Vibratron ago

there is a lot of disinformation in this thread........ on purpose or (((accidently)))

Cyberslueth-007 ago

Somebody's on the right track. Think Jezebel, prostitution and child sacrifice and Epstein, Roy Cohn, Franklin school, Dutroux. Baal worship identified in the bible numerous times. The 'synagogue of satan.' 12 tribes but just two main RULING factions cut from the same cloth. Why does one faction hate Trump and the other supports him. It unlocks alot of answers. The Rothschilds depise and Sheldonson eulogizes. The book of Trump, maybe one day, he mused. The question is which mafia is more resourceful. The BIG difference between the and Z [0ni$t is religious adherence. One the Tor and the other the Tal. and its secret teachings. We're all cattle to the latter. Just like the Son they despise. Why do you think the massive attack on Christianity world wide. If i claim a certain religion does that make me a member of Abrahams house. I didn't descend from his lineage. Neither did the majority of them. They're didn't make the roster for the chosen ones. The long lost owl on Epsteins temple honoring moloch/baal, should say it all that yes they're still worshiping baal. The dome now gone seems more reminiscent of the temple of the mount. Of which one faction wants to replace thinking they can change what was written and is destined, to usher in their messiah. In this regard Epsteins (Epstein is one of the oldest j..e..wish names),temple seems more likely related to the latter than a Turkish bath house would be. So back to baal and the modern day correlation of persuasive prostitution( coercion) and the children. We know they are sacrificed to baal but historically as burnt offerings. So where does the terrorized ,adrenochrome, blood drinking come from. It's a practice of the t@[mudics. Research...



fancypants211 ago

they just unearthed a cananite city. or i should say they just published picks of it on breitbart news. it looks like we will uncover caananites in the natural. the decendants of the first murderer cain.

Helenahandbasket ago Looked up the etymology of Aleppo. Unclear. Seems to be based on halaba or he gave milk but also found the Semitic root HLB can stand for homosexual, lesbian or bisexual person. Hmmm...

SearchVoatBot ago

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flittingblackbird ago

This is the keenest sign of end times: “as in the days of Noah.” In book of Enoch, the worst thing those being punished forever was sodomy of children. The worst. As in the days of Noah....

stanepoke ago

So God was so angry with humans because they were all evil and worshipped satan, that he decided to cleanse all of the earth with a flood,wipe out all of humanity except eight of where did all the satanic bloodlines in the here and now come from? Also how did we get from eight people in the Middle East to over seven billion worldwide, with all the different skin tones in just a few thousand years? How does that work? Sounds kinda suspect.

AngelofDeath ago

  1. FLOOD COVERED LARGE REGION and most of rest.

  2. There were "beasts of the field", other races, on the ark.

  3. Racially mixed = child of the Devil.

  4. They began to mix races soon after departing the ark (unless HAM started while on the ark, hence Canaan.

  5. Purge coming again.

patriot2008 ago

All the evil bloodlines come from Noah's son Ham.

Consider this for population. If you took a penny on the first day of the month and doubled it every day for that month (all 30 days), how much would you end up at the end of the month? One cent, two cents, four cents, eight cents…. but at the end of day thirty you end up with $5,368,709.12!

Note: Change days out for years.

stanepoke ago

It is the skin tone that I am referring to, not the population,sorry if that wasn't clear.
So if the bloodlines came from Noah's son wouldn't that mean that God didn't cleanse the earth thoroughly,deliberately. Also,if we accept God as a loving God then why would he tell good and decent humans to go against their natural instinct to go murder other humans. I am not trying to be facetious,I just think that we put too much faith into the O.T. that oftentimes tell us that God wants us to commit murder. Unbridled evil does exist and probably even through bloodlines,but it is at one end of a spectrum of morality and we as individuals choose where we stand on that spectrum.

patriot2008 ago

I understand what you are saying I think. You have a problem with the old testament and the Israelites being told to kill their enemies. Murder insinuates innocence so I say kill because in God's eyes they are not innocent. The earth was cleansed of the rampant evil that existed like in Sodom. There were still 8 fallen people in the ark. Ham happened to be the one that chose not to follow God and in turn his offspring didn't either. Hence the line of evil (evil=thinking they are god not servants of God). Not sure if this is clear but it's how I understand things. God bless friend.

I believe the Israelites were chosen because God needed to choose a people to show the inhabitants on earth his power and plan for the salvation from a fallen state (that's everyone born after Adam and Eve).

stanepoke ago

I understand what you're saying and thanks for explaining.

FacelessOne ago

Mimicking the Israelites*

Fixed that for ya

AngelofDeath ago

Exactly ... and notice this IDIOCY on #6 "When God led the children of Israel out of Egypt and into the land of Canaan, he told the Jews to wipe out the Canaanites because they were wicked."

FIRST PLACE "JEWS" are mentioned in a KJV is 2 Kings 16:6 WHERE THEY ARE AT WAR WITH ISRAYL.

John Hyracanus conquered EDOM forced them to convert to 'judaism' and since then they've been called 'jews'. NEVER FORGET DEUT. 23:2 ... no MAMZER mongrels are allowed.

petevoat ago


So the the Amorites are the Canaanites?

