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20881590? ago

Thanks for providing this to me. Excellent. Although there are so many redacted names, above those players... Mmmmm?


'o-o' <



20880872? ago

Part 5 >

They, the secret ruling Order, BELIEVE THEY HAVE AND ARE GODS. So, to them, they are the ‘Watchmen’ Egyptian gods and act as Machiavellian Masters of the World, faultless. They believe their secret Agenda is right and have acquired incredible power and influence over the ‘sheeple’ they spy on and manipulate in every way.

You’ll see how the great Evil (phantom Sith?) and degeneration that has consumed society, previously mentioned in these bastard rulers [have you watched TV or heard music recently?]…actually [get ready to laugh] honor Jesus Christ. Ain’t that a kick in the pants? I think I just jabbed Crowley one more time.

Spiritual man, Jesus, must have been connected to the true Gods of Egypt and incarnations in Inca-lands and the much earlier Atlantis. Edgar Cayce and some truly enlightened Brahmins of India and others would agree. Arthur Matthews believed strongly that Nikola Tesla was Jesus Christ. Matthews, Tesla’s son, had inside information before he passed in 1986 and hinted of this in his book.

Question: How do we know our rulers are evil with this self-imposed type of Manifest Destiny over us? Could they really honor the Christ and be right? Answer: Do they act as angels or demons? Are they a fountain of bright knowledge or a Black Hole that sucks you dry creating more and more poor and destitute?

No. The elite act and play like very late kings of Egypt, spoiled, mad rulers thousands of years after the great ages of the distant past. The Royals act like the very fascists that they are. Moses, only several thousand years ago, freed the people, the Egyptian slaves. They needed freeing and so do we today ‘under the thumb’ of the New Roman Empire.

Spirals are also used in the occult. In the DiCaprio (just met the dark Pope) movie, ‘The Revenant,’ a spiral is used to identify a canteen. It could have been any symbol or image. The spiral was significant, used in many films.

Check YTs that analyze major films for deeper meanings. You’ll be shocked at programming or messages beneath storylines; a different example is ‘The Shining’ and other Kubrick films. Once you know key images, words or numbers, then some things you’ve seen in old movies to current performances will suddenly make sense. Do research. There is a whole universe we’ve missed, because most do not know the secrets – wink – wink – codes placed in ‘innocent’ entertainment.

THE PYRAMID. How have the Mystery Schools, these self-exalted shadow Children of some Grand Dragon Order or cabal, how have they misunderstood the Giza Great Pyramid? Their POV comes from the Dark Ages. Enlightened masters of old really were not so wise. They were f-ing Ignorant!! Oh, they knew how to manage and engineer people, under fascism. They knew how to make the masses FEAR. They knew how to slaughter them in wars then let them only eat cake. They knew how to steal large amounts of money from poor masses. They knew how to hide things in secret as if that was a special hold over others not in the Club.

Because a Mystery School has Occult knowledge from 500, 1000 or 2000 years ago, does not make it correct. It makes it hidden stuff, that’s all.

Well, ‘they’ believe pyramids represent their fated dominance over us: The stone levels must mean the Social strata of many lower classes all the way up to a few Families at the very top of power. Look, no capstone…therefore it must mean the Royalty (Priesthood) RULES OVER ALL and are never a part of commoners…

This is another joke; let’s take the opposite of a few elites having everything and possibly a little will ‘trickle down’ to the billions on lower levels. (You know, the many who should be grateful for every dime the State provides).

The opposite is what a PYRAMID truly was and is. They are energy Power Generators many thousands of years old or extremely advanced versions of Tesla’s Tower, the ‘Magnifying Transmitter.’ POWER, ENERGY, ELECTRICITY and MAGNETISM beaming out to the globe, freely GIVEN through the ground! No charge high tech! No wars or militaries…in utopia.

Great Pyramid is a defunct mechanism these days with a worn, missing top, a non-operational Power Station and part of a prehistoric World Grid that included Stonehenge, Easter Island and 10 other amazing Cradles of Civilization or sub-stations. Guess who knows this and have made us believe 13 is unlucky? 13 is a magic number, all right. It represents the Fall of Man or Atlantis, but do not forget this was a FREE ENERGY global system! It was not sold electricity. This was unlimited POWER…amplified, natural energy that moves a compass. We were cheated out of another Threshold of Utopia at the start of the 20th Century.

