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con77 ago

customer service now is sullen indifference.

Herbert666Marcuse ago

"sullen indifference"

Whites are the only race which ever evolved beyond basic reptilian personality traits.

Empathy is purely a deep Inner Hajnalian phenomenon.

No other race experiences it [not even the Japanese].

Charilko ago

Have you dealt with immigrant customer service? They actively enjoy frustrating you.

noob_tube ago

Worst "customer service" I've ever received has always been from the whites. TSA went out of their way to fuck me.

con77 ago

just rude niggers

Charilko ago

I find Indians (dot not feather) to be the worst.

con77 ago

What's astounding is some of them think they're better than us

CrustyBeaver52 ago

LOL, not me - I tip my dot Indians and they give me tons of free food:)

Do you know how far 50 cents goes in India?

That's like $5 bucks here, maybe $10.

So, I tip them $1 on an $8 dollar sandwich, and what is get is a $20 sandwich, and a couple of free goodies on the side.

At Christmas time I gave them each a $2 candles in a gift bag, with two pieces of ribbon and some colored tissue paper.

Now they want to get married and raise my children.

I enjoy excellent customer service.