But ...

  1. "According to the Book of Jubilees (xxix. [9] 11), "the former terrible giants, the Rephaim, gave way to the Amorites...

  2. evil and sinful people whose wickedness surpasses that of any other, and whose life will be cut short on earth." In the Syriac Apocalypse of Baruch (lx.) they are symbolized by "black water" on account of "their black art, their witchcraft and impure mysteries...".

  3. Right there, the Rephaim, otherwise known in Hebrew as, "The Nephilim" gave way to the Amorites. My God, the evil we're fighting is patterning after and worshipping the same demons and evil that caused God to send a flood to this earth to destroy all but 8 people.

  4. "The Amorites were an ancient people group frequently listed among the enemies of Israel in the writings of the Old Testament. Genesis 10:15-16 first mentions the Amorites, referring to them as descendants of Canaan, son of Ham, the son of Noah (Genesis 10:6)."

  5. "11 “For only Og king of Bashan remained of the remnant of the giants. Indeed his bedstead was an iron bedstead. (Is it not in Rabbah of the people of Ammon?) Nine cubits is its length and four cubits its width, according to the standard cubit." Deuteronomy 3:11

  6. The cubit is the distance from the finger tip to the elbow or, 18-20 inches. Using 18 inches as a cubit, that means King Og's bed was 13.5 feet long and 6 feet wide. A California King bed is 84 inches long and 72 inches wide.

I've been facinated by the idea of the Giants that used to walk on this land, if they ever did.

Question, are the "Giants" the Nephillim? But in 8, the Rephaim here are suggested as the Giants. If the Giants gave way to the Amorites, why? How? How long were the Giants there for before the Amorites? Are the Giants = Amorites? Interbreed?

AngelofDeath ago

Amalekites = mongreled with giants Hittites = mongreled with giants Esau married Hittites ... Esau is Edom ... John Hyracanus forced Edom to convert to Judaism ... "Edom is in modern Jewry - Jewish Encyclopedia"

Learn who TRUE ISRAYL IS ... Two Houses - House of Israyl, House of Judah. House of Israyl and many in House of Judah territories from around 745 b.c. went through a series of invasions by Assyria, being moved to an area south of the Caspian and Black Sea. From there they migrated into Europe and became the northern Europeans. Documented fact, proven in several ways, but the tablets discovered ly Layard in 1900 solidly confirms this fact.

Want passages and documentation:

Leatherwood123 ago

True. Descendants of Joseph's son Ephraim are in the UK. Descendants of his son Menassah are in the USA.

Lyonessrising ago

You need to look up "George" formerly known as the collective on you tube. They ha e a whole series going "Giants" were referenced often if this interests you hu ou need to seek their series out..

rejectedfromreddit ago

Why link directly to Twitter. This is Voat. We know better.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

The synagogues of Satan, yes.

TheAnonLady ago

great thread and I found a new book to read in the comments. win/win :)

Koyote210 ago

I'm traveling, can someone do a screenshot of this so I can read when my signal goes out

Koyote210 ago

I believe it

Zammyanci ago


derram ago :

(((❌40Head❌⭐⭐⭐❌))) on Twitter: "1. Oh my God. They're the descendants of or they are mimicking the Amorites, aka the Canaanites...some of the most wicked people to ever walk the face of the earth, worshippers of Moloch and Baal. Dear God, this battle is for the human race! Epstein's temple ties it all together."

This has been an automated message.

poptical-illusionist ago

The Jews were suppose to utterly destroy them from the land because of their wickedness. They chose to make slaves of some remaining cities, which God declared would become a stumbling block in their way (path?). The Lord didn't want them to learn their evil ways of worshiping those gods, and other evil deeds of the people. They should have done what they were told, and maybe they would have turned out different.

Vibratron ago

Not the "jews"......... the Israelites......... everyone confuses jews with Israel..... those who call themselves jews today are not from any tribe of Israel, they are impostors calling themselves "jews" (a word that only appeared in any "Bible" starting in 1775) as a way to decieve........they are exactly who you think they are not ---------they are the descendants of Esau, they are Edomites and their religion is Pharaisee-ism

poptical-illusionist ago

Yeah everything has been hijacked and subverted by evil and represented as the things we believe to be good.

They had so many damn wars back then that it's hard to keep the information straight. It's probably presented in such a way on purpose.

fuckingmockies ago

It's hard to imagine a people more evil than the Jews. Everything semitic should be exterminated.

poptical-illusionist ago

Yeah, but it seems most of it started around this point as they settled the land promised to them. Prior to this, and ending with the Sons Of Jacob they seemed to be of better morals and mighty strength. Diversity wasn't their strength, after all...

FacelessOne ago

Bullshit, Moses got a tablet of laws way before the Levant was conquered, why? Because Israelites were dam persistent in the baby sacrificing department already.

poptical-illusionist ago

Oh, that's probably right. I was only meaning the one blood line to Abraham. There were obviously many, many others that were not following the laws written by Enoch and passed down.

fuckingmockies ago

Simple laws, too. Things I don't need a god to command me not to do lol