Godwillwin ago

Did y’all see Sarah Silverman threatened the channers?

realityisinsanity ago

It did look like her.

TrishaUK ago

Just Watched Liz Crokin video regarding James Gunn, fantastic talk, she mentioned Lloyd Kaufman so decided to check his instagram (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwX8a5EqNHw)......Why......Why) the hell do they first focus the camera on a baby, before they talk about their pasta dish? You decide! AND why does Lloyd Kaufman refer to his 'trophy wife' ALL THE TIME, instead of wife, he seems to make a point of this on many of his videos. Is she just a front to make him seem 'normal' to hide his vulgar side?
- https://www.instagram.com/p/BiVsejtliu_/?hl=en&taken-by=lloydkaufman @carmencita @think- @MolochHunter @srayzie @darkknight111

Truthseeker3000 ago

I recall reading from a blogger in Europe who was a high priced escort talking about different clients and men and places around the world where they would go and with who, etc. Very eye opening I cannot find it now but I remember this specifically, that Sanctum had teenage girls aka young models working there and that they would be given a couple thousand and once they got to a mansion in the hills where the party was they were plied with drugs immediately coke, ecstasy to get them numbed out and sometimes the girls would get so fucked up they wouldn’t remember anything but would be hurting badly afterwards. The Sanctum parties were NOT always held at that dumpy house, it would be really nice mansions. Everyone wore masks and lingerie. The names below were always mentioned 100% truth multiple sources.

These names are rampant in Hollywood for pretty “young models” and they all take vacations around the world together for sex tourism in Europe. These guys do NOT like their names online either:

Michael H. Scott obsessed with very young models

Mohammed Hadid father of Models Gigi and Bella Hadid he is a sex predator hiding behind Muslim religion sex addict

Gary Michael Walters movie guy obsessed with very young models and actresses also acts as pimp

Bob Zangrillo always around the guys above and loves young models his “friend” Emily Paul runs Unicorn Club out of Miami like a hook up matchmaker service aka prostitution not sure if underage

Sum-of-Nun ago


"👁‍🗨 2013-2017. The club is now a joke or a scam if you fall for it. Everyone left. Real elite clubs have wait lists, not discounts. 😂 next chapter ↙️ instagram.com/veritas.bunnyman"

TrishaUK ago

Should Dave Bauitsta be checked out? He's DEFENDING GUNN! Says of Gunn in a tweet: " Hes gentle and kind and cares deeply for people and animals. He’s made mistakes. We all have. Im NOT ok with what’s happening to him " https://www.theguardian.com/film/2018/jul/21/dave-bautista-defends-guardians-of-the-galaxy-director-james-gunn-twitter

NotHereForPizza ago

Enablers are always suspect

letsdothis2 ago

Well, reading through that post:

the plan started in the 60s after the CIA started working with berkley the CIA pushed the Beatles to get rid of jazz, they didn't like college kids listening to black music

who was the beatles tour manager? Jimmy fucking Saville

I didn't know that. Disheartening and scary how many threads that piece of information brings together:


And, of course, he knew Jimmy Savile well, as Savile used to compere The Beatles' Christmas shows, and, well before their worldwide fame, travelled with them.

“It's very difficult to talk about it,” McCartney says. “The thing is we knew Jimmy and we worked with him, he was a DJ, an MC on some of the shows. We were working in Yorkshire and we were still living in Liverpool. And we were coming back from a gig and he came in our van over the Pennines. We gave him a lift. He told us all these stories about his wartime exploits how he had been buying chewing gum and nylons and all that, and selling them. He had all sorts of stuff going on. He was the older hustler guy, and we were very amused by these stories because he was a great entertainer, but we dropped him off at his place outside his house and we said, 'can we come in for a coffee?' and he said, 'oh, no, not tonight lads'.

“When he'd gone we thought, 'why doesn't he let us in, what is it, because most people would have let us in that we gave a lift to?'. So we always thought there was something a little bit suspect.”

Riiight, Paul...

Well, curiously another pedophile suspect Peter Blake was the designer of the Beatle's album Strawberry Fields:

voat post: The UK Supreme Court has artwork created by pedophile connected artist Peter Blake - designer of Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band album cover

This 'all seeing eye' was created by trendy pop artist Peter Blake who co-created the Beatle's album cover Sgt. Pepper. Well, we all know about the occult references on that one and others. Even Aleister Crowley was included.

Peter Blake and Graham Ovenden worked together on a number of projects and were even together in a collective of artists known as the Brotherhood of Ruralists. Why would Tony Blair's new Supreme Court choose such an artist?

Lots of pics on this forum of McCartney with Peter Blake and known pedophile George Ovenden https://forum.davidicke.com/showthread.php?t=222773&page=3062


So, as The Who returned to celebrate their Live At Leeds concert, The Who and Peter Blake took the opportunity to work together again, this time with mutual ties to the University of Leeds. The new Live at Leeds 2 artwork was created by Peter Blake, following his personal discussions with Pete Townshend. The artwork joins the Peter Blake Music Art Gallery, as will Peter Blake’s Live 8 design. Live Aid and Live 8 are events in which Peter and The Who both played a central part. The Live at Leeds 2 artwork is the subject of a commemorative limited edition fine art print publication, signed and numbered by Peter Blake.

