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21324883? ago I just hope that in the end it all comes out. All of it, not us thinking , well maybe it was this or maybe it was that. It all needs to come out especially what they had planned for us.

21337740? ago

Dutch Dindoo islamics It depends upon everything we do. Don't fall for their shit. Don't support their lies. Openly discredit them immediately. Their model is very simple. They just deceive. The lie and deceive, and continue this until the youth don't know what is right. The just keep doing this. They do it so subtly. So that, the older generations, tired of being lied to, aren't even listened to any more. The young people blame us for letting it happen, and the cycle continues. They have been exposed now. We just have to keep exposing the lies. It's tiring, but necessary. I don't give two shits anymore about being disliked on social media etc. The main thing is, people have got to fucking think for themselves. They woo. They woo and they coddle. Until people become dependent upon them. Opiates. Opiates for the masses. Mao and the Marxists knew this concept well. It can go both ways. They drip honey in your ears while they sink their fangs into your neck. - Like Theoden in LOTR. Gripping our swords reminds us of our strength. These mother fuckers have got to pay for what they have done.

21329885? ago

Greta? Don't know why she is not in Sweden, but almost no one dares to talk that openly about the migrants in Sweden. It has allegedly been known to cause public shaming and/or loss of job.