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21720827? ago

Appendix Part iv

The formula "Xepera Xeper Xeperu" has been traced by French Egyptologists back to the First Intermediate period. There it was a formula of power for finding meaning when the Divine Kingship, the most important source of order, had collapsed. This was probably the birth of the Left Hand Path—the idea that meaning can only come from the individual. "Xeper" was the last fortress, the mind and body of the individual. "Xeper" was the word of anyone who would not let the divine principle of Isolation and Evolution fail.

The second appearance was in Ramses III's time. The formula was used to empower travelers through the desert. "Xeper" was a touchstone for those who extend existence by passing boundaries. "Xeper" was the word of the extender of Egypt—of the Known Order.

The third appearance was at the beginning of the Hermetic tradition. "Xeper" became the word of the individual magician seeking two types of power: power to see through the illusions of this world, and power for a coherent afterlife. These practitioners began a magical practice that went beyond the state goals of Egypt or Greece or Rome.

The fourth appearance—connected with the purchase of Budge's Egyptian Language by a Priest of Mendes—was very different. The Left Hand Path was up and running. The Word Worked on a matrix of its own making. Michael Aquino had to find the word (cast in Roman and Greek letters) in a translation from its last appearance. He didn't write the Rhind papyrus, any more than its author came up with the spell of Continuous Re-Creation. But his Utterance of that Word—in a matrix conditioned by its last appearance—produced a new access to energy and power beyond any previous utterances. Aquino's Utterance in 1975 e.v. was the Utterance of the Word of Aeons, defining the process that each sapient being must experience in order to change him- or herself. Xeper is the concept upon which the cycles of manifestation are actualized (in both the noumenological and phenomenological worlds). The actual activity of cyclical dynamism is generated by the formula of Xepera Xeper Xeperu, and my Remanifestation of the Word with my own Utterance of Xeper on the Spring Equinox of 1996 e.v. will raise and attune the imagination of the world to a new and permanent understanding of the principle.

My Utterance of the Word is in the tradition of Michael Aquino's. I am Uttering the Word into a Matrix of its own conditioning. The results should be stronger and further reaching than Michael Aquino's Utterance—just as he or she that follows me will extend the Word further.

Each Pharaoh attempted to extend the borders of the country further than his predecessor. I am extending the possibilities for Xeper further than Michael Aquino. My accomplishments will be less; the time of seeing an Aeon being born is very rare. My job will be to find and articulate more of the properties of Xeper, so that each student of the Black Arts will have new types of tools for their collaboration with Set.

If I manage to extend the boundaries and make there my Oath of Truth, then I will be seen as a successful Magus. If I fail, others will Utter "Xeper," just as mankind has been doing for the last four thousand years. It is the job of the Temple to keep the connections of the Word alive, so that long periods of ignorance come not again. In fact, if we fail utterly then the Word will not be heard on this earth again.

To those that dare the Black Magic, that take up the uniquely personal challenge of Xeper, both as a spiritual quest for Self-deification and a psychological exploration of antinomianism, I send greetings, and the sure Knowledge that when you think of Set, He thinks of you.


Michael Aquino on Don Webb


21720822? ago

Appendix Part iii

Xeper. Now an Egyptian verb, like an English verb, can have several forms depending on its number, tense, voice, and mood. (Unlike an English verb, Egyptian verbs also have gender.) You can have a verb such as "stative" which can be conjugated (I run; you run; he, she or it runs; we run—I am running—I ran—etc.). There are about 140 forms for an English verb (I remember this because my Junior High School Latin teacher often made us write the full conjugation of English verbs when he was mad at us). We happen to know the tense and person of the verb Xeper from the sentence Xepera Xeper Xeperu. It is first person, stative. Now while you're trying to remember your High School grammar as to what tense "stative" is—you won't. We don't have the tense in English. It refers to a past event that modifies a current state. We do have first person, of course; that means that 'I' did it.

