21211094? ago

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21187215? ago


Libido Dominandi

Hopefully you guys recognize soon why I keep repeating this all of the time.

21185564? ago

Depends on which Jews. Jews for Jesus do not hate Jesus Christ

21191177? ago

Jews for Jesus

Those are called Christians

21187061? ago

The Christ killers and globalist degenerate run that shit show, no citizenship for some types, the Jews for Jesus are banned from Israel

21184975? ago

I'd like to watch porn with just jewish women getting fucked

21185072? ago

It will rot your mind and it sucks out your Chi/Qi or your Vril as the old Germans called it. There is bad voodoo or witchcraft in pornography, it makes you dumb and unconnected in future relationships ...ask yourself Why soap box Jews, Pakis, Turkish, Iranians, the fag Trannies, the Isreali all come on voat with filth, degeneracy & try disguise themselves as WhiteAmericans? The pornography industry might sell 'sex' but there is no love it is Hate for women, turning people into flesh and meat, the global planner they want the USA to become the next race mixed Lebanon, Brazil or S.Africa, a failed crime ridden nation with no true identity. It becomes easy pickings for globalists. Most of the porn industry is also connected to the 'Gay Mafia'

21184987? ago

50 cent gapes sarah silverman

21184572? ago

LIkely true, but the Muslim rag has no credibility. Their religion is just as bad for the rest of the world. The semantic brethren all need to be isolated in their own lands, and allowed to fight it out to the death.

21184829? ago

I hate Al-Jazerra the mohammedans mostly post lies and make excuses for islamist terrorists but this piece of news is actually true. Jews are heavily involved in porn, they are also involved in predator loans, the drug industry and human smuggling. Usually the kikes and kebab have some sort of an alliance in the West and support each other but I guess pornography is too taboo for the islamic, I'm glad they called out the filth in the industry. Kike and Kebab will usually also support each other because both of them torture animals in their food rituals and both of them abuse kids with genital mutilation. The pornography industry is dominated by drugs, prostitution, abuse, human trafficking the Jew heavily involved across much of the West, almost every porn 'studio' a jew, a jew criminal network and a zio jewish israeli bank.

21184852? ago

I agree they do support each other in the west. The Jews are behind the Muslim mass immigration. The irony of the Muslims screaming about the Jews being behind porn is in the west them fucking Muslim perverts are behind grooming and prostituting little girls. Porn bad, kiddie fucking good.

Their is little difference in the Semite brothers. They are all perverts, criminals, and nation wreckers.

They all need to be sent back to their shithole sand boxes.

21184462? ago

Yes, that is an excuse. See: "Anti-semitic, its a trick we always use it" https://voat.co/v/QRV/3486501/

21184901? ago

Not just smut movies but they also infiltrated Hollywood and made it Hollyweird, Jewish lobby is big in the music industry, most Rap studios have some Jew sitting at the top watching some hoodrat degenerate sit out his plastic electronic nig beats. Every actress, actor, adult star, movie star, entertainment star are now basically MUDSHARKS, they are mostly hookers rent boys and Coalburners...hollywood is hollyweird for a long time. .... Who allowed the extremist Jew to hijack America ... well that's the Babylon worshiping Satanic masons, also the Saudi and Roman Catholics are also total degenerate, drugs and gay porn film makers. As for the Masons you got Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine; The Shriners in White House & Oval Office....Grand Orient D'haiti De 1824, basically all top 'Masons are faggots.' Perhaps a bunch of self serving Satanic or Luciferians with no morals and principles, they most likely don't have souls or sold out to devil long time ago.' Hollywood and tv has got less family and wholesome over the yrs now Is a Sex-Grooming Gang? Jewish Role in the Porn Industry Anonymous | Anons https://www.bitchute.com/video/tnUdm7YiDaRd/ The degenerate art world or modern art is also a big part of this pile of crap, talentless fucks with no idea about art, the pedo Jeff Koons, Lady Gaga and their movement of paintings and cash for the Israel, London, Qatar and Epstein types

21184325? ago

I don't even give a shit at this point. You Nazifaggots have had a captive audience with us Q followers and all you've managed to do is piss me off with your in-your-face disparaging minority groups.

The majority of you hate Q, hate Trump and hate millions of innocent people whose only wrongdoing is having been born with the wrong genetics.

Kindly fuck off with your every-other "muh JOOOOOS" posts hijacking QRV. Thank you.

21186403? ago

If you don't investigate the deep corrupting influence of the Jews and how many lives they've taken, you are the idiot.

21191291? ago

Yes, that's exactly what I need. So I tell you what.

Post your "it wasn't actually 6 million Jews killed" copypasta for the 1000th fucking time and maybe that one will be the one necessary for the camels back to snap and for me to start throwing sieg-heils.

21191824? ago

Oy vey! Tell that goyim! I bet he doesn't even appreciate diversity enough to let a black man impregnate his wife!

Just don't let on that 1% of the population makes up 85% of the pedophiles. We'd have to shut it down if that gets out.

