltrated with Marxism from stem to stern.

Not to mention the vaccines...

...and poisoning the food, water, and air.


22344926? ago

What did they call it waaaaay back then?

22345842? ago

The Bavarian order of the illuminated

22348906? ago

A post 1500 AD franchise.

22344955? ago

It's not a trick question. It's just that there is nothing new under the sun. Same pagan, self-worshipoing idolaters who stand in opposition to all things Holy under God.

Scientology, Mormonism, Islam, the Pope, Cabala, and infinitum

22347920? ago

There's a difference between "New Age" and Gnosticism.

The original Christians were Gnostics. They eventually got infiltrated by faggots wearing aprons and now it's about all of the wrong things instead of humility, being a hermit and tripping balls on mushrooms.

22347640? ago

YUP. Same LIE "Ye shall be as gods, knowing good from evil" (you don't need the God who created you; you can be your own god)

22348046? ago

Exactly. We aren't "God's", we simply have connections inside of us to Creator.

Besides, the Bible is full of mistranslations, for instance, we weren't "made in God's image" but "with God-like attributes".

22345419? ago

Yeshua is New Age. Are you telling me you're an idolater?

22348035? ago

Yeshua is the name of Jesus which was spoken during the time. People spoke Hebrew then...

22350067? ago

Aramaic! dear sir. But what the hell. it does not change the fact that what is now called Christians, was only called that for the first time in Antioch. In Jerusalem and beyond, it was called "the way" . And loo and behold who was in Antioch who also taught a different kind of good news. ......

No coincidences.

22352570? ago

That'd be Isho.

What I said wasn't wrong, it just wasn't as accurate as what you've said, which I understand.

You're speaking of the Gnostics, right? The Hermits that followed who we call Jesus, tripped balls on mushrooms in the desert and got infiltrated within a few hundred years.

22345431? ago

Be gone, young mind.


22345469? ago

How young, oh ol' crone?

22344969? ago

So what was it called way back then? It wasn't called Islam or Mormonism.

22346540? ago

Mystery Babylon?

22345246? ago

I'm not sure it was called anything. You just put up an idol of Ishtar, threw some panties on your bud, and went to town on him.

22348893? ago

It was called “shut the fuck up and build this pyramid so your kids can build the next one!”

22344998? ago

It's just different iterations of the same evil. Oh, I forgot pedo masons too