20632456? ago

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19951392? ago

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19910800? ago

The "Mystery" religion is Luciferianism.

20385895? ago

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20317735? ago

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19989030? ago

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19911998? ago

Are they born nasty and evil or later modeled and later created to be bad. Do some people start out with the cosplay, the edgy stuff, the pagan things and just get deeper and deeper? https://voat.co/v/8chan/3353956 Whats with the Blackmail clubs?? VKB member ship ring, Snctm, the new tranny filth of commiefornia?

19918862? ago

"Are they born nasty and evil or later modeled and later created to be bad."

Some people are born into multi-generational families that continue the ancient Luciferian/Satanic practices. This involves ritual abuse at specific ages. If "done properly" this ritual abuse fractures the victim's mind, creating multiple personality disorder/dissociative personality disorder. Each new personality can then be "programmed" to perform specific tasks without the "root" or "base" personality being aware of those actions/information.

"Do some people start out with the cosplay, the edgy stuff, the pagan things and just get deeper and deeper? "

Of course. Since these families control great wealth, they use "covet means" (JFK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Jb8KqaerhQ) as one of their tools. This usually means that the individual seeking wealth/power/fame is required to engage in illegal/immoral activity to gain "criminal leverage" over them. Having "criminal leverage" over someone gives these families power over them. Direct knowledge of the criminal activity makes the individual controlled. The higher the wealth/power/fame the more "criminal leverage" is required.

"Whats with the Blackmail clubs?"

This is likely the "open" version of the "covet means" network. For many other people they will target them for subversion. Simply, force the target into a situtation which gives the families criminal leverage over you. For example: Invite the target to a party, during the party have an underage person seduce the target...instant criminal leverage. Catch the target during the statutory rape (or just have the underage person loudly accuse the individual of statutory rape.) If they don't turn themselves in to the police, the criminal networks control them. Then afterwards, the criminal networks will attempt to get more dirt on the target. Offer that target younger and younger individuals or force them into deeper criminal activity to gain more leverage on them. It eventually reaches a point where many individuals begin engaging in the behavior enthusiastically.

Get a Senator or Congressman under your control...you see the eventual power this can create.

19910254? ago

Starting to figure out why he father disowned her.

19910329? ago

Could be just another victim of hollyweird blackmail, I'm not sure if she follows any babylon or Mithraism cult but the thread has an interesting debate going on

19909284? ago

This garbage is still doing the rounds?

Suppose I shouldn't be shocked by you trying to conflate it with Mithras or Mithraism either, thus casting a negative light on Zoroastrianism, the Monotheistic religion which predates Islam, Christianity and Judaism -- the latter 3 stealing from the former and together persecuting Zoroastrians/Yazidis into near extinction.

19909829? ago

The Mithraic Mysteries were a mystery religion practized in the Roman Empire from about the 1st to 4th centuries AD. The name of the Persian god Mithra, adapted into Greek as Mithras, was linked to a new and distinctive imagery. Romans also called the religion Mysteries of Mithras or Mysteries of the Persians; modern historians refer to it as Mithraism or sometimes Roman Mithraism. The mysteries were popular in the Roman military. https://www.crystalinks.com/mithraism.html Worshippers of Mithras had a complex system of seven grades of initiation, with ritual meals. Initiates called themselves syndexioi, those "united by the handshake". They met in underground temples (called a mithraeum), which survive in large numbers. The cult appears to have had its epicentre in Rome.

19908985? ago

Mithras has been practiced by several societies. The Roman Empire practiced it from about the 1st to the 4th century. This deity was honored as the patron of loyalty to the emperor. The Iranian god of the sun, justice, contract, and war in pre-Zoroastrian Iran. In India they worship Mithrathe the Indian form of Mithra and appears as “friend” and as “contract.”

In short, Mithra may signify any kind of interpersonal communication and whatever establishes good relations between people. Mithra was called the Mediator. Mithra was also the god of the sun, of the shining light that beholds everything, and, hence, was invoked in oaths. The Greeks and Romans considered Mithra as a sun god. He was probably also the god of kings. He was the god of mutual obligation between the king and his warriors and, hence, the god of war. He was also the god of justice, which was guaranteed by the king. Whenever people observed justice and contract, they venerated Mithra.

19909402? ago

Notice how whenever someone here posts information about Mithra/Mithras/Mithraism, a bunch of garbage replies are made to that comment which attempt to direct you back to Angelina or some other garbage video and/or buzzwords?

See here also for another example: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3353568/19908779

Seriously, take a look at the comments here in this submission... organic? Not even a little bit.

19909812? ago

It's possible its all part of the same religion of corruption or evil? The old Mithraism comes from Iran, it was Zoroastrian Divinity possibly connecting to the old gods of Persia, Babylon and Arabia. The bull killing and sacrifice from Persian rituals become part of European ritual, it might even connect to Spanish bull fighting and old Greco-Roman practices. One theory says these rituals became part of Masonry, they move from Arabia into Rome into France and eventually go to London, Scotland and it enters and subverts Masonic rituals in the United States. The old religion mysteries were popular among the Roman military from about the 1st to the 4th century.