The proper translation of the verb Xeper is "I Have Come Into Being." Now there are some implications of this that we in the Temple have not yet considered. Firstly the verb refers to a moment that HAS happened that explains why we are here. When you write or speak or think the word "Xeper" you are talking about something that has taken place. You are not talking about something taking place at the moment of the speech act. Xeper is NOT a continuous process. It is a series of events, whose presence we sense either through reason, or through divine apprehensions. We are aware that something has occurred to give the particular Being we have at any moment. We are aware that whatever the great shaping potential of that something we don't have that potential at this moment. In short we are aware that we have had a moment wherein we acted as gods. We did something divine—we had some peak experience—we made some life-altering choice—and it has produced the creatures we are now. Now this produces two great realizations:

First, we are aware that we have a capacity beyond wherever and whenever we are right now to both Limit and Create ourselves. All moments of Xeper both Limit and Create ourselves—or to use both of those ideas at the same time, all moments of Xeper Isolate ourselves from the Cosmos.

Second, we want to do this again. Humankind wants the Divine. In erroneous religions this desire is a return to the Divine in one way or another (either by union, or by being in the divine presence in some place with far too much harp music). Well that doesn't work—you can't go back to the state where Xeper last occurred. You can't go back to a previous divine state any more than you can fold an oak back into an acorn. You can only go forward to another divine state. If you want to both achieve and experience your godhood, you've got to go forward. In our Earthly incarnation we never fully experience the divine moment; only through magical introspection do we discover that we have passed through them, and can therefore say (with both happiness and terror) "I Have Come Into Being." In the Bremmer-Rhind papyrus this idea is reflected in the fact that Xepera's first two children are Shu (Reason) and Tefnut (Peak Emotions). Through these two Human experiences we can detect the divine, and having detected it learn to Work with it to have more divine experiences.

Now the first question is: how do I have more divine experiences? Xeper happens to every sapient being (note I didn't say every intelligent being, I'll return to that point in a future article). Most humans (and most of us, most of the time) stumble across those experiences that would set up the conditions so that they could later say "Xeper" if they had a large enough brain to hold the concept. The experience might be going into a drugstore to buy a malted milk and meeting the person that becomes your spouse for the next fifty years. Well, that was divine moment; it both Limited and Created your Life. A Christian would say it was the hand of God, a Hindu would invoke Karma. But we know who did it: that man or woman we face in the mirror everyday. The scary thing for all humans—and in fact the reason they/we invented religion in the first place—is that most divine experiences occur blindly. So most humans either ask some fairy tale on bended knee not to give them bad experiences, or if they're a little braver try to influence them with magic, or try to deny them by exerting the meaningless nature of the Cosmos. But the Setian, knowing that only through such experiences can he or she find the metamorphosis that our philosophy finds both achievable and desirable, seeks out the divine experience. I can't tell you where to find yours. If you did what I did, you would mainly find that it didn't work. That is because of the individualistic nature of Xeper (Remember? First Person verb).

This tells you many things about Xeper, the verb. It is NOT continuous. All events do not feed it equally. It is not fully under conscious control, rather consciousness and emotion arise from it; but can and must be used to seek more of it. This means that Xeper is NOT simple self-development or self-improvement, but that those things chosen rationally can put us in the place where Xeper can occur. All sapient beings experience Xeper, but those who can name it and Understand its purpose have a much better chance of achieving it. The paths to it are absolutely personal, but some of its properties (such as being fed/triggered by peak experiences) lead to certain group functions as facilitators. It Limits you—Divine decisions always involve a road not taken. It Creates you—Divine decisions always lead to much more than can be rationally deduced. When you can say "Xeper" you are in some way a different person.

The noun "Xeper"—that thing we speak of us as our "Xeper"—is likewise an Egyptian noun. It is usually translated into English as manifestation or "The thing that happened." The plural of the noun is Xeperu. When we talk about our "Xeper" we are talking about a very large thing indeed—and we usually (in our normal slug like mode) give very little thought to it. Yet if we simply Become aware of Xeper our personal magical and philosophical horizons greatly expand. Many magicians in the Temple of Set take justifiable pride in the magical items they create. It's easy to see one's magic in a necklace one makes. However as magicians what we do is a make a very large magical object, existing on many levels of reality. Our entire lives considered at any moment is a Xeper, a manifestation. If you can think of all the things that you've wrought—changes in your mind/body complex, your recognition, your reputation... all of those things that represent what you have brought to this Earth—as a giant talisman, then you've got a handle on Xeper the noun. Many of you may have written a Rune to pull something—gold or love—out of the Unmanifest. That Rune is a tiny, tiny version of the great talisman your Xeper is. The creation of Xeper is the Working whereby we attract what we're going to get in this life, and the divine memory we will have of this life.

