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20747438? ago

3445538 <


'o-o' <

20746257? ago

Look dude they had child super soldiers in 1989. I was one. A fellow "child super soldier" got me out and he's dead now. They teach you to kill and then you kill so often you get numb to it or people trying to kill you. It's fucking awful but it's true. They called me a monster at 14. I had an old general come up to me and say, "your problem kid is that you're too good." Then I was in for the water works because I refused to kill a 5 year old that saw too much. They are all run by Satanists that use children as spies, soldiers, sex toys, sacrifice, and for adrenochrome.

Say what you want, I was in the mix...the only reason I'm still alive is someone was willing to die to protect me.

Being that I felt the same about him, do you know how that feels to know I live because he was willing to die and did in the end?

20746828? ago

I am so sorry to hear about the terrible things perpetrated upon you and all other children. This was a very hard post for me to put together, and the decision to post it in the first place was carefully thought through. This is VERY serious, and I have kids of my own.

I can't imagine how you are coping with it all, but just know that GOD has chosen you to engage in this fight against our Satanic enemies and shine a light on their Evil at every opportunity.

YOU survived for a reason, and others gave up their own lives that you might live.

NEVER FORGET. Remember those that died, and make a commitment to seek out and destroy this abomination seeking the destruction of Humanity, where ever it exists. I am.

I for one am in this with you until death. Shoulder to shoulder, we shall take the fight to he Enemy and smite them down.

This is a Spiritual War being fought on many planes of existence, 3D, 4D, 5D and above. I am at 5D, and am engaged in the War in those higher realms, as well here in the physical world. Remember also that everything that happens in the physical is reflected fractally in the Spiritual/higher realms, and vice versa. As above so below.

Please know that I am praying for you, and that GOD himself has chosen you to be here at this time.

Thank you for sharing your story and pain with me. I feel it fully, as I am Empath. I sense your anguish. Please stay in touch.

I love you my friend. Please keep on fighting. We need you.

Kindest regards,

The Number Fag.





'o-o' <

20742760? ago

http://mileswmathis.com/salem.pdf has some interesting comments on the Salem trials being one of the earliest intelligence operations. Meant to get the Puritans out of government. Was a hoax.

20746903? ago

It's not a wonder that they burned these (((WITCHES))) at the stake, and had public lynchings and hangings. They knew what was up back then, and they weren't having it! WOKE AF!

20740437? ago

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20737344? ago

You'd get more respect and attention if you stopped namefagging.

20742506? ago

and if you'd stop equating autism with satanism. Mutually exclusive, dude.

20746729? ago

P.s. - My intention is NOT to disparage Autists and Spergs, as I am one, and I have A LOT of other issues to deal with such as chronic OCD, and Synesthesia (it helps me with my work). We NEED Autists. Hell, we need EVERYBODY or we are not going to make it my Fren.

If I was misunderstood, or my motives were not clear and I have offended anyone, again, I will repeat: I apologize UNRESERVEDLY, and my intent is to shine a light on the abuse of this girl, who is literally possessed by Evil, and very brainwashed. We need to help her. Thanks.

20769055? ago

Yes - I agree. She has been abused and/or she is simply an actress playing a part, perhaps a little too well. She got carried away. She does have an IMDB page... so there's that. https://files.catbox.moe/z1ld42.png

20746648? ago

I'm not buddy. I a Sperg. I just don't like what these sick people have done to this little girl. It's NOT OK.

Peace Fren.


20759388? ago

Omg ty brother realized i have mid lev sperg.


20739980? ago

How about some fresh Schitty Bread for supper: >


'o-o' <

20738347? ago

Happy now?

20738740? ago

I'm just trying to get more people to take you seriously brother.

20738768? ago

And I appreciate that. I am being polite and respectful. I have taken your advice. Let's see where it takes us.

Peace Fren.


20738065? ago

Gematria of NMBRFG: >


CIPHER AND CHECKMATE are the key notables, and my intention choosing the term NMBRFG. It's about double meanings, but I thought you would have picked that up... I guess not. All G.

I hope that helps.

No hard feelings. Thanks.

Some 5D thinking would help you a lot Fren.

'o-o' <

20738397? ago

Actually I was curious about those letters yesterday

I just as just gonna call you “J”

Simple alpha numeric conversion


20738469? ago

Cool. Welcome new Fren.

20737410? ago

Think what ever you want. It does not affect me or my work. You are entitled to that opinion.

It's not a name. It's an acronym for those who are number specialists. I am an Anon. The sign off provides continuity so people know it is the same body of work. I have enough respect already, and I don't need any more, or validation from you or anyone else.

The content is important, and you are deliberately glossing over it to focus on perceived name fagging. I don't give two shits really.

I don't give a fuck about name fagging, fame fagging, or any other kind of fagging. I just like number fagging. Hence the term Numberfag AKA NMBRFG.


20737698? ago

You do care, because you took the time to respond. Secondly, it is namefagging, when you place it after everything you do. Therefore, it is a sense of famefagging. Leave it off, watch the replies become more prevalent and positive.

20737791? ago

Sigs removed. Title cannot be altered so you will just have to wear it on this post.

20737763? ago

And I respond to 100% of replies. It does not mean I care what you think, I am just taking your advice on board, as I am not a fuckwit.

Much respect.

20737752? ago

If you say so. It makes no difference to me. I just want my work read widely. Thanks.

Kindest regards.