19909899? ago

Even supposing there's weight to the theories, you would at best be looking at theft/misappropriation which then became further excuse to carry out persecution of Zoroastrians and related, non-malicious religious minorities such as the Yazidis; propaganda to justify hostilities and to beat said minorities down.

There's nothing to indicate that the Zoroastrians or Yazidis are corrupt or evil, especially in comparison to those who have persecuted them.

Roman Christians participated in the persecution, thus you could possibly argue that Roman Mithraism might be a misappropriation and malicious in nature -- I'll give you that much.

19909053? ago


The rumors have been going around for a long time with people saying her split with her father, Jon Voight, is due to him having molested her.

Others believe she has had an incestuous relationship with her brother thanks to a kiss she gave him when she won an award in 2000.

Several years back, some X rated bondage pictures of Angelina surfaced she seems to have taken before her meteoric rise to fame in tinseltown.

Bondage pictures of the Mother of the Year? I chanced clicking the link. After all, I had just eaten, but for you, you awesome members of Voat, what the hell? Plus I had to strengthen the gag reflex to get ready for that Killary tape that is set to drop.


I’d like to give Angelina Jolie the ol’ in out in out real savage. I bet alot of Yahoodie hollywood producers would like to give her the ol in out as well. Old man Rothschild likes his MK-Ultra whores submissive. His favorite time of year is winter solstice. That’s when Strauss Khan likes to come over to Rothschilds mansion for an orgy with his droogs.

Just thinking of an orgy is making me sick. Ahh! I think I’m gonna be sick. Bog help me

Marina Abramovic Connection to Celebrities and the Fashion Industry https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1655028 Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt - Broke up when PG broke out

19908779? ago

Mithra (Avestan: 𐬨𐬌𐬚𐬭𐬀‎ Miθra, Old Persian: 𐎷𐎰𐎼 Miça) is the Zoroastrian Divinity (yazata) of Covenant, Light, and Oath. In addition to being the divinity of contracts, Mithra is also a judicial figure, an all-seeing protector of Truth, and the guardian of cattle, the harvest, and of the Waters. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mithra

19909869? ago

The Mithraic Mysteries or Mysteries of Mithras (also Mithraism) was a mystery religion centered on the god Mithras, became popular among the military in the Roman Empire, from the 1st to 4th centuries CE. Information on the cult is based mainly on interpretations of the many surviving monuments. The most characteristic of these are depictions of Mithras as being born from a rock, and as sacrificing a bull. http://www.novaroma.org/nr/Mithras His worshippers had a complex system of seven grades of initiation, with ritual meals. They met in underground temples, which survive in large numbers.

19909157? ago

The Dogstar, Jesus and the Canaanite woman? https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=Fqa56x8tNtw Sirius Star in History of Humankind - Conquest of Paradise

19909064? ago

New NY Times Story on Weinstein. Paltrow and Jolie come forward. https://www.voat.co/v/pizzagate/2182269/10747439 Paltrow is without a doubt a pedo. Firstly, she's a millionaire Hollywood insider acress kikess who fervently follows the occult Kabbalah. Furthermore, she openly attends elite sex clubs like Naked SNCTM, wherein who knows what goes on behind closed doors. What a vile bitch. I'm sure we all well know what Jolie is.

19911218? ago


Bunch of videos on pornhub that shows what goes on if you're actually interested. https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5b38a2fbde8e8

19911366? ago

go back to reddit faggot

19911413? ago

What the fuck are you talking about? I wonder who wouldn't want people to see the symbolism used at the SNCTM parties?

19912068? ago

19912151? ago

It is literally an advertisement for SNCTM. Why are you burying evidence?

19909857? ago

Almost 300 pages of reading Evidence reported by University of Toronto https://archive.org/details/mysteriesofmythr00cumouoft/page/n19 The mysteries of Mithra

19909889? ago



mass, water, air

fire element missing

similar to beliefs of Celts about fire ?

19909074? ago

The island temple connects to Masons or the Canaanite / Babylon religion?

19909625? ago

it (was) planet wide wide cult

19909162? ago

19908691? ago

The British Royal Family are almost certainly Jews, so whatever fucked-up demon they worship, it's probably a perversion of Moloch.

19909008? ago

Why did Jesus call the Canaanite woman a "dog"? https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3353544

19908659? ago

Mithra? You mean the statue of her / it in NY Harbor? Not sure what the mystery is but maybe we should ask the French.

19909142? ago

THREAD: They're mimicking the Amorites, Canaanites...some of the most wicked people to ever walk the face of the earth, worshippers of Moloch and Baal. Epstein's temple ties it all together. https://voat.co/v/theawakening/3353131