Xeper, the noun, is the extension of existence to a further level of Being. These extensions can be a thought that you've pulled to a developed conscious level from an intuition—which would represent two levels of being in your Subjective Universe. These extensions can be what others think of you. The extensions are particularity evident in actions that represent a first or personal best effort at some thing. Hence if you really want to Xeper, conquer fear by doing something you didn't think you could. Or find a mystery and bring it to the surface of your understanding—or better yet the understanding of others. Or create something new (the last would be an example of the verb for Create, S'Xeper). Since Xeper exists as a noun, you can interact with the Xeper of others—you are affected (usually blindly) by the Work of past magicians, or if you have learned the art of Shaping and Seeking your own Xeper first you can consciously Work with other's products. An excellent example of this would be the Wewelsburg Working.

I'll leave you with one other word for your word-hoard: the dual noun Xeperi. Egyptian nouns can be singular (one cat), dual (two cats) or plural (too many cats). The noun Xeperi can best be translated as synchronicity, although the standard translation is miracle. The Egyptians knew the Sign of something Coming Into Being was the meaningful coincidence. We know too—either bu Shu ("What were the odds of that happening?"), or by Tefnut ("It sent shivers down my spine."). The noun Xeperi shows that manifestations are not continuous, but discrete—actions at a distance—or more simply, magic. Xeper has occurred when two discrete systems resonate with one another. Another form of Xeperi is that moment of communication of wordless magical information with one another. The most familiar form of this is through our interactions with the Aeon, and as before the more adept you are at Seeking and Shaping your own Xeper, the more you can positively interact with the Xeper of the Aeon, and help fulfill her purpose of exporting Xeper into the Objective Universe.

Think about these things. Think about them till that shiver runs down your back. Then put this aside for a while and come back to it. Then, after the most personal and individual of experimentation you too can Know and Heed the Law: Xepera Xeper Xeperu = "I Have Come Into Being, and by the Process of my Coming Into Being, the Process of Coming Into Being is Established."

I will speak on the Word's history, and I will ask you all to think on this Evolution in the objective universe, and then upon the Evolution of your own subjective universe: how you, the reader, has experienced Xeper. With each evolution of the Word, note how it doesn't lose meaning, but gains through each historical test—just as Xeper in yourself gains as you gain new being.

See Appendix Part iv

21720810? ago

Appendix Part 2

Set, the Egyptian god of Darkness, is the Divine origin of the Word. Set's name ultimately means the "Separator" or "Isolator". His chief enemies are the gods of Stasis and Mindlessness. The first of these is Osiris, Death himself. Set's slaying of Osiris has a two-fold significance for the seeker of Xeper. Firstly this represents the slaying of old thought patterns; the dethroning of those internal gods that we have received from society. On a second level this was the act by which Set, alone of all the gods of ancient Egypt, became deathless. The Left Hand Path is a quest to Become an immortal, potent, and powerful Essence.

Set's other enemy is the demon of mindless chaos, Apep. Set is said to slay this creature every night just before dawn. This symbolizes overcoming self doubt and delusion, of acting at the times of greatest despair, or not being lulled to sleep by the powerful self-hypnotizing engines of mankind. Set achieves (on a divine level) this isolation from the universe so that he may say, "Xeper" = "I Have Come Into Being." Each of these breaks—the break from the dead past (by slaying Osiris) and the break from the confused present (by slaying Apep)—is done for the sake of a self-determined future. One of Set's cult titles, Set-Heh, means God of Unending Futurity.