20737205? ago

Saturday, September 21, 2019

All Potential Purple Unicorns, draw near and Lend me a Moment at Your Ear; be Careful what You Wish For.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

About 10 years ago and... it could be more, I was getting very strange sensations about Seattle. I thought something bad was going to happen there. I do, strongly suspect that one or more World Changing event(s) is/are going to take place shortly. I can't seem to shake that sensation. My life feels like it is on hiatus, or in limbo due to this sensation. It follows me around like a ghost dog. It is strong enough to make me look over my shoulder, even though I know it is not going to happen anywhere around where I am. The over the shoulder thing has to do with how radically world consciousness is going to have to reboot, shortly... whenever shortly proves to be.

That Seattle feeling is back. Of course... the sensation is in some respects, an all up and down the Left Coast thing. Life, what I see of it from a distance, in the Land of Golden Slumbers, is tearing down the highway in a Ferrari that someone sawed through the axle of ...and is leaving the following, general mechanical stress, to take care of the time and place, in respect of when and where that axle goes full schizophrenic. The level of crazy in Kalifornia has become so extreme that most things don't even raise an eyebrow anymore, in that land of air-kissing insincerity. Meanwhile, Seattle is elevating crazy to a whole new level not previously seen. Power Washing is racist! Woo Woo.

Something is brewing back in the shrubbery. Is it waiting for the dark of the night? Is it waiting to get strong enough for the broad daylight? Is it waiting... contemplating... what it can manage somewhere off camera... back in the shadows... where a thousand Rachel Maddows... are giving Ed Buck a reach around? John Podesta's in a cap and gown... graduated from Epstein University, with a degree in Advanced Perversity. He's got a diploma from Pedophile Island and they're all eating Comet Ping Pong Pizza. Yeah, they're all eating Comet Ping Pong Pizza. The human Pepperoni is evil sliced so thin, you can see right through it to that place on the other side, where you're caught in the floodlights and there is no place to hide.

Now... where was I? Right, Seattle. Seattle at a distance actually; a disrespectful and non appreciative distance. A pressure washer will not reach all the way down here. The rippling Earth, turned all bouncy castle from the coming Richter 10.5 can't reach here. The tornadoes don't come here, so far. The roving bands of Antifa thugs don't come here, so far. It's always a good idea to be somewhere that... when the fecal matter hits the whirling blades, you have time to think and strategize your next move, even if it is no move at all. Even better, still... is utter reliance upon the Supreme Controller of all Things, who manifestly, palpably exists, in direct relation to the degree of one's faith. Of course, he exists regardless but the presence seems less present, if at all.

Vaccines in Kalifornia are now mandatory if you want to go to school. I don't know if they have outlawed homeschooling yet but they're working on it. Meanwhile the streets are seasoned with shit and piss. There's no question that someone is trying to destroy the population of that once beautiful state. The evidence of autism and other afflictions, being due to toxic vaccinations, is now beyond dispute by any reasonable person. The ridiculous uproar by callow and uninformed youth, about Global Warming lies, is being lavishly funded by George Soros who is here pictured with Greta Thunberg.

Joined with Soros in this Satanic enterprise are Bill and Melinda Gates, Bono; the most megalomaniac entertainer of our times and whatever other infernal killer clowns there may be. Here is what happened to Willie Nelson when Soros possessed him with Satanic force.


The Satanists are co-opting our children into their plans. They are getting desperate.

Here is the gematria results og Greta Thunberg for those interested >




'o-o' <

20867857? ago

Hey Fren, have you seen this?


(Speaking of Seattle)

20868549? ago

I have now. Working on it. <

20742307? ago

YES! wow - I thought I was the only one in limbo about the Left coast. All the way up to Vancouver. I keep worrying about family there. I know something is up. Thank you for the numberfagging on Greta. I see it. I was just reading about how obummer was creating child soldiers in concert with the DS. This all flows ... thank you kindly sir.

20867870? ago

Re-posting this video that someone else posted here a few weeks back:


20747555? ago


Please re-read above section as I have posted some amazing notables in the Gematria (read the whole lot in the link after reading notables to BLOWN AWAY by the results, when put in context to what is going on around us).

Make no mistake, GOD is HERE and JESUS CHRIST is well and truly in control here on Earth.

May The Holy Spirit be upon you, within you, ALWAYS, and in ALL WAYS.




'o-o' <

20768806? ago

Thank you patriot. May the Holy Spirit be with you as well.

Funny, we all were taught - more than likely by the DS propaganda machine - that the end times were to be feared. Not really. We are in the end times and the ones who fear are the ones caught up in lucifer's lair. I'm more at peace now than ever, and there are many things in my life that don't work the way I want them to. But strangely, I am at peace.

20746011? ago

You are most welcome my Patriout Fren. Carry on.



'o-o' <

20737196? ago

Is the “Green Party” the Third Horseman of the Apocalypse?

Let’s Look At What Is REALLY Going On With So-Called Worldwide “Sustainable Development…”

From Germany by Karma Singh…

To save you looking up Revelation in the Bible it’s verses 6: 5-6, the Third of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse is “Famine” mounted upon a black horse.

(Just for for a point of discussion let’s say that the First Horseman – the great dictator – is the international bankers, the Second Horseman – the war bringer – is the military-industrial complex and the Fourth Horseman – pestilence – is the pharmaceutical cartel.)

Farmers in the participating states of the Federal Republic of Germany…

…where “the Greens” hold the balance of power and have, thereby, managed to impose some of their dogmas – know that it is, in those states, forbidden for a farmer to improve his land resulting in reductions in fertility and harvests. The Greens wish to impose more of their dogmas leading to “Agenda 21,” the so-called “Sustainable Development” whereby, for “environmental reasons”, most of humanity is to be slaughtered and the remaining 500 Millions (5.5% of the present population) are to be pushed into ghetto cities and ruled over by a “Green” elite.

In re-writing one of my books…

…(I have never published it in English and the new German edition may well get a new name) one of the introductory chapters concerns the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

When writing about the Famine Horseman, I found that I had written the following:

(Although, in Germany, this represents Green Party dogma, the self-same movement and agenda has many names around the world:

In the USA it is the extreme left Democrats epitomised by “Occasional Cortex,” in many countries, “Extinction Rebellion”, the abuse of Greta Thunberg – a mentally retarded (vaccine damaged) juvenile from Sweden – to make her parents very rich by letting her be used for “Green Party” propaganda any many similar all with the aim of bringing about the de-industrialisation of the Western world which would result in the deaths of many, many billions of people and a return to an agricultural feudal-like society ruled over by the bankers.)

Just a few days ago, an event happened in the US State of  Pennsylvania…

…a group of “Eco-Terrorists” calling themselves “The Sunrise Movement” decided to storm the local Democratic Party headquarters. Their “research abilities” did not even extend to finding the correct address and police had to forcibly remove them because they refused to believe that the Democratic Party wasn’t housed there.

One wonders, of course, how much research effort they devoted to finding out whether the Greens “Global Warming” is actually happening (definitely not is the scientific answer). Such are the Greens – and it gets worse!

From the new book:

The third horseman in Revelations is “famine.”  There can be no doubt that, in some parts of the world, this has been a chronic condition for many years. The question is “why, and who is doing it,” for it is NOT a natural condition.

We are accustomed, in Europe and N. America to massive over-production of all foodstuffs.

A group of farmers in Austria published, in a video in 2018, a detailed explanation of how and why 40% of what they produce is simply thrown away to maximise bankers’ profits.

They declare that, without this deliberate wastage, farmers could easily feed twelve billion people (the population of Planet Earth NOW is less than 9 billion). And yet the production is almost hopelessly inefficient. Were, for example,  Bavaria alone could get rid of all farm animals and concentrate on just producing food for people then none of the other farmers in Germany would be needed!

The other great danger here is the Green Party and their demand that we switch from coal, oil, gas and nuclear generation to “renewable” (solar and wind power which, it turns out isn’t renewable at all and creates large amounts of radioactive waste!) The greatest problem is, however, the extreme instability of these methods of electrical generation.

A national electrical grid, in any country, is built upon the premise that electricity production is constant.

With coal, oil, gas and nuclear this is, in fact, the case. There are a few minor fluctuations which can be readily ironed out. The so-called “renewables”, however, are, by nature, extremely unstable.

Neither wind nor sunlight are constants but vary enormously. Even a cloud passing between the sun and a photo-voltaic accumulator will cause a large swing in electricity production. The electrical grids cannot cope with either the frequency or the intensity of these natural swings.

It is inevitable that, once all reliable generators have been switched off…

…the grid will collapse. It is estimated that it would take at least 3 months for Germany to get the grid working again and the USA possibly 6 months. Take a look at what this means:

No street lighting. No telephones. No heating (even your oil heating won’t work without electricity to run the pumps and provide the spark to ignite the burners).

No computers. No internet. No television. No radio. No newspapers. No petrol (Am. Gasoline) or diesel as the pumps are worked electrically and so no cars, no busses and no trucks; this means no foodstuffs being delivered to shops and stores which, themselves, are in total darkness. Gas cookers will work (if you have some matches) but electric cookers won’t and neither will your kettle. No trains.

No aeroplanes because no electricity to pump the fuel and no radar or radio for traffic control.

Result: Mass starvation. It is estimated that at least 24 million Germans would die and over 100 million Americans.

This is very obviously a carefully planned and co-ordinated part of Agenda 21 and the mass-genocide which is an integral part of it. The Greens have, of course, been repeatedly told of this both by the electricity generators, the grid managers and private researchers. They cannot claim to be in ignorance of this and yet continues as though it were of no importance at all.

Just to make very clear how real this is…

…look who is Greta Thunberg’s handler: A green party senior member with direct personal links to satanic organisations. So let there be no doubt in your mind just what is going on here.

Are these the End Times, the forewarned Apocalypse? Only a fool could maintain otherwise. Many have taken heed of the warning in Revelations and elsewhere and have been acting to neutralise them for years.

The real problem is the passive who will “take action if and when” because that will be too late. You can’t stop Armageddon and the Apocalypse when they have happened but you CAN prevent them by acting to disempower those who are doing their utmost to engender them.

It IS up to you, NOW!

Blessed be

From Germany by Karma Singh…

21079429? ago

For some time, I have thought that Satan was, once again, attempting to thwart God's time-line. And as usual, God inserts Himself into our time frame and pushes Satan back. There is no way Pres Trump and Patriots can defeat this dark, evil network of Satanists apart from God Himself supplying the power. I pray a lot -- and prayers are rising with increased intensity around the world.

Interesting theory on the 4 Horsemen. I have studied/taught the Bible (emp. on prophesy) for many years. When the climate scare first surfaced, my thought was -- YES, the earth will heat up, but NO, it is not man's doing. God says this present earth is reserved for destruction by fire (the first destruction was by flood). So, there is nothing man can do to prevent God's Word from occurring-- besides the science does not support man-made climate change, anyway. Satan (yes, I believe he is real) knows what's coming, and in his usual deceptive scheming, he lays a trap for all to be "educated" to conclude that this is man's fault-- which translates to a world wide tax, designed to further enrich the DS and further enslave the masses.

Man needs food, air, water and shelter to survive. These four areas are what Satan, through the DS, is working to control. Unless the masses wake up to realize the reality of our enemy, they will sleep their way through their own destruction.

