20870661? ago

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20756952? ago

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20743082? ago

Thanks nmbrfg .. Every time you post you open a windup through which I can see.. It's fleeting like a remembering. (#;)

20797101? ago

In case you missed it >


20745858? ago

Awesome Anon. I was up all night posting and battling Shills. Smashed them to bits to I did ;)

Time for some coffee/covfefe and a cigarette, then back to the grindstone. There is much to do today.

I have not checked the wires yet, but I am expecting Schitt is toast.




'o-o' <

20790414? ago

Do you recall the time Q responded to what was likely one of the Hillary/Obama Care group, and Q basically said (paraphrasing) "you can only get away with this so long as the public doesn't KNOW everything you've done. Once they are made aware, you're finished"

That is going to be an awesome day, and this stuff you guys are doing is like a foreshadow

20794079? ago

Thank you. It's going to increase too. Take care.

20747556? ago

Good work anon. I appreciate what you do my last post was full of errors.. talking to you opens a window into another dimension. I feel it I see . It. I do know.. Can't describe only that it it is a greater party of all and the singularity .. Revs .. End times is now... Advanced humans step into their role jesus x x x.. Buddha x x x.. apocalypse = storm... I see it I know it I am it.. Jesus said it.. I am the way.. Not for anyone else for him.for him.. Pointing to sovereignty... Its ours. We step in. I know you know.. Just great to see it.. Think mirror.. We are each others reflection

20747976? ago

ThAnk you Sir <

5 by 5


'o-o' <



20740563? ago

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20740298? ago

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20739991? ago

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20739985? ago

I'm skeptical about this stuff. It just seems like you've taken random letters, turned them into numbers, and cherry picked what came out that looks interesting, but hey. We all have to learn the comms, and it didn't come with a guide.

My 10c.

Liddle points to a German based supermarket if you search for it. Apostrophe or colon, doesn't matter.

I think it means this was 'fed' to Adam shiff and CNN.

Anyone want to take a look at the company for shady deals?

20763185? ago

The Q team knows that there are people like numberfag and sb2 that can break this stuff down, who can see the patterns and understand gematria. They wouldn't communicate in with us in some unbreakable code. These guys are doing what Q requested. "Learn our comms".

Hey, numberfag? I forgot to say thank you for posting this yesterday so I hadda come back! TY!


20784135? ago


I just saw your message.

Thank You so much!

I am really humbled by your comments.

It makes me want to work harder, do better, and WIN!

God Bless you Patriot.

I am not signing any of my work going forward, but you will recognize my writing style, as I don't know about anyone else besides SB2 that does this kind of fith dimensional analysis.

I am getting some amazing windows being opened at the moment, and I can sense we are close.

It's pretty bad out there at the moment. I can feel the tension, and you could cut the air with a knife.

TRUMP is giving me so much to decode, and then there's all the weird little White House released videos, like the Pratt industries Paper and Box factory Tour. Check it out..

The next thing I am decoding is Trumps comment while confiring Scalia, that his Dad was a "Beamer". >

BEAMER = Declas.

More to come. Stay tuned.

'o-o' <


20784780? ago

PS: Yeah, if there's anyone outside of you and SB2 breaking this down I'm unaware of them. Is best that there's at least two. Gotta verify, gotta have a independent voices. Henceforth I'm only listening to you two, so glad to have some slight identifiers. Glad you're here for now. 8ch slightly difficult to navigate!

20784838? ago

We will. Thanks Frien. <3

20784751? ago

I wish I had another place to put your posts. I'm brainstorming now. Sb2 already has LT on andweknow.i can't do what LT did (who can). V but if I think of anything even simplistic, I'll put it out there. Already thought of it, smatter of fact. Even have a nice high quality voiceover actor willing to read for FREE.

Fun note: you probably know that Flynn just changed out his Twitter banner again.