Set did not receive the aid of other gods in his two quests, nor does Set give aid to those who seek to emulate these quests on a human level. Those who struggle (like Set) with the principle of Xeper are of his Essence. Their actions are essentially the same. Those who want to share their quests and pool their knowledge seek after Set's chief tool of His Aeon, the Temple of Set. It is the most concentrated environment for the study of Xeper, both as noun and verb. Xeper can not be studied as an abstract intellectual idea, it must be experienced. One can read about Justice, or one can hope for it, but to truly Know Justice you must bring it into Being. One can read about Xeper, as your interest in secret things has brought you to do. You can hope for it. Or you can seek the solitary self-transformation that will cause you to experience it. The Temple of Set represents a concentration of the Aeon; like Set himself, it does not answer prayers, and by its very Being provides challenges for those who would seek after the Word of Xeper. It is the embodiment of the Emerald Dawn envisioned by the Fraternitas Saturni. We are not necessarily a "Satanic" order, other than we Understand that for Initiation on the Left Hand Path to be effective for those who have just begun Work on that path, the antinomian aspect of the Work does Need to be fulfilled by some means. The imagery of the Black Arts provides that Need for many, but it likewise can be limiting as it is mastered. Our predecessor was caught by this trap, and we hope by exploring the manifestations of the principle of Xeper in many cultures and times and in our own creations to have much further horizons. Diabolical imagery is useful only in a culturally bound antinomian sense; beyond this it represents a new stasis to be discarded.

See Appendix Part iii

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21277633? ago

Part 7 >


The rock band Metallica takes its name from a town in Italy. They are all evil.


Rick Rubin is indescribably evil and is an internet tracker. Rick Rubin tracks people online who legitimately expose corruption and evil. Once they identify the person they attempt to gang stalk the victim to death. Then these Satanists cannibalize the victim. They are depraved. Rick Rubin works under Prince Freddy Windsor the son of Prince Michael of Kent. Rick Rubin is a demonic monster.


Rob Zombie is a satanic warlock trained in Kabbalah and he is entirely wicked. He is a Satanic Ritual Abuse architect of depression, fear, and misery. His brother Spider One is also a Satanist and Rock musician.


Axl Rose or William Bruce Rose Jr. is a Luciferian-Satanist and a Freemasonic warlock overseen by the Masonic Scottish Bruce clan of Scotland. Freemasons are fascist and depraved liars. Axl Rose is now a member of AC/DC and works with original member Angus Young who is from Scotland. Angus Young is a Scottish Rite Freemason and satanic architect.


Ozzy Osbourne is a top satanic idol and commander of satanic secret societies. The Osbourne family directly serve the House of Windsor. His wife Sharon Osbourne is evil and arrogant satanic witch.

This witch that calls herself “Rose of Sharon” works under Sharon Osbourne and in this video she is blurring various different things together and babbling nonsense as well as completely making things up. Her false etymology is easily proven false. For instance, she says Je-sus is Hey-Zeus and that Baal, Jesus, Jehovah, and Lucifer are all the same and this is also not accurate. Various ancient Greek names use -sus as an ending syllable like Dionysus, Pegasus, Lyrnessus, Crisis, Coresus and then there is Odysseus, Theseus, Perseus, and Cisseus. That proves her etymology as wrong. This Rose of Sharon is a disgusting witch involved in cannibalizing children and eating excrement. She is a ruthless and hate-filled witch and spreads murderous false accusations. She is pure evil.


Sharon Osbourne is a ruthless and murderous witch who specializes in destroying families. She serves Prince Charles.


Zakk Wylde is trained in witchcraft and involved with using sorcery, gang stalking, and electronic attacks to murder people in accidents as sacrifices.


Johnny Depp and Marylin Manson. Manson is a ruthless tormentor and is extremely deprived. Marylin Manson is a high-level satanic commander and Johnny Depp is an MK Ultra architect. They are both entirely evil. Johnny Depp is one of the most relentless and murderous psychopaths within Satanism. Both Marylin Manson and Johnny Depp are children murdering cannibals and pedophiles.


Trent Reznor with Atticus Ross on the left. Reznor is really destructive and evil. Reznor’s bands are called Nine Inch Nails and How to Destroy Angels. Trent Reznor is extremely arrogant and a murderous sadist. He needs to be executed.


