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21299305? ago

Laura Loomer...

21299322? ago

She keeps popping her head up. <

I don't trust her at all. Just sayin'.

21300131? ago

Big bear thinks she’s a man for starters

21300152? ago

Would not surprise ma one bit. <

They are all Trannys and Homos at the top. It's (((their))) sick joke you see.

21300435? ago

Ur right, I’m starting to see that as well. And I’d like too add in ADDITION to that they’re also, sodomites, pedophiles, pedophile handlers, abused children (Greta Thunberg) or just the good old fashioned lizard jew like Ben shapiru

21300562? ago

You are correct. <

Here is some light reading on our Enemies >

If A Crazed, Cannibalistic, Satanic, Zionist, Child Raping, Pedophile, Globo Homo, Doomsday Extinction Cult, took over The World, and all it's Wealth, would you notice? Time to wake up.

Mirrors of Truth - The Truth about Satanic Gang Stalking - 'o-o' <

Decoding Satan's Child Minions - Greta Thunberg - A collection of material gathered by NMBRFG 'o-o' <

Satanic Sanhedrin of Warlocks

Satanic Riutal Abuse - The REAL story - From Fiona Barnett

Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult ceremonies - Popes, Vatican, European and British Royal Families - They are ALL in on it and will be brought to justice

21300777? ago

At least you acknowledge it’s sick people of all religions not just one.

21300837? ago

Yep. ALL Evil to the last person. <

Religion has nothing at all to with it, nor does race or political persuasion.

21300908? ago

Refreshing to see someone else get it.

21301405? ago

Being clouded by Racism, religious bias, or political bias affects judgment. I am here to take down these sickos.

Believe me when I say they care nought for the above. Just winning. <