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Hirion ago

On top of that Yennefer looks like a fucking pajeet and the amount of groids in trailers is ridiculous. Multiculturality is ruining white culture. You can't even have a 100% white cast in 2019. Leftists and SJWs ruined Star Wars and now they're ruining this thing as well. The reason Game of Thrones was so good was because it didn't have dindus in it. It's that simple. White cast = profesionalism and realism. Dindu knights? Give me a fucking break.

DanijelStark ago

Basically , it had - but the way it was represented was much more realistic than trying to cram SJW cancer into something ... still , GoT lore , for me , is nowhere even close to Witcher lore . Its full of crap on some places .

Trying to put a bunch of black folks , anywhere in Northern provinces ? This is what happens when you give the series creation to soyboys and feminists .

I dont expect anything else , but for this series to tank so badly ... the real stuff are the games and books , anyways , and nobody will remember this series in few months .

cellgift108 ago

And from those leaked internal mails you find out they don't actually search for the actor who can best portray the character but instead are actively searching for a so called "BAME" girl (black/asian minority ethnicity) to portray CIRI.

Ocelot ago

Game of thrones was disgustingly degenerate even from the start, it simply retained some aspects of white virtue. GRRM is 1/4 Jew.

Consumed ago

mfw Geralt isn't played by an actual mutant, Yen isn't an actual sorceress and Ciri isn't actually Elven smh.

Harbinger88 ago

Piss off dawg, this series was written by a Polish writer, who's from a country that's 99.9% European. He based his books on Polish and Slavic folklore in general, and those never mention any non-European group of people.

Consumed ago

My bad man, I had no idea you read the original Polish version and not the translations.

Fuck off, Yank.

Harbinger88 ago

How funny, fopdoodle! I had a similar assumption about you. I am Hungarian and read the original Polish version, as well as the Hungarian one, so do please sod off!

KLDB ago

Yet all the Christian boomers here will upvoat your comment about how Jews destroy our cultures and myths and stories, with multiculturalism. But every Sunday they go to a church where they deify a Jew hanging on a tree practicing cannibalistic rituals eating their meek and lowly Jew God.

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Tallest_Skil ago

goy of thrones



Reapreap ago

goy of thrones is low effort entertainment for useless boomers to have sexual fantasies take over their life.

outrider787 ago

I don't know of a single boomer that ever watched Game of Thrones, only Millennials and Gen-Xers watched it

Reapreap ago

you ever travel outside your immediate area and socialize? probably not. so you wouldn't know what stupid shit people do.

Tallest_Skil ago

It’s also incest normalization and legalization propaganda.

Reapreap ago

Degenerate fucks love it.

The "greatest" generation was the greatest for the Jews.

those people boomed so hard they swore they were better than everyone. total jew fucking puppets that raised complete and total headassed retards. it's so obviously was allowed and inspired by the greatest degenerate generation being nothing more than jew puppets. I wish they would've died in their stupid jew wars.

Cucky_Sanders ago

The earlier seasons were pretty solid, it fell off a cliff around season 5. Coincidentally when the misogyny tears began.

Without source material the final 2 seasons were so BAD

satisfyinghump ago

For sure the last few episodes spun out of control.

drj2 ago

It’s almost like rookie writers couldn’t live up to George martins writing

rejectedfromreddit ago

I firmly believe that the author encouraged the show to go sideways so that he could continue writing the novels in the way that he originally intended, and people would still have a reason to read them

Glipglup ago

Game of thrones was always bad.

BushChuck ago


Glipglup ago

It's fine if someone enjoys it, I like some things that are stupid camp. But, I genuinely mean it, I have never heard anyone praise or even talk about the actual plot. It's always about who died, who's tits you saw or whatever drama happened. But there's no real stakes because character deaths are so frequent that it tells you not to get invested or care about the characters. There's no reason for the drama beyond for its own sake.

Also something about it strikes me as very jewy.

BushChuck ago

It's just more mainstream degeneracy programming.

Incest, murder, gluttony, whoring, etc. And that's just the first episode.

My sons have friends that watched this show with their parents.

I can't even imagine how fucked you must be to watch torture porn with your children.

Glipglup ago

It's weird because alot of the media I've consumed is violent or dark, but it doesn't ever feel degenerate the way alot of modern media does. Just something about the way violence and gore is portayed feels celebratory in an unnatural way. Context matters alot. In a game like Doom for example, it's extremely violent and gory, but you are literally fighting against demons from hell. The context gives the game a reason, even if it's a simple one, to be violent. I don't know, maybe it's just me, I'm not sure how to explain it better.

BushChuck ago

It's that celebratory nature that is the difference.

Baron Harkonen from the 80's Dune movie is a good example. He's disgusting, and murderfucks young boys.

But you hate him, and it's clear that he's not well-liked. His evil is disgusting, and in context.

GOT, on the other hand, has as it's moral center, a womanizing, drunk, scheming dwarf.