Kevin Ogilvie or Nivek Ogre is a satanic rock musician and Hermetic warlock. It was reported that his music was used on inmates for torture at GITMO. His name Nivek is the reversal of Kevin. Satanists often reverse or invert things like the inverted pentagram. He has also worked with the band called Pigface. I have personally been cyberstalked online by someone calling themselves Pigface.


Al Jourgensen created the band called Buck Satan and the 666 Shooters with Buck Satan referring to him. Al Jourgensen has carried out human sacrifices and has Cuban ancestry. The Cuban Mafia are human traffickers.


Lady Gaga holding up the 666 hand sign. She is extremely evil and she maliciously targets women that she is envious of. Lady Gaga is directly involved with human sacrifices.


Insane Clowne Posse works with the Royal Order of Jesters and commands Juggalo gangs which are involved in gang stalking, terrorism, threats, and drinking and trafficking adrenochrome and human blood. Their names are Violent J or born as Joseph Bruce and Shaggy 2 Dope born as Joseph Utsler. The Scottish Bruce clan are overseers of Scottish Rite Freemasonry. Violent J was arrested for making death threats, battery, assault, and robbery. They are extremely evil and involved in cannibalism as well as drinking blood. They are sick evil freaks and they are proud of it.

Carey Cowles is a sadistic computer hacker and a murderous Satanist trained in various forms of witchcraft including Hermeticism, Solomon Witchcraft, and Thelema Occultism. Carey Cowles is a malicious computer hacker and an absurd liar and slanderer that hates the world. Carey Cowles spews out lies, slander, and talks trash constantly. He dictates insane lies onto people. Carey Cowles is a member of the Ordo Templi Orientis Mithras Oasis lodge in Windham, Ct north of his location in Old Saybrook. Aleister Crowley founded the Ordo Templi Orientis. Carey Cowles has been made the modern representative of Crowley and he is involved in human sacrifice, torture, pedophilia, blood drinking, and cannibalism. He is a high-level gang stalker and cyberstalking terrorist that is involved in extreme sadism. The Mithras Oasis cult meets at the Moriah Masonic Lodge located next to the Old Furnace State Park in Killingly. Satanists burn people alive in the forests. Carey Cowles works under various Satanists including Ozzy Osbourne, Marylin Manson, and Insane Clowne Posse. Carey Cowles is extremely evil and sadistic.

Posted by Theater of Discombobulation at 1:04 AM


21277630? ago

Part 6 >

The Nazi ideology was partly developed by the Thuel Society which is an occult organization. Aquino studied Nazi occultic beliefs for establishing his satanic cult and knighthood. The openly satanic YouTube shill Styxhexenhammer666 runs a large Satanic-Nazi cult. Tom Six is an extremely evil and disturbed Dutch noble and high-level satanic architect. Anton LaVey founded the Church of Satan and today Peter Gilmore is a high priest of the Church of Satan and top Satanic warlock and mind controller in the United States. Peter Gilmore has a very high-level authority within secret societies and he is extremely sadistic. Peter Gilmore’s wife is Peggy Nadramia and she is also a Satanist. Anton LaVey’s daughters Karla LaVey and Zeena Schreck are high-level satanic witches today. Sammy Davis Jr. was a well-known member of the Church of Satan and was also a Jewish convert and Roman Catholic Knight of Malta. The royal families run the organized religions and also run secret societies including Satanism, Setianism, and Luciferianism. The highest level satanic warlock is Prince Domenico Serlupi-Crescenzi-Ottoboni.

