22166835? ago

the plan of judaism is to mongrelise every other race, lowering the IQ and destroying all sentiments of nationalism... so they can be ruled over by israel which is working on becoming a 100% pure inbred kike hooked nose jewish ethnostate of baby dick sucking faggots.

22136665? ago

Notice there's very few white men with black women?

22166910? ago

Seen his face before. @Niceballsnigga @folkov @AinzOown I doubt Asians gave him dual citizenship, he would probably fail reading, speaking and writing their language. He's a Negro ethnic type, Black N.American seems an ok actor not a hoodrat nigger, possibly some base-brat born in some military place in Asia. Mostly Congoid, Negro, Niger bloodline, possibly a small mix of other ethnicity, probably from Commiefornia the Nigga? I think I seen his face in a movie or on tv. Has a typical black name like Tyrone or Jones or Willians or something?? https://voat.co/v/HDLunited/3614479/22166533

22168082? ago

Why do you anon fucks tag me in this shit. I don't give a single fuck about this sub, otherwise I would browse and comment here myself


21603756? ago

Also Hollyweird tv casting, Starwars etc @MockingDead

21897932? ago

have u told your 'buddy' about the Herpes stats @King_Freya /u/King_Freya ?

21899819? ago

Nah, I’m not there to save him. He’s so deep in that garbage there’s no coming back. That’s why I just smile and nod while he spouts the rhetoric.

21604832? ago

Every damned show.

21324883? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3514981/21324159 I just hope that in the end it all comes out. All of it, not us thinking , well maybe it was this or maybe it was that. It all needs to come out especially what they had planned for us.

21337740? ago

Dutch Dindoo islamics https://voat.co/v/QRV/3516311/21335787 It depends upon everything we do. Don't fall for their shit. Don't support their lies. Openly discredit them immediately. Their model is very simple. They just deceive. The lie and deceive, and continue this until the youth don't know what is right. The just keep doing this. They do it so subtly. So that, the older generations, tired of being lied to, aren't even listened to any more. The young people blame us for letting it happen, and the cycle continues. They have been exposed now. We just have to keep exposing the lies. It's tiring, but necessary. I don't give two shits anymore about being disliked on social media etc. The main thing is, people have got to fucking think for themselves. They woo. They woo and they coddle. Until people become dependent upon them. Opiates. Opiates for the masses. Mao and the Marxists knew this concept well. It can go both ways. They drip honey in your ears while they sink their fangs into your neck. - Like Theoden in LOTR. Gripping our swords reminds us of our strength. These mother fuckers have got to pay for what they have done.

21329885? ago

Greta? https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/3515336/21328492 Don't know why she is not in Sweden, but almost no one dares to talk that openly about the migrants in Sweden. It has allegedly been known to cause public shaming and/or loss of job.

21321837? ago

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21281301? ago

Dindu Nuffinz? https://voat.co/v/whatever/3509895/21281271 Niggers are gonna nig but everyday, our (((justice system))) releases violent criminals back into our communities. When you see heinous crimes people tend to only note the race but you should also note the prior arrest. They are overwhelming early releases and re offenders.

21336273? ago

This one is strange!? Witcher: This is what medieval Poland looked like according to Netflix. https://voat.co/v/news/3516321/21334642 On top of that Yennefer looks like a fucking pajeet and the amount of groids in trailers is ridiculous. Multiculturality is ruining white culture. You can't even have a 100% white cast in 2019. Leftists and SJWs ruined Star Wars and now they're ruining this thing as well. The reason Game of Thrones was so good was because it didn't have dindus in it. It's that simple. White cast = profesionalism and realism. Dindu knights? Give me a fucking break.

21285656? ago

Is Rap actually musical? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3510462/21285450 Because he doesn't make a nickel "rapping" but makes a fortune on welfare.

21230699? ago

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21166973? ago

Replacement of whites is just a theory. Pay no attention to the declining numbers, goy!

21548725? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3541982/21547392 "Comments are turned off". Go figure.

21256044? ago

'If Only the Races Were Reversed...' In Viral Snapchat Video, Four Black Teens Rob, Beat White Teenager at Gun Point, Proclaiming "You Gonna Die, Bro." https://voat.co/v/news/3505444/21245068 it would be the lead story coast to coast 24/7 for a month

21253153? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3506621/21252869 To hide the tiny hat underneath.

21224647? ago

Open Border for Saudi and Israel? @Cosmicdrifter @NACHTJAGD @Anarchy99 ?

21238524? ago

In 1492 Spain, Jews were threatened with expulsion. Chief Rabbi of Spain wrote the Grand Sanhedrin on what they should do. This is his reply, sound familiar? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3504920/21238259 Oh very interesting......

21166649? ago

Ads don't work on white men. Too rational. We do research before buying. Niggers are stupid and easily manipulatrd. Tell them that they'll get a white bitch if they buy your jeans and they'll trip overthemselves to spend a white man's money on your jeans.

21550878? ago

Sheeeeit Tyrone https://voat.co/v/politics/3542324/21550304 You should boycott all fast food regardless

21188259? ago

cole burner Larissa was playing nigger games and won the Grand Prize? https://www.facebook.com/larissalovesyou16

21365128? ago

Open Borders for saudi and israel? https://voat.co/v/whatever/3519908/21364812 Can’t be a nationalist when you have dual citizenship.

21166029? ago

21166057? ago

21167505? ago

There is a few more that needs added below these.

One where the good lady is there with her grown children bringing her her grandchildren to love and play with while the whore is busy raising her grandchildren because the trash she "raised" will not.

And a last one where a huge family is gathered round her grave paying great respect to the matriarch of the family that has passed on. The whore dies alone with no one to grieve her or even remember her!

21184961? ago

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21166013? ago

Making a new mongrel breed is nothing new ... its an old edit mix done in Lebanon, Somalia, Brazil, Pakistan other shitholes, been going on hundreds of yrs maybe ... @Derpfroot @14Icemonkey88 ? @GoddammitMrNoodle ? @New-World-Ebola @lipids .... Kalergi ?

21253612? ago

Ben Shapiro yesterday says USS Liberty no longer matters: "I bewildered why you're so obsessed with an incident that is now 52 years old. It's a theory." Holocaust was 78 years ago. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3506593/21252723 What matters is the truth. We have been lied to forever & it's abuse. How does a group of people, that we pay, decide what to tell us? Our entire lives based on lies - cruel - sick.

21247610? ago

Crenshaw gets asked about how the drugs for gender-transitioning kids are made exclusively by Israel. Maintains it's antisemitic to boycott Israel for this and Americans that do should be punished. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3505900/21246675 What's worse for an American politician: Being "anti-semitic" or anti-American?

21166089? ago

Frogistan dark meme magic? France is literally the real life Blacked dot com, a global jew shitted smut website dedicated to pushing pornography and hateful Ethno-Masochism https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/195129248/