HAESisalie ago

I think at some point they shit on his work and made some SJW inclusion and he let them hang themselves from that point on. But I also thought because of that he was sitting on his writing, but it still isn't released, so I am probably wrong.

Season one is the only one I would ever watch again. The last 3 seasons were bad, with 8 being worthy of just burning all the footage and pretending it never happened.

rejectedfromreddit ago

Thing that never happened:

  • The last few seasons of Game of Thrones

  • The last season of Dexter

  • Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull

  • Any Star Wars movies other than the original three

Phantom42 ago


I'll have you know as a 20yo motherfucker the prequels were fucking great and added a fuckload to Star Wars!

Episode III being the best of the prequels of course. Cringe love-writing, but I can also see why it was written that way. It was sort of meant to be awkward.

Episode I could have been better, but set up everything pretty well. If I wasn't a wee fucker and had a head about me in '99, I would've been a bit concerned about the rest of the movies with Episode I's release.

Episode II was a good ramp-up movie. Nothing felt really out of place that I can recall other than the love shit. I'm averse to lovey shit in general though so there is some bias included. Yoda kicking ass and showing exactly how strong he was with the Force toward the end is great.

Episode III fucking nailed just about everything. No complaints.

Then we have Rogue One, which is technically another prequel. It was pretty good. The initial acts were a bit meh, but the Battle of Scarif onward to the ending was fucking great. Particularly the ending.

Why? Because in Star Wars movies you typically still have some "heroes win" of sorts, except Episode III. Rogue One though? It basically just says "fuck you" and kills off half a rebel fleet as well as the main characters you grew attached to over time. Jyn's writing I actually consider pretty good. She's just a gal who grew up running from the Empire. Doesn't feel as MaREY Sue like the sequels.

Anyhow, back to Rogue's ending...

Though anyone who has watched the originals knows the Empire was chasing a rebel ship for the Death Star loans, it's never explained explicitly how that situation came about. When the plans get sent to the main ship of the rebel fleet, you kind of forget that the Tantive IV is supposed to be involved with these plans, and you genuinely think "Oh, shit, they're actually going to make it."

Then, just before the ships turn to leave, you have a Star Destroyer drop out of hyperspace and immediately fuck everyone's shit. It's just such an abrupt thwoomp (including the sound effect) that it kind of hits you as a viewer with an "Yeah!!! ..... Oh fuck." moment. Then we have the boarding scene where Vader gets to slaughter a dozen rebels or so and the Tantive IV narrowly escapes. It adds a lot of tension, but at the same time ties up loose ends.

Here's the scenes I'm talking about for Rogue One, obligatory spoiler alert:

rejectedfromreddit ago

I didn't see any of the Star wars movies until I was in my twenties. I watch the original three while I was working my way through the American film institute's top hundred movies of all time. I could easily see why they were chosen. They were truly good movies in many different ways, and it's easy to see why they've been a cultural icon for generations.

The newer movies well not always bad, just weren't up to the same level as the originals. I do wish that there would be more exploration into the novels and other parts of the Star wars universe that have been built out by fans over the years.

CrudOMatic ago

Episodes 1, 2 & 3 were the most boring shit I'd ever seen in my life. 4, 5 & 6 were much better. This is also coming from someone who isn't a Star Wars fan. I can spot shit writing and deadfish characters a mile away - everyone in 1, 2, 3, 7 & 8 just aren't human, they act so robotically and stiffly, and their characters are shallow. Rey is also a massive Mary Sue. Those movies are garbage.

AmazingFlightLizard ago

Rogue One was pretty solid.

Alathon ago

Crystal Skull was great. It was thematically on point with combination of ancient ruins and mythos-turned-real and the Commies as the new Nazis, there were a bunch of crazy and improbable escapes from both human and environmental threats, chase scenes, and a few good jokes ("that was before I was your father!"). WTF more do you want from an Indiana Jones flick?

WD_Pelley ago

and the Commies as the new Nazis,

IIRC, Spielberg wanted dose ebil Natzees to be the villains again but Harrison Ford asked, "Why the fuck are they the bad guys again?" and so he dropped it. Even Ford was getting sick of Third Reich baddies.

JustFuckingDoIt ago

Less giant ants?

Humansized ago

Good thing that fat sack of shit decided to finish his series instead of writing side stories and supplemental shit.

TechDumb ago

He's a jew, he's got to make as many shekels as he can.

MarauderShields ago

Confirmed? Or shabbos goyiche?

Biggerpotato ago

Useless fat fuck will die before releasing the rest of the books. He will go down in history as a nigger.

Humansized ago

Idk what would be worse. Him dying and the series never getting an ending, or him just writing out what happened on hbo

Biggerpotato ago

I stoped giving a fuck 5 years ago when I realized he was a nigger who cared more about image than his story and legacy. I imagine everyone dies from the walker invasion. Better ending by far.

Barfin ago

it did have dundus in it too

SexMachine ago

Yeah, but on another continent and sheeeeit.

Barfin ago

game of kangs