Ozzy Osbourne is one of the highest level Satanists in the world along with his satanic family and members of his band like the very evil Zakk Wylde. His rock group Black Sabbath is named in reference to the Black Mass which is a satanic ritual that has known origins in France. The earliest documented Black Mass was held by Queen Catherine de Medici of France. The Medici family have been linked with witchcraft numerous times and are the head of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Many Satanists practice Hermeticism. The rock musician and Satanic-Luciferian Axl Rose’s name was changed to William Bruce Bailey for his stepfather. Alice Bailey was an architect of the Luciferian New Age religion and developed Lucifer Publishing Company now called Lucius Trust. Ozzy has a song called Mr. Crowley in reference to Aleister Crowley who is one of the most well known Satanists. There are reports of Aleister Crowley admitting to sacrificing hundreds of children. Ozzy Osbourne even bit the head off a bat at a concert. Ozzy Osbourne is a descendant of the Osborne family which were the Dukes of Leeds and British politicians. George Osborne is a British politician today. Osborne House located in East Cowes was a former residence of the British royal family. A high-level Satanist that I am aware of is a man named Carey Cowles and he is involved in human sacrifice, pedophilia, and electronic harassment. He is a computer technician and trained in hacking. Carey Cowles is one of the most sadistic cyber terrorists on the planet and has hacked the entire internet. Many occultists came out of England and were involved with Freemasonry and the Royal Society like Francis Bacon, Thomas Browne, and Alice Bailey. Jay Z wore a shirt using Aleister Crowley’s motto of “do what thou wilt.” Jay Z has worked with the music producer Rick Rubin who is a high-level satanic warlock in the music industry. Rick Rubin has worked with Eminem and he is extremely satanic. Rick Rubin produced Black Sabbaths album called 13 and has also worked with the Dixie Chicks. Rick Rubin is pure evil. The Dixie Chicks supported the West Memphis Three who were three teenagers that were convicted of murdering three young boys as a satanic ritual. Johnny Depp is a major supporter of these child murderers and satanic ritual abuse programmer. Johnny Depp is an architect of satanic ritual abuse and really evil.

Marilyn Manson is a high-level member of the Church of Satan and he oversees many Wiccan cults as a back up for the Luciferians. Marilyn Manson’s ex-fiancé Rose McGowan is a high-level satanic witch involved in human sacrifice and cannibalism and she is probably as evil as Harvey Weinstein. Rock music industry is filled with Satanists and Luciferians like members of the bands Metallica, Guns N Roses with Axl Rose, Rob Zombie, Ministry and Al Jourgensen, Slipknot, AC/DC and Angus Young, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Pigface and Nivek Ogilvie, Anthrax, Disturbed, and the rock musician Henry Rollins. Anthrax uses an inverted pentagram in their band logo. Gavin Rossdale the ex-husband of Gwen Stefani is a child murdering blood drinking psychopath that says in one of his lyrics “blood is like wine.” Trent Reznor is a really evil and murderous Satanist. Insane Clowne Posse is horrorcore rap group and very sadistic Satanists. Their Juggalo cult members are satanic as well. Lady Gaga is involved in child sacrifice, blood drinking, murder, terrorism, and mind control. The hand “sign of the horns” is a common satanic symbol representing the inverted pentagram with the horned goat Baphomet inside. This symbol is often used in the rock music industry and also used extensively by Luciferians in politics, entertainment, and Hollywood. Barack Obama and George Bush can be seen using the sign of the horns frequently. The Church of Satan and Temple of Set follow masonic formats using degrees and initiations. Most Freemasons worship Lucifer. Satanists worship Baphomet. The construct of Lucifer is the false light that conceals his real identity or essence which is Baphomet a goat-faced hermaphrodite. Satanists and fully initiated Luciferians are involved with torture, human and animal sacrifice, blood drinking, cannibalism, and sexual sadism. Luciferians and Satanists are not much different except for their outward appearances. Luciferians are more effective because they blend into society better. Satanists are extremely dangerous and malicious. The author Stephen King is a top architect of satanic ritual abuse and psychological torment. They are involved in the broader plot for total human enslavement which is the agenda of the New World Order. These groups use witchcraft which is mind control, torture, satanic ritual abuse of children, deception, chemical warfare, and other covert methods of tyranny.


Michael Aquino is a top architect for satanic psychological warfare. Aquino works with elements in the US military which carry out electronic attacks on civilians. Michael Aquino serves Prince Michael of Kent whose father in law was a Nazi.


