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21069358? ago

Oh, you're talking about the organization that the retired psy-ops officer and satanist is trying to push right now. Cool story, bro.

21069864? ago

Is Paul V a Satanist? Or are you calling him that because of his association with Aquino?

21073874? ago

"Michael Aquino was a member of the Church of Satan and he later established the Temple of Set. Set was an Egyptian deity that represented destruction and chaos.

Michael Aquino takes his orders from the Grand Master Mark Mason Prince Michael of Kent.

Michael Aquino established his Order of the Trapezoid within the Temple of Set at Wewelsberg Castle in Germany to honor the Nazis which used this location.

Satanic Sanhedrin of Warlocks

Satanic Riutal Abuse - The REAL story - From Fiona Barnett

Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult ceremonies - Popes, Vatican, European and British Royal Families - They are ALL in on it and will be brought to justice

Decoding Satan's Child Minions - Greta Thunberg - A collection of material gathered by NMBRFG 'o-o' <

Mirrors of Truth - The Truth about Satanic Gang Stalking - 'o-o' <

21074806? ago

9th circle was an idea pushed by a single charlatan a few years ago. I never saw any other evidence for it and have always believed it to be fake.

The Aquino material you posted is accurate I believe.

Gang stalking is a real phenomenon IMO.

Never heard of the satanic Sanhedrin but I’ll check it out. Thanks numeral fag 🤙

21080321? ago

Ninth Circle is real. More research needed. <

The Round Table of The Nine. <

Aquino material accurate.

Satanic Gang and Cyber stalking is real. Electronic Warfare. <

NMBRFG HAS been, and IS being attacked by these animals. It's not fun.

Thanks for your message.

Kindest regards,





'o-o' <

21074669? ago

Aquino is evil.

Is evil contagious? Is it like stink and covers you simply for being near it?

Valley did write a paper with Aquino. They were colleagues. No doubt one or more of my colleagues over my lifetime are also evil. Am I automatically evil if they were on my team at some point, even co-athoring a white paper or presentation?

If anything, it could be credibly asserted Valley's association with Aquino gives him special insight to the mind of a leading Satan worshipper.