20991785? ago

Just watched it, what a great Rally. I was glued to the screen...

20990348? ago

No Minnesota though..They were thirsty

20988307? ago

Some of us left early,he lied several times in the first half.

Easy ride out while the mass hung on the tits of half truths at best.

As they say.....thats politics

20989968? ago

I’d like to know exactly what he lied about, because usually when y’all say he’s lying it’s some backwards logic you have in your heads. Yes, he does exaggerate, just like my grandpa, but I don’t consider my grandpa a liar. That is just his personality and the way he is. If you don’t like him, I get it. But you have to acknowledge that he’s doing a lot better job than Hillary would be doing right now and you’re better off for it.

20989374? ago

You sound retarded.

20988739? ago

After waiting all that time to get in? Not too swift. If you were there, and left early, then you weren't there to support him anyway. You're likely just full of shit.

20987874? ago

Millions more watching from home 🇺🇸

20987792? ago

i'm a little afraid for our president when he's in that town that hosted a national betrayal, on this anniversary of that betrayal. but I think that's what terrorism is for. to make you afraid, even when it isn't them.

20988754? ago

Today was no "anniversary" at all. November 22/63 was the fateful day.

20988809? ago

my mistake. I misheard alex jones forecasting doom on this trip. i just read Stephen kings book, too.

20990179? ago

I became an ex King reader after he became a Trump hater and he buys the lunacy that Oswald Shot JFK

20988876? ago

Your mistake was listening to Alex Jones. He's a hype machine!

20988896? ago

i know....im fool enough to think i can suss out good information from that mess.

20989403? ago

And your second mistake was reading Stephen King....who most likely is a pedophile with a serious case of TDS.

Well, we all make mistakes. Carry on, Patriot.

20990199? ago

Satanic Sanhedrin of Warlocks


"Stephen King is a top Satanist and a top architect of satanic ritual abuse. This devil is a child murderer and cannibal."

Thanks. <


20989434? ago

you know what, ol' king tells a good yarn in a unique style and I appreciate him for it. but yes he needs to shut up about politics. I don't think there are near as many pedos as were being told there are. who'd be attracted to a child its just stupid. may as well have sex with a grub.

20990205? ago

Rubbish. He's SCUM. <

"Stephen King is a top Satanist and a top architect of satanic ritual abuse. This devil is a child murderer and cannibal."

Satanic Sanhedrin of Warlocks


20991380? ago

Well....this is news to me.

20996788? ago

Well now you know. <

20998267? ago

Im told that's half the battle

21002775? ago

Very difficult researching these 'people' > They made me ill many times.

21004777? ago

How does one research any more? The internet is being bottled up fast

21008874? ago

With great difficulty wading through trash at every turn, looking for gems... <

20987683? ago

The media's not too happy with him, you can watch them on the live 360 degree camera: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOHYeqruYCU

20987525? ago

Secret Service: Get eyes on Tom Arnold


20995906? ago

That fat bloated cunt better watch out, us taconiggers are falling in love with President Trump by the droves and are stupid enough to deal with that faggot never was wannabe actor before Secret Service gets to him..

20992706? ago

That's such a fucked up thing to say... As if JFK was a legit enemy? He is rejoicing in the killing of JFK? Or is this just thoughtless commentary from a compromised buffoon?

20989400? ago

What a fucking loser. I bet he has a little girl issue.

20988131? ago

Tom Arnold=little prick!

20987580? ago

These Hollywood faggots need a reality check.

20987727? ago

He's got a case of dts(+++).

20987613? ago

Tom is too busy channeling his inner John Wilkes Booth.

20987712? ago

Checkout Toms sister. Tweeker hardcore

20987388? ago

I'm watching it live here in London. Wish I were there - what a great president!

20990549? ago

Yes. What a great president. God help you in London, hope you are wearing a stab vest?

20991394? ago

Ah, the crims are wise to that. Following a number of deaths due to chest stabbings, they now go for the thigh. This means you bleed to death from the femoral artery instead of the aorta. Should I wear full body armour?

20987300? ago

We do love him in all of Texas. Dallas has some liberal base but we good people outnumber them.

20987725? ago

Houston / Dallas / Austin / San Antonio have some serious liberal numbers

20988371? ago

Terrible numbers actually

They said Perry was coming back to Texas?

Remember the kids lives he destroyed with the vaccine mandate?

Fuck him,that Dallas circle jerk was one of thd worst to date for those native to the state.

Werent 2/100 at that mess a native Texan

20989263? ago

Yeh Rick Perry and his “Young Hotties” / Bush proximity / Gardasil mandate / Trans-Texas Highway etc was huge.

20987265? ago

20,000 strong here and more outside couldn't get in.

20987282? ago


20987113? ago

Trump asked "Was the whistle-blower a spy?" - Yes. Yes they were

20987192? ago

Damn. The wait is killin me.

20987171? ago

Yes he did, very interesting!

20987030? ago

Yes they are!!! Wish I was there.

20987036? ago
