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20987792? ago

i'm a little afraid for our president when he's in that town that hosted a national betrayal, on this anniversary of that betrayal. but I think that's what terrorism is for. to make you afraid, even when it isn't them.

20988754? ago

Today was no "anniversary" at all. November 22/63 was the fateful day.

20988809? ago

my mistake. I misheard alex jones forecasting doom on this trip. i just read Stephen kings book, too.

20988876? ago

Your mistake was listening to Alex Jones. He's a hype machine!

20988896? ago

i fool enough to think i can suss out good information from that mess.

20989403? ago

And your second mistake was reading Stephen King....who most likely is a pedophile with a serious case of TDS.

Well, we all make mistakes. Carry on, Patriot.

20989434? ago

you know what, ol' king tells a good yarn in a unique style and I appreciate him for it. but yes he needs to shut up about politics. I don't think there are near as many pedos as were being told there are. who'd be attracted to a child its just stupid. may as well have sex with a grub.

20990205? ago

Rubbish. He's SCUM. <

"Stephen King is a top Satanist and a top architect of satanic ritual abuse. This devil is a child murderer and cannibal."

Satanic Sanhedrin of Warlocks

20991380? ago

Well....this is news to me.

20996788? ago

Well now you know. <

20998267? ago

Im told that's half the battle

21002775? ago

Very difficult researching these 'people' > They made me ill many times.

21004777? ago

How does one research any more? The internet is being bottled up fast

21008874? ago

With great difficulty wading through trash at every turn, looking for gems... <