21077689? ago

Fuck them in the ass. Make our country what we idealize it to be, what it can be. The problem with the world is lack of justice. Enact justice and place check on those who otherwise have run rampant, including yourself, for a brighter future.

21080168? ago


Fuck who?

21073634? ago

Hail to our New Founding Fathers!

21073279? ago


21073022? ago

Anons everywhere salute your beam of light shining into the darkness. God Bless.

21071983? ago

Sorry....what is the source and relevance of OP's message to "the Army of Northern Virginia". I'm not connecting the dots here...

21072080? ago

There was a recent interview with a former general who said the Q stuff was coming from a particular military intelligence unit. I'm on mobile so I cant find it easily but one of the nicknames that group goes by is the army of northern Virginia. Makes it difficult to google for decent results.

21074623? ago

It was general Valley, IIRC

21071935? ago

Amen brothers

21071435? ago

Godius Blessius Maximus

21083197? ago

Thank you friend. It's an honor.

21088684? ago

mine too fren

21071130? ago

Amen brother.

21070824? ago

Take an uptoot from me patriot. thanks indeed to the NVA.

21070616? ago

Over the target. Serious down voting going on.

21069833? ago

They know who they are. Soon we will also.

21069652? ago

US Army Intelligence Support Activity, Ft Belvoir, Camp A.P. Hill and Ft. Lee, VA

21071118? ago

I was at A.P. Hill a couple of weeks ago for an offsite. Great little spot.

21070761? ago

FOG, Task Force Orange, The Activity, Office of Militarily Support, ISA, Army of Northern Virginia. All are the same entity. It changes names frequently to remain invisible to the public and military at large. They are ghosts on the informational battlefield.


21074485? ago

Task Force Orange

Hmmm. This made me realize something. Task Force Orange. Orange Man. Fighting Soros' Purple Revolution.

Purple and Orange are complimentary (i.e. OPPOSITE) colors. VERY interesting.

21075352? ago

Purple and Orange are complimentary (i.e. OPPOSITE) colors.

I compliment you on your misspelling of "complementary".

21069460? ago

Shut up you pussy

21070432? ago

You goofball

21069358? ago

Oh, you're talking about the organization that the retired psy-ops officer and satanist is trying to push right now. Cool story, bro.

21074633? ago

No. Army of Northern Virginia is a nickname of an active duty unit. They have many nicknames including ORANGE.

21069864? ago

Is Paul V a Satanist? Or are you calling him that because of his association with Aquino?

21073874? ago

"Michael Aquino was a member of the Church of Satan and he later established the Temple of Set. Set was an Egyptian deity that represented destruction and chaos.

Michael Aquino takes his orders from the Grand Master Mark Mason Prince Michael of Kent.

Michael Aquino established his Order of the Trapezoid within the Temple of Set at Wewelsberg Castle in Germany to honor the Nazis which used this location.

Satanic Sanhedrin of Warlocks


Satanic Riutal Abuse - The REAL story - From Fiona Barnett


Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult ceremonies - Popes, Vatican, European and British Royal Families - They are ALL in on it and will be brought to justice


Decoding Satan's Child Minions - Greta Thunberg - A collection of material gathered by NMBRFG 'o-o' <


Mirrors of Truth - The Truth about Satanic Gang Stalking - 'o-o' <


21074806? ago

9th circle was an idea pushed by a single charlatan a few years ago. I never saw any other evidence for it and have always believed it to be fake.

The Aquino material you posted is accurate I believe.

Gang stalking is a real phenomenon IMO.

Never heard of the satanic Sanhedrin but I’ll check it out. Thanks numeral fag 🤙

21080321? ago

Ninth Circle is real. More research needed. <

The Round Table of The Nine. <

Aquino material accurate.

Satanic Gang and Cyber stalking is real. Electronic Warfare. <

NMBRFG HAS been, and IS being attacked by these animals. It's not fun.

Thanks for your message.

Kindest regards,





'o-o' <

21074669? ago

Aquino is evil.

Is evil contagious? Is it like stink and covers you simply for being near it?

Valley did write a paper with Aquino. They were colleagues. No doubt one or more of my colleagues over my lifetime are also evil. Am I automatically evil if they were on my team at some point, even co-athoring a white paper or presentation?

If anything, it could be credibly asserted Valley's association with Aquino gives him special insight to the mind of a leading Satan worshipper.

21071623? ago

The association is quite troubling

21071700? ago

Fair enough.

21069172? ago

Larping about a larp. Jfcwtfiwwtw

21069219? ago

You don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m guessing you’re a dumbass but you might also be a shill.

21069247? ago

You know Vallely wrote a paper about psyop with Aquino???

21071137? ago

To know thy enemy is to be him.

21069349? ago

So are you suggesting he was lying when he said the Activity was the source of the Q op? Or are you suggesting that Q is not to be trusted, but Vallely is?

Doesn’t it seem like Q is acting on psyop principles to demoralize the deep state?

What’s your point? Guilt by association?

21069430? ago

I am telling you that fake blonde YouTube radio show host and Gen Vallely are full of shit.

21069737? ago

I don’t know what YouTube‘s you’re listening to bruh. But I heard Vallely make that claim when he called into that Canadian radio show.

How does the fact that he was involved with PsyOps support your claim that Q is a LARP?

If Q is a PsyOp, if anything it makes him an expert witness or somebody who might know something about it.

Basically you got a couple possibilities. Either general V was lying when he said that the Activity is the source of the Q operation or he was telling the truth. Whether he’s lying or telling the truth you’re still not sure of his motives. In other words, he could be anti-Q and that could be the reason why he’s Doxxing Q, rather than trying to improve morale among the Q army by supporting Q’s claim to be a MI insider (which be be manifestly true if it’s really run by the Activity). So under this hypothesis general V would be trying to dox Q and demoralize Q army by making us question whether we were the target of a disinformation operation.

But to me it seems to match up with what we’ve been told already: that Q is a military insider with an operation to disarm and disable the deep state. And it does have the hallmarks of a PsyOps campaign, albeit one aimed at demoralizing the enemy of the people, the Deep State.