I believe the 7 letters to the churches were/are literal and also prophetic -- fulfilled in the order written. I believe we are ending the Philadelphia period and transitioning to Laodicea. In Philadelphia, God calls out the Synagogue of Satan saying He will cause them to bow down at our feet to show them that God loves us. I believe Satan's followers will realize this when their power base is defeated. They think we are Bottom Feeders, but soon will think otherwise. God also promises that He will keep us from the hour of testing that is coming upon the world to test those that dwell upon the earth.

The Laodicean age is marked by "needing nothing" -- the church says "I am rich -become wealthy - need nothing." God says - "You are wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked." Then God advises them - if you really want to become wealthy, buy "GOLD" from ME - and buy WHITE garments from ME to cover your shame - and eye salve, so you may see.

We are transitioning out of the fiat money system and into a gold backed monetary system. If allowed to work as it should, in time, people will be much better off - world wide. But, as time passes, immorality and depravity will flourish as people will have what they need, and they will increasingly become independent or indifferent to God. As it is said, the heroes of today will usher in a system that will become the enemy of tomorrow. Power eventually corrupts.

Satan knows this, and is weaving his traps into our future gold backed system - which will eventually enslave everyone world wide. All will need the mark of the beast in order to buy and sell.

I believe we are entering into an age -- probably won't last very long, as ages go -- where trans-humanism will be rampant. Undiscerning people, will be fascinated and stand in line to be "upgraded". They won't know that the ultimate price will be the selling of their sole. Satan does NOT have LIFE. So, to increase his energy, he has to suck the life out of any and all unsuspecting humans he can fool.

Already, most humans do not understand the truth about their humanity and how precious we are. God made us light beings -- powerful in our perfect state - and indwelled by God Himself through His Spirit. The Book of Adam and Eve gives insight into what they were like before and after the fall. The point being, when mankind fell, WE FELL -- way down from what we were. We have yet to experience all we will be, but a time is coming when we will be transformed from our fallen state, back to our glorified state.

Jesus came to save us from all this darkness that surrounds us-- Living in the world, but not of the world. Satanic traps are everywhere, but if discerning, they are avoidable.

We must NOT tamper with our humanity. Our DNA must be preserved, and our soles in tact. When Jesus's disciples asked Him "What will be the sign of Your coming and of the end of the age?" The first thing out of Jesus's mouth was "See to it that no one misleads you." (Mat 24:4) A time of even greater deception is coming. I pray people will wake up to what it really means to be "human" - made in the image of God.

21080472? ago

That's fantastic Fren. Thank You .. <

20762103? ago

End Times were ordained by God Himself. It's here. It's real, and why would you want to prevent our renewal? Do we really believe we can vote our way out of this?

20737180? ago

Thunberg was forced to apologize this summer for wearing an ANTIFA t-shirt by mistake. She claimed on her Twitter account that she did not realize that the t-shirt was advertising a violent extremist organization.

Yesterday I posted a photo wearing a borrowed T-shirt that says I’m against fascism. That T-shirt can apparently to some be linked to a violent movement. I don’t support any form of violence and to avoid misunderstandings I’ve deleted the post. And of course I am against fascism.

— Greta Thunberg (@GretaThunberg) July 26, 2019

However, her parents – Svante Thunberg and Malena Ernman – have been photographed wearing the exact same t-shirt, casting serious doubt on her explanation.

Greta Thunberg (and her folks!) are antifa. pic.twitter.com/behjYnrKMs

— Antifa International (@antifaintl) September 24, 2019

Thunberg’s mother, Malena Ernman, is a popular Swedish opera singer, and a long-time far left activist. She indoctrinated her daughter, who has been diagnosed with Autism and other mental disorders, from the youngest of ages with apocalyptic dogma about the environment. She even claims her daughter can see particles of carbon dioxide in the air, as Thunberg has been steeped in fantasy and delusion her entire life.

Thunberg’s initial school strike coincided with the publication of her mother’s memoir, “Scenes from the Heart.” Her first protest was initially made public on the social media account of Ingmar Rentzhog, the book’s public relations man.

They have also turned Thunberg into a money-making machine, using the child to fleece environmentalists out of large donations. Rentzhog founded a climate-focused PR firm ‘We Don’t Have Time,’ and put Thunberg on the Youth Advisory Board. The organization has raised nearly a million pounds before Thunberg was even thrust into the spotlight as a worldwide icon.

The Thunberg family also regularly employs bizarre and quasi-satanic symbolism, typical of those who perpetrate behind the globalist authoritarian agenda:

This explains it all. @GretaThunberg mother actress??? Malena Ernman-Thunberg, buying a frozen pizza, wrapped in plastic


— Manny_Ottawa (@manny_ottawa) September 22, 2019


— Wide Awake ?￰゚ヌᄌ?￰゚ヌᆳ?￰゚ヌᆰ Q-Army Swiss Division (@timetowakeupsw1) September 19, 2019

As usual, there is far more than meets the eye regarding the new false idol of the anti-human climate cult.

20737172? ago

MUST READ: Greta Thunberg Pushed to Prominence by ANTIFA Parents and Soros Connections

The Greta phenomenon is far from organic.



Sep 24, 2019


Shane Trejo

16-year-old climate change activist Greta Thunberg has quickly risen to become one of the world’s most prominent political leaders, inspiring a mass movement of millions seemingly out of thin air to combat the problem of global warming.

However, the young girl’s sudden ascent to prominence is not happening by chance. She has deep connections to the globalist elite and activist parents who are supporters of the far-left domestic terrorist group ANTIFA.

Thunberg’s frequent handler is Luisa-Marie Neubauer, an operative from the ONE Movement. Neubauer can be seen behind Thunberg at many of her public events.


On the photos behind her u see Luisa-Marie Neubauer, her handler.

She's a member of "ONE Foundation" managed by BONO, Bill Gates and George Soros pic.twitter.com/CrccrEzB81

20737150? ago

Greta Thunberg is Demon-possessed and in need of an Exorcism

23 September 2019 adm-zagami

Today we will discuss the evidence that Antifa activist Greta Thunberg is possessed.

“This is all wrong. I shouldn’t be up here. I should be back in school, on the other side of the ocean,” activist Greta Thunberg told the leaders present  and that’s probably the only honest thing she said today.

A demon-possessed person is dangerous because Greta is not in control of herself. Her need for gratification can eclipse whatever pain or suffering her actions may cause. Greta Thunberg briefly crossed paths with Donald Trump at the United Nations in New York this morning and that was the moment I realized she was completely possessed and in the hands of Satan and his Legion. The Swedish climate activist fixed Trump with a steady demonic stare as he arrived at the UN to attend a meeting on religious freedom that is of great importance for mankind.

A few minutes after the encounter, President Trump, speaking Monday at a United Nations event on religious freedom, called out world leaders for espousing diversity and inclusion while “shunning or silencing” people of faith. Something Antifa loving Greta, who is obviously in the hands of Satan’s Legion, wanted to avoid. Trump gave $25M to the cause at the UN summit in question.

Remember, when a person like Greta, who lacks empathy and is unable to determine what is right or wrong due to of her Asperger syndrome and being demon possessed, everyone around that person is at risk, including President Donald J. Trump, who fortunately was protected by all our prayers and our Lord Jesus Christ because he is a man of God. Testimony of persons suffering from Aspergers and demonic-possession show they are linked and we hope that Greta Thunberg receives the exorcism she so desperately needs and be healed from her sickness to finally be able to grow in the grace of Jesus.

Let us put aside our criticism and pray for Greta today, because as Jesus says in Luke 23:34 “Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing.” 

Satan knows his time is near and in his desperation he resorts to using a child to do his evil bidding.

20737140? ago

Re: Greta Thunberg & "Child Armor" - 09-24-2019, 05:49 PM

Born into a family of status, privilege and wealth in a country that has abandoned God for free love and Milquetoast neutrality, Greta, armed only with an unquenchable sense of entitlement and a good dose of the demons of autism, has, by use of the theatrical publicity machine, so often in the past harnessed by her “artistic” family, succeeded in leading the gullible and ignorant, who have no concept of the most basic of economic principles – chiefly “He who can harness and use the most energy will be the richest.”

Instead, she preaches a false gospel of “the simple life”: knitting your own sandals out of recycled copies of the New York Times, and surviving on roots and berries, with only your own flatulence as a source of methane for cooking and keeping warm.

Her mental state, until those demons are exorcised, will remain incurable, nevertheless I suggest that she be encourage to live a zero carbon lifestyle on zero money. She then will become an example to us all.

20737125? ago

Blog Comments >

Re: Greta Thunberg & "Child Armor" - 09-22-2019, 11:54 PM

Greta Thunberg is an autistic retard who hates God. It's true, she has chosen the Assburger's SINdrome lifestyle. And with a name like Thunberg, she's probably a Christ-killer too, and we know how much stock God wants us to put in what those people say (Titus 1:14). As far as the "child armor" goes, that's just another example of liberal hypocrisy. Democrats have absolutely no problem slaughtering the unborn before they've even had the chance to hear about Jesus, but then they'll freak out when you cite examples of God's righteous destruction of children (Exodus 12:29-39, Leviticus 26:21-22, Numbers 31:17-18, Deuteronomy 21:18-21, Joshua 6:21, 1 Samuel 15:3, 2 Kings 2:23-24, Psalms 137:9, Isaiah 13:15-18, Jeremiah 19:9, Hosea 13:16, Revelation 2:23, among others). It's completely in character for the gutless, spineless, Godless Jews to use a child as a shield to advance their NWO agenda, but with the word of God as our guide, we Christians would have no compunctions whatsoever about stopping her by any means necessary. Remember, Adolf Hitler was a vegetarian hippie too. If you had the chance to go back in time and snuff out Hitler as a 16-year-old, wouldn't you do it?

Blog Comment >

Re: Greta Thunberg & "Child Armor" - 09-24-2019, 05:49 PM

Born into a family of status, privilege and wealth in a country that has abandoned God for free love and Milquetoast neutrality, Greta, armed only with an unquenchable sense of entitlement and a good dose of the demons of autism, has, by use of the theatrical publicity machine, so often in the past harnessed by her “artistic” family, succeeded in leading the gullible and ignorant, who have no concept of the most basic of economic principles – chiefly “He who can harness and use the most energy will be the richest.”

Instead, she preaches a false gospel of “the simple life”: knitting your own sandals out of recycled copies of the New York Times, and surviving on roots and berries, with only your own flatulence as a source of methane for cooking and keeping warm.

Her mental state, until those demons are exorcised, will remain incurable, nevertheless I suggest that she be encourage to live a zero carbon lifestyle on zero money. She then will become an example to us all.

20742464? ago

ALLLLL RIGHTY THEN. Could you fags just stop with the Satanic Aspergers shit? There are a lot people on the spectrum. They are not Satanic. The fact that this child appears to be Autistic or to have Aspergers is another symptom of hers. The satanic stuff is just that -- Satanic. It doesn't help our cause to start in on people on the Autism spectrum. In fact, there are quite a few people on VOAT and in the Q movement who are. I have family members who are on the Spectrum. That's about the same as people on the Left equating White Skin with Evil. Give it a rest and stop watering down this excellent research. Geez

20746064? ago

P.s. - If I offended you (unintentionally, as I was not attacking Spergs, of which I am one) I apologize UNRESERVEDLY.

I am researching and exposing what Evil people are doing to her; using this girl as a Pawn. It made me really angry.