Do you understand, people? How a little Knowledge is power, if the right knowledge…that’s the way of truth and light and Light Side of “the Force.” Which side are you on, brute Force? Or a loving, giving, beautiful light-energy inside all life and nature? THE BLACK ARTS ARE WRONG. Illuminati have superior power, influence and control over us as we’re pushed to even lower levels in time.

They are Church and State and the very things their rebel founder (Adam Weishaupt) was against. What irony.

Let’s use their symbols against them or see the elite for the mad puppeteers that that are. They’re Children who ruthlessly rule the playground. They have all the toys and will not share. Let’s be Prometheus and steal their fire!

You’ll also discover that the number 33 is special to masons and secret societies and to just about the most dastardly and evil people on the planet. The joke is on them (once again) to those who will open their eyes and realize the truth.

Thirty-three honors Jesus Christ, a great man of peace and love, who was needlessly murdered by the Church, the Sanhedrin at the age of 33. Or, do I have it completely wrong on the point, where they’re really honoring his killing? Hmm, anyway…

TRY THE WHITE ARTS. WHITE MAGIC. We never hear of that in hell. We’re very familiar with possession by demons. We’re not so aware of possession by angels or simply GOOD entities (consciousness, energy). I’m not saying, “Run to Church and believe a philosophy from the 4th Century like that’s the truth.” Guess what the Devil has set up; taking your money; dividing you; controlling you and making you clash in holy wars? Does ‘Wolf in sheep’s clothing’ mean anything to you?

What are the White Arts? Try giving, rather than taking. Try doing the right thing, rather than doing what everyone else does. Don’t hurt, help instead. Try thinking clearly. Have the courage of your convictions (when you’re right) and stand up for yourself and individual beliefs. But do the research first. Do your homework. Don’t believe their media voodoo~ It’s stupid, fascist propaganda to control you. It’s bullshit. The Emperor really isn’t wearing anything.

Why is ISIS the new enemy? I mean why did they use the name “Isis”? By the way, there is no Isis outside of terrorists WE FUND (British Empire & Vatican). Why use that name? Because it harkens back to Egypt, the real Holy “Trinity” (also in ‘The Matrix’ & ‘Zion’). Isis was the Holy Mother and Horus was the Holy Child. She was everything good. Look what the hell they’ve done!

And they do this in his name and call themselves Christians?

Here we have a masonic pyramid and a sketch I made up for a possible story. The story was about a ‘World of 7’ where we followed a worker from the lowest level of many workers…recruited to a place on the next level above, and so on… He’s recruited as one of the Industry’s Gate-Keepers and even higher to places off-world. Ah. The question is: What’s at the top? Hasn’t that question been asked of the Illuminati? Who’s running the Show, behind it all? There’s no duality at the apex of everything, at the very top of the capstone. There’s only one Big Cheese. Who do you think that is? The Devil? God? I don’t know. Maybe it’s YOU~

For every devil, there’s an angel. Yang-Yin. Maybe we meek Indians can change the Order? Order 66! Polarities change, an axis can be made to flip again. The Earth is no longer a negative electron, but a bright and beaming proton!

It must really disturb practitioners of the Black Arts that there’s a good side…

The truth is: Peace and love, goodness, Christian kindness, mercy and giving and everything wonderful…what is really very powerful MAGIC…can never be erased from our hearts and our souls~

Copyright 2016 Tray Caladan


20880871? ago

Part 4 >

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'o-o' <



Part 2 >

Illuminati Eye, Pyramid, 33, & other Symbols are not Evil

January 31, 2016 15 Comments

by TS Caladan 

A real intelligent person, a truly enlightened individual, can turn the tables on the dark, secret, so-called Illuminati that rules the world…with a little White Magic of Truth. Yin-Yang.

Did you know there is something GOOD behind evil symbols? Why should you? Secret Societies, those part of the Occult, who call themselves the ‘Enlightened ones’ don’t know this until they reach top levels…and not even…

[Wait, who’s writing this? Are you one of them, Tray Caladan?

Proudly, no! I wouldn’t want to be associated with today’s elite scum and villainy. I’ve studied History and Fascism: How the powerful have oppressed the helpless over the last 13,000 years. Truth is…we Indians, in our different cycles, have been on Earth for 60,000 years and originated from a Paradise-Eden-Utopia later called ATLANTIS. My 45 years of research on the subject shows 13 original Atlantis (Grid) locations and proves War, violence and aggressive tendencies are not in the primal nature of human beings. Not. Point is, today: Bad has been made good and good made bad; right wrong and wrong right. It might surprise the so-called elite NWO rulers that dark Symbols they’ve perverted and shoved down our throats In Plain Sight…were and are holy, pure, good and righteous. TAKE THAT CROWLEY!].

First, let’s understand that Adolph Hitler took a sacred symbol of peace and love and goodness…

And perverted it! Examine the chart and HOLY symbols before the swastika:

My first recollection on the subject: The swastika was a Chinese, religious symbol with arms that pointed LEFT. Hitler bent them to the RIGHT to symbolize Europe and Old World where left stood for the New World of Americas. After some study, we find that the image was far more prevalent throughout numerous cultures, continents and existed at various times.

I’ve seen the bottoms of antique lampposts on LA’s boardwalk and there’s the swastika, only pointed to the left. They probably remain to this day and had their controversy decades ago. From 1920, before Nazism, this Holy Emblem stood and had been carved on some old edifices. Why would Hitler do what he did? He was probably ordered to by higher ups as part of ritualistic, satanic practices. Dark forces massed during the War such as L. Ron Hubbard, Jack Parsons, Winston Churchill and many others in evil circles and gained much power/control.

You didn’t know they were warlocks? Puppets of bankers, also owners?

Don’t think you know History. You only know what you’ve been told by the Dark Side or Media; programmed all your life, from Day 1 with a Birth Certificate or receipt of ownership. And what they think they own, they can manipulate without morality or any type of caring. We are all owned property to them. They believe we are products and corporations which they can illegally impose TAXES and LAWS upon. But it is really only their fascist dictates. Don’t believe the voodoo~ In truth, we are free Children of the Universe. You must learn that.

Try to understand duality of the Yin-Yang: there is a drop of white in black and a drop of black in white. Can’t people be stretched to become saints or sinners, lovers or killers? There is a dark side to every human being, but also a very good side. We are primarily GOOD. That’s what’s been forgotten and (by agenda) methodically eradicated from our hearts and souls in recent times.

I say the Light Side is stronger than the Dark! Maybe we can eliminate a bit of the Dark if we try? Oh, you didn’t know you had that power? Satan has to invite you into the secret club, when you could (like Luke Skywalker) just say, “No.” You have the choice. You don’t have to sign in blood on the contract or sacrifice anything or anyone. You are free. It’s simple. BELIEVE YOUR POWER…

Examine the Eye of Horus or the Eye of Ra above. Here is another covert symbol used by masons and Illuminati and the minions they own. This is the EYE you see in conjunction with the Pyramid, the Eye in the Pyramid sometimes seen with the distinctive curved line that ends in a spiral.

This is not (in truth) the Eye of Big Brother or CBS Eye or the All-Seeing Eye as the elite believe. The ONE-Eye is used as a part of pagan rituals and check out Celebrity 1-Eye photos. You think the shots were their idea or were they posed?

One-Eye is certainly used by Satanic Hollywood (look up on YouTube) and CBS and Big Brother, but actually refers to Egyptian Horus, son of Osiris and Isis.

But who were father Osiris, mother Isis and son Horus (aka Ra)? This is not dark Black Magic paganism, folks. Originally, there was nothing evil in Egypt. THIS IS THE HOLY FAMILY! Those bastards that rule the modern world of today understand this; we are not meant to. We are meant to misunderstand in confusion and fight and believe EVIL paganism and perversions of wicked Egypt.

Wait until the movie ‘Gods of Egypt’ arrives and like all prehistoric epics: ‘They’ will totally pervert truth and hand us LIES. Always lies while the truth is always buried under sands of our own ignorance and apathy. The very ones that produce big, historical movies and control big television networks, etc. KNOW THEY ARE LYING in ‘historical’ epics that we ‘suck up with a spoon.’ While they have secret access to Vatican archives and so much more. They know; we don’t because we have faith authorities aren’t lying about history when they are.

What did the movie and TV series ‘Stargate’ program us with? (Not only are Stargates and Time Tunnels real) They made the holy Gods of Egypt the Enemy and ruthless tyrants like Ra and Anubis that demanded worship from Jaffa slaves. Not true and neither were early Indians as bloodthirsty, sacrificial savages. Although, dumb cowboys would think they were. [The power of films and TV].

Royal families, the Monarchies, today and for hundreds of years have interbred BLOODLINES in a twisted way as to recreate The Holy Family, the original one, which was perfect and eternal. [Christ had a daughter who was saved and gave birth to a bloodline that lasted until French kings in the Middle Ages with a family name of ‘Merovingian.’ Producers of ‘The Matrix’ knew this fact well].

Sorry (I’m not) to tell the Super Rich and ‘Religious’ hierarchies of Earth, but they’re wrong and fooling themselves and everyone else down the chain of the social pyramid. Doesn’t really matter, they’ve twisted and soured everything [about] Jesus to where very few of you really know what the great teacher was about. Doesn’t matter that they have not duplicated the real, holy bloodlines of JC…

Sere Part 5 >

20880863? ago

Part 3 >

Rebecca Zavarella is an extremely psychotic Luciferian witch that lusts to burn people alive.

She is delusional, CRAZY, hateful, and sadistic. She is the Oddfellow’s Vicar of Rebekkah of their Daughters of Rebekkah.

She works for Athena Healthcare and serves the extremely evil Jonathan Bush.

The Bush family are ruthless Luciferians and created the foundation called the “Points of Light.”

Count Massimo Pierleoni with one eye in the dark and one eye in the light similar to Steven James Dishon’s image.

Count Massimo Pierleoni is from an ancient Roman Jewish bloodline and is a top commander and architect over Kabbalistic cults and an architect of Luciferianism.

The Pierleoni family serve the Massimo family and Prince Fabrizio Massimo-Brancaccio.

The purpose of the Pierleoni family today is to operate as managers of the Kabbalah Society.

Kabbalah was partly developed by Jewish occultists from Leon, Spain which is why the Kabbalah Centre uses the lion of Leon for its logo.

Chris Hemsworth is one of the most ruthless and psychotic Luciferians on the planet.

Chris Hemsworth is astonishingly arrogant, murderously vain, and has one of the lowest levels of intelligence in existence and is ruthlessly insecure over this.

Steven James Dishon has clearly programmed this psychopath however if I expose Steven Dishon then Chris Hemsworth attacks me claiming he controls Steven while creating the defense for him.

This is how their proxy system works. They prop up an evil idiot like Chris Hemsworth to hide behind creating a shield for themselves.

His wife is a Spanish actress named Elsa Pataky from Madrid and she works under Spanish Kabbalists.

Chris Hemsworth is a violent faggot who lusts to rape little boys and eat them. Faggots are bisexual men that rape other men and sodomites are cannibals which lust to turn people into sodas a form of sexual sadism.

This soulless psychopath has killed and cannibalized children and Chris Hemsworth has also bathed in the blood of murdered children because he thinks it enhances his appearance.

He is that evil and sick and is one of the biggest faggots on the planet. Often times while I am doing research or writing something Chris Hemsworth through Silicon Valley’s neuro-computer interface systems and neuro-bio hacking software attacks me through this synthetic telepathy babbling about being all knowing as he hacks the thoughts in my brain.

This is how insecure and psychotic they really are. Chris Hemsworth thinks he is god and thinks he has the right to violate and trespass on other people and while he acts lawlessly like this he falsely accuses and slanders his victims. Chris Hemsworth is a ruthless and murderous sociopath and is the epitome of the guilty.

Daniel Gilbert is a wealthy Jewish billionaire from Detroit and the owner of the Cleveland Cavaliers and LeBron James is one of his Luciferian agents since LeBron played for his team for about 11 years.

Daniel Gilbert bribes referees to not fouling LeBron James for his charging. LeBron James constantly charges into players and rarely gets fouled for it.

The NBA is rigged. Daniel Gilbert is a high-level Kabbalist and associate of the Detroit Mafia. Gilbert is Steven James Dishon’s primary financier through his Quicken Loans racket and various casinos. Casinos are rigged.

Criminals go to casinos to receive their payoffs which get disguised as wins.


50 Cent or Curtis James Jackson III holding up the 666 hand sign. An aspect of Luciferianism is the love for money.

50 Cent throwing up 666 while displaying stacks of cash is telling people that he worships 666 for greed.

666 represents Saturn which is associated with time. Time is money.

When 50 Cent is not acting like a gangsta he likes to dress up as a woman and rape little boys.

Faggot means a bisexual man who rapes other men or boys.

Almost all evil people worship money however they try to use greed to deflect from the fact that they are also pedophiles, cannibals, and involved in other depraved activities.

You don't think 50 Cent is a faggot or at least a homosexual?


Here is 50 Cent kissing the Game. 50 Cent also has a homosexual relationship with Lloyd Banks who is involved in gay porn.

They deny this but 50 Cent and his associates make porn videos. They got caught involved in gay porn and I believe they hired an actor to take the blame.

More importantly is that 50 Cent is a crypto-transvestite and cannibalistic faggot that rapes little boys and girls, and has even killed children, and cannibalized them.

50 Cent also manages cults of transvestite women.

That is the real nature of Luciferians. Lucifer is the false light that conceals Baphomet the goat-faced hermaphrodite that carries the staff of Hermes.


The Game Outs His Old Pal 50 Cent As Gay


After 50 Cent and Soulja Boy’s November XXL magazine cover came out yesterday, it raised a few eyebrows.


James Harden with the 666 hand sign around his eye.

James Harden is a psychotic, vain, narcissistic, and delusional commander over a group of gang stalkers and Steven James Dishon is one of his overseers.

James Harden is a major faggot, rapist, and psychotic cannibal. Duke Francisco de Bourbon-Hardenberg is James Harden’s top handlers and from the Spanish royal family.

Spanish royals and nobles are the primary managers of the Kabbalah Centre. Kabbalah was partly developed in Spain.

The King of Spain claims the title of King of Jerusalem. The King of Spain is the head of the Order of St. James.

Tilman Fertitta is of Sicilian ancestry and owns the Houston Rockets with James Harden as his Luciferian agent.

The Spanish Crown ruled Sicily for centuries.


Duke Francisco de Bourbon-Hardenberg is a ruthless tyrant.


LeBron James is the evilest player in the NBA and played for Daniel Gilbert’s Cavaliers.

Here LeBron James is putting up Jay-Z's Illuminati Roc pyramid.

LeBron James is a faggot, rapist, and cannibal that targets white people.

LeBron is extremely egotistical, vain, and in love with himself. All LeBron James cares about is being idolized and raping children.

LeBron James hates white people and is also part of the Black Hebrew Israelite con artist movement and is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood.

LeBron James thinks he is the reincarnation of King James of England which is why he calls himself King James. He believes this because of fake pictures depicting King James as black.

LeBron works with the racist Muslim Brotherhood just like Jay Z the Five Percenter. Islamic flags use the crescent moon and star of Venus.

Lucifer is considered the evening aspect of Venus. LeBron James is managed by the

Order of St James which was a military order that fought against Muslims. LeBron is an idiot but also really evil.

Steven James Dishon is an architect of racist black cults. Steven Dishon wants to destroy the white race and culture for some reason.


Lebrón is a surname originating in Spain, where it is most prevalent in the Autonomous Community of Andalucía.[1]


Thereafter, the red cross depicted in the ‘Book A’ of the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela evolved into a red sword, and from Galicia it was exported out to the Iberian kingdoms of Leon, Portugal, and Castile, where St James became a “Muslim slayer” who helped Christians to gain victory over their Islamic neighbors.


A conjunction of the thin crescent moon and the planet Venus is one of the most striking sights in the sky—even visible within a modern city where the nighttime stars are all but forgotten.

The spectacle of these two conspicuous objects hanging close together in a clear blue (and otherwise quite empty) sky, either in the early evening or the early morning, is likely to have given rise to what is one of the best known and most widespread celestial icons—the star and crescent symbol.

In various forms, it can be found on the flags of several modern Islamic countries, including Turkey, Pakistan, Algeria, and Azerbaijan


The Romans designated the morning aspect of Venus as Lucifer, literally “Light-Bringer”, and the evening aspect as Vesper.


See Part 4 >

20880858? ago

Part 2 >

Steven Dishon is initiated into the Society of Jesus, Kabbalah Society, Muslim Brotherhood, SHRINER’S ROYAL ORDER OF JESTERS, Oddfellow Order, and Scottish Rite Freemasonry.

Steven is one of the most wicked human beings in America and has been given his authority over secret societies by the Black Nobility of Rome and is backed up by the Detroit Partnership, Chaldean Mafia, and Hells Angels.

Steven is financed through fake gambling wins at Daniel Gilbert’s Greektown Casino-Hotel in Detroit.

Steven Dishon is a pathological liar, murderer, gang stalker, cyberstalker, terrorist, transvestite, pedophile, cannibal, and blood drinker.

The Bible is filled with references to cannibalism and blood drinking. The Bible calls people sheep and also mentions sacrificing lambs.

Steven Dishon dresses up like a woman and rapes, kills, and eats children. There are human remains in a pond near his house.

