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21184325? ago

I don't even give a shit at this point. You Nazifaggots have had a captive audience with us Q followers and all you've managed to do is piss me off with your in-your-face disparaging minority groups.

The majority of you hate Q, hate Trump and hate millions of innocent people whose only wrongdoing is having been born with the wrong genetics.

Kindly fuck off with your every-other "muh JOOOOOS" posts hijacking QRV. Thank you.

21184950? ago

dindu nuffins was good boi .. ? , ... But you can't go the Moon / Mars, goyim. You need to pay another 6 trillion to Israel in reparations for 6 Grillion million Trillion! ' It Could be more blatant?...Nothing is done by a person or group unless they benefit, millions have been spent on this Propaganda.......... "who do you think it benefits"?

There is a few more that needs added below these.

One where the good lady is there with her grown children bringing her her grandchildren to love and play with while the whore is busy raising her grandchildren because the trash she "raised" will not.

And a last one where a huge family is gathered round her grave paying great respect to the matriarch of the family that has passed on. The whore dies alone with no one to grieve her or even remember her!