I have a daughter her age.

20745968? ago

Hi Brother,

I NEVER said Spergs were Satanic!! I AM A SPERG!

I said this chick is A) A Satanist (closet), being groomed by Globalists/Satanists like George Soros et al, and B) pushing her dumb as dog shit Enviro terrorism views on the rest of us. She is a little girl being played like a fool. No cares, no planes, eating berries all day. LOL!

Like she didn't know that Antifa was a violent organization after wearing their shirt, and tried to brush it away, and apologize. Yet her PARENTS were also wearing that Antifa crap. What a load of BULLSHIT!

I am a Sperg myself. It has NOTHING to do with Spectrum, GET REAL!!

This kid is being manipulated and is clearly possessed. Take one look at her FFS! It;s SICK!

That ain't normal, and something about her whole message and her backers stinks to high heaven.

Hell, the bigger the Sperg the better, and I am one big fucking Sperg myself! Have one look at my body of work, and that will tell you what is going on in my mind.

You have misunderstood me, and I have been battling, and smashing the living daylights out of the Shills here consistently.

I am sorry if you though it was an attack on Spergs. No. It is about shining a light on what (((they))) are doing to this little girl.

They are going to Hell for this.

And thanks for the compliment on my research. Love you brah.




'o-o' <

20737116? ago

The Federalist Doth Accuse Goody Greta Thunberg And Other 'Climate Worshipers' Of WITCHCRAFT

Robyn Pennacchia

September 26, 2019 04:20 PM


Back in school, when we learned about the Salem Witch Trials, most of us thought to ourselves, "Wow, those people were fucking crazy/ignorant, going around killing people they thought had magic powers and what have you. Good thing people aren't like that anymore!"

To some degree, they're not. After all, witchcraft has not been a capital offense in the colonies since at least 1750, and we haven't even had a real witch trial since that second thing in Salem, in 1878, when the lady who founded the Christian Scientists accused a former disciple of doing "mind crimes," "malicious animal magnetism," and mesmerism to some broad in Ipswitch.

And yet.

We somehow still have to deal with backwards townfolk screaming about "witchcraft." In the '80s, it was the Satanic Panic. A couple years ago (and today, still), we had all the people wigging out over Marina Abramovic's performance art and claiming that Hillary Clinton was doing a bunch of performance art-related witchcraft. It seems that no matter how we all try to evolve there will always be someone standing in that corner crying WITCH!

Today, that person is Sumantra Maitra, columnist at The Federalist, who has made the bold claim that Greta Thunberg and all the "climate worshipers" out there are practically doing paganism. Because "Mother Earth" and, I guess, twerking.

Do tell, The Federalist:

As secular liberalism destroyed the fundamental ties that bind society — faith, flag, and family — the human instincts for faith — to believe, worship, submit, and fear — didn't just go away but manifested in various other pre-civilized tribal ways. For example, a liberal seminary encouraged its students to skip classes to pray and confess sins in front of potted plants. In Switzerland, 250 people in full funereal garb mourned the apparent approaching death of a glacier.

That is why members of "Extinction Rebellion" do what they do. Extinction Rebellion is an apocalyptic cult that wants to radically end every thing around you, from your private cars to the burgers you eat and the plastic chairs in your yard. It is a cult that was formed after its founder took psychedelic drugs and prayed for "social change." Members have blocked D.C. and London intersections, "twerking" the way people in a pre-civilized era would perform a fertility dance to pray to Gaia.

His thesis here — really — is that "secular liberals" murdered Christianity (which should come as a surprise to the 75 percent of Americans who identify as Christians), and then replaced it, Folgers Crystals-style, with environmentalism, which is basically paganism.

And apparently, people thinking that Greta Thunberg is doing a good thing are just worshiping her as a child saint of some kind.

And then there's Saint Greta, our perpetual teen of sorrow. I have been comparing her worship to Joan of Arc ever since she was invited to the British Parliament, the birthplace of modern democracy. She was surrounded by buffoons nodding their heads like they were listening to gospel truth.

Well-known picture of Greta Thunberg speaking to Parliament upload.wikimedia.org

His conclusion?

So, there you have it. Sexualized dances, psychedelic hallucinogens, worshiping nature, confessing sins in pagan animism, worshiping purified teen saints, and throwing them up on an altar, bereft of their childhood, to promote a greater cause. Add to that witches hexing Brett Kavanaugh, and having an Ouija board to invoke the spirit of Karl Marx, and everything old is new again.

Yes, everything old is new again, though not exactly in the way he means it. Sure! There are lots of practicing pagans around today. It's not illegal. People can be pagans or wiccans or druids or whatever if they want. But that is a very different thing than going around claiming that people are "pagans" just because they don't want the world to burn.

Maitra claims that conservatives don't necessarily think that climate change isn't happening, they just don't think it's actually all that bad and want an exact "cost-benefit analysis of the radical changes being demanded." Given that this is a thing that probably could not exist, it seems that conservatives like Maitra would prefer to continue murdering the earth as hard as possible until someone can prove to them that not doing that won't hurt rich people too much.

He then claims that we climate Pagans don't even actually believe that climate change is bad either, we just want to use it as a tool to take way everything conservatives love:

More important than that, conservatives understand that climate change is cynically used by a certain section of people to justify their political goals of steering the West away from its way of life, a way they perceive to be evil and harmful, hetero-patriarchal, and capitalist. How? Appealing to the faith-based part of human brains, the need for subservience, and propping up children as human shields.

Yes. Either that or we'd just like to not kick a hornet's nest! One of the two!

