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Part 2 >

Illuminati Eye, Pyramid, 33, & other Symbols are not Evil

January 31, 2016 15 Comments

by TS Caladan 

A real intelligent person, a truly enlightened individual, can turn the tables on the dark, secret, so-called Illuminati that rules the world…with a little White Magic of Truth. Yin-Yang.

Did you know there is something GOOD behind evil symbols? Why should you? Secret Societies, those part of the Occult, who call themselves the ‘Enlightened ones’ don’t know this until they reach top levels…and not even…

[Wait, who’s writing this? Are you one of them, Tray Caladan?

Proudly, no! I wouldn’t want to be associated with today’s elite scum and villainy. I’ve studied History and Fascism: How the powerful have oppressed the helpless over the last 13,000 years. Truth is…we Indians, in our different cycles, have been on Earth for 60,000 years and originated from a Paradise-Eden-Utopia later called ATLANTIS. My 45 years of research on the subject shows 13 original Atlantis (Grid) locations and proves War, violence and aggressive tendencies are not in the primal nature of human beings. Not. Point is, today: Bad has been made good and good made bad; right wrong and wrong right. It might surprise the so-called elite NWO rulers that dark Symbols they’ve perverted and shoved down our throats In Plain Sight…were and are holy, pure, good and righteous. TAKE THAT CROWLEY!].

First, let’s understand that Adolph Hitler took a sacred symbol of peace and love and goodness…

And perverted it! Examine the chart and HOLY symbols before the swastika:

My first recollection on the subject: The swastika was a Chinese, religious symbol with arms that pointed LEFT. Hitler bent them to the RIGHT to symbolize Europe and Old World where left stood for the New World of Americas. After some study, we find that the image was far more prevalent throughout numerous cultures, continents and existed at various times.

I’ve seen the bottoms of antique lampposts on LA’s boardwalk and there’s the swastika, only pointed to the left. They probably remain to this day and had their controversy decades ago. From 1920, before Nazism, this Holy Emblem stood and had been carved on some old edifices. Why would Hitler do what he did? He was probably ordered to by higher ups as part of ritualistic, satanic practices. Dark forces massed during the War such as L. Ron Hubbard, Jack Parsons, Winston Churchill and many others in evil circles and gained much power/control.

You didn’t know they were warlocks? Puppets of bankers, also owners?

Don’t think you know History. You only know what you’ve been told by the Dark Side or Media; programmed all your life, from Day 1 with a Birth Certificate or receipt of ownership. And what they think they own, they can manipulate without morality or any type of caring. We are all owned property to them. They believe we are products and corporations which they can illegally impose TAXES and LAWS upon. But it is really only their fascist dictates. Don’t believe the voodoo~ In truth, we are free Children of the Universe. You must learn that.

Try to understand duality of the Yin-Yang: there is a drop of white in black and a drop of black in white. Can’t people be stretched to become saints or sinners, lovers or killers? There is a dark side to every human being, but also a very good side. We are primarily GOOD. That’s what’s been forgotten and (by agenda) methodically eradicated from our hearts and souls in recent times.

I say the Light Side is stronger than the Dark! Maybe we can eliminate a bit of the Dark if we try? Oh, you didn’t know you had that power? Satan has to invite you into the secret club, when you could (like Luke Skywalker) just say, “No.” You have the choice. You don’t have to sign in blood on the contract or sacrifice anything or anyone. You are free. It’s simple. BELIEVE YOUR POWER…

Examine the Eye of Horus or the Eye of Ra above. Here is another covert symbol used by masons and Illuminati and the minions they own. This is the EYE you see in conjunction with the Pyramid, the Eye in the Pyramid sometimes seen with the distinctive curved line that ends in a spiral.

This is not (in truth) the Eye of Big Brother or CBS Eye or the All-Seeing Eye as the elite believe. The ONE-Eye is used as a part of pagan rituals and check out Celebrity 1-Eye photos. You think the shots were their idea or were they posed?

One-Eye is certainly used by Satanic Hollywood (look up on YouTube) and CBS and Big Brother, but actually refers to Egyptian Horus, son of Osiris and Isis.

But who were father Osiris, mother Isis and son Horus (aka Ra)? This is not dark Black Magic paganism, folks. Originally, there was nothing evil in Egypt. THIS IS THE HOLY FAMILY! Those bastards that rule the modern world of today understand this; we are not meant to. We are meant to misunderstand in confusion and fight and believe EVIL paganism and perversions of wicked Egypt.

Wait until the movie ‘Gods of Egypt’ arrives and like all prehistoric epics: ‘They’ will totally pervert truth and hand us LIES. Always lies while the truth is always buried under sands of our own ignorance and apathy. The very ones that produce big, historical movies and control big television networks, etc. KNOW THEY ARE LYING in ‘historical’ epics that we ‘suck up with a spoon.’ While they have secret access to Vatican archives and so much more. They know; we don’t because we have faith authorities aren’t lying about history when they are.

What did the movie and TV series ‘Stargate’ program us with? (Not only are Stargates and Time Tunnels real) They made the holy Gods of Egypt the Enemy and ruthless tyrants like Ra and Anubis that demanded worship from Jaffa slaves. Not true and neither were early Indians as bloodthirsty, sacrificial savages. Although, dumb cowboys would think they were. [The power of films and TV].

Royal families, the Monarchies, today and for hundreds of years have interbred BLOODLINES in a twisted way as to recreate The Holy Family, the original one, which was perfect and eternal. [Christ had a daughter who was saved and gave birth to a bloodline that lasted until French kings in the Middle Ages with a family name of ‘Merovingian.’ Producers of ‘The Matrix’ knew this fact well].

Sorry (I’m not) to tell the Super Rich and ‘Religious’ hierarchies of Earth, but they’re wrong and fooling themselves and everyone else down the chain of the social pyramid. Doesn’t really matter, they’ve twisted and soured everything [about] Jesus to where very few of you really know what the great teacher was about. Doesn’t matter that they have not duplicated the real, holy bloodlines of JC…

Sere Part 5 >