21315365? ago

Just like Lifelog is really FACEBOOK, as a CIA / MI6 / MOSSAD product.

21303462? ago


21303476? ago

We ARE The News now. Period. <

21302789? ago

... and dead soon

21301860? ago

What I want to know is since this guy has stated his belief that capitalism has failed us and a new system is needed, is he doing his work on Deepmind for free? He's not engaging in failed capitalism by asking for compensation for his services and talents, is he?

21301254? ago


21299826? ago

“A.I.’s military power is the simple reason that the recent behavior of America’s leading software company, Google — starting an A.I. lab in China while ending an A.I. contract with the Pentagon — is shocking.”

Q drop #2587

Google CEO Says No Plan to ‘Launch’ Censored Search Engine in China"

How do you cover your tracks?

Start a FIRE.


What if GOOG already gave access to China?

CHINA launch?


The FIRE that brought down GOOGLE.


21303906? ago

Sensational Sir! <

21299768? ago

It is an evil program that destroyed Atlantis. Do some REAL research on Aliens and you will find out. Watch Corey Goode on YT, he has the scoop on this evil technology.

21299862? ago

You do realize these Aliens we are referring to are actually the Fallen > Biblical. Not so much Extra Terrestrial, but more like Inter Dimensional. Spiritual beings. <

21300163? ago

The ones in Antarctica are referred to as non-aliens because they are the Draco, Fallen Angels offspring. There are aliens from inter-dimensional areas/galaxies/Mars/Saturn, etc. that are not the Fallen Angels. Many of them are white hats that are working with the Earth Alliance/white hat MI groups to free the earth from the grip of the Fallen Angels/Antarctic/Dracos. The Cabal reports to the Dracos in Antarctica, aka Satan, thus Satanic rituals, human cannibalism, etc.

Many of these white hat inter dimensional entities are trying to get earth ready for the Ascension. I believe Trump and Q are part of this group along with MI.

21301347? ago

The Greys are at war with the mermaids from

Uranus, but they're actually referred to as "Ariels" by people who really know the truth.

21301716? ago

Yeah, the Greys are a nasty bunch. They are of negative density and responsible for much of the human kidnappings and experiments on human cloning and cattle mutilations for cloning purposes.

21300116? ago

This guy gets it^^

21300137? ago

Thanks. <

21300001? ago

Penetrated through the spinal cord - from there is the idea of “snake”.

21300088? ago

Yes. Sickening.

21299593? ago

These people are incredibly Pozzed. The epitome of degenerate Social Justice culture. Just pure evil narcissists. Really fucking dangerous.

21299703? ago

Scum. <

This is who they are >


21299467? ago


"Artificial intelligence could be one of humanity’s most useful inventions. We research and build safe AI systems that learn how to solve problems and advance scientific discovery for all".

Sounds [DELIGHTFUL]. <

DeepMind’s health team joins Google Health


"Over the last three years, DeepMind has built a team to tackle some of healthcare’s most complex problems—developing AI research and mobile tools that are already having a positive impact on patients and care teams. Today, with our healthcare partners, the team is excited to officially join the Google Health family. Under the leadership of Dr. David Feinberg, and alongside other teams at Google, we’ll now be able to tap into global expertise in areas like app development, data security, cloud storage and user design to build products that support care teams and improve patient outcomes.

During my time working in the UK National Health Service (NHS) as a surgeon and researcher, I saw first-hand how technology could help, or hinder, the important work of nurses and doctors. It’s remarkable that many frontline clinicians, even in the most world’s most advanced hospitals, are still reliant on clunky desktop systems and pagers that make delivering fast and safe patient care challenging. Thousands of people die in hospitals every year from avoidable conditions like sepsis and acute kidney injury and we believe that better tools could save lives. That’s why I joined DeepMind, and why I will continue this work with Google Health.

We’ve already seen how our mobile medical assistant for clinicians is helping patients and the clinicians looking after them, and we are looking forward to continuing our partnerships with The Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust and Taunton and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust.

On the research side, we’ve seen major advances with Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust in detecting eye disease from scans as accurately as experts; with University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust on planning cancer radiotherapy treatment; and with the US Department of Veterans Affairs to predict patient deterioration up to 48 hours earlier than currently possible. We see enormous potential in continuing, and scaling, our work with all three partners in the coming years as part of Google Health.