Maitra goes on to praise "the old left," noting that Stalin would totally have put us in labor camps for caring about the environment and, um, twerking:

For all the Marxists' faults, the old left at least wanted to conquer nature instead of turning subservient to it. Of course, that went to its own extremes, but one can imagine Joseph Stalin putting all twerking climate fanatics as mentally ill people in a forced labor camp to build railroads in Siberia. The current Chinese government, likewise, gives two hoots about climate change, and for all the bravery of Green Peace and St. Greta, there's nothing they can do about China burning more coal than the rest of humanity combined.

Yes, and those are just some of the many things that we think are bad about Stalin and China. It would be legitimately weird if those were things we admired or even considered to have anything at all to do with left-wing politics. Or even actual communism! After all, we are not modern-day conservatives swooning over Pinochet and dreaming of "helicopter rides."

But back to our nascent plans to stick poor Sumantra Maitra in a big ol' wicker man and sacrifice him for the good of our crops:

The modern left is a combination of two of the worst impulses in human history. First are the ultra-privileged bourgeoisie, which, having lost their old Judeo-Christian faith, are instinctively attracted to pre-civilized rituals, from overt sexuality to fewer familial ties. Consider Late Roman public orgies, and you get an idea. At the same time, human minds feel a gaping void that still needs to be filled by an alternate faith. It is in that intersection where this occultist, apocalyptic climate paganism comes from.

Ah! I get it! Instead of looking for a third nipple or throwing us into the water to see whether or not we float, the new test for witchcraft is using reusable straws, being sexy, and twerking, and instead of letting the Devil use our form to do spectral afflictions to innocent townfolk, we're all bewitching people into believing that climate change is a problem for the purposes of not letting conservatives have families. Or something. It makes a lot of sense if you don't think about it too hard.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some tannis root smoothies to make. "

20737058? ago


20737238? ago

You wish!

20737004? ago

Greta Thunberg - Ugly, autistic foid taking the center stage of Europe because of "muh climate"

Dec 19, 2018

This autistic dwarf organized school strikes in the arctic country of Sweden where even teachers participated. Because of global warming.

I am tired of feminism and the climate cult. Every newspaper writes about her crusade like she is some kind of modern Joan of Arc. And her ugly, syndromal face appears everywhere. Here she speaks to the EU leadership and she even gets to meet the Pope.

This is what Sweden exports these days. They don´t need Volvo, Saab, IKEA, music or engineers anymore.

More >

Swedish Behavioral Scientist Suggests Eating Humans to ‘Save the Planet’

A Swedish behavioral scientist has suggested that it may be necessary to turn to cannibalism and start eating humans in order to save the planet.

Appearing on Swedish television to talk about an event based around the “food of the future,” Magnus Söderlund said he would be holding seminars on the necessity of consuming human flesh in order to stop climate change.

Environmentalists blame the meat and farming industry for a large part of what they claim is the warming of the earth.

According to Söderlund, a potential fix would be the Soylent Green-solution of eating dead bodies instead.

He told the host of the show that one of the biggest obstacles to the proposal would be the taboo nature of corpses and the fact that many would see it as defiling the deceased.

Söderlund also acknowledged that people are “slightly conservative” when it comes to eating things they are not accustomed to, such as cadavers.

The discussion took place accompanied by a graphic of human hands on the end of forks. Lovely.

Another proposal to save the earth which has been promoted by numerous mass media outlets and environmentalists is only somewhat less disgusting – eating bugs.

No doubt Greta Thunberg and Prince Harry will be first in line for when cockroaches and human flesh is being dished out at the next international climate summit.

20736987? ago

Greta Thunberg - Ugly, autistic foid taking the center stage of Europe because of "muh climate"

Dec 19, 2018

This autistic dwarf organized school strikes in the arctic country of Sweden where even teachers participated. Because of global warming.

I am tired of feminism and the climate cult. Every newspaper writes about her crusade like she is some kind of modern Joan of Arc. And her ugly, syndromal face appears everywhere. Here she speaks to the EU leadership and she even gets to meet the Pope.

This is what Sweden exports these days. They don´t need Volvo, Saab, IKEA, music or engineers anymore.

More >

Swedish Behavioral Scientist Suggests Eating Humans to ‘Save the Planet’

A Swedish behavioral scientist has suggested that it may be necessary to turn to cannibalism and start eating humans in order to save the planet.

Appearing on Swedish television to talk about an event based around the “food of the future,” Magnus Söderlund said he would be holding seminars on the necessity of consuming human flesh in order to stop climate change.

Environmentalists blame the meat and farming industry for a large part of what they claim is the warming of the earth.

According to Söderlund, a potential fix would be the Soylent Green-solution of eating dead bodies instead.

He told the host of the show that one of the biggest obstacles to the proposal would be the taboo nature of corpses and the fact that many would see it as defiling the deceased.

Söderlund also acknowledged that people are “slightly conservative” when it comes to eating things they are not accustomed to, such as cadavers.

The discussion took place accompanied by a graphic of human hands on the end of forks. Lovely.

Another proposal to save the earth which has been promoted by numerous mass media outlets and environmentalists is only somewhat less disgusting – eating bugs.

No doubt Greta Thunberg and Prince Harry will be first in line for when cockroaches and human flesh is being dished out at the next international climate summit.

20736975? ago



By Cory Morningstar

January 17, 2019

 “What’s infuriating about manipulations by Non Profit Industrial Complex is that they harvest good will of the people, especially young people. They target those who were not given skills and knowledge to truly think for themselves by institutions which are designed to serve the ruling class. Capitalism operates systematically and structurally like a cage to raise domesticated animals. Those organizations and their projects which operate under false slogans of humanity in order to prop up the hierarchy of money and violence are fast becoming some of the most crucial elements of the invisible cage of corporatism, colonialism and militarism.” — Hiroyuki Hamada, artist

The Manufacturing of Greta Thunberg – for Consent has been written in six acts. [ACT I • ACT II • ACT III • ACT IV • ACT V • ACT VI] [Addenda: I]

In ACT I, I disclose that Greta Thunberg, the current child prodigy and face of the youth movement to combat climate change, serves as special youth advisor and trustee to the burgeoning mainstream tech start-up, We Don’t Have Time. I then explore the ambitions behind the tech company We Don’t Have Time.

In ACT II, I illustrate how today’s youth are the sacrificial lambs for the ruling elite. Also in this act I introduce the board members and advisors to We Don’t Have Time. I explore the leadership in the nascent We Don’t Have Time and the partnerships between the well-established corporate environmental entities: Al Gore’s Climate Reality Project, 350.org, Avaaz, Global Utmaning (Global Challenge), the World Bank, and the World Economic Forum (WEF).

In ACT III, I deconstruct how Al Gore and the Planet’s most powerful capitalists are behind today’s manufactured youth movements and why. I explore the We Don’t Have Time/Thunberg connections to Our Revolution, the Sanders Institute, This Is Zero Hour, the Sunrise Movement and the Green New Deal. I also touch upon Thunberg’s famous family. In particular, Thunberg’s celebrity mother, Malena Ernman (WWF Environmental Hero of the Year 2017) and her August 2018 book launch. I then explore the generous media attention afforded to Thunberg in both May and April of 2018 by SvD, one of Sweden’s largest newspapers.

In ACT IV, I examine the current campaign, now unfolding, in “leading the public into emergency mode”. More importantly, I summarize who and what this mode is to serve.

In ACT V, I take a closer look at the Green New Deal. I explore Data for Progress and the targeting of female youth as a key “femographic”. I connect the primary architect and authors of the “Green New Deal” data to the World Resources Institute. From there, I walk you through the interlocking Business & Sustainable Development Commission, and the New Climate Economy – a project of the World Resources Institute. I disclose the common thread between these groups and the assignment of money to nature, represented by the Natural Capital Coalition and the non-profit industrial complex as an entity. Finally, I reveal how this has culminated in the implementation of payments for ecosystem services (the financialization and privatization of nature, global in scale) which is “expected to be adopted during the fifteenth meeting in Beijing in 2020.”

In the final act, ACT VI [Crescendo], I wrap up the series by divulging that the very foundations which have financed the climate “movement” over the past decade are the same foundations now partnered with the Climate Finance Partnership looking to unlock 100 trillion dollars from pension funds. I reveal the identities of individuals and groups at the helm of this interlocking matrix, controlling both the medium and the message. I take a step back in time to briefly demonstrate the ten years of strategic social engineering that have brought us to this very precipice. I look at the relationship between WWF, Stockholm Institute and World Resources Institute as key instruments in the creation of the financialization of nature. I also take a look at the first public campaigns for the financialization of nature (“natural capital”) that are slowly being brought into the public realm by WWF. I reflect upon how mainstream NGOs are attempting to safeguard their influence and further manipulate the populace by going underground through Extinction Rebellion groups being organized in the US and across the world.

With the smoke now cleared, the weak and essentially non-existent demands reminiscent of the 2009 TckTckTck “demands” can now be fully understood.

Some of these topics, in addition to others, will be released and discussed in further detail as addenda built on the large volume of research. This includes stepping through the looking glass, with an exploration of what the real “Green New Deal” under the Fourth Industrial Revolution will look like. Also forthcoming is a look at the power of celebrity – and how it has become a key tool for both capital and conformity.

[*Note: This series contains information and quotes that have been translated from Swedish to English via Google Translator.]

A C T   O N E

“How is it possible for you to be so easily tricked by something so simple as a story, because you are tricked? Well, it all comes down to one core thing and that is emotional investment. The more emotionally invested you are in anything in your life, the less critical and the less objectively observant you become.” — David JP Phillips, We Don’t Have Time board of directors, “The Magical Science of Storytelling”


Who's REALLY behind 16-year-old Greta Thunberg? Ugly feud between her opera singer-turned-climate-activist mother and the green PR man who she accuses of exploiting her

Greta Thunberg spoke to Existence Rebellion protesters in London, yesterday

Reports claim Swedish teen's rise to fame is more orchestrated than first thought

Six months ago the unknown teenager camped outside Sweden's parliament

She's the 16-year-old schoolgirl who inspired a series of classroom walkouts when her message for faster action on climate change spread from Sweden across the continent.

But while Greta Thunberg spoke to an animated crowd of Existence Rebellion demonstrators at Marble Arch, London, yesterday, reports emerged claiming the teenager's rise to fame was more orchestrated than first thought.

Six months ago an unknown 15-year-old Miss Thunberg camped outside Sweden's parliament next to a hand-written sign that read 'Skolstrejk för Klimatet' (School strike for the climate).

Miss Thunberg skipped school every Friday to sit on the steps of the Riksdag and soon became a global success following her first TED talk - which now has more than a million views.

But doubts have been raised as to whether the teenager's newfound shift into the spotlight is really the creation of a carefully laid out public relations campaign.

PR consultant Ingmar Rentzhog's We Don’t Have Time climate change PR agency used Miss Thunberg's image to gain funds for his firm, according to Climate Change Dispatch.

But the publication said the teenager's family deny being aware that she would be used in this way, and have since cut ties with Mr Rentzhog’s organisation.

Miss Thunberg said: 'I was briefly a youth adviser for the board of the non profit foundation We Don’t Have Time.

'It turns out they used my name as part of another branch of their organisation that is a start up business. They have admitted clearly that they did so without the knowledge of me or my family.


Posted by JE Aggas at 11:03 AM