Posts about George Ovenden:

Artist arrested for sex abuse on children. Child porn art

Emma Freud jokes that she'd French kiss her son. Meet the Freud family. From pedophile Clement Freud to connections with the Chipping Norton set.

think- ago

who was the beatles tour manager? Jimmy fucking Saville

Err...what?! Fancy doing a seperate post about that? Basically, you could use your comment above. Maybe add some info about cp found on Townsend's computer.

letsdothis2 ago

Ok. I'll do that.

think- ago

Great, thanks!

darkknight111 ago

https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.esquire.com/lifestyle/sex/amp49636/snctm-sex-club-founder/ I found ties to Cameron Diaz, Michael Burns (Lionsgate Studios), and.......JARED LETO.

darkknight111 ago

Who is INTIMATELY tied to the Clintons via the Clinton Foundation.

I KNEW the Clintons would be tied to this somehow. In this case its a 3 degrees chain rather than a 1 degree chain.

dmthirdeye ago

Won't let me actually post the link but go to pol and add that at the end, TONS of information uncovered in that thread.

boards 4chan pol threads = /179667165#p179668256

HelpMeExpose ago

"Today I’m headed to Prague for a special Snctm event in collaboration with OKOIN on April 25th"
Take a look at OKOIN ---> https://okoin.io/ They created a CryptoCurrency purposely for VR Porn... Wouldn't surprise me if they provided VR CP since they pay using "Crypto Tokens"

realityisinsanity ago

It's most likely for CP

realityisinsanity ago

https://files.catbox.moe/uzawwv.png Ip address of their website

realityisinsanity ago

https://files.catbox.moe/gfzq4i.png A sex island hosted them. Epstein? Branson?

realityisinsanity ago

https://files.catbox.moe/f2iqo4.png Shill revealing self on 4chan thread

thisistotallynotme ago

Dude. that was Sarah Silverman.

Zorrilla ago

I wouldn't call that a shill. It sounds more like an insider who is really angry and frightened, lashing out wildly. Shills don't normally sound like well-connected powerful people on the edge of a nervous breakdown - they try to pretend they're one of us. We have definitely struck a nerve.

realityisinsanity ago

https://files.catbox.moe/7hzcn3.jpg It may be Sarah Silverman, the pedo witch.

realityisinsanity ago

http://www.wererealestate.com/ Real estate company from account that commented on picture

realityisinsanity ago

This has graphic pictures. NSFW

realityisinsanity ago

http://www.sirdavidsimon.com Website of one of the finders of this

Zorrilla ago

I wish I hadn't seen that.

dmthirdeye ago

She's for sure in later pictures, there is also one picture of a girl that looks about 14-16 in basically a bra. I'm not even going to post it. Found Fergie in the photos as well.

dmthirdeye ago

Pretty sure thats Rose Mcgowan.

realityisinsanity ago

I know

realityisinsanity ago

Fiona Barnett said that Beverly Hills has many places where they have partake in sex rituals and human sacrifice.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

The all-seeing-eye symbol.

One of their comments: "Violet key unlocks hidden secrets🗝 Awaiting the chosen ones behind closed doors. #harlottesmasquerade - mailchi.mp/snctm/violet-k… pic.twitter.com/I5bjVHV7sX

darkknight111 ago


Found their twitter feed.

Santander1 ago

On March 28 a tweet says March Madness. A Q Post from March 16 says March Madness. Public will know soon.

EricKaliberhall ago

Future proves past.

MolochHunter ago

wow man those comments are going apeshit

darkknight111 ago

https://archive.fo/o/JlF85/is2.4chan.org/pol/1532221835830.png There's orgies at the Cannes movie club apparently.

Quicktor ago

Hostel + Eyes Wide Shut + Taken = reality....

GoatSufferage ago

This reminds me of the Weimar Republic before Hitler cleansed those filthy animals.

carmencita ago

This is what happened before Rome fell.

Cc1914 ago

Those yelp reviews ! All those People loving it 🤢

CuckleberryFinn ago

Wow that 3rd paragraph on the snctm website... nasty fucks.

dellcos ago

How come these people post to cuckchan? And how does anyone salvage anything of value out of the trash pile of interracial shitposts and celebrity news?

NotHereForPizza ago

half is shit but we all play our role. some of us watch many things in many places

either way, you calling it cuckchan is suppose to mean you're familiar with infinity but that's weird because most anons know sources of information are irrelevant in the scope of things, as most or all information is useful to some degree

dellcos ago

I just find it odd that that is where you would post at this point. I'd post to endchan before there even.

But the source doesn't matter, that's the glory of the boards. Anon is anon and has no authority.

But if you want a serious audience cuckchan is not ideal is all I really mean.

NotHereForPizza ago

the anon who gave the drop mentions he's "always hesitant about posting here" or something to that effect

whoever it is, they lurk there. it's easy to assume they haven't ventured further much

dellcos ago

That actually satisfies me. I can imagine many anons that dont normally do any shit online.

GoodGodKirk ago

thats why, and anonymity.