21184950? ago

dindu nuffins was good boi http://chimpmania.com/forum/ .. ? http://www.dinduplantation.com/forum/ , http://niggermania.net/forum/ ... But you can't go the Moon / Mars, goyim. You need to pay another 6 trillion to Israel in reparations for 6 Grillion million Trillion! ' It Could be more blatant?...Nothing is done by a person or group unless they benefit, millions have been spent on this Propaganda.......... "who do you think it benefits"? https://voat.co/v/NiggersAnonymous/3496565/21167505

There is a few more that needs added below these.

One where the good lady is there with her grown children bringing her her grandchildren to love and play with while the whore is busy raising her grandchildren because the trash she "raised" will not.

And a last one where a huge family is gathered round her grave paying great respect to the matriarch of the family that has passed on. The whore dies alone with no one to grieve her or even remember her!

21184514? ago

Have you see THIS? It's outwardly admitted that it's an excuse: "Anti-semitic, its a trick we always use it" https://voat.co/v/QRV/3486501/

21184545? ago

You're like the fucking Jehova's witness I can't get off the front porch.

Have you seen THIS? "kindly fuck off". Hint, last line above.

21184683? ago

Sounds like you NEED a bit more time reading the Bible; it may help you clean up your Foul Mouth.

(Matthew 12:37)  For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.

21185340? ago

clean up your Foul Mouth

Voat is too harsh an environment for your prissy sensibilities, effeminate Nazifaggot.

21190141? ago

No. Voat is like a 'testing ground' - to see what people with Freedom to say what they want will actually 'do' with the opportunity. Hey, if you want to make yourself look like you cannot communicate intelligently and often spout Foul Words trying to impress the ignorant, that is your problem. It only makes You look foolish.

21191258? ago

Bullshit. The Q community has been here for over a year now, in fact we're the largest segment on Voat. We ARE Voat. The thought that Nazis, who were kicked out of their former homes first (for being vile actual racists) and so made it to Voat first, have some kind of dibs on the meaning of Voat is knee-slapping laughable. That said, I've probably been here since 2015 so probably longer than you.

Calling you a Nazi isn't being disparaging, it's being accurate.

21191578? ago

In that case, calling yourself a Moron would be more accurate. I wasn't Kicked out of anywhere. I don't have any Social Media Accounts, never have or will. I've been here a YEAR myself - joined during the Q Rush. Whatever or Whomever you're targeting, you'd do well to Not be so quick to assume. Let's see if you can compose a sentence or express a complete thought Without foul words. Better yet, if you're not a SHILL prove it by not responding because only a SHILL would keep this going to earn more shekels.

21191865? ago

because only a SHILL would keep this going to earn more shekels.

Yeah look how long the thread is. How much were you getting paid each one? Goes both ways.

Trump is not against Jews. Q is not against Jews. Against Israel (the government) and Mossad yes, but not the average Jew walking down the street.

Let's see if you can compose a sentence or express a complete thought Without foul words

I call you a Nazifaggot. You're 1 person. You disparage the entire Jewish race, millions of people you have never met based off nothing more than having been born with certain genetics. Common sense should tell you which is worse but alas, that's not happening any time soon.

21192678? ago

Well, I could have told you that. Really, you're in no position to determine Common Sense, since you are sorely lacking such a trait. Calling everyone who isn't a Jew (like yourself?) a Nazi is really in poor taste and emphasizes a severe Lack of Common Sense.

At least SHE is honest: FORMER ISRAELI MINISTER "Anti-semitic, it's a trick we always use it" https://streamable.com/u0g1s

21192741? ago

So the goalpost was just moved from "Jews created, control porn industry" ... as if Jews are a monolithic block who are jointly, by-the-millions, responsible for the porn industry ... to "FORMER ISRAELI MINISTER", one person and not even an American.

Bravo. Furthest goal post moving I've seen and I've seen alot of it.

Meanwhile, the Moloch-worshiping cabal is eating babies, raping children, killing millions with unnecessary war and you're going off about pornography.

21195751? ago

Not correct. This isn't my post. I've never expressed my views on the pathetic porn industry and the pitiful beings addicted to it or mentally scarred from it.

21196477? ago

You might want to read the OP and replies that you injected yourself into before commenting.

21184232? ago

Im sure its true

By the end of this, all awakened will likely HATE porn

21184920? ago

Aid to Israel paid by the US tax payer? The dumbass short sighted kikes are destroying their high income goy cattle? Nothing is done by a person or group unless they benefit, millions have been spent on this Propaganda.......... https://imgoat.com/uploads/84b6fbb107/195371.jpg "who do you think it benefits"?

21184575? ago

Look yesterday the People at Xhamster, on Twitter, where blaming the no nut November movement on White nationalist and ANTISEMITE!

Yes you heard that right.

21184638? ago

How odd.

I dont get that no nut november thing.

Its basic physical maintenance for the male species, as much as we might not want it to be.

That said, pron is not necessary.

Itll be nice to shed this beast of a body and not have to GAF about maintaining it though. Like a friggin thorn in our sides.

21185574? ago

silent weapon for silent war. are you familiar with the concept?

21185661? ago

Nasty stuff... hidden wars, spiritual degredation..

21186323? ago

Indeed....... Dave know and it as been going on for a very long time.



If you ever get trough the second video I will tell you a secret...

21186051? ago

Agreed, Go with idea that, go with the idea that Sin and personal destruction is necessary to LIFE, let me know how it works out.