It’s clear that a transition like this takes time. Health data is sensitive, and we gave proper time and care to make sure that we had the full consent and cooperation of our partners. This included giving them the time to ask questions and fully understand our plans and to choose whether to continue our partnerships. As has always been the case, our partners are in full control of all patient data and we will only use patient data to help improve care, under their oversight and instructions.

I know DeepMind is proud of our healthcare work to date. With the expertise and reach of Google behind us, we’ll now be able to develop tools and technology capable of helping millions of patients around the world."

21299742? ago

You are wrong, it is an evil program that destroyed Atlantis. Do some REAL research on Aliens and you will find out. Watch Corey Goode on YT, he has the scoop on this evil technology.

21299350? ago

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 9b601a No.7352944 📁

Nov 11 2019 19:30:45 (EST)

GOOG whistleblower

Project DeepMind?

“AI Manhattan Project.”


[Feb 18 2018]

“Project DeepDream v2[A]?” – Q

Do you believe in coincidences?


21299305? ago

Laura Loomer...

21302316? ago

(((Laura Loomer)))


21299322? ago

She keeps popping her head up. <

I don't trust her at all. Just sayin'.

21303487? ago

There are pics of loomer and milo all bloodied with milo in tub.

I heard she is mossad which makes sense bc she is the only one who ran her mouth during the LV shootings and didnt have a car accident or heart attack.

21303512? ago

Correctomundo! <

21300131? ago

Big bear thinks she’s a man for starters

21302075? ago

Laurence Loomer

21300371? ago


21300152? ago

Would not surprise ma one bit. <

They are all Trannys and Homos at the top. It's (((their))) sick joke you see.

21300435? ago

Ur right, I’m starting to see that as well. And I’d like too add in ADDITION to that they’re also, sodomites, pedophiles, pedophile handlers, abused children (Greta Thunberg) or just the good old fashioned lizard jew like Ben shapiru

21300562? ago

You are correct. <

Here is some light reading on our Enemies >

If A Crazed, Cannibalistic, Satanic, Zionist, Child Raping, Pedophile, Globo Homo, Doomsday Extinction Cult, took over The World, and all it's Wealth, would you notice? Time to wake up.


Mirrors of Truth - The Truth about Satanic Gang Stalking - 'o-o' <


Decoding Satan's Child Minions - Greta Thunberg - A collection of material gathered by NMBRFG 'o-o' <


Satanic Sanhedrin of Warlocks


Satanic Riutal Abuse - The REAL story - From Fiona Barnett


Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult ceremonies - Popes, Vatican, European and British Royal Families - They are ALL in on it and will be brought to justice


21300777? ago

At least you acknowledge it’s sick people of all religions not just one.

21300837? ago

Yep. ALL Evil to the last person. <

Religion has nothing at all to with it, nor does race or political persuasion.

21300908? ago

Refreshing to see someone else get it.

21301405? ago

Being clouded by Racism, religious bias, or political bias affects judgment. I am here to take down these sickos.

Believe me when I say they care nought for the above. Just winning. <

21299269? ago

With a name like Mustafa Suleyma what could go wrong.

21299306? ago


Indeed. <

21299178? ago

He probably sexually harassed a fellow employee’s pet goat.

21299256? ago

The whistleblower?

21299815? ago

The one (a Muslim) that was put on administrative leave.

21301804? ago

Oh a Muslim! <

21299244? ago

i Pet Goat?

21303469? ago

You talking about the serpent in the drugged egg boy's head?

21303506? ago

No. I am talking about the book The Pet Goat and the short animated film i Pet Goat ii >



and >

The Pet Goat

"The Pet Goat" is a children's story from the 1995 book Reading Mastery II: Storybook 1 by Siegfried Engelmann and Elaine C. Bruner. It gained attention on September 11, 2001; U.S. President George W. Bush was reading the story at the Emma E. Booker School in Sarasota, Florida, when he was informed of the ongoing terror attacks.

21303866? ago

I know lol

The animation has a egg head boy, one drugs, with a serpent in his broken mind

21303882? ago

(((They))) think WE are dumb as fuck obviously. <

Clearly they have never encountered ANYONE like us before... BEWARE. <

21304464? ago

We are the glitch in their matrix.

21299853? ago

What is his relationship to i Pet Goat?

21299888? ago

A recurring theme. It is the book GWB read to kids in 2001, even after he was told of the 911 attacks. It is sending a message. <

Goat of Mendes > Mocking The Lamb of God (Christ).

21299933? ago

Ah, thanks.