He works with a hacker and cyber-terrorist named Zachary James Carr who may be living in Idaho. They have been friends on Facebook. Zachary Carr uses electronics to terrorize people and has the entire internet hacked.

I believe he was trained by members of the hacker group called Legion of Doom. Steven Dishon is highly dangerous and murderous. These secret societies like the Freemasons are being funded by the Vatican and royal families through offshore accounts, PayPal, and private Swiss banking.

This is covert Nazi-style persecution carried out by the sadistic members of secret societies as they attempt a full take over of society.

He is a fascist psychopathic lunatic who claims he is a god. He openly claims to be Root of David, God of Israel, and Jesus Christ.

He is a disease spreading his lies and depravity all over America.

He was the mind controller behind the Kalamazoo shooting in Michigan.

He manages a high-level Luciferian witch named Rebecca Zavarella through the Oddfellow’s Daughters of Rebekah.

Rebecca Zavarella and her husband Luigi are insanely evil. She works with a cult that burns people alive and her brother named Brian Lawton is a murderous gang stalker, Irish Mafia associate, and Hell Fire club member.

The Daughters of Rebekah is involved with financing, creating, and managing orphanages. Steven Dishon lures homeless people to his house by offering them help and then sacrifices them. There are human remains around his property.

Homeless people that go missing have no one to report their disappearances. His ex-wife named Anna Dishon is a high-level witch that is related to the Gambinos.

Steven claims she is dead however she is not. Steven Dishon is a top commander nearly every secret society inside the United States.

The name Dishon is for Dishonest and Dishonorable.

The Bourbon and FitzJames families manage Steven James Dishon through their Order of St. James of the Sword with LeBron James, James Harden, and Curtis James Jackson III as wicked members.

The Vatican and the Black Nobility have made Steven their “Vicar of Lucifer” or representative of Lucifer for his skills in deception and oppressive brainwashing as well as his willingness to be lawless, ruthless, sadistic, and murderous.


Steven James Dishon is a depraved, rabid, and murderous psychopath and proud of it. He is also the most die-hard Christian I have ever come across and he openly claims to be Jesus Christ, the Lion of Judah, and Root of David. Steven Dishon’s primary lie is this.

He claims to expose evil causes evil. So if I say Steven James Dishon is a child murderer which he is and I state this after he has already murdered children; he will then go murder more children and blame me for it.

The only people that “believe” his lies are people who want to believe his lies because it serves their corrupted interests. Based on Steven James Dishon’s logic he should now go kill himself. Steven James Dishon is going to kill himself. I said it so by his logic that is now what he must do.

He claims words are spells and with this false logic he then claims everyone practices witchcraft and everyone is guilty unless you submit to Jesus Christ or Yeshua or Yahweh and then that makes it ok.

This is the nonsense he dictates. He actually claims that he is brilliant. His lies are so deeply stupid that it is difficult to comprehend. He is a fascist and idiotic psychopath that uses violence and gang stalking to attempt to dictate his will.

That is not brilliance. That is fascist stupidity. Every time Steven Dishon gets scared he falsely accuses me and anyone else exposing him and then when that doesn’t work he claims he is demonically possessed and a victim.

Then he laughs when people believe his lies. He might claim that his criminal followers and he are mind controlled and if people believe this he laughs some more. Steven James Dishon spews out constant lies in defense of evil.

He claims that in order to be aware of the evil that a person must be a part of it, therefore, anyone exposing evil is guilty. His lies never stop. He constantly defends child murderers and murderous gang stalkers while condemning the victims.

He falsely accuses innocent people non-stop and violently denies the crimes he and his fellow Luciferians commit. He contradicts himself perpetually and just ignores his contradictions.

A major defense Luciferians use is “I know you are but what am I.” If you expose them they respond by saying “no you.” It is psychotic and childish.

He says things like self-defense is the same thing as an assault. He claims that if someone attacks you and you defend yourself that you are the same as the attacker.

He claims exposing gang stalking is gang stalking. His lies are imposed through violent and fascist means and are supported by insane arrogance like a placebo effect. He denies all facts.

The Grand Lodge of Michigan works with Steven Dishon and they are extremely evil Luciferians.

Steven Sweeney is a New Jersey politician and a high-level Luciferian very similar to Steven Dishon.

Steven Dishon is probably the most evil being in America and his primary handlers are Prince Fabrizio Massimo-Brancaccio, Prince Stefano Massimo of Roccasecca, Prince Stefano Colonna, and Count Massimo Pierleoni.

See part 3 >