Peter Gilmore is like the Pope of Satanism. Gilmore specializes in designing spells or psychological warfare using the concept of “doom.”

tom six

Tom Six is from a Dutch noble family in Amsterdam and is a satanic film producer that created the very sick movie franchise called the “Human Centipede.” Tom Six is a satanic ritual abuse architect and has a really depraved mind.


Stephen King is considered a King of evil by many Satanists and is officially nicknamed the “King of Horror” He is a top architect of satanic ritual abuse and satanic psychological warfare. His depraved nature is expressed in his books and movies like the Shining. Stephen King is a psychological tormentor.


Prince Domenico Serlupi-Crescenzi-Ottoboni of Italy is an architect of various forms of witchcraft or sorcery including Freemasonry, Hermeticism, and Kabbalah. The Crescenzi bloodline is ancient. Sorcery is the covert manipulation of a person’s life using deception, illusions, gang stalking, theatrics, brainwashing, poison, and other covert methods. Satanists do this because they enjoy being sadistic.

See Part 7 >

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20724309? ago

Is it true Jesus was a Satanist?

Heard a lot of solid evidence to suggest tgat was the case.

20724330? ago


20724346? ago

Prove it!

20724365? ago

Don't need to. I have FAITH. Thanks.

20724402? ago

I have FAITH you are wrong.

20735640? ago

Obviously FAITH in Satan, not Jesus Christ. Repent.

20724446? ago

Good for you.

20723230? ago

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20723120? ago

Judaism teaches and promotes:

  • Raping infants and children (Kethuboth 11b);

  • Genociding Christians (Deuteronomy 13:13-17);

  • Destroying Christianity and the teachings of Jesus (Shabbath 116a);

  • Committing evil deeds and being sneaky about it (Moed Kattan 17a);

  • REMORSELESSLY beating your wife and children to death for the crime of not being Jewish enough (Deuteronomy 13:6-10);

  • Lying (Baba Kamma 113a);

  • Stealing (Baba Mezia 24a);

  • Christians have no human rights and Jews can steal all their money (Baba Kamma 37b);

Judaism is an anti-Christ religion that worships money and power and promotes committing evil acts, remorseless killing, lying, stealing, raping children and the genocide of Christians.

I challenge anyone to differentiate between a Satanist and a Jew based only on their actions.

Perhaps Satanism is used as a scapegoat for Jews acting on their Jewish beliefs?

20723168? ago

They are all Satanists. That is why Jesus called them "The Synagogue of Satan'.



20723180? ago

Agreed: so let's all grow some balls and name the Jew.

20723749? ago

bro… that's one of the longest list of names of famous evil people you will ever find lol

name the enemy?

You actually think IT'S THE JEWS!! resonates with people more than names like Ozzy Osbourne, Jay-Z and Lady Gaga?

20723218? ago

I just DID! They are explained in detail in the post, and who they connect to. Then go read Fritz Springmeir's work. Do I need to go through every one of these fuckers for you all one by one?! Put in some work please Anon. FFS.



20723223? ago


20723300? ago


20723303? ago


20722742? ago

Part 2 >

Tom Six is an extremely depraved Satanist and he is a member of the Dutch Six noble family. The Six family of the Netherlands own the Satudarah motorcycle gang in the Netherlands.

Poke Runyon is a top satanic warlock who is also a Freemason and Hermeticist. Runyon founded the Ordo Templi Astartes a satanic lodge similar to Crowley's Ordo Templi Orientis.

Carey Cowles is an extremely evil and malicious Satanist who is also a computer hacker and computer technician. Carey Cowles is an extremely demented slanderer that needs to be violently and painfully executed. He is a cyber terrorist and involved in sharing snuff films through the Dark Web. Carey Cowles is a covert member of the Ordo Templi Orientis and Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. He shares snuff films of children being murdered online through the Dark Web. He works with Buffbufferman a criminal computer hacker who operates on Reddit. Carey Cowles is a child murderer and cannibal and he electronically harasses anyone who exposes human trafficking and child murderers. He has murdered children and when these Satanists get exposed for murdering children they respond by murdering more children and blaming the people who expose them for it. That is how evil they are. That is how evil Carey Cowles is. Carey Cowles is a cyber terrorist and hacks into most major websites. He censors people who speak out. He hacks into electronics and mentally terrorizes people with weaponized electronic frequencies and wireless frequencies. Carey Cowles is one of the most evil creatures on the planet and he needs to be killed. Carey Cowles is the only person I have ever punched in the face.

Poke Runyon with Chic Cicero the founder of the American Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and former Grand Commander of the Knights Templar of Florida. Chic Cicero is an alchemist, kabbalist, and Freemason.

Tabatha Cicero is a high level female Satanist and the Cancellaria of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and Supreme Magus of the Rosicrucian Society in America. Tabatha Cicero is an extremely ruthless and sadistic child murderer and cannibal and she manages Ashley Esther Dalene.

Stephen King is a top Satanist and a top architect of satanic ritual abuse. This devil is a child murderer and cannibal.

Ozzy Osbourne is a top Satanist working directly for the House of Windsor and Prince Charles. Ozzy is a child murderer, cannibal, and blood drinking psychopath.

Zakk Wylde has been a guitarist for Ozzy and he is an extremely evil Satanist involved in raping and murdering children, drinking blood, and cannibalism. Zakk Wylde is a ruthless tormentor that needs to be executed.

Al Jourgenson or Buck Satan is a ruthless and sadistic psychopath and child murderer. All of these devils need to be executed.

Henry Rollins is an extremely violent psychopath and child murderer. He supported the child murderers called the West Memphis Three. Henry Rollins violently attacks people and makes sadistic false accusations against them.

Tommy Lee is a child murderer and a violent Satanist. A 4 year old boy drowned in Tommy Lee's swimming pool. That was a satanic sacrifice.

Rob Zombie is an extremely sadistic Satanic warlock trained in Kabbalah. Rob Zombie believes that when you die that there is no sort of afterlife. Many of these Satanists look at Christianity as the only form of belief in a creator. Because all they know is Christianity their ignorance of spirituality makes them go deeper into Satanism and evil. The Bible is filled with satanic beliefs like child sacrifice and the promotion of drinking human blood and eating human flesh.

James Hetfield, Kirk Hammett, Robert Trujillo, and Lars Ulrich of Metallica. They are extremely evil and arrogant Satanists that work with various biker gangs including the Hells Angels. The really take their name from a small town in Italy called Matelica.

Gavin Rossdale is a ruthless sadist that drinks the blood of murdered children. He is relentlessly evil.

Rick Rubin is a high level Satanist and he works as a music producer. Rubin is a very high level satanic warlock and is involved with terrorism, torture, blood drinking, and cannibalism. Rick Rubin works under Frederick Windsor the son of Prince Michael of Kent.

Eminem is a Satanist and pedophile, cannibal, blood drinker, and transvestite. His music videos and lyrics prove all of this through admission.

Lady Gaga is a major satanic witch and major child murderer. Here she is wearing a dress out of meat. Lady Gaga is extremely hateful and spiteful to women she is envious of. Lady Gaga wants to destroy and corrupt all women she is envious of. She is extremely envious. Lady Gaga needs to be thrown into an incinerator. She really needs to be killed and she really needs a painful death.

Marilyn Manson is a top Satanist and gang stalking commander in the United States. Manson is a major child murderer and blood drinking cannibal. Manson was friends with Anton LaVey and is a Minister of the Church of Satan. Manson is close friends with Johnny Depp who is an architect of satanic ritual abuse. Johnny Depp is a major pedophile and child murderer and he is in numerous family and children's movies. Depp supports the West Memphis Three child murderers. Johnny Depp bathes in the blood of murdered children and is the most vain member of this entire group.

Trent Reznor is one of the most destructive and hate filled Satanists. Here he is wearing a Marilyn Manson shirt that says "The Satanic Army." Trent Reznor is extremely destructive and filled with hate. He has an album called Pretty Hate Machine. He also had a band called How to Destroy Angels.

Nivek Ogre is a high level Satanist and Hermeticist involved in murder, terrorism, and cannibalism.

Posted 21st October by IzrealZeus



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