Two nights ago I was in a little chat group with him + his family the night before during a fund raiser I found randomly, and let me tell you I could not have be been more honored if Trump himself had been there. Seriously. What a blessing.

Sweet times, buncha patriots. The thing raised a pretty good sum, considering the rather short notice.

PS: we always called our BMW a "beamer". I guess everyone does though, so no shocker there XD

20784807? ago

Thanks so much. I am Honored to receive all your help.

I had BETTER do a good job then? :)

I am working on POTUS tweets and videos now.

It's such hard work doing these decodes, that everyone around me can't more than 5 minutes at a time around me when I am doing them, due to the amount of information being processed and analyzed all at once. It makes me sick sometimes! The subject matter is always so heavy, so I try to keep it light, and add humour.

I will cut down on the bad language generally, as I have been advised by my Brother.

Please stay in touch, as it's tough on here. I need a Strong Team backing me, as things are heating up a lot now.


Kindest regards,




'o-o' <

20784848? ago

I remember when that despicable man at Goldman Sachs, the CEO, said he was doing God's work. Well, he sucks.

This thing we are all working on really IS GOD'S work!

Save the children!

If we failed at everything and did just that it'd be worth it!

But.... We will prevail. We will not fail. We've all seen it. In dreams from the Lord.

We have God's help.

Heard in my house the other day during a time of stress, the voice of God answering an unrelated prayer at about 4am PST: :"trust the Plan".

We got a good laugh - God is funny

When I doubt I remember HE said


Let God be true and every man a liar!

20786990? ago

Fresh for you Frien >


Please promote to the front page for max visibility.

This one is important.



20789211? ago

Will do!

20784887? ago

Perfect. 5:5.

20742774? ago

20740069? ago

You have not been paying attention. You are a SHILL. ICU...

'o-o' <

20740099? ago

Yup. I totally glow in the dark. Enjoy my glorious incandescence. -.-

20740129? ago

Yeah, I can smell the GLOW from here.

20740716? ago

Then it must be phosphorus, rather than tungstenous :)

20739968? ago

Jesus christ this is the most boomerific boomer bullshit I've ever read.

20763200? ago

Well I'm not a boomer so I can't see that. Guess you must be and so that aspect is only visible to you?

20740053? ago

You are most welcome!

20739964? ago

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20739949? ago

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20739948? ago

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20739942? ago

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20739932? ago

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20739719? ago

You've given us so much information in the last couple of days! Thank you!

20739849? ago

You are most welcome. I live to give.

20740654? ago

Give ? Maybe you meant that you especially like to link !

This also matches the Swedish Gemantria for: "Your Mama's a hooker for Big Buba !"

20740717? ago

At least my Mama's got a real job...

20740778? ago

You forgot to switch to your alts, you Dorkmantria !

20740795? ago

Keep 'em comin' Shilbo.

20740709? ago

Wow! Triggered AF! Don't stress Pal, you'll be OK. Oh wait... maybe not.

And just how much material have you posted? ZERO.

I collated and researched all my material and shared it here with as many people as I could, so yeah, your a lazy so and so.

Two big posts. Can I see your work please?

20740763? ago

You can't you Triggermantria.

Staying anonymous it's contradictory with wishing to brag about one's contributions to appease your wannabe argument from authority, you Shillmantria !

20740781? ago

Certainly seem to have your undivided attention though...

I'm still hard at work between shit posting replies to you.

Hard at work.

20740859? ago

Hard at work with your Mama, earning nice JIDF Shekels. Shabbat is starting in the Golan desert. Time for you to go back to your cave time, Schlomo.

20740885? ago

AGAIN with the projection! It's only the JIDF that attacks my Gematria posts. Can't have those pesky Goyim learning your secret shit now can we?

Then the party's over over for everybody :(

20763225? ago

We really need to put in a request for some better shills, don't we? Though ...the remark about the phosphoresence was pretty good. Maybe the best shill comeback I've seen yet